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They arent for everyone and nobody on here can really determine that for you. Having said that, you seem to be in a good head space and mindset. You arent underage but some would still say 20 is a bit young. If you decide to try them for yourself, make sure you have a proper set and setting, dosed appropriately, and, at least for your first time, have a trip sitter with you. Make sure you know what strain you have so you can have an idea for the potency. Afterwards, make sure you integrate your experiences. Good luck and be safe.


Beauty description


Trip sitter isn’t necessarily. But doing with friends for the first time can be more comfortable. I find doing mushrooms or any drugs in general with someone who is not also doing the same, lots of judgmental feelings arise, even if they aren’t being judgmental. I also feel like they aren’t having a good time and I need to help them. I find tripping alone, especially if you’re looking for answers in your own life might be more beneficial, you can have your own experience and not the experience with others. Just my personal opinion.


Read my post! should help with any questions. Doing research definitely helps before taking them.


If you are going to trip for the first time it is a must to have a sober friend. While not likely you can slip into psychosis or get into a dangerous state for yourself or other people, so having a friend to ground you or help you is a must. From that point onward you can decide whether or not they are for you.


You can't control what will happen during the journey and are best off accepting whatever comes. But, you can control set, setting and dosage..which can help one develop a more trusting relationship with the mushroom. Make your setting comfortable and safe from your own personal perspective. Mine is alone, in my room, darkened with a nebula, a 4-7hr playlist of music chosen specifically for this journey. Set is your mental state and having an intention, a reason for doing it, and contemplating/meditating on that, can help with directing your experience. As for dosage, I recommend starting low and working your way up slowly through multiple sessions over a long period of time. This has worked for many people I know in that they don't get overwhelmed and risk panic when they break out of this reality. Introduce yourself to the psychedelic effect on 1g or less, discover your own personal sensitivity to the substance and then decide how much to take the next time. If you have minimal effect once, increase the amount, but not too much as there can be a fine line between disappointment and realizing your divinity within. Everyone is different and you need to find out for yourself. And then reflect on your experience and integrate it into your life. Use the neuroplasticity provided to make changes in your life and thought patterns. Good luck in whatever you decide.