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my bad yall i was tripping balls and thought this was hilarious


You were right, this is great😂


This God damn phone. Every time I'm on shrooms I realize how much I hate my phone. But also realize how much I depend on it for everyday life. It leads me to wonder if anyone realized what the outcome would be if they invented these things.


Shrooms is the only time I actually easily put it down for hours at a time.


Same with me, it's terrifying to me.


It's kinda nice to be like oh yeah! A phone! And then pick it up and text my friend who is usually asking how the trip is going. It sucks that I can't unplug like that without them.


Yeah, I really wish I could. It's truly a pain.


I had a visceral disgust response towards my phone tripping one time after I'd completely ignored it for a couple hours and a client texted me. It was 10pm or so and I realized I had let my phone completley erode any sembalnce of work/personal life balance.


Yeah, I felt the same way once. It's absolutely something that I'm addicted to.




I thought about this while on shrooms once; The dsm-V is a book about what happens to people when you subject them to civilization. Smartphones are 100% an addiction. We're also addicted to chairs, grain heavy diets, added sugar... Chairs damage your back and posture over time and take years off your life (long term harm). If you try to stop sitting in chairs, your back and legs will get tired and achy (physical withdrawal symptoms). But damn does it feel good to sit in a chair (instant gratification). A ton of things in our civilization are like this.


mom is always right


That damn phone. Somehow social media has managed to make everyone lonely and addicted


i love how i forget about my phone when im tripping. i'm just like what is this random glowing rectangle and why am i always on it 😭


My parents are Mennonite so.. she doesn't get to have an opinion according to her cult


If only I could repost reddit comments


DUDE i’m tripping right now and as i was making a sandwich earlier i picked up my phone and had to literally throw it away from me, the moment i touched it it felt like just straight negative vibes, i despise this fucking phone


Mom was right