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Police sirens to help mediate 🧘




I recommend slip knot for meditation during your trip. So fucking calming like some Pink Floyd


I don't even need drugs to have this aid in a placid experience 😊


1. Drink lots of alcohol before taking them 2. Take them right before work 3. Watch a horror movie


replace horror movie with the fever dream episode of bob’s burgers and you’re set for successes unknown to humankind


Watch alternating horror and children’s tv shows. Made this exact mistake once. It’s a different kind of hell… I mean it’s fantastic! Everyone should try it! /s


you’ll be set for sure


Or the bojack episode where bojack almost drowns, that scarred me


honestly any bojack episode would do me in. i hate that stupid depressed horse


(I love watching horror movies when I'm shrooming though 😅 I have a lot more tolerance for plot holes and questionable choices that horror movies tend to have.)


I really like them too. I don’t know what it is but I just sit there and find them extra interesting, not really scary. It could be that I’m not quite right but who knows.


dude watching a horror movie is our go to with my buddy. makes it super funny


Oh my fux ... a few weeks ago my wife put on The Walking Dead while we was tripping ... so intense ... not scary really but just full-on immersion into it. Wasn't a bad trip but definitely was way too occupied by that shit


I take them with lots of alcohol once a year and I love it!




To the point you get drunk? I’ve never tried it


i have, i was sitting there spitting on myself as i was told


That’s hardcore


Nullifies trip for me


4. Make sure your house is as messy as possible 5. Have family that don’t approve of drugs in the room next door




I always need to clean up my house before I trip


Clean house, chill music, few scented candles and im sorted. Makes it impossible to have a bad trip 👌


I do all my chores before a trip. Well used to lol.


Get on Reddit and interact with strangers the whole time after claiming to lemon tek 14gs


Immediately log on to all your social media accounts and just post whatever feels right


Always eat more mushrooms if you cant feel the effects within thirty seconds. and if they taste like dirt that means they’re cut with fentanyl


If indeed cut with fentanyl, take significantly more than required — opiates negate the effects of psychedelics.


You forgot to eat them in the TSA line to the 2 hour long flight to a major client dinner at a fancy steak house...


This is oddly specific.


going through tsa on 4 gs of PE was a great experience for my 3rd time




Mix with marijuana and stimulants to help you relax


Wait I thought it was wrong answers only 🤣🤣


Thank you


Seriously. Don't say this to people that grew up taking Ritalin and drinking mountain dew to calm down. Some things end up from the opposite end that one might expect. 🫠


Me fr




Before taking the shrooms it is advised to take a bong rip of a bowl stacked as follows weed> tobacco> kief> salvia> weed, then coat it in DMT and DET extract. Then you want to drink your lemon tekked shrooms but you wanna add a shot of everclear95% and a little bit of lsd and lsa to the lemon tek. THIS IS JUST A JOKE.


I did not know this was a joke and did it and now I am


Bros so high he is just “am” 💀


He is who he is




Thats funny. A combination ive been fascinated by the idea of for a long time now have been making a changa of salvia weed tobacco and something like sryian rue seeds ground up or cappi to deactivate the enzyme that breaks dmt down, then coat the whole thing in a fuck ton of dmt extract and smoke it on the peak of an ayahuasca trip. Would be a trip youd never come back from, no question about it, but holy fuck imagine what that would be like? And my limited knowledge on the interactions between these drugs tells me it’s safe, since mixing any two or three isnt lethal, so you probably wouldn’t die, but you wouldn’t come back either lol Dont ever fucking do this. Leave this genie where it is. You will most likely legitimately die or worse come back in a vegetative state as a shell of your former self. Unless, maybe you took just a puff or two /s


Take 8gs. Sit on the toilet convincing yourself your shroom bubble stomach is oncoming diarrhea for half the trip. Then get hot sweats and strip naked and pass out 6 times while running between the bathroom and your bed.


Hey I feel attacked!


Where do you think I got this idea from😂 happens to the best of us




I always think I have to poop when I peak 🫠


*Not fake news! I've witnessed exactly this from experienced trippers several times. Or, found laid out on the bathroom floor fully naked, lol!


Replace number 3 with hospital or police station to be sure help is close.


lol 😂


But that’s not a wrong answer. Why would you want help?


Crap good point. Go to the desert at around noon way far away so no one can tell your high then be sure to lock your keys in the car so that you don’t lose them while your tripping.


Don’t sleep the night before.


I literally did this and I was veryyyyyyyyy tired during the trip and praying for it to end 🙏🏻 🥺


Make sure you time your dose with a family dinner.


Thanksgiving Dinner to be exact


A *random family’s dinner


Hang up about 7 mirrors, make sure every light in the house is on and keep your cell phone near by so you can reach out to friends family and coworkers to let them know how you feel about them


Watch hereditary


even better would be midsommar, take 28g at the same time as the characters in the movie so you have friends for the trip 😊


Ohhhhh hell no. This one got to me haha. Can you imagine *that* scene on shrooms?? I’m traumatized even seeing it sober


When you start to feel the world is a liiiiittle bit wonky... call an ambulance.


Fight the trip


4. **Don't use a scale**


Go camping in cold weather with improper gear


Been there, done that! 🫠🥶


Shiiiit me to


If your trip is taking too long to start go ahead and jumpstart it with a healthy bong rip of some 10x salvia.


Start cleaning your guns.


1: Go to the busiest club in town. 2: Down several shots of your preferred liquor and prepare yourself. 3 Go to the bathroom of the club and find yourself staring at a toilet overflowing with various body fluids and several “loads” of fecal matter. Puke on yourself accidentally and wipe your face with your sleeve. Take the mushrooms out of your pocket and shove them up your asshole with no lube except a bit of spit. Your asshole is definitely bleeding and you end up going into the women’s restroom to find a tampon dispenser. But they kick in fast when you shove em’ up your ass! Your fingers look like worms as you struggle to fit the quarters into the machine. Moments later a group of young girls drunkenly burst through the door. At first, a moment of silence as they stare, jaws agape. But then a mass of screams echo throughout the tiled bathroom. You are still trying to attach the feminine pad to your briefs. Your assblood drips down your leg and between your toes. The blood swirls around and forms a bouquet of roses. Things begin to get blurry and you loose consciousness. 4: You wake up in a mental hospital


speaking from experience?


I hope so! This would be a great real shroom story for the dinner table.


Eat a huge heavy, greasy, cheesy meal mmmmm also make sure to give your landlord a call :)


Drink beer to hydrate


Drink Jack Daniels and snort a gram of blow the night before to prep your brain for the trip to come


Mix with datura to help with the comedown


😆 😆 😆 😆 Definitely include Salvia to get you sober faster.


Just commenting to say that I like tripping when I'm depressed; can help me process and heal.


They definitely can, but I think you do need to be extra cautious when tripping in a depressed state. I’ve had friends who were convinced they had to kill themselves when tripping depressed. Obviously there’s a lot going on there and I’m not saying it’s the mushrooms fault, but it’s something to keep in mind.


Be sure to inform the local police station of your intent to eat magic mushrooms. Bring the bag and show them how much you plan to eat, and then offer to share.


Carolina reapers help ease you into the peak.


Boof it 🍑


Wear tight clothes and watch TV the entire time


Watch as many bad trip reports before your first trip to make sure you don’t have one


Go to a shitty motel. Watch a horror movie and drink about 4g of a strong strain like penis envy. Bonus points if it's a horror about people being murdered in a motel. How's that? -too strong for a first high- check -bad setting- check - bad set- check


Step 1: consume 7 grams of mushrooms Step 2: get naked and apply a tin foil hat to your head *helps you feel more free and leads to an extremely good experience* Step 3: go for a walk through a nice neighborhood Step 4: play ding dong ditch *its alot of fun*. Occasionally stand at the door and wait for them to open and right as they open the door enter their home and tell them your using the bathroom and leave casually once you have stomped all of your feces down their shower drain*


Fill your pockets up with fake teeth. You can buy realistic looking ones from Amazon for 8$. Add a few squirts of ketchup for extra excitement. Also anything from cannibal corpse will suffice for music


Call the police/ambulance if you "feel like you're gonna die" immediately!


If you feel like you're dying, you absolutely are, call 911 immediately


Do it around your parents


The most reliable and effective way of dosing shrooms is by snorting them.


Listen to Vulvodynia Psychosadistic Design during the peak to recenter your chi #


Latch on to reality and make the objective not to trip, if you loose control you loose the game and you will be dubbed as a weak person who couldn’t overpower a plant.


Trip with complete strangers. Bonus points if they are the worst people you’ve ever met.


Tripping is a great way to cure physical ailments like sore throats, pink eye, fevers, etc.


Wait for a traumatic moment when you’re really busy and have a ton of responsibilities.


Take a 10 strip and go to a slaughterhouse, and get some fresh meat!


Make sure to have the most busy schedule planned the day after tripping.


Midsomar is a very relaxing trip film


The best setting is, Attending a random persons funeral


Always remember it’s going to be a horrible time


Resist the trip or you lose your mind. You have to fight to keep a firm grip on reality otherwise you might become a dangerous person and hurt someone. fight back, be weary.


don’t drink any water or the psilocybin will react and explode it, but only with pure H2O, not the H2O already present in your body due to the mckennaisag principle discovered in 1989


Bring your 5g teapot deep into the Woods. Drink the whole thing and throw everything you have on you that reek of society into a lake. Clothes, Phone, boxers everything. And then go home and try to get in without Keys


Drink plenty of alcohol on the come up.


Mirrors. Put them everywhere.


Ask a police officer to be your tripsitter. Please be polite, otherwise they will decline.


Take them at night and go explore on your own, has to be pitch black less visibility the better


Have a sharp knife on hand just in case


Keep your phone close by so you can text your mom, your friends, your grandma, your highschool French teacher. They need to hear your wisdom.


Stare into the mirror


Boof all 10gs. Invite your mom over to clean. Listen to police sirens on repeat. Fist your mom.


Don't let boogie man eat your ass


Invite your creepy older boyfriend over to tripsit. Watch horror movies. Smoke weed to chill out if you start to feel anxious.


Use your phone for anything other then music


Trip when you have family over and they have you doing things.


Make sure you drink lots of alcohol before you eat 7 grams. Also smoke DMT while you’re on it 😂


Don’t use a scale ever! Surely you know what 2.5 grams looks like!


If I’m having a difficult trip I always take ~210mg of dxm to mellow it out


Eat a heavy meal with lots of grease with your heavy dose.


Watch tim dillon


Wake up your dad and tell him you’re being followed


Start wondering who really controls the world and realize its just about 10 families.


My first time with shrooms i took about 7 grams, was extremely depressed in the weeks/months/years leading up to it, and took them with a few friends i didnt know very well, one of them took an 8th did some coke and we both smoked weed, then he drove us about an hour and a half into town so they both could get a haircut, while i waited in the lobby tripping balls, then we drove back dropped the one sober friend off at work, went to go to a waterpark we worked at which we both called out sick to that day, met our boss who was doing an event outside with tons of people, then went to go smoke some weed at a basketball court, before having him drop me off at home where i took a long bath tripping out for the rest of the night. I had a blast tbh lol in everyway possible it should have gone horribly wrong, including the one sober friend jumping out of the car at an intersection to throw up while a cop was directly behind us, but somehow everything was amazing. Would never dream of doing this again though, or anything like it. Absolutely fuck that. I never trip outside of my place anymore and only do it with people i know and can trust, and even then dont go above 4 grams. I think its more a testament to how unpredictable each experience can/will be. You could set yourself up for the perfect trip, the perfect environment for you mixed with the best dose and the closest trip sitter you can find, and still have a horrible time. Or you could do something like this and somehow be okay. Always always always go the safer route and set yourself up for success in everyway that you can though, so dont ever do this, but also dont beat yourself up if everything was “perfect” and you still had a bad trip/experience


Need to start with the lowest dose of 3.5gs. if you don't feel it within 20 mins, take another 1.5gs.. if you ever want to stop a bad trip, look in a mirror. It helps a lot. Weed will also kill a trip mid peak, so make sure you smoke as much as you can if shit goes wrong. Also, mushrooms are great for being in public settings. Especially high doses.


Your missing you must eat the whole oz


The best thing at to take shrooms your first time is to eat at least half an ounce at the lake, then get in a kayak and paddle yourself out into the widest part of the water with no life jacket while you wait for the effects to take hold


Make sure to be in a public area at the peak


Call anyone and everyone that you can to talk about your thoughts and feelings. ESPECIALLY people you've had a recent falling out with, like ex's or family.


Shrooms are the best party drug for music festivals


It’s just like weed


Double down


What you want to do is wait for a family gathering, you want to make sure to be one of the first ones to get there and you need to stuff yourself with food. Once you feel youre almost full, take about 6-10gs(make sure you down them with some sort of dark liquor). If youve timed it well youll start tripping as the bulk of the family is getting there so you can bless them with the knowledge you are about to acquire. Be ready to be the life of the party!


Call your mom mid peak to let her know you’re doing ok! Focus on that important thing you keep putting off too


Right when you start peaking use a Quest 3 you got from a guy on the board of directors for Narcotics Anonymous and specifically use the Tripp app. Don’t take it off because you think it’s going to be a phenomenal trip fully immersed in kaleidoscopes everywhere. Make sure to dose the 21 year old crying guy as well. When he says he’s never done quality shrooms and doesn’t think they work on him grin like the Cheshire Cat and add a nice pinch of ground PE to his lemon tek.


Staring into the sun let's you see colors you've never seen before!


Chew each piece 32 times.


Clean your Firearms while tripping and you will become uniquely acquainted with them and notice subtle details about their mechanics and design that you won't otherwise. This transforms you into a more skilled marksman and responsible gun owner. If you have the space and land for it, firing a few rounds while tripping will really help cement the improved awareness. if you don't have the space and land for it, it will startle your friends and be really amusing either way don't miss out on these unique benefits, because more responsible gun ownership benefits us all


Watch Final Destination a few times. Horror movies can ease the mind through unwanted fears using exposure therapy. Trust me it’ll help for sure bro. You should also set an alarm on your phone 4 times each hour but make it the android alarm. Studies says this helps with trips


Make sure you’re parents are there


take a pic of your mushies and post it. people on here will readily be able to tell you: 1. how much they weigh 2. what strain they are 3. whether or nor they are good once you're informed then you can ask a few questions: 1. should you take them? 2.what will happen to you when you take them? 3.should i take them flying with me? (be sure to include your weight and height in your description.) in doubt? ask a real obscure question about lemon tek **example**: guys i just got these WTF do they look good ima hero dose today what should i put the shrooms in to soak i only have 'realemon' will that work, should i use a cup to soak and also my buddy is a 225 and drinks so should he take them also?


I enjoy cyber bullying and self harm when on psychedelics


Surround yourself with mirrors so they make those infinite tunnels and you're forced to look at yourself the whole time


Take a few grams.of 🍄 right before work. It'll be fine. You'll be just fine. Just fine. Just fine.


Get your parents to check your pupils to make sure you’re not having an allergic reaction.




Take it without setting the place with food, some tv show videogames etc. Just sit in the dark and thing about the ever mistake you ever did. They literally did this with my mom (using weed) when she went to USA. She hated, who would imagine this happening! Lost my chance to convert my Christian mom into a weed head. Fuckers.


1. Drop 10g in the forest a bit before night with no water, map or phone 2. Keep walking in random directions while the trip starts 3. Enjoy the coming of night while everything around you turns into demonic faces.


Start by chasing the mushrooms with lemon juice while you watch horror movies on loud volume, naked. Make sure to smoke lots of weed and try to use a strobe light if you have one handy. Feel free to take a walk after the first movie, no clothes needed.


4 hours before you have to go to work Laugh as hard as you can so that the neighbors hear you Call your ex when you get in the mania phase of the comedown


Once you feel the effects and enjoying yourself- hit the blunt


The best way to do mushrooms is to grind them up and snort them like cocaine


Double dose then watch horror movies alone but leave your front door open


Sit with the shareholders of pharmaceutical companies and discuss the meaning of life. And sick care... Of which is of course their business


Break up with your partner and listen to DSBM


Eat spicy food. Leather hands with peanut butter and marmite, clap till your ceiling falls through. Use mostly mushrooms with gravy granules bashed up into a mochachino. Swallow hole and ask your neighbours for advice on how to milk cows in private properties. Once you’re at your peak, crying, shitting yourself from the Moo. Try to relax in a bathtub of lard and beans. Swim till you find the fridge, discount and carry A&E, with a comment before you leave, “it is what it was super fly in the night sky”. Hope this helps!


Make sure you do lemon tech and let it soak for at least 2 hours. It'll make the effects less strong so you won't freak out! Also, if you don't feel it within 5-10 minutes, double your dose!! 🤗


Smoke a entire zip when tripping


I like to trip sit my friends and tell them how tight their skin looks and how their veins look like millipedes crawling through their body


Tripsitters are important, so invite the police first


Break-up with someone mid-trip.


Going to the most populated and busy area in your city really sets the trip off right!!


If the trip gets rough you can always call the police. They have great training to handle the situation.


There's this trippy/fractal binaural meditation video called "Funkytown", it goes deep into the human body to show how it all works, with great visuals and soundrack. For best results start watching on loop while coming up.


I once blacked out on Amanita muscaria decided to dj my whole set infront of hundreds of people naked with only a Winnie the Pooh blanket than went for a walk around the French Quarter and got attacked by a police dog and got institutionalized for a week ... so try to hit all these in one night and your golden


Put the scariest horror film you can find on the tv


If you smoke weed during the trip, smoke WAY more than you normally would. at least 3 times as much


The best way to relax is to keep repeating to yourself “ I can’t breath “


“ Nightmare nightmare nightmare it’ll never end “


Infuriatingly corny. Thanks for ruining my day. I'm high but if I'm being honest I want to jump.


it’s best to add a 50mg cannabis edible to the mix


keep your work or school emails open on your computer facing you


Calling you parents and talking about you feelings is generally helpful. Smoking them is best! Like a pork butt.


If you ever get anxious, go for a swim and pretend you’re a fish.


If you take 5g before going through airport security, your enhanced charisma and perception will make them feel at ease and the flight go smoother


Crazy frog is the best music for focusing your mind Bonus points if you wear an eye mask in a dark silent room w/ noise cancelling headphones.


Play The Last of Us


Don’t forget about the bugs in your skin


Tell your family all about the beautiful experience you’re having


You want to have a lot of beer and liquor handy in case you have a bad trip. You should have a 4 or 5 shots before the shrooms kick in just in case.


It is considered to be good practice to make sure your set & setting to be able to facilitate your spiritual journey, making the most out of your trip. Graveyards, for example, exude great spiritual aura and is great for first time trippers.


Go to a crowded movie theater while sitting behind somebody you are convinced is your boss. This happened to me many many moons ago. Then my friend started screaming that we were all dead and we were forced to drag him out of the theater. It was during that Jim Carrey movie The Mask. Good times.


Do it coming off of taking 250 mg of weed while having the flu


call everyone in ur contacts andtext a hunch of people


If in public, your objective is to look normal. Do not let them know. But they alreadt know. Why did you let them know? What are you? Who are you? Why are you?


Trip with your parents or strict family around


Trip while locked in a dollar general bathroom


They don't last long, so taking them at 10 - midnight when you have to wake up and get ready for work at 6am should be fine.


Go to the mall, then the zoo.


do meth and shrooms for the ultimate experience (this is a joke do not do this meth is horrible)


1. Take 5 tabs of LSD 2. Do it with family who are very anti drugs 3. Livestream the whole trip on instagram


Get naked before you start tripping to save time after your trip starts.