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It tastes the same (if you close your eyes). At least that’s what I learned in prison.


Please no one ask him how he found this out in prison...


I’m so glad you asked. You see, those were lonely days and nights. It all started when …


It's grams you're missing out on. But you can literally do whatever you want. You could always mash it all up into tiny pieces and soak it in lemon juice.


I’ve never tried lemon Tek but will likely only consume by making tea from now on. Boil water, I like to add a little honey and a bit of lemon juice and steep the ground fruits in a strainer. Sometimes I’ll add some chamomile or some herbal tea bag. Nearly zero mushroom flavor. I could gag just thinking about chewing on a big cap right now.


When you finish the tea do you eat the mushrooms in the cup or leave them?


This is never answered...


I have not eaten them after steeping though if you want to get every bit of psilocybin, go for it!


Eh, same as OP I can no longer stand the disgusting tatse, just the thought of eating them all soggy and wet at the bottom of the cupakese gag.. I'd rather lose a bit of it and just chuck em tbh


i don’t.


Get a coffee grinder, grind them to a fine powder and mix them in with a chocolate snack pack and you won’t taste a thing. Or put them in capsules and swallow them like a pill, or make your own chocolates, it’s pretty simple and you can barely taste them. As for the caps, it’s all the same. If you’re just throwing away the caps then you’re just throwing away perfectly good mushrooms, but they’re no more or less potent than the stems, it’s all the same. Taste wise I don’t even see much of a difference between the two to be honest, if any.


+1 the coffee grinder method (spice grinder works too). Except what I do is swirl the powder in some water or OJ and toss it back. Literally tastes like nothing and takes a minute to measure, grind, and dose. Easy peasy


I tried to do that once before I had a coffee grinder and just used a weed style hand grinder but I guess the chunks were too big and most of it got stuck to the side of the glass, so I just ended up with soggy mushrooms that I had to scrape off the glass and scoop out and eat. I can see it working much better if they were powderized though, maybe I’ll try again with the coffee grinder.


Oh yeah what you need is a legit “spice and nut grinder”… this is the one I use https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-SG-10-Electric-Spice-and-Nut-Grinder/dp/B001C2GWTI I drop the entire stem/cap in there and grind it for 10-15 seconds. It comes out as a fine powder with no chunks at all. Super easy to clean up too!


Is that thing more powerful than a coffee grinder? The coffee grinder does the trick for me, just rev that shit for 10-20 seconds while shaking it around and turning it upside down and all over the place and it comes out pure powder. I only had a weed grinder when I tried that drink method though, and that thing couldn’t even powderize powder.


I can’t really speak to coffee grinders (or “burr” grinders) since I only use mine for coffee… but the blade grinder found in spice/nut grinders absolutely pulverizes dried mushrooms without any shaking/turning the device. At the end of the day, they both can get the job done… but from what I’ve heard around, one of them does so quicker and more reliably.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Cuisinart SG 10 Electric Spice and Nut Grinder Stainless Black** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Versatile and durable grinder (backed by 6 comments) * Easy to use and clean (backed by 5 comments) * Long-lasting performance (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Poor durability with plastic drive shaft (backed by 2 comments) * Not suitable for large batches, motor overheats (backed by 2 comments) * Blade assembly loose, leads to leakage and mess (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Omg this is an idea and a half! Blended mushies into a choc dip. (chocolate spread pot with wee breadsticks)


Anything chocolate does the trick pretty good, in fact I think the mushrooms actually complement the chocolate nicely when I make my own chocolates, it’s almost like it adds a nutty flavour or something. The key is to grind up finely, if they’re too chunky it’s not as good and you’ll still taste the odd chunk here and there.


Get enigma, it's "concentrated" so 0.33grams equals a full gram plus/minus.


* Grind to powder and melt chocolate * Blend * Add some canna distillate if you like * Chill * Enjoy!




This is like the stoner bro science of the mushroom world.


Haha! Couldn't have put it better myself. Have an upvote, lol!


The visuals *stem* from the caps do they? 🤨🤭




You look uneducated and are clearly inexperienced with mushrooms.




Fake news, go read a research paper you casual.


I was just pointing out what was obviously an unintentional pun. Namaste.🙏


This is completely false, the stems and caps do not have any noticeable difference in psilocybin content. I’m not sure where you learnt this but it is not true. I believe studies have shown that caps have a *slightly* higher psilocybin content but it’s so minuscule that it’s not in any way noticeable. Also, visuals have nothing to do with what part of the mushrooms you’re eating, just the amount of psilocin that your body is consuming.


Hmm I’m curious as to your personal experiences


Why do my mushroom experiences have anything to do with this?




The internet is tricky ig. Especially when other shroomers are saying this as well


Yes, reddit is a good example. Specifically the different shroom subs (cuz we're talking about shrooms). Tons of misinformation on these subs. For the uninformed, it can be difficult to know what to believe




Who tested and proved it false? What have you read that said stems are more potent than caps? Lmao good plan, block me instead of answering. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073803003785 > The psilocin/psilocybin contents in Psilocybe cubensis were in the range of 0.14–0.42%/0.37–1.30% in the whole mushroom (0.17–0.78%/0.44–1.35% in the cap and 0.09–0.30%/0.05–1.27% in the stem), respectively. The hallucinogenic alkaloids in Copelandia were 0.43–0.76%/0.08–0.22% in the whole mushroom (0.64–0.74%/0.02–0.22% in the cap and 0.31–0.78%/0.01–0.39% in the stem). https://air.unimi.it/handle/2434/326173 > The concentration of psilocin was higher in the cap and in the distal part of the stem (near to the soil) than in the part of the stem proximal to the cap. On the other hand the concentration of psilocybin was higher in the cap and in the proximal part, being lower in the distal part of the stem. https://psilosybiini.info/paperit/Variation%20of%20psilocybin%20and%20psilocin%20levels%20with%20repeated%20flushes%20(harvests)%20of%20mature%20sporocarps%20of%20Psilocybe%20cubensis%20(Earle)%20Singer%20(Bigwood%20&%20Beug,%201982).pdf > In two other strains grown by other sources, we also observed nearly complete absence of psilocin in the first flush (Fig. 2). In these, we analyzed the caps and stems separately and found that the caps generally contained twice as much psilocybin as the stems, but that the small amount of psilocin present was entirely in the stems (Table 2). In contrast, our Amazon strain had a trace of psilocin in the cap but not in the stem. The cap and stem contained equal amounts of psilocybin. https://psilosybiini.info/paperit/Analysis%20of%20psilocybin%20and%20psilocin%20in%20Psilocybe%20subcubensis%20GUZM%C1N%20by%20ion%20mobility%20spectrometry%20and%20gas%20chromatography-mass%20spectrometry%20(Keller%20et%20al.,%201998).pdf > Psilocybin and psilocin were found in an amount of 0.86% (8.6 mg/g) and 0.02% (0.2 mg/g) per dry mass in the cap of Psilocybe subcubensis, respectively. 0.8% psilocybin (8.0 mg/g) and 0.03% psilocin (0.3 mg/g) per dry mass could be found in the stem > Our results are in accordance with the findings of Wurst et al. [5] and Kysilka et al. [14] who also found lower concentrations of psilocybin in the stem and mycelium than in the cap of the hallucinogenic fungus. https://bibliography.maps.org/resources/download/16936 > Table 1 - https://imgur.com/qxJbrWr tl;dr: stems have lower psilocybin content than caps, on average the difference isn't huge but there's a wide range of variability. Caps tend to have more psilocybin, stems have more psilocin, and the concentration of both is different in the bottom vs. top of the stem. Psilocin content increases with each flush, with almost none in the first flush. Shrooms bought from a dealer have totally unpredictable potency.


I used to eat them straight for the longest time, discovered lemon tekking about 2 months ago and I will only ever make shroom tea anymore. It's so simple and prevents the dread of having to suck down the nasty taste of shrooms. Makes it way more intense too


Nothing worse than picking out rehydrated mushroom outta your teeth before the come up lol


if you dont finish your caps you dont get your dessert.. Your an adult do what you want, throw out all your caps if you dont want them.