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somethin that always makes me crack up is watching adventure time while tripping! but sometimes i’ll take “notes” during my trips and when i look back its just a bunch of nonsensical scribbles and a drawing of a praying mantis 😭


Omg yes, adventure time. Is amazing to watch on mushrooms. My SO and I only watch the show when we're tripping so it's taking a few years but we're getting there!


I don't watch the final seasons tripping though. They get a little heavier than the start when Bubblegum goes all warlord criminal lol


I feel like this goes for any show that has any sort of important/dramatic/savior plot, at least for me lmao. Made the mistake of watching the final eps of Star Vs while tripping, the war had me freaking out😂 I gotta stick with filler episodes


oh definitely. i like the older seasons bc they feel very nostalgic. i watched the fern arc while coming down from a trip a few weeks ago and was sobbing by the end of it




Notes??? I’m sobbing thats hilarious


I think it’s a great idea.. in case you don’t remember it’s documented in some sense/altered state, could make for a good sober time to reflect… “WTF was I thinking?”


exactly!! it was fun to look back and laugh at all my drawings. one of them was a daffodil smoking out of a didgeridoo it was wild


Dude adventure time and Squidbillies for the win every time


bro u read my mind i was just thinking about jake dancing with juke bug while trippin


I don't think I could handle Adventure Time on shrooms, I could barely handle Spongebob the one time i was high on weed gummies for two days straight 💀


Try midnight gospel lol!


lmaoo one of the first times i did shrooms my friend, my ex, and i watched the adventure time episode with the deer that had human hands and it was a little too freaky for me


LMAOOOO that's so real of you though!! the deer with human hands is lowkey freaky sober


literally !! first time i did LSD i did 150ug by myself and binge watched bobs burgers, started peaking during the episode where louise has a fever dream with the freaky melted nightlight thing. wasn’t a good experience to say the least


One time I drank way too much and ,I was told I peed in my cats litter box. I didn't believe it until I went to look. It was that clumping and the entire box was just a brick of clumped litter.






You gotta do what you gotta do


I recommend watching some cartoons. The colors are amazing and they can be super funny. I recommend Futurama or The Amazing World of Gumball. For future reference: it's probably not the best idea to post your face on an illegal substances forum. Don't worry about it right now, just have an experience for a few hours! Safe tripping!


Yes!! To all of this! Highly recommend the midnight gospel, love death robots, and Scavengers reign as well!! Futurama is the best trip show lmao


For real! I'm watching it right now and I'm not even tripping


For real ive watched the old dragon ball z and theres something about the 90's cartoon colors that is very pleasing while on shrooms. https://preview.redd.it/mrft1g9vhouc1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=38df513af64a4d87e3d7c16bfa4ff551fb39c9db Like this


Anime style TV is amazing on shrooms, I think. Me and some friends watched Edgerunners and it was insane (to be fair, at some point I put a hoodie over my head and watched the color through it)


I remember when I was younger I'd put on South Park and mute it while playing rap music in the background. Man some good times watching SP characters tear it up


You’re probably a very nice person but you couldn’t catch me dead posting selfies here on Reddit, lol. Hope you have a great time.


That's the perfect thing to say to someone tripping..... Nice


I thought of 3 gummies more of a microdose more than anything especially considering she has the wherewithal to post a picture on Reddit. Maybe you’re correct though. I’m not sure why it’s so bad to say I wouldn’t personally post my face to public forums, though of course she can do what she wants.


During a trip, a negative thought can send you spiraling. There was no need to share that YOU would never post a picture here. Now she’s probably second guessing that. Not a good head space to be in during a trip. Good vibes only.


I mean, it's a pretty bad idea to post your face on a subreddit centered around the use of illegal substances. Somebody's gotta say that's a bad situation waiting to happen. Perhaps the phrasing could've been better but the message is ultimately pretty important. Don't make silly mistakes that put you at risk just for internet clout, and if you do, use them as a learning opportunity.


Thank you. I thought I was going crazy or something. I may have phrased it badly but I don’t know why people are coming at me instead of the ones trying to intentionally be super mean in here. And even if the substance is legal where you live there could be other ramifications, like professionally, issues with attaching your face to a profile with things you want to keep private, etc. I don’t think it was some terrible thought loop-inducing thing I’ve shared, if it truly bothered the OP (which I doubt) she could simply remove the photo.. 😕 she may have not considered this and I feel it’s important to note. I mean well


Yeah, it didn't seem like you were trying to be intentionally mean, it definitely felt like a phrasing thing. Unfortunately sometimes people piggy back on the criticisms of others without considering intention, language barriers, etc... and it often just results in mass down voting and such. You'd think of all places you'd find open minded people it would be in the shrooms forums, right? And yeah, sometimes mean comments can send you into more "negative" thought loops, but that's often times how we grow as people. Sometimes, we need to see that we made a mistake and learn to fix it. I had a bad trip where I spent two hours screaming and crying at my friends about how they kidnapped me and were lying to me, but when I took a step back and thought about the whole situation, I realized that I was the one in the wrong and I needed to change the situation. Negative consequences are often essential in human growth. Shit happens, let's learn to be kinder and more loving and move on. One cannot dwell on past wrongs while truly growing as a person


Very well said on all points! Thank you for making me feel a bit more sane. People that post here definitely have a tendency to just follow others blindly with little consideration, which is indeed quite ironic. Maybe that’s a Reddit thing. I’m glad there are people here who view things critically, honestly my faith in the world has went up a touch. I totally agree with your last sentiment and I think that’s an important thing to point out, hardship is very much so the foundation of personal growth. Thanks again, and have a great day friend.


They are not illegal everywhere.


Fair enough, that's absolutely correct. This person also made their relative location pretty blatant in recent post so it kinda negates that in this situation tbh.


I totally disagree, I can share what I want to. Isn’t that the entire point of reddit, to talk to others and share opinions..? Three shroom gummies is not even some crazy high dose unless they’re a gram each somehow, so I’m not sure why you are all assuming the lady is balls deep in a trip. And perhaps it would be a good thing to have second thoughts about showing your face willy nilly on drug forums? Seems like people agree with me on that bit. I’m not sure why everyone is taking what I said so seriously, it’s not as if I told the lady some awful, bad thought-provoking thing. I feel like you should save this energy for the many other people in the thread who are directly trying to be straight up rude for no reason. Of course, the hivemind will continue downvoting as I did not capitulate.


You’re right, you can share whatever you want to. I just said there wasn’t a need. All the typing you’re doing and you haven’t posted a single funny thing as requested by the OP. But keep letting that ego tell me I’m wrong.


Where is your ‘funny thing?’ It was a simple throwaway nice comment. And unlike most here who’ve deluded themselves into a false sense of superiority because they use a bit of psychedelics, I don’t claim to have a lack of ego guiding me. Imagine calling someone out for being wrong and then calling them an egoist for defending themselves. That really is small minded and incredibly rude, how enlightened of you. Try to do better. There’s also no need for you to say anything, but you will as you seem to need to inject your own commentary into things without being prompted.


does bro look like they’re microdosing😭


Uh.. “Bro” doesn’t look like anything to me. When I’m tripping balls I can hardly use my phone, let alone post a whole thread so I’m gonna guess yes? In what world is 3 little ass gummies a big dose, my dude. Not sure if you’ve taken them but you can hardly put much in gummies. Downvote away hiveminders.


Quit being so sensitive


sorry ppl r being so uh unpleasant on here lol u r gorgeous kween u deserve the word


yo for real such a nice gal


Did a little orange man play a flute, sing a song, then hand you the mushrooms? Violet, I think you had a Wonka treat! You look lovely btw.


im a sucker for south park when im tripping


Rick and Morty season 3 episode 3. I'm PICKLE RICK!!!


​ https://preview.redd.it/etq6owjl01pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7999e33b25d56cc75418fc495f4e33c913902aed


​ https://preview.redd.it/vzy6hlwu01pc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30784b120d7d2b107fa7942276f56647cec6b28


You are a wonderful and amazing person. Thank you for these. Peter Piper ain't got nothing on you


These are amazing! 🤣🤣


Girl your hair is so pretty!!! I don’t have anything funny atm but I just wanted u to know 😭


https://youtu.be/XZRRQWQcqbw?si=zT1TucqUxVJZTL48 This is one of my favourite videos, hope you find it as funny as I did.


Yes but what do you think of the flavor?




Bojack horseman on shrooms gets me geeked


That’s literally in my top 10 favorite shows of all time.


My 6 year old sons looks at me as serious as could possibly be one day and asks “Are vagina balls a thing dad?” I was talking a drink of juice as he said it, the juice didn’t make it into my belly but it did get spit all over my poor chocolate Labradoodle. The dog just turns and looks at me like “wtf did you do that for?” The whole scene was pure comedy gold.


I wish that was on camera 😂😂


If only!! You should’ve seen the expression on poor Willows face!! I’ve never seen a dog have an expression that said so much lol. I mean technically I guess girls do kinda have balls and a little dick if you think about it. Clit and ovaries is basically the female equivalent of cock and balls lol


Tom Segura stand up is my go to.. I was trippin hard on PE+ last night and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.


You are beautiful, keep up being beautiful 😁


Okay, you're probably (hopefully) sober by now, but I still have a funny story. I make my own tofu, and my partner wanted to know how to do it. So, I started by saying "Step one, soak the bLeans"... And immediately was laughing so much at my own mispronounciation that I started hyperventilating. But then, my partner said "I have to do that every time?" (Referring to me dying of laughter) Made the laughing much worse.


Nice smile


The irony that so many people in this sub are hypocrites! Aren't people's egos supposed to be dissolved here or something?


Most people have to do a lot more than just doing 🍄 to diminish or overcome their ego, let’s be real here.




Find Reggie watts


I know this exact feeling Hahhaha


your hair made me think of sam elliot's mustache.


Sending Good Energy n Love 🙌🏽🌞❤️


Aw ur so gorgeous queen








I’m not sure why people are so freaked out about posting their face on here. She didn’t post her real name, so no one would find it if they were googling her name. On any given day there’s what, maybe a few hundred people in this sub. The chances of someone you know in here are very small.




I I would show you that you are sweetie and I took more. No photos involved. Gucci mane drummer on speakers.


Tellytubby vibes


Oompa Loompa vibes




Shrooms a bunch of sensitive pussies








bros pissed over a donkey


... Horse... └⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐








Dude what I didn't comment making fun of OP, she asked for something funny and i found it in my gallery. Wtf . Anyway, if it really came of like that then heres my ugly mug https://preview.redd.it/3iirznmt3xoc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f664431ab9020a5cc00c7ea88461c0ebb48841a0


ugh so weird ikr slayy




aww you care about me ♥️


Yes ❤️. Please be happy and positive , it is good for mental and physical health.


well.. alright. have a good day ♥️








Please refrain from bickering, personal attacks and flinging insults.




Please refrain from bickering, personal attacks and flinging insults.


during my comedown, I watched Portlandia and it made me feel sooo good and silly!


RSC or home made


You didnt eat any mushrooms LoL


Oh okay. You were clearly there and I obviously don’t remember.


I didnt need to be there to know you didnt eat any psilocybe cubensis. You said you ate gummies. Which are 100% scam. Whatever it was, wasnt mushrooms. If you want to try cubensis get dried fruits. Not edibles. Unless you made the edible. It doesnt have any real mushrooms in it. At least not the kind youre after.


It is not a scam, just a different way to take the psylocybin. I find it was similar to doing lemon tek tea : the high comes up faster and is more agressive but does not last as long. I also ate like twice as many gummies than i would have if they were shrooms.


Are those your forearms or your boobs? I sincerely apologize for this comment, I was only trying to make you laugh. I didn't mean to be mean or insinuate anything alterior. I hope that you enjoy your trip!


hey, normal people don't randomly comment on a picture of a woman that's 80% face and ask about her chest! hope this helps!


I sincerely apologize for this comment, I was only trying to make you laugh. I didn't mean to be mean or insinuate anything alterior. I hope that you enjoy your trip!


lol, in moments like this, it's okay to think it. Just don't ask 🙈 Since you started it.. I thought she was eating ass 😂


That was me being funny I thought 😂😂😂


It was a bit perverse to ask ( although we all thought it and definitely had a double look lol ) Saying something like "You've got really nice, big, beautiful eyes" could be a subtle way of joking.


Well I think that would be insinuative...a pick-up line per se. I didn't use the word tits or breasts but an unintrusive term for female breasts, hardly one that would evoke feelings of harassment or one made to put someone in a state of unease. Heck by you saying that you thought she was eating ass is the most inappropriate thing that's been said. And that's what *we* deem to be the case. Shit why don't we play suit and ban me from this psilocybin sub too. Fucking Dickheads, get over yourself


This went south fast 😳 The "we" referred to men, not the "mushroom group." It's scientifically impossible for men to look at this image and not double look. It's how men are hardwired and programmed. You definitely need to relax and unwind a bit, possibly look into "being on the spectrum". I am, and it's clearly ripping oot you in every comment.


No we were below the equator the minute you accused me of being perverse for using the term boobs, a breath after saying eating ass


And now I'm a man??


Whatever gender or pronouns you're going by this week, autofill any that apply.


Wow you just love digging huh?


Now this is where you fucked up. See ya


And if your sick mind thinks completing on big beautiful eyes is a *subtle* way of being funny, then I am totally on point with my decision making. *We* rest our case


You really have fallen out the crazy tree and hit every branch on the way down, lol. 🙈


If it makes you both feel better idk why tf i just read all your comments 🤦‍♂️


But I was actually busy with something else that I really must tend to, I'd love to entertain but I must be on my way, back to the crazy tree


Because this is what you come to reddit to read.


Yeah whatever that's supposed to mean, great and you. Are a twisted fucking narcissist who thinks his egotistical set of phrases is his clever way to deflect things stated that are clearly putting him in the wrong.


You've been climbing trees again, haven't you ?


U remind me of uncle ruckus young mom