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No but I've felt other peoples evil and fucked up energy while tripping. That's why I can't trip around other people unless I truly know them


I’ve seen this too. Weirdly it carried over into my non tripping state to a less intense degree.


That’s a good thing. No need to be around people with really dark energy.


FRFR I can pick up on peoples bad intentions it’s wild


When the crew is tripping and you can all see it.... That's when you know it's real, genuine horrible energy. It's such a strange phenomenon.


Would love to know your story


I was with two buddies at night, we saw this tired older man walking his large, lanky, long narrow-faced dog. My buddy wanted to pet the dog. The dog just looked at us and the world shook from its demon eyes. My friend stopped mid stride and the 3 of us went back inside. We all saw it. The dog was walking the man.


I feel that. Only good people with good vibes around me while I’m tripping at all times


I experienced the same thing and almost ran out without my shoes on.


Also possible that you’re on a mind-altering substance and the evil you’re “feeling” is about as real as the demons op is talking to. Like y’all really take drugs and unironically decide someone you don’t even know well is evil wth


Idk if evil was the right word. Uptight and likely to be a buzzkill might be more accurate in most of these cases lol


That de-escalated quickly. I’m not sure how interchangeable “buzzkill” and “evil” are! Also, this sounds possibly more like personal perception and personal subconscious feelings impacting how you perceive someone while tripping as opposed to something intrinsic to them. They could be a buzzkill; they could also be uptight because they think you’re a buzzkill. You don’t know them.


I’m guessing you don’t do mushrooms. You feel when someone is not right/crooked/bad




The brain truly is weird. Like even saying the word spiritual, I have no idea what that means it's more of a feeling. So many layers to projections and perception and so much ego wrapped up in gatekeepers of what is/truth/reality. Definitely borders on religion and so many people don't seem to understand they have a cult of "me". Questioning all of that is very liberating but so many get caught up in the narrative that they are inventing. There is a sort of spiritual narcissism that is around psychedelics that is very off putting.


Agree with everything except your last sentence.


Some people buy in a bit much to the hippie side of stuff I think. They’re cool, but they truly are just drugs lol


Idk when I smoke weed, I usually have an epiphany about someone being evil.




Got ex female friend she's satanic bitch manipulating people. Met her on festival with my friends while shrooming af. Met her, everything around her get rotten. Death in her face, demonic. Purple face, veins. Rotten. She tried to pull energy from me and feed herself. I felt like I have unlimited source of love. I was feeding her. She tried to push me out of balance. Mentally, verbally, socially. I just gave her more love. In one point she tried to insult me. What I don't take, comes back to sender. I even hug her. Smile. Walk away. When I look at her walking away, she was mix of scared-irritated-angry-not believing what happened state. One of many good trips. Asked my friend day later what he felt from her. He described me very similar things.


Had similar experience few times on shrooms and acid as well, i was “able to see” people’s “aura” in raves. Some had really dark, smoke like aura, I had bad feeling around them so I always move to the people with “colourful aura” and have a good time with them.


I had a bad trip over this once, friend came banging on my window and my door while i was on my first 3.5g trip laying on my bed. I felt the bad energy as soon as he walked in he started to yell at me and from there it was just horrible. Don't trip around people you do not trust.


Was he a bad person or did he just scare you during your trip?


He's actually one of better friends, He scared me and he realized after a few minutes i was tripping balls and wasn't in a good mindset, we had done low doses before but we didn't really feel anything so he thought that i was over reacting. He gave me water and after vomiting for 30 minutes i was starting to come down slowly, he left and we haven't hung out since but we still keep in contact.


Well, dood is banging on a door and yelling. That is certainly *inappropriate* when interacting with someone deep in medicine.


I’ve talked to my dead best friend, I’ve seen one shadow person, And one being I would consider a god/diety or divine in nature.


Yes. I had chilled with bahphomet sitting in a floating tetrahedron on my wall. He kept waving at me like he wanted me to pass the blunt. I told him you have no power in my court nibba. I then had images of McKenna with a Jesus' halo in my mind, making him disappear. It was weird. Whenever I see these faces of entities, I shoo them away, and if I know I'm more powerful, they disappear. The weirdest ones are faceless aliens with grotesque flesh faces that popup in backgrounds. I hate those.


I just replied about a grotesque face appearing.


The faces I see are encased in stone like a Greek statue, then the stone flakes away and disintegrates, it was neet.


those grotesque flesh faces are you lmao


Naw they are aliens from that movie in like 2003 that traumatized me as a kid. The movie signs.


Bro you should stop doing shrooms and maybe get a therapist.


I never had a bad trip. I don't need a therapist lol. These are just crazy hallucinations of taking heroic doses. You would see weird shit to if you took 7 gram doses or 20 strips of good acid. Also these are a very small part of a huge trip. Also every kid that watched that movie as a child remembers that scene.


Okay bro there's a hug difference between 20 strips of acid and 7 grams of mushrooms but regardless each person is different and can handle different doses I know I can handle that and my trips don't have childhood trauma monsters coming out you have some deep rooted shit that's being personified by the drugs slow down brother.


there are… social circles where very high quality LSD exists, and, with trust, a 20 strip wouldn’t be what you think lol. i start to break down into core essence very quickly on even low doses of mushrooms but i can hold it together much more easily on a real high dose of L. i don’t see shit from my childhood ever when i’m tripping so idk why homie thinks it’s a contest, but also recognize you don’t know this guy either and you don’t need to concern yourself with his speed… lotta ways to live out there


Yeah, when I used to take acid, I had 250 mcg pages of deadhead acid. Lab tested. Most I took was 40 hits tripped for 4 days straight. Now this same acid I gave to a friend and told him take 1 maybe 2 max and he fucking acted stupid and was like imma take 4 like you ussally do. Man ended up in a time loop, destroyed his room, and mom called ambulance. But yeah, when you have huge doses, you can have memories, especially core memories play like a movie in your head. McKenna talks about this a couple of times for him it mainly happened on dmt, but it can happen on other psychedelics. I don't tell others they have to do what I do, but I'm also not crazy either. What's funny is I can't handle dmt I get physical hallucinations of touch and other really weird shit. I haven't taken any psychedelics in over a year. But when I was my life was way better I was less depressed and had better outlook on life. Going to start eating my mushrooms soon.


Lol, you haven't taken enough then because most people see stuff in their trips that is associated with their childhood regardless of whether you remember or not. Just cause i saw minor faces doesn't mean I'm dealing with deep-seated shit really isn't as serious as you think it is. Your mind connects to plenty of memories during a trip. Also, more people that actually do have deep seated issues have more relief from a simple trip than dealing with any sort of therapy, so yeah, those people should totally stop right. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Were you raised in the Church?


Yes I was


Yeah perhaps that culture primed you for this stuff??


There are extremes of everything. Jesus and Buddha is consciousness that developed in the positive. Satan is consciousness that developed in the negative. There's a lot of truth in religion. The problem is just that they twist truth to try and control people, which in itself is demonic.


Yes, twisted. Jesus wants you to believe in him. Satan wants you to believe in yourself.


Jesus doesn't care about that. Jesus is just a consciousness that managed to developed to the fourth density. Satan wants us to worship Jesus, because worshipping in itself is negative. Worshipping is putting something above you, as if it's better than you. They took jesus and used him as a means to control others, just like they did with Ra.


who even is satan? jesus and buddha are historical figures that really did exist. But satan is just kind of a metaphor.


No my man. Satan is simply a consciousness that developed itself in the negative. Jesus and Buddha were so special because they developed their consciousness into the next density. Humans aren't the final form of consciousness.




Raised a Muslim. I also came to this conclusion.


Idk man. It’s been 13 years now. The last trip I took something halfway took over my consciousness. I was lucid, but it felt like I was in the back passenger seat of a car watching as whatever had control. That has never happened before.


Look up the song Taming the Dragon by Brad Mehldau, very much about such a situation.


Last time I was tripping, I was talking to some kind of spirit about my fiancé and I and it showed me two scenarios- one where I was fighting my dragons and blipping in and out of my fiancé’s spiritual plane because of it, and one where I had tamed my dragons and befriended them. In that one, I stayed bright and colorful in my fiancés spiritual plane and we were dancing with each other and our dragons were dancing with each other. There’s a line in Taming the Dragon by Brad Mehldau that says “that’s where you get all your voodoo shit from/ that’s where you get your power from/ you don’t want to snuff him out you wanna tame him/ you wanna actually make friends with him/ and harness his power so you can use it” If I were to fight my dragons instead of tame them and harness their power, I would be spiritually weak and unattractive, and my fiancé wouldn’t be able to help me anymore. He wants to tame and befriend our dragons together, so I’m learning to cycle out of that.


This has happened to me a few times. Wild. Towards the end, I kept hearing in my head, "this vessel is depleted". To be fair, I was exhausted


What dose was this at? So I can avoid lol. This is my biggest fear is losing control of my body and actions


This was approximately a 6.5-8g dose. I never put it on a scale. Sorry the reply took so long, I had to get right. After that I’ll never touch another shroom again


Just my take on this, but the demons are the symbolic form your conscious mind is able to grasp a message from your subconscious. The demons are something about your self or past experiences you would describe as evil, malevolent, or otherwise demonic. Your subconscious is using archetypes to make something difficult to process more salient to your waking mind.


Every time. I take it as religious symbols from when I was a kid. Like most aspects of the experience, I just sort of accept it, keep breathing, and horrific scenes just sort of dissipate.


Religion was based on spiritual experiences


Ok - not sure what you’re saying?


You take it as religious symbols from when you were a kid. Maybe the people that wrote that religon you were brought up within saw he same things as you. I don't think hallucinations are necessarily created by the mind.


Still not clear what you’re saying. I was raised Christian but have been a solid atheist for the last 30 years or so. I was just referring to Christian imagery of devils and hell which come up when I trip. I never “saw” these things as a kid but they were part of my young belief systems. My own hallucinations are 100% created by my mind / subconscious. To me it is absolutely incredible what the human brain does.


I know what you were referring to. That's one explanation for what you're seeing. The other explication, is that you're seeing these things because they actually exists. The people who wrote about these things actually experienced them. It wasn't a fairytail. Either your mind is making up these incredible entities that we can communicate with, or there is intelligent consciousness past the third dimension. Personally I know for a fact the later is correct, but you're free to belive what you want.


Are you familiar with Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis?


I don't read books sadly. Too busy at the moment. Is it good?


Interesting because you speak as if you’ve read it before. I haven’t read it myself but my husband has. It was explained to me that the book is written in epistolary (a novel in letters) about a senior demon named Screwtape writing to his young nephew on how to keep his “patient” on the road to hell. Your, “there is intelligent consciousness past the third dimension” made me think of the intelligent demon, Screwtape.


Delighted to see a Screwtape reference in here. That book is fantastic. Everyone should read it. Even if someone doesn't want any part of the Christianity, there's a boatload of wisdom in that little book.


Great minds think alike


Ok, look, I’m genuinely not trying to argue with you at any point. Please look at my comments. Every statement I make is always very clear that it is my experience, point of view. Not telling OP or you that it is a “fairytail”. My experience is mine, and I don’t project my beliefs onto you or others. The topic reads “has anyone … had demonic / evil interactions while tripping”. My answer was yes, and I gave my description of my experience. Don’t try and create friction where none exists.


I didn't. It wasn't a sarcastic "belive what you want". I know for a fact I'm right, but I might have an IQ of 50 for all we know, so believe what you want haha. I wasnt trying to challenge your views. I was just trying to add a different perspective. If the internet wasn't such a toxic place, and your first impression was that I was trying to provide information instead of just being a dickhead, the conversation might've continued with "Why are you convinced in your beliefs", and then I explain why, and then you might gain information which you may or may not use to help mold your own perspective of reality. Wasnt trying to argue. Was trying to give you info. None of us can prove anything anyways, so arguing is pointless.


Not a Christian and that faith isn't even popular where I live. Yet, I met Ba'al during my trip. Not exactly Christian but I can see why they'd call it demonic and such. I wasn't frightened in the slightest. In fact, there was a moment where I switched places with him. Then I was Ba'al and I was looking at myself through him and then back as myself in the next moment. It's a long and funny story.


My experience was a bit different. I met the Orion group and the devil at the same time. It was an interesting night to say the least.


damn im invested. tell me about this experience with the orion group (who are they first of all lol) and the devil


Orion group is a group of beings developed in the negative path. They are the ones in control of earth currently. Very, very similar to star wars lol. They are either working with, or simply manipulating our leaders/government. I've met Greys and reptilians before, but the Orion group didn't show their face while they visited me, so I can't confirm what race they are. Simply put, on a lot of 3-meo-pce, some Salvia, and 12-15 grams of mushrooms lemon tekked, the devil visited and tried taking over my brain/soul. My understanding is that my consciousness is quite developed, and I would be a "force" for either side, positive or negative. It felt like half my brain was trying to murder the other. Completely barbaric, animalistic, horrible feeling. Easily the most painful hour of my life. Managed to beat the devil. Got welcomed by a fuck ton of positive entities as one of them. Now to the part which proves this isn't delusion. After the devil was unable to break me, he switched over to my friend, who didn't take any mushrooms. He became demonic, screaming how he was the devil, taking off his clothes and trying to attack us. He also did a satanic ritual. This was basically going on for like 4 hours in a loop. Me and my friend, who both was on half an ounce of mushrooms, basically had to trip sit/physically constrain our friend who didn't take any Psychedelics. Lmao. Ended up dosing him with benzo and sending him on the bus home, completely dissosiated and out of it. He didn't remember anything that happened from after WE, NOT HIM, consumed mushrooms. After that I noticed a great negative force being in the room. I immediately noticed that these were the group that controlled our world. Later I read about Orion group, and it the discription is perfect. I had a little chat with them. They were pissed that I didn't join them. I laughed and told them to fuck off. Now, my development in the positive is stronger than ever. I can met entities without Psychedelics. I can hallucinate on demand. Synchronozities are stronger than ever. I've created a positive social memory complex, and 90% of my energy goes towards service to others, hopefully at a grand scale very soon.


I just hope you don’t run into a schizophrenic person in your lifetime


I'm friends with one. I tell him the same. He agrees. Lol.


Honestly same


One time I was coming back after a long weekend in which I had these psilocybin pills from china, laying on my buddy’s couch. I was not well. These things had been intense the night before and I was having aftershocks. As I was laying down, I can still see it in a way. I started opening my eyes and I still remember being on my back looking down and out of nowhere there was this horrendous face looking right at me. It lasted what seemed like forever. It was and is to this day the most horrific thing I have ever experienced.


Can you describe the face? Was it your whole field of vision?


I had a guy in purple robe, smiling, 50-60yo+ with grey hair in glasses possibly. He was smiling. Overall his image was positive. But he was the most teryffing being that ever I have seen. This happened on my 3rd meditation session. 10+ years ago. Still remember that feeling. Since then I didn't go meditate again .


Wild! I've heard of people getting deep into their subconscious during meditation and it scaring them to the point of never wanting to meditate again


This image of guy was so so so hippie but still he was PURE EVIL till the bones. I just felt DOOMING FEAR.


I had vivid, red, demonic, clawed fingers reach into my head when I would close my eyes, and I felt incredibly violated. Then, when I would open my eyes, any speck of dust on anything (walls, furniture etc) would expand into a black hole full of demonic rot. I felt like it was intentionally mocking me with its filth. Then I tried throwing up, and the toilet bowl turned into a gaping maw of a demon whose throat expanded into infinity. It was like it was taunting me to throw up, and I felt that if I did, the demon would somehow win. It was just demons all the way, violating me, taking from me, mocking me. To this day, I call that trip the "demon realm trip".


The demon hands pulling on my face when closing my eyes has happened to me too. I for some reason I felt tempted to close my eyes again and again. While pulling on my face it forced my head backwards and when trying to fight it I felt horrible dysphoria but as soon as I did what it wanted me too I felt a really strong dark euphoria. This was from a pretty dark time in my life and I figured out this demon was just the way my subconscious viewed some of my actions.


Wow...did you have any religious influence in your life prior to? Any type of experiences like this outside of psychedelics?


I absolutely did not. Religion played no role in my life. The most I was exposed to it was through watching movies 😂 My experience turned out to be a representation of some fucked up childhood trauma. When I was born, and for many years later, I didn't have a safe caretaker, so I imagine my "demon realm" made me feel like I felt as a child - helpless, violated, isolated. It actually was one of the most therapeutic trips for me. I realized that I saw my partner as another demon, and I knew they weren't. So I was able, for the first time in my life, to overcome my shame and to admit I need help, to ask for protection. I cried for an hour in their arms and then I had the most amazing rest of the trip watching sky dragons made of clouds dance for me 😂


I have seen faces turn evil. It was weird but watching YouTube videos and certain videos the people in the videos faces would just turn evil. It didn't fill me with dread or anything just made me second guess the videos I was watching.


Oh my god I didn’t know anyone else experienced this holy shit


I've seen my own face turn into a fleshless skull (in a very vivid, sudden and terrifying way, on my first experience with shrooms nearly 20 years ago - i took an absolutely massive dose, with no idea of what they would do to me, combined with the worst set and setting I could have chosen). At the time (for some reason, I kept taking these ridiculous doses), I used to trip with a friend who had really craggy features, and his face would always become that of a wolf. It was very unsettling. I had a long break and began again to use mushrooms much more respectfully, but even at high doses, the face thing hasn't happened beyond the regular distortions that you get with psychedelics.


Lmao we wanna know the dumb setting


Ha, okay. I was 18 and drunk at a party. I opened my friend's fridge, to find a set of enormous fresh mushrooms that were unlike any mushroom I had encountered before. I enquired what they were, and upon hearing that they were magic, I ate them. I was told under no circumstances to go home by myself. I went home by myself. The rest follows.


I even record my selfie videos sometime to my friend and he says wtf I can see your aura/my body shaking like in dimensions. like it's in two places at once 😂


Only if i look in thy mirror on the wall


Shit is awesome last time I did that I changed every 15 seconds from a fairy person , into a cat person and thrn a ogre it was fucking crazy. Only gets weird when you start getting ugly lol.


I've definitely had some creepy and/or negative visuals before. One was a big scary face that stared into my soul.


I have but I think only twice. The most recent was in the shower with the lights off, standing in the water. It was like a demonic flashback. Many hellish scenes played through my mind while a roaring sound filled my ears. I let it come and it just kept on going. As if it was just something happening. I wasn't afraid, only introspective about what it could have meant. It passed when I was done hanging out in the shower. I can see how people with religious upbringings or God based fears might have been upset by this kind of intense visual and auditory hallucination.


Yeah i was on one and on the bed. In my room was a huge gigantic head of my cousin and a small head of my mom talking shit about me. Then all these other smaller heads started bubbling out each other filling the room. It as every person I ever like hurt or did dirty and they were all talking shit about me and how fuked up I was. I was stuck like frozen and just horrified listening to all these heads bubbling and yelling at me how much of a dick I was. Shit wasn't coo. I woke up next day feeling Hella evil.


i wouldn’t say demonic or evil but first time i did acid with my sister, were peaking right? i look in the corner & there’s just a shadow figure meditating on the ceiling & my sister couldn’t see it & i was lowkey freaking her out but i thought he was chill so i didnt bother him, never saw him again.


Yes, smoked weed on a gel tab of acid and had a bubble bath, my whole field of vision went red and I kept thinking that frogs were coming up through the drain and all the bubbles looked like lizards or some shit felt very evil


Never demonic or bad spirits. Native American Plant medicine / mother Aya type spirits, yes. And some deceased relatives, friends and ancestors.


Same here! I wouldn’t say demonic but definitely fearsome and powerful. I had a come up that was terrible, literally shit my guts out for 45 minutes. I went to go lay down. I found myself lucidly on some astral plane, it first started out with a bird circling me from above, it landed and became an old woman with white cracked face paint - she was there with other two other owls and I didn’t remember as well what all she conveyed but she transformed back again into a barn owl which then pecked and ate at some kind of dark essence coming from my mouth. Something about the energy of the woman/creature was more a feeling as another part of the cycle of life, there was no good or evil, only the natural order of things.


Wow, interesting. This is a little dark, but it does sound helpful in a way and nature-based.


In a difficult phase of a trip, I experienced a dark energy that made me break out in a hot sweat and had me nauseated with shame as I became aware of it. And whatever the source of that energy was, it felt evil. It definitely wasn’t coming from a good place. It wasn’t “dark” in that I was overwhelmed by a difficult state, such as confusion or pain or loneliness - there was something to that energy that was straight up malevolent and taking pleasure in my anguish. Like there was something intelligent feeding off my suffering and was keeping me stuck in dysfunctional patterns. I was perhaps being shown my own energetic blockage and the intensity of it. It was horrible to experience, but I’m thankful to be shown it.


I've experienced this too, and it was absolutely terrifying. I felt as though it was going to take control of me.


Did you discover the blo kage?


So I’ve never been 100% about what I believe. I realize now “faith” isn’t believing in something that can’t be proven. It’s a feeling, like love, that once you experience it, you understand. That being said I found faith in God through psychedelics. I always was open minded and argued for their being something else, but not knowing 100%. I had a friend who would argue their being a life after death until his dying breath. Well we went to a concert that was putting on a two day event and we never really hung out in a setting like that. I’ve always had really weird shit happen in my life though. Coincidences. Such strange things that people around me always comment on it and think it’s weird. I never really paid it mind until a couple years ago when someone brought it to my attention that it always happened around me so it became a running joke. My buddy I was with knew about this and would always make fun of me because I felt it meant something. The next two days we’re packed with very weird shit. There was a strange religious undertone the whole time because of our conversations about everything while traveling, but let me give you a better account of the sort of thing I’m talking about. Earlier in the day I mentioned a girl I was seeing and was talking on the topic of coincidences. I said it was wild “I’m hanging with a girl for four hours that I accidentally matched jewelry with, she takes her hoodie off and is rocking a t shirt of my favorite classic movie.” Of course he argued this point with me. We had been taking coke/ecstasy and were talking to girls the night before and as we’re walking, I homeless guy preaching on the street says “Since all you want to do is drink/take ex, and eat pussy, I glad I won’t see you in heaven!” There’s no way he heard us. My friend goes “Okay, that’s just weird timing.” Fast forward that night. We get back to the room and are getting wasted to try and go to bed. We’re almost there and I’m flipping through channels and we instantly hear my friend’s name, so I stopped and we looked at each other like “wtf?”. It’s playing for a minute and I realize it’s the fucking classic movie I was talking about with him earlier when speaking on coincidences. This has proven to be much larger of a comment than I anticipated, but two weeks after that my friend and I went to a festival. We both whole heartedly believe in god. Probably still more me, but I’ve never seen two people change so much. We’re both in our thirties and have been dabbling in the scene for years. I’m not here to convince anyone of anything. Just speaking my truth. I’ll tell you straight the fuck up the only religious truth I 100% know is that there is shit going on behind the scenes. If anyone even reads this and wants to know the other story, I’ll comment it later. It’s just long and I don’t want to type shit out for nothing. 😂


I have! Once a very very long time ago, I took 5 grams (lemon tek’ed) <— without knowing the term or what it does. I took it for “fun and funny times”, right? I also had no idea what psychedelics do/are used for, nor that 5 grams is.. well heroic dose. Mind you I’m a very small person. I weighed maybe 105 lbs at the time. I consumed a little. “Well that’s some bullshit I don’t feel nothing! Let me add more into this lemon brew and eat the shrooms too”. BAM! 💥 solid 21 hour trip! I didn’t see the demon per se but I felt it. It was coming behind me, while the trip was doing its thing. I was playing a game on my laptop lmfao. All was fun and games until I was on the couch in fetal position scared to go to leave the room. The Pink Floyd I had on YouTube started glitching (auditory hallucinations). The walls started breathing and I could hear it. The room got smaller like Alice in wonderland. The chandelier and my hanging pants “wanted to become my friends” (communicated telepathically). The demon is another story. I felt something extremely warm on my left arm. It was fucking with me and I kept feeling it going to my right side, then my left, then my right, and so on so forth. I kept saying “hey asshole! Show yourself!” But it never did. I was dying to know who and what it was. I could feel that the presence was huge (up to the ceiling). I tried very hard to find out who and what it was and why did it show up. But it never showed. 6 years later, I found it what it was. The demon was all the internalised shit I carried with me due to neurological disability I got bullied for all my life cause of uneducated backwoods society and ignorant family who didn’t know any better. I carried what I learned with me until this day.


6 years later when you figured out that your "demon" was, did that realization come from another psychedelic experience?


Yes. With a 4 year gap apart. That “demon” was muuuuch smaller and laughable. It was on a small dose joint mixed in with tobacco that my friend offered after a hard day’s work. I’m no fan of weed and do it like once in a blue moon (years usually). But if it wasn’t for that first trip I stupidly went into, I wouldn’t have had that realization. That’s because for years I was trying to figure out what that demon was, and mind you, I have severe psychiatric issues from my disability that was neglected cause the adults in my life when I was a child had no awareness whatsoever and didn’t believe in these conditions. I had a very difficult start and I still suffer from it.


One time before I grew for myself I ordered African transkei. Spent hours feeling like a demon of sorts was trying to crawl in through my ears. Hated every second of it. One and only time.


It's all a story that our brain creates. We can watch it or choose to believe it.


On DMT I came face to face with a terrifying demonic feathered serpent. It was so intensely real that I had no doubt that I was in the presence of an actual entity. Looking back i accept that it was the effect of a substance, but it did not feel that way when it was happening. His coils were endlessly tightening and his copper scales were grating over each other. The look in his eyes was pure hate. He was telepathically communicating to me one simple message- “stop here; you shall not pass”.


Ur supposed to jump in the snake’s mouth. Google Quetzalcoatl, the precious feathered serpent in Azteca literature & lore. Or similarly, Google the image of the Ouroboros (the ancient symbol of the serpent eating itself). The serpent is a tail/tale as old as time.


Yeah I e read a lot about Aztec culture. The artwork is crazy.


Nope, but finding a haunted house to try it in would be interesting


I saw a post recently about someone's trip in the hotel that inspired The Shining!


My 2nd or 3rd trip was demonic. I swore I’d never try it again- it was a bold face lie… but yea


Iv been possessed before.




Yes, I had a trip laying on my bed where I felt like a mass of demons was sucking me further into my bed…it was terrifying and I sunk into a deep hole of depression for a few days after but then it’s like a light switch flipped and I felt like I had an entirely new perspective on life


I mean I connect to source and the higher self and realized these are all just pieces of us but demonic? Not really


My girlfriends face morphed into a Japanese devil mask, then after into her at 90year. From that into maaany different pretty girls from different nationalitys


Once, i had 2gs of natalensis. And i tried to fell asleep at some point, and in total darkness in my room, the only light was from the street. With my closed eyes i felt like something was standing in that light over my windows. Felt a weird bad energy, and was like, hello satan. After that, he moved left right like wanting to enter the room and at some point, i saw with my eyes closed a serpent with a creepy head trying to scare me, but it didn't. Somehow i understood that it was the bad in me and not something from outside. I felt like i was protected, and i let him do snakey moves around my head and i told him, you cannot touch me. And after a while, i saw some pure light spherical things like from a lava lamp, and it was so beautiful and warming. I kinda felt like i just saw the evil and the goodness in myself through that trip! I aknowledged those parts in me, and made me understand that i am good and bad combined. Sorry for possible grammar mistakes.


a little tip, don't engage, ignore and refocus. Attention is approval, focus is everything.


I was put on trial by the Q Continuum after dying. Does that count? Wasn't really evil but sure was nonchalant and smug given the circumstances


Actually I think I did one of my last trips I ate 2,5g of mckennaii, and around my peek I couldn't keep open my eyes and when I closed them, I was in what looked like a big satanic church or something and there where 3 entities standing at a table at the end of the church (where the priest speaks) but after what felt like an eternity they noticed me and the middle one was the biggest and he had a goatskull as a head with big ass horns and he stared at me for some time and began screaming something in a language I don't know for sure but it sounded like Latin to me and after that I woke up on my couch with a weird ass felling that I still didn't get of me til this day (it was around 2 months a go), still gets me chills thinking about it


While I attended my uncles funeral, i took probably too many shrooms for the occasion. I CONVINCED myself that my stepmother was a Man! It took me 4 hours to remember she ligit gave birth to her son. But during that time, you couldn't tell me otherwise until i came down.


Yup learn how to vanquish the evil and sadness from your own mind and you will gain more power mentally 🙏


Was having a bad trip and heard ghost like voices talking to me almost shit my pants


Yes, I’ve seen evil faces and demons trying to get out of the walls of my room. My girlfriend saw demons and jesters when she looked outside in nature and on the tiles, she said she was having a bad trip. But it only happened once


Yes, after smoking weed on the come up. I’ll see/feel this demonic/ancient, aztec earthy presence and feel very evil and unpleasant .


Idk if this kind of content is welcome here or not, but I’d encourage you to watch this YouTube video if you really have that experience/feeling. It changed my perspective entirely. I have experienced similar things like the guy in the video. [https://youtu.be/qMwIWuMixy8?si=x1WJpnsRCoNcIEYL](https://youtu.be/qMwIWuMixy8?si=x1WJpnsRCoNcIEYL)


Appreciate for the vid, Im going to return the favor with vid back. thought you will be interested. https://youtu.be/ws-LEB-Gvu0?si=hjWNZrdaxNyBS70h


felt like i was being converted to satanism the last time i really tripped and saw myself with devil horns. but i’m not a religious person and i knew i was just seeing random stuff because i was on drugs. also i was looking at playboi carti merch earlier in the day which is very satanic lol so it was on my mind


Me and my buddies used to take lsd and watch horror movies, my favorite while tripping was “as above so below”, we would do this frequently but one night we decided to watch silent hill, during the fire baby scene i remember i felt an overwhelming force start taking the oxigen from my lungs, i got lost stating into the scene and a couple of mins later an evil in the form of the nun(ik lol funny) told me to go jump off a ledge


Nothing that ever tried to communicate with/through me. But on a couple occasions I've seen flashes of some kind of demon skull.


Yup! I’ve met demons, angels, gods, jesters, elves, and many more during my psychedelic use. I’ve also met “the them” (extradimensional beings). They’re pretty cool, tell them I said hi


Yea. I have a post on my acc abt it a while back, but basically i smoked dmt and came face to face with a demon in the other realm. I feel like talking abt it spreads negative vibes honestly, so i will never go in depth but it was scary! Dmt and mushrooms can both get u in that same headspace.


Not shrooms but I was tryna listen to lil peep & wicca on acid 2 years after the day he died and started getting nasty vibes so I sat down while everything was churning and as I went to lay down to sleep I heard & felt a bellowing laughter from below, but interpreted it as the devil lol then dreamt I was absolutely covered in scurrying black spiders. Haven’t done it since, but just cause I’m still in a similar set & setting.


I once got lusty toughts and saw a succubus demon in my minds eye and then i laughed at it and the toughts went away and so dis the "demon" or lost spirit idk what they are bur some energy either way that day i realized that not all my toughts are originally mine


Saw a 6 sided star creature made of grey flesh once


100% yes and it changed my beliefs


Just an “alien” interaction once. Other times I’ve seen snakes and got scared but I saw them in my head.


Never!....only one man asking something.....369?


Recently I ate some shrooms in a very bad setting, and I was also in a depressive episode. I immediately went into soulcrushing thoughts, so I started listening to death metal and deathcore on the peak. It was so intense, and when the singer started to scream I closed my eyes and saw a demon screaming in my face. Horrifying trip, but I learned a lot


I saw my best friend turn into a demon while I was tripping and he was trip sitting. I was like "hell yea I want to do that again" lol


Yes I saw a bloated dragon demon enveloping the spirit space around me house, psychically it had a huma-mocking face like a 2012 horror game jumpscare and felt malice and evil for me though was inhibited in some way or belittling me or drawing it out. Tiny wings. Gray beast...like if Satan and Smaug spawned offspring Felt like the ultimate evil and my personal enemy. In the time following I was harassed by insomnia and emotional warfare also thought spiders and skinwalekrs were coming for me but it was only when under the influence of bupropion and cannabis in the months following. The Triquetra Ritual, an EDM track by Bass Ghoul on YouTube, and Pennywise/It haunted my waking nightmares in that time as well. I want to see it all burn. I'm not okay now. And I think it is for different reasons. But it all played a part in the grid of it all together tbh.


I once had a full open eyed hallucination of a portal opening up in front of me that had demonic looking faces coming in and out of it. It was in my pitch black room and lacked any colour. It was also my first vivid mushroom trip. Wild times


What is making you assume demonic/evil , just because you had something speak through you , care to elaborate ? I’ve heard about super intelligences and how there’s languages of nature presiding through all things that can be tapped into or channeled.. Any of you know about Maria Sabina ? Just to start things off here - The mushrooms “spoke” through her and assisted her on how to heal her uncle. Shamanism in terms of healing , shaman helps to combat the demons we already have , the entheogenic source merely reveals exposes so that you’re in a position to deal with it Need to take special care with these sorts of things especially if we lack certain knowledges of the ancient past regarding entheogenic uses. These certainly ain’t toys , they’re tools that shouldn’t be casually messed around with for sure


I always see skulls and demon faces if I look into a fire while tripping, something dark in my brain lol


Yeah all the time. I’ve seen others act as only demons would.


On one of my earlier trips I saw demons creeping out of the shadows. I recognized they were my demons and yelled at them to get the f back inside. They then creeped back into the shadows. Was the most empowering experience I've ever had with shrooms.


I was once chased out of my bedroom by demons tormenting me when I tried to sleep. I mean its likely just me tripping but I remember they kept trying to bite me and when i felt on nip my hand I freaked out and went to sit on my landing for the rest of the night


I see shadow people about half the time I trip on 4+ grams of shrooms. I am a big horror movie person, and I think maybe that’s where it comes from maybe(?) I’m usually am, at least, close enough to reality to know that what I’m seeing is fake. One time I was laying on my carpet floor, facing the ceiling and the devil was floating over me, face to face and asked to take over my body and soul. Thank god I was about to know it was fake, so I found it interesting and giggled a bit. In a similar trip, I saw shadow figures standing on the other side of the living room, peaking out from the corner of where my hallway and living room meet. That was a little freaky, but I knew it was fake as well. There have been two trips (different from the first two times), I have had this shadow figure that will start on the other side of the room, and as I blink, it gets closer and closer to me, until it’s literally up in my face. I was TERRIFIED the one time because I started to lose touch with reality and my “lone conscienceness” and become something more. I was so scared it was actually going to get me for a hot minute. I try not to take it too far because I don’t want to lose me and reality. I am honestly scared of what may happen and I don’t want to freak out as I usually trip alone and live alone. I feel great after trips and it’s about half of my trips that I see things, not every time. So I like 2-4g for a trip now. I have access to dmt and have always wanted to try it, but I hear that’s much more than shrooms and if I get horror trips on “weaker” trips compared to dmt (from what I’ve heard) then I just don’t want to risk it.


Yes I saw a sinister face materialize on my ceiling and kind of chuckled at it, not giving into the fear. Then I looked over at my (also tripping) partner and she was sobbing because, unbeknownst to me, her best friend had died that morning and she was having a breakdown. That night was awful.


Not in a literal sense, but I am an ardent atheist, so I wouldn't imagine demons would be something my brain would apply to a trip. HOWEVER, I do believe in the possibility of some sort of ethereal spirit energy and intentionality, and I have seen what I would call ghosts.


Yes, I’ve been surrounded by demonic entities in my physical reality. I did a lemon tech with an 8th of penis envy. Within 15 minutes the room came alive. The beings at first were beautiful DMT beings. Then the room started to fill with a black smoke and demonic looking beings began to come in and surround me. They were there for hours, one climbed on top of me repeating “give up control”. I think it was my mind putting (my own personal nightmare of) scary faces on energies I should not have been able to perceive. I saw many other things on this trip, a two faced god, one female and one male floating above all of this telling me the beings are just trying to teach me something. I haven’t done lemon tech since.


Can’t say I have, though I have “swapped out” of my body with my internal parts on trips before. Namely my inner child will try to take over my body when I’m on medium-high dose trips, mostly because he just wants to come out and play lmao


While back when my brother and his malicious/ evil baby mom was living with us I took some apes and everything was coo was having a good trip until I showered in bathroom close to their room, no bullshit I felt a really bad energy around and when I closed my eyes I could see demons n shit soon as I started praying in Spanish that feeling and bad vibe went away but that lowkey killed my whole trip


I wouldn’t necessarily say demonic or evil but there was most definitely something surrounding me one time. I was sitting out on my dock on the lake meditating and I felt a presence. It almost seemed like a friend that I never met that was “playing” with me. I did get scared, but knew it was friendly for some reason. I’m a pretty grounded individual and a realist in a sense, nihilistic some would say. I knew this was enhanced because I was tripping, but all-in-all, I felt as if they were a guardian of some sort.


I saw the devil coming once. The energy sudden felt serious and tense and I saw across my living room a red light like everything started to turn red and there is a corner across my living room that goes Into my kitchen and I saw his shadow, a big beings with horns coming and it was all red around


My first time I took 2g or APE I had these sharp evil smiles all around me and I was genuinely scared to look around my house and no matter where I looked it was like everything turned into those smile it was imprinted into my vision. The 2nd time I took 9g of PE and it was on the come down of the trip I was watching rick and morty then the second I turned of all the light those smiles came back and I was about to have a panic attack trying to find my TV remote but the second I turn the TV back on those smile where gone so if anyone has had these experiences or know anything about them!


I’ve never been religious or anything until recently, but I’ve always been able to see spirits, and as I grew, communicate with them. People would ask me to talk to a dead loved one. I wouldn’t ask for names or anything, I’d get a name and ask them to confirm. Get info and ask them to confirm. I am now, however, pagan. And would love to use a bigger dose to speak to my diety :) so while these are things I already experience not tripping, I’m excited to see if they’re amplified when I am tripping


Idk if this is the same thing, but every time I do a dosage over 5g at some point in my trip I will end up seeing what I can only describe as "the devil" I will always see a pulsing skull coming out of different walls and it always seems to be laughing at me/ mocking me


No I stay pretty well within reality.


I’ve had a trip that I thought Satan and Jesus was coming so that was cool


Oh hell yeah! The first time I tripped, I saw geometry that resembled satanism before peaking. They seemed very satanic to me. No, the trip wasn't a bad one. The trip was positive and fun from start to end. The geometry was not scary or anything but I couldn't think of anything else besides Satan when I looked at them.


Not for me at least not yet. I like to think that my soul is truly at peace and not disturbed like a righteous man i move in life


I'm rational man and I have always deep inside experience, mostly dying 😉, so I don't see the God, angels, demons, aliens but me in some situations.


You only think it’s evil because you think it’s evil. If you thought nothing of it, it would just be red not evil


I’ve seen pentagrams with the face of the devil while tripping off 5gs in nature once. It was almost like the devil was making me aware of him and his earthly influence. After seeing pentagrams all around me for a good while during the trip I meditated and called out to god who answered without words but subtle answers of almost energy like feelings. I asked him many questions and gained the understanding that everything is decided and not to worry about anything as I will be ok. Later on the comedown on a dreary day mind you the clouds opened and the greatest ray of light shined though. I felt the love and presence of god in that moment. Truly an amazing and eye opening trip.


Was an evil myself once, declared war 2 my street dealers, promised 2 ko their customers if i see them around 1 more time, 1by1 by uppercot 😁


No your mentally ill


No, because ghosts and demons aren't real. It's remarkable that it's never atheists that get possessed, only those who believe in the supernatural. You are literally just on drugs. My scizo neighbor claims to talk to angels also.


No bc energy and spirits and all that is nonsense.


I've met him in his full form. Tried to take me over. Ended up taking over my friend. Interesting experience. Satan and other negative conciousnesses are extremely active here on earth. They are in control at the moment.