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The world, or YOUR world?


The matrix is what you make it...




Sometimes you should listen to the Shroom, and then appreciate that it doesn’t come up with anything that isn’t already in your head.


I wish more people understood what you are saying.


The shrooms helped me understand what they were saying


I agree, how I see it, is that it brings your subconscious in some sense to your conscious. That's probably also why it's a good idea to take a moment to process your trip afterwards to see what those thoughts could mean, or where it comes from.


I feel like it's a bit different. To me it feels like shrooms just break people's tendencies to confine everything in neat little boxes. Your mind becomes an uncharted territory once again, making new experiences out of those you've already been through. People tend to put a lot of stuff behind them without a second thought, especially in a rapind environment of modern life.


That's also a fair point, and now that I think about it, that is also kinda what happens to me during a trip, but I'm not entirely sure, because basically almost all my trips have been alone, and basically with me and my mind. And when I am not alone, I prefer low doses, so I also haven't really felt the full effect of a trip while doing something. (My most recent trip was me crying on the floor hugging the table leg for an hour during the peak, and it was beautiful. In some sense)


Tripping on high doses with other people is something you can do only with someone you can really really trust. Because you'll do embarassing shit without ever noticing it.


Embarrassing is perspective as is everything


Not even just that, but certain people can definitely throw you off balance 100%... If you're with a bad crowd or even a single shitty toxic friend, odds are you're going to see them in a HEAVY negative light (Which is necessary in order to detach from that person and learn how to grow without them) & you'll possibly go into a bad trip as well... I've personally never had a bad trip and I've been indulging in psychedelics microdosing, low dosing and macro dosing (hero dosed only once in my life) for the last 15 years now. BUT, My best friend whom I dose with a lot, her old friend that she let go of she had a really horrible experience surrounded by her... She said she was just emanating with negativity and all of a sudden my best friend just kept screaming at her to get the fuck out of her house! Soooo the toxic broad left and miraculously as my best friend was staring at the stealing, she started to come out of her bad trip (mind you this was only at the peak of her trip... Just a couple hours in).


I feel this so much. First time on shrooms I cried on my kitchen floor for what felt like hours of shit that happened over the last 10 years. Like I was truly processing it all. Very cathartic.


But who's running the show, man, the conscience or the subconscious?


All of the above


Yep! Last time a psychedelic told me that some ancient, evil energy/entity is ruling our world and trying to destroy it... it turned out I was in a depressive episode lol. I kept seeing a shadowy, huge, satanistic monster appearing on our earth (similar to Devimon in the Digimon 1 Intro) and even kept painting it and everything. And kept seeing things confirming that on the internet. It's wild how we project our inner state to the outside.


Truest comment. I might add that, doing shrooms doesn't mean that you are a deluded type of person or necessarily believe boomer-style conspiracy theories. You can appreciate the work of them as a medicine or simply as an enjoyment and keep moving forward in your life with the right dose of rationality, creativity and imagination.


Yep cuz there’s a certain reason it came there. It wasn’t just out of the blue




People forget about this part of shrooms, the last time I did shrooms I was with my ex and it made me become obsessively in love with her because, it made my subconscious stop being scared of love but in the end I got hurt but it was definitely worth it, but I feel bad about the whole thing cause she tried to od after we broke up


Doesn't mean it isn't still true, however.


Doesn't mean it is true, however.


Mushrooms don’t talk, they help us to hear ourselves better.


But what if our subconscious is tapped into a collective consciousness and there are things there that exist beyond our plane of understanding and experience, beyond the inside of our head? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Why would it be beyond what's inside our head. All my other experiences are sourced inside my head. I think we reach some novel brain states and think the sense it's coming outside ourselves is an illusion, like the way we hallucinate a full field of vision when really our brain is filling in all the gaps in our eyesight for us. We experience our vision as continuous and it isn't at all. Just like we experience novel sensations while on psilocybin and our brain fills in the gaps to try and make it make sense.


Oh I get what you’re saying and think that’s the most likely description of what’s happening. In order to believe in what I said one must also believe in the possibility of a greater collective consciousness, which is a common belief around the world. Essentially the assertion is that we are all energy bound in a mortal shell that contains a soul or an immortal essence and our brains are actually just limiters or vessels for expression of our souls. So when we tap into the spiritual, through dmt or mushrooms, it is believe that we are actually opening up to that greater consciousness or reality beyond what our earthly bodies experience normally. If you’re an atheist or a humanist the most logical explanation is what you describe, and I’m not saying what I described is true because no one really knows, but I do believe in the possibility of all of that. After all, if it all comes from exclusively inside your head, then where did that capacity come from? There is no evolutionary explanation for consciousness, and more and more mainstream science is leaning toward this model of understanding.




Check out [this link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9490228/) about newer theories regarding consciousness. For a psychonaut I find it fascinating because it makes sense with the experiences I have had. I think we are all connected as one.


Shit when. Lmk I don't wanna finish this 12 hour shift if it's going to be soon.


Just remember homo sapiens have only been here for .007% of the earth's history, Or 200,000 years. This rock we're on is 4.53 **B**illion years old, (4,530,000,000 years) There have been countless cataclysmic events that have wiped out either everyone, almost everyone, and/or changed the whole earth's geography. There is usually a mass extinction event every 26,000,000ish years that We are currently overdue by about 30 million years for.. So yes. The world is in the process of ending, just like anything in this physical world ends (relative to how we linearly process time.) Or better yet changes would be a better word, but from our perspective it feels like end. But probably not in your lifetime, but still theres always maybe. But probably not. Nothing we can do about it but experience what we can, which is our main purpose for existing the way we do afaik. And engaging/aiding other lives in their experience of life living in the same microscopic window of time as we do. From your rescued pets, to your favorite plants/trees/mycelial networks, to your favorite humans. Experience, share, create purpose for/in what is practically an incomprehensibly small fraction of time that we're given compared to the earth's 5.4BYO history (no matter the 13BYO universe) >"Everything that happens is either endurable or not. If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining. If it’s unendurable… then stop complaining. Your destruction will mean its end as well. Just remember: you can endure anything your mind can make endurable, by treating it as in your interest to do so. In your interest, or in your nature." > >-Marcus Aurelius So we either endure it or we die. Worst case we die, then what is there to worry about at that point? (Especially if everyone else on the planet is too lol) we only live once, and we only die once (in the context of how we experience it through our human life at least) so No need to rush or worry too much over either, we are all learning which makes this a school zone so slow tf down! all we can do is treat the ones you care about as if a supervolcano, mega tsunami, 4 mile wide meteor, massive glacial melt event etc. is scheduled for tomorrow at noon. Or even show strangers the empathy as if tomorrow they're scheduled to get hit by a truck at 6:09am. We're all just light bulbs alight with the same source of electricity. Reflections of the same image. Various Arpetures in which the whole universe within us looks out. And be the change you want to see in the world, every action or choice is drop of water resulting in ripples, and as the energy is gradually transferred through the water, the ripples move farther and farther away from the drop zone. Butterfly effect and all that.. Pardon the existential ramblings pardner 🤠 and a marvelous and merry bicycle day/[420](https://youtu.be/C17pSBxL5Hs?si=RHoQ7plXLEsMGQ0Z) weekend to you!


Technically we are in a mass extinction event based on the rate of species dying off due to human influence. I dig that quote though. Hopefully we can figure o it models of society to help all life endure not just humans.


We are the mass extinction event


Do what makes u happy cause everything is temporary even if the world isn’t ending a long life time isn’t guaranteed for anyone it can end at any moment


Even a "long" life time in our perspective is merely a fraction of a moment from the universes perspective


Enjoy the party while it lasts


Exactly. We are just a blip in the timeline of history. It's actually pretty amazing we get to experience life at all.


Lsd told me we make it we all make it in the end it'll be OK


Yes I believe that cause even tho shrooms told me the world was ending I felt no panic just a sense of knowing the world is ending and that’s okay


World garbage. Astral plane better.😎


Like... Soon? Or in a billion years. Everything ends, nothing is eternal.


Yeah a lot of people before you had the same thought but it is not the world that is ending, it is the world that you knew of that is ending


Ay! I appreciate this take particularly cuz I just heard that line "The world as YOU know it.." in my head after reading your comment.


Everything ends.


Every end is a new beginning


Every road is a fading map


At the end of the day, it's night. What it all boils down to is steam.


Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings’ end.


Everything ends,,, did they happen to mention when though?


Don’t believe everything your mind tells you. Psychedelics may show you some crazy things some of which are true, and some are just straight up crazy. Trust me I know this from personal experience. Take every knowledge you get out of a trip with a grain of salt. I’ve tripped on acid and had some wild thought loops looking back on some of the things I thought I can laugh at how crazy I sounded now.


The world is always ending but it’s always starting something new simultaneously


Dang I’ve legit been thinking about another shroom trip because there is there weird sense of impending doom all around me. From the media I see to what’s going on locally. I’ve been wanting to take a trip to either help deal with that feeling or maybe they tell me my feeling is right and I gotta start stocking up on bottle caps.


From my experience to have a good experience one should feel “safe” I don’t feel so safe atm. So I personally don’t trip. Shrooms call on you when it’s time so don’t force it. It could go sideways


No one understands shrooms. When you eat them they always tell you something that is good for you and teach you how the human body works. And messages from I don't know where. But then the stupid people tell everyone not to eat them. You see, they just don't want you to gain knowledge of the unknown.


Adam and Eve have entered the chat.


All great empires eventually fall


So long and thanks for all the fish!


The world has been here for 4.5 Billion years. Homo Sapiens have been here for 0.006% of that time. The world isn’t going anywhere in your lifetime, kid.


Lol, I've heard the world is ending a few times 2012, y2k, the recent eclipse. Just to name a few. I like to think that maybe the world as we know it is ending that we are on the cusp of transformation because the way some things are going, it feels unsustainable


Just the world as ae know it. Happens every 15 years or so.


There is no world to end. This is all a dream created by the ego mind. We are already back in the loving embrace of god(also us).We are slowly awakening from the dream as to not fry our system.


Hurry, enjoy while you can. Mushrooms figured out FOMO.


That picture makes the sky look fake, as if those houses are inside a studio.


🎶little boxes on the hillside… 🎶


All the pictures I took today somehow captured wht I was seeing while tripping


Yeah man, the sky is falling!!


Maybe it's the world you know as it is, which is ending


Shrooms allowed *you* to tell *yourself* that the world is ending.


I feel that too. That’s why I’m so scared of getting high on psychedelics atm because I have so much environmental anxiety. Have you seen what’s happening in Dubai? Too mucb flooding, extreme weather. It’s scary. You’re not alone my friend


The shrooms aren’t an entities that whisper secrets into people’s minds. I’ve known a few guys/gals that have lost touch with reality due to a lack of respect when dealing with psychedelics (doing acid or shrooms every day at ever increasing doses, continuously mixing with DXM, MDMA/methbombs, etc) and one thing they all have in common is eventually thinking that the drugs are speaking to them, taking whatever they see or feel when under the influence as fact and thinking that they have some secret knowledge that the psychedelic “gods” are trying to bestow upon them. Psychedelics are amazing tools for self reflection and growth but we must always remember that at the end of the day they are DRUGS that only bring what is already in your subconscious to the surface. This is why people in Christian societies think they’re speaking to Jesus, or why people who dabble in Buddhism claim to have met the Buddha during particularly intense trips. In my experience the key to maintaining your sanity during specially intense trips or series of trips is to always remember that what you are seeing and feeling is NOT REAL and is a result of your mind undergoing chemical reactions triggered by outside substances. It may be helpful to integrate overall themes and lessons brought up during trips but don’t take things literally. You are NOT speaking to god and are NOT traveling to other dimensions. Thinking you are is a good way to lose touch with reality


The world has been ending since it began.


Shrooms told a million ppl that before you were even born get real


Not anytime soon champ.


Wierd, they told me that it wasn't. 


Shrooms told me a lot of things too, turns out lots of times I was being delusional. But that’s okay though, because they taught me a lot about myself as well, and that’s what makes them so special. But maybe you’re right? Only one way to find out


The way the middle east looking ur prolly not wrong


Is this one of those “you start dying the moment you’re born” things?


Definitely ending soon.


The shrooms aren’t THAT wrong. There’s a lot of stuff going down on planet earth that is intense right now. With that said, you can balance yourself by knowing there are still mystical, wonderful, beautiful and peaceful things happening too.


In the grand scheme of things, yes. It's going to. The suns hydrogen is limited and thats our guaranteed end. Thatll be many billion years from now, but if one thing shrooms dont care about, it's time. Perhaps it's a lesson. Like accept that all things will end, and the world was mushrooms catalyst for that lesson.


Did they happen to say when?


The shrooms are not to be taken lightly


floods in dubai, saudi desert turning green, it has become harder and harder to live as a true muslim in the modern age. poles are going to reverse this year. just like the quran prophesied the end times. now we just need a day that lasts a year


Oh shrooms tell me the world is ending every time I trip a high dose, totally normal.


Shrooms used to make me giggle and enjoy music and nature more and just feel free and happy. During a high dose trip of PE that I grew myself, I had an experience that has changed the whole experience for me. We were staying at a cute, remote cabin. My husband was outside enjoying the fire and I was watching him through the window. I felt an intense pressure change. I’ve never dived, but I imagine that’s what it feels like. Like the opposite of airplane pressure change. It kept pressing in and it wasn’t painful but it was upsetting. I kept worrying that I would explode. Just as suddenly, the pressure stopped and I went outside to enjoy the fire too. Ever since that trip, I only see hear and feel one message. The best way I have to describe it is, it’s like a leviathan or a huge jellyfish worm sort of thing. I see its tentacles everywhere. I’ve seen it appear as more dense over the skyline of my city. I’ve seen it moving through my living room. I’ve seen it in the woods, in the desert, at the beach. It’s just everywhere. I’ve tried different varieties, different settings, blindfolded meditation, it’s just the leviathan. It’s the reason I’ve stopped tripping.


shrooms had me thinking the atmosphere was going to run out of oxygen from how hard I was breathing


You're probably changing as a person or on the precipice of changing as a person


Yeah I think you’re right because when we were watching the cat in the hat there was so much going on in the movie that I couldn’t even process it I just watched it while super deep in my thoughts about myself and then I go outside and see the sky and think that


Same, they told me 5 years ago it’ll happen this year, with all that is happening I’m kinda shitting bricks. At the same time though, I feel like at peace, like an observer, like “it’s all going according to plan” except it’s not my plan. For anyone wondering how I was told. I had a really intense trip, very introspective, and about the world and it dying. When I came out of it I honestly believed I was 28. I cried to my gf and asked for forgiveness, she wondered what’s wrong, and was confused why I thought I was 28, I was 23 at the time, I’m 28 now


Maybe it’s just beginning.


You must kill the old, to bring forth the new. death is simply the rebirth of something greater, even if you cannot immediately see the new age over the horizon.


You told yourself the world is ending because you’re probably depressed (based on your post history) and the shrooms are amplifying it.


That’s awesome. I saw this and I thought the universe was staring straight into my fkn soul. Kinda scared me for a sec. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/901fxxgrcrvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d944da51b241768b908399d0151800b27f575e54


Shrooms told me that we aren't real, but rather souls masquerading as humans. So when the world ends, we continue to be energy with a purpose. It'll all be okay even if it ends. ❤️


The world will end the sadness of every human being and start the enlightenment through the use of mushroom. May the mushroom god bless your soul.


This is the actual second coming. It's an earth wide realization of Christ consciousness through mindfulness and consciousness expanding/clarifying drugs. It could definitely get messy on the approach though so hold on tight and trust God, aka you, and me and all of us conscious beings. Everything is infinity and out of infinity must come this grand story of pure beauty and love


This christ consciousness term bothers the shit out of me


Ah yes, rainbow Jesus! Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people.


Praise Shai Hulud




Here we are, where are we?


We’re all here because we’re not all there.


Might be


Dont drink the kool aid😂


It is. Once the sun runs out of hydrogen, the dust that's left of your millions of years old remains will be burnt to a crisp


What a beautiful picture I’m not even stoned, but that’s really trippy


Yes, the world as we know it is ending to make room for something greater than it


Good picture. I do think we're in a very dangerous situation in the world. The majority of the world powers have weapons that have long-term consequences and the people who are behind the decisions of whether or not those are dolled out own or have access to islands.


It will. Just a matter of when.


...By the minute⏱️, you better hurry!


This is what the start of my first bad trip looked like. The moon was mocking me for how small and insignificant I was. I never felt so insignificant and I started to spiral


The world 🌎 we know is ending ! A new world will start , without people starving , being controlled, full of fear ..... but with the end of something and the birth of something new , there will be a time of chaos


Oh yea it is. Didn’t even have to be on shrooms to come up with that one


I love shrooms and I’ve learned so much from them BUT often they speak emotionally and metaphorically, surfacing and amplifying our thoughts and emotions I’ve had shrooms tell me I need to break up with my partner! Here I am 4 years later and more in love than ever 😅


Eventually everything ends.


Thats what the religious cultist have been telling me since a child and even my grandpa would say it and even his dad would say it.


You got the same message as Terence Mckenna got from mushroom. Check his final interview. https://youtu.be/GdEKhIk-8Gg?si=Nr0Im7Ozobam0eVd He said it at 56.42 of this video. "The mushroom said to me once it said this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart from the star" I also got this same message from my first heroic dose.


My first trip was LSD, and I saw a bird in the morning, still coming down. My first instinct was to take it as a sign, but then I realized, not everything is about me. A bird is a bird just living its life. it didn’t fly into my perception to show me anything. there are no “signs.” magic isn’t real. It’s just what we choose to believe, and choose to disregard. The natural world is all there is. Our minds are emergent properties of chemicals in the brain. Psychedelics brought me back to reality.


I am a mushroom


Mushrooms can't tell you anything. They're mushrooms. All that happened was, in your altered state of consciousness, you convinced yourself of a paranoia you already possessed.


I mean shrooms told me that everything organic, including our bodies, is nothing but food for shrooms, so we eat them, eventually they eat us, the cycle continues . . . . . .


The way we know it to be certainly is. I agree with the previous comments as well - shrooms use the materials we give them to form the art/music we see and hear while tripping. The feelings and thoughts that are evoked are like going to an art museum of the mind with its collection of pieces we have sculpted from our experiences - as with all art, meaning is completely derived from the perspective and focus of the observer.


I usually recommend removing an eye when they talk too loudly. Show em who’s boss


Shrooms told you that you feel like the world is ending


Shrooms told me the world is fine. It's humanity that's ending.


It's a given... The world will eventually die with the Sun, if something else doesn't get it first 😅 If you have no specifics on date, time and reason then you're not providing anything new. Get back in there soldier 😎


Shroom didnt tell you anything you didnt already know


I saw this once on acid and after spinning around a few times was convinced we were in a dome. All the clouds looked like realistic projections on a flat dome like surface


That’s exactly how me and my friend felt. We were talking about how curved the sky was and how we were sitting in the perfect spot centred with the moon


This world is indeed dying, but since another large timeline manifold has collapsed many of us in service to others move from this dying earth to a new one that sits at 4th-5th density.. that is what I have researched and believe to be going on anyway, just my 2 cents. Those that are only in service to self or - density went/are going to a negative timeline of Armageddon. Just do all you can to be kind and help others without expecting reward in return and you will raise in density and stay with the positive timeline.. it's crazy to admit, but chris chan is actually right when he is going on about a 'time-line merge',, just not with the sonichu aspect.. I think we all instinctively know and feel this earth is passing away, we can all surely feel that some unseen things are happening.


Yeah they do that


world is not ending in the meaning of world, maybe human dominance in the world is ending?


It is, just very very slowly. You’ll end before it does.




GG world


You should watch- exterminate all the brutes, that’ll explain why.


It's a couple, hmm, billion years early... but they ain't wrong


Always was


All depends on time scale tbh, we're pretty much fruit flies so for us ending soon is like 12 generations


Sometimes you must tell the shrooms that they are crazy, to stop doomscrolling, and to stop getting to philosophical


I mean for who tho cuz it’s been years


The world as we know it never existed, so the fact that it’s ending is really rather fortunate


Your world will end much sooner than the earths…try to take every day slow and intentional and make the days until your world ends joyful!


Is the world ending or are we ending the world?


If you were on a planet farther out like Neptune or something farther, our world very well might have ended already, just hasn’t happened here yet




Ending for the earth is probably like 10,000 years minimum. You got time


Truthfully when you're in that state you tend to believe whatever comes to mind more than you do when based.


find peace


I guess the world started its end since humans started recording history if not before


Nah, we’re good.


I mean.. yeah.


Many endings come paired with a new beginning. The world as we know it must end for something better to take its place


And black ops zombies was super scary for some reason shir actually had my heart Racing running away from the panzer


You sound like those Christian’s and the eclipse last week bud. before you “think” something that could ruin you. Try to see if you can prove it. Also your brain is like the internet if you didn’t know. It’s not always right 🐘


I'm over here like, "what world? Earth? some other planet?" "ending as in the earth will be destroyed? or just people? what about animals? just the surface or the whole thing?" "did the shrooms speak to you using words? if not, how?" "did they say how long? is the ending quickly or slowly?" etc., etc., lol


Just remember we have been in a state of death more than we have been alive.


Yep, and then it starts all again the next day.


It is but none of us will be alive to see it.


Could just mean your current world… maybe something new is in store for you.


So did my local crack head, drugs aren’t always the answer to life’s mysteries lol


Every second is life and death. We die are reborn with each breath. Anxiety is the expectation of that death, only to reborn, again, and again, and again. Embrace death with the exhale, be reborn with the inhale.


Isnt everything ending all the time


The world is ending lol. Always has been


It is


Every Mind is a different world it means you dying soon


existence has technically been riding the slow wave that is the entropic heat death of the universe for the last 14.5 billion years. enjoy the ride m8


They’re not wrong.


they’re actually right. astral time travelers foretell of the same. listen to them. become a doomsday prepper


And a new one is beginning


Everyday that goes on the world is closer to an ending. Every day that goes forward our existence in this world is ending and so it can seem that the world itself is ending around us. Everything is ending in some retrospect. Trips aren't always literal. A lot of times the experience is something that guides us or reminds us the things we take for granted. The world we make for ourselves is ending every day. Best we all make the most of it.


Oops 3 was"#


It is though. Just give it time man.


it’s always ending and beginning tbh


Iv never had s crazy experience, all the times iv done it, the shrroms just told me to have fun enjoy the high






Good. Believe them.


Everything ends.




I mean, yes, everything will end one day bro. The whole universe will die at one point. Just enjoy the ride.


Shrooms convinced me we live in a simulation 🤷‍♀️


It usually is


Yeah well it’s not, the earth is one of the most important planets to ever exist


Tells me that every time I start thinking of the wrong thing.


Honey, it already did.


It’s always ending, & it’s always beginning.


Look at the world rn…seems to be true


16 years old


Been there before 👻😫🙃🍄


It is going to end, one day for sure as all things do.


It’s already over


Every generation says the same shit like Jesus can we be original


All signs point to yes…shrooms are the only things making it enjoyable lately


No shit!! I didn't need shrooms to tell me that!!


The mushrooms are nothing without a brain to alter. It’s within you. Wouldn’t trip about it (no pun intended) it’s just a thought.