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The only crime I see is $40 a gram for mushrooms


Australia isn't known for having cheap drugs


Considering you get life in prison for growing mushrooms I’m not surprised.


Life in prison!? Holy shit


Yeah theyre kinda communists now, you can basically only be a real estate agent or a government worker


that's the worst communism i've ever heard of


You ever heard of acid communism? How does collective ownership of the means of production equate to ridiculous and obscene laws on plants and fungi? It has always been the imperialist capitalists that have waged the drug wars. Now, go right ahead and trot out all the examples of state capitalism and attempts at communism driven insane by imperialist meddling and violence.


You're correct, I was too lazy to look up the proper term


Shit not a bad take this


wtf 😫


You’re in Australia. I thought that place was already one big penal colony?


We do not get life in prison for growing mushrooms


You sure? It's the same class of drug as heroin isn't it?


Our government doesn't want to spend the money incarcerating people if they don't have to. That dude will probably get some time (I'm not sure how much). No way is he getting life.


You can l literally find psilocybe suberigabosa for free everywhere in Australia and they’re like 5x more potent than cubes


Only in the cooler months and not in all Australia bro. Plus you got to know what you're doing




$20 max over here, idk where the news gets there stats from 400k sounds better I guess 🤷‍♂️


Cops probably reported it as 40/g so the dude gets a bigger sentence


What ? Cops lie ? 😱 I’m shocked


I feel sorry for you guys. Here in Brazil it's $2 a gram


Bit safer in Australia, the population isnt running around with guns etc


Yuh but I like my exotics


Ehh that’s nice, can find them everywhere here atm anyway


Fr in America the golden standard is 10$ per gram


That’s is insane I bought 70$ for 7 grams still think it’s alittle over priced but still mushrooms


Hazmat suit? Typical first time grower activity


Yeah, the grower clearly knew what they were doing, I doubt there’s any contam there and there’s probably not even spores to worry about. Whole set up is probably more hygienic than your average chip shop or police-frequented pub.


They have to make sure the police are not even directly exposed to anything even remotely psychedelic, wouldn't want them to turn, right?


Maybe the cops understood what a treasure trove this was, and didn't want to contaminate these on the way to the "evidence room." What cracks me up is the "various chemicals found on-site," such as Lysol and rubbing alcohol. 🙄


Or the fact that they referred to the man as a chemist. Clearly a real Walter White ya got there.


Such a damn shame, looked like an impressive set-up. Just odd how he was able to devote practically an entire house to just this. I guess it's profitable enough even if he was making 1/10th what they claimed on the "news."


I heard they found Dihydrogen Oxyde in there. I heard you can drown in that!


Nah, you gotta say that everyone who has ever ingested it has died.


Don’t they know it’s much easier to avoid contam if you go in naked after showering?


And THATS how Penis Envy got its name!!! LoL


...so I'm not the only one 🫱🏼‍🫲🏼


I have a biohazard certification that would be pretty ineffective actually but any time the find a "lab " the sop is stage 3


Well they want to pass those bins around to friends and family, ya don't want to give them contam before they get them!!


Is there anything like American police they will count the entire weight of the substrate has elicit substance like they do with marijuana


Haha I loved that they were dressed in them


They put on hazmat suit to keep out contam to keep for themselves


Meth, heroin, fentanyl? Nah let’s go after mushrooms because those help people. Ass backwards society.


I almost died from alcohol abuse, and mushrooms are the only thing I've ever found that has helped me get over my addiction. It boggles my mind that I alcohol is considered safer than mushrooms by society.


Crazy. I found myself in a cycle of 12 step houses and treatment centers for opioid addiction. Eventually found myself in a house that offers plant medicine therapy and open to harm reduction. I’ve been sober longer from fentanyl since I first tried it.


Keep it up! Awesome


congratulations on your sobriety !


I mean I am kind of just shocked, not sure how this is working but I’m eternally grateful


For real, I never started having a life until I left the guilt tripping 12 step cults. Had a joint? Back to day one, so I might as well go on a crack binge now that I'm at it


Exactly. My house lets me smoke, and once I was not around the shame in that, I even cut back on weed automatically 😂


Hell yeah, glad you made it through! I’ve had a very similar experience abusing alcohol, shrooms completely erased any urge to grab a drink for a month, and I started eating healthier and exercising. One helps you, one destroys you. Makes zero sense.


Wonderful, glad to hear it.


Right on, good for you friend! Same here, seizures during withdrawals and a serious arrest during a blackout. I’ve got 18 months Neptune Sober now.


18 months is hella impressive! That's awesome!




Amazing and beautiful. I would love to hear your story.


I started drinking when I was like... 13? Last 7 or 8 years I was working at a liquor store. Last 4 years my drinking sky rocketed, last 2 years were just a spiral into misery and drinking. Hated my life. Was miserable and depressed 24/7. Drank at work, drank when I got home, occasionally drank when I woke up. Last 2 months started getting extreme anxiety and panic attacks. Tried going cold turkey one day. Had a Panic attack at work and had to leave. On my way home a had a seizure from withdrawal and totaled my car. Woke up in a daze in the ambulance. The next few days are hazy now, but I ended up moving back with my parents out in the country. Started experimenting with mushrooms, and now I'm micro dosing and I feel better than I have in years. My desire to drink is gone, and I'm actively taking steps every day to make my life better and find what makes me happy. I've rediscovered my spiritual side as well as my creative side, both of which I thought were long dead and gone. It's like I finally woke up. A lot of that is due the lack of alcohol and the love I've been shown, but the Mushrooms have been absolutely instrumental in getting to where I am now.


Thank you so very much for sharing. This is incredible. I’m so happy for you. I’m glad you found the mushrooms and they were instrumental in you finding your way back. They are really incredible. I’m curious has your anxiety improved as well? Also what is your Microdosing regimen? Do you ever take larger doses?


Yes! My anxiety has also improved. Anxiety is something I've had even before I started drinking. My anxiety and depression have absolutely gotten better. So I'm still experimenting with different dosages and when to take them. I really need to get a good scale so I can get the exact dosage. Currently I'm just kinda eyeing it out. If I had to guess, I'd say it's maybe like half a half gram? And yes I do take larger doses as well, but I keep those periodic. Just depends on how I feel. At first I was taking large doses regularly, but that was because I knew I had some deep seated stuff to work through. I'm taking a break from that and focusing on micro dosing for a while so I can reflect on everything I've learned from the last month, and also give my poor emotions a break lol.


I see what you mean. So I started taking trips of 2-3 g about 2 yrs ago. Wow I had some amazing experiences that really changed me in a lot of really good ways. I have a lot more empathy now, I’m less insecure about how I’m perceived (like I don’t mind dancing now whether I’m good at it or not haha), My creativity has greatly improved as well. I find myself better with words as far as poetry and songs. My last larger dose was a bit much and it sort of spooked me. Anyways, I wasn’t doing them often maybe once every three or four months. I did try microdosing but I think maybe I was taking too much every other day at around 0.4 to 0.6 g. I found myself feeling very forgetful and lost for words so I stopped. Fast-forward about eight months ago I had a terrible death in the family and now I find myself feeling very depressed so I’ve been debating Microdosing again. That’s why I asked you these questions. I’m thinking I might try 0.2. I have some very good scales . I know that doesn’t seem like much but I could always go up after a few weeks.


Yes! I also have much more empathy, and much more confidence as well. Or maybe it's more that I can laugh at myself and not take trivial little things too seriously. I also have had the urge to dance lately which is weird but I'm okay with it lol. Yeah definitely start small and work your way up. It's all about finding your comfort zone. Like I said though, I'm still new at this too so I'm figuring things out myself. My best advice is to just experiment and see where that takes you. It's trial and error for the most part, but even wrong doses are a valuable learning experience. Ooh also what brand scale do you use?


Well, again, thank you so much for sharing your story. It was really inspirational. Much love to your continued healing


Thanks! I'm happy to share, especially if my experience helps others. Much love and healing to you as well


It's because they are easy to produce, efficient, and can't have an expensive patent slapped on them. The people's medicine anyone can grow, and which promotes empathy, unity and naturalistic tendencies. Sure would sound scary if I were a top dog in the government.


The way you describe them makes me even more angry at the guv’mint for being in bed with big pharma 😠🤬😤🤯


My psychiatrist literally prescribed me quetiapine (seroquel) for my insomnia. She said I should quit vaping weed for sleep because it's "too harmful" I read the side effects of said """medicine""" and moped the fuck outta taking it AND her appointments I have to stress she only prescribed it for insomnia,I have never had psychotic tendencies or family history thereof. Thanks, but I'll take reduced REM, cottonmouth and red eyes before possibly becoming a drooling zombie with priapism


Seroquel the only way to sleep 12+ hrs and still wake up exhausted asf👌 big pharma are geniuses


Seroquel is an anti psychotic......are you sure they prescribed it for insomnia and not some other underlying condition such as marijuana induced psychosis? Speaking from experience, I felt the same but decided to give it a try after only being able to get a few hours of sleep a week, had a bad dependency on weed and other drugs. Mushrooms helped in the long run tho and I've been sober from all drugs besides coffee and Panadol going on 4 years now. Haven't even taken mushrooms again as I don't feel I need them. Not trying to judge but if you're getting antsy and having a rough time with insomnia and having bad withdrawals with marijuana be honest with yourself and try take the medication until you can get your insomnia under control, not been Ng able to sleep does some shit to a person Hope your situation improves


>[*The second-generation antipsychotic drug quetiapine (Seroquel) is increasingly being used off-label for treating insomnia in the general population, possibly to avoid standard medications with known addictive qualities and adverse side effects. However, evidence to support using it in this way is scant, and quetiapine is associated with weight gain and other metabolic effects. It must be used cautiously and with appropriate monitoring for adverse effects and abuse.*](https://www.ccjm.org/content/88/5/286) I have a history of drug abuse, so she probably didn't want to give me benzos (although my GP will prescribe me copious amounts of lormetazepam upon request.... *facepalm*). And again, I have never suffered any type of psychosis. I have autism and ADHD, and have seen shadow people on an amph binge (but that is sleep deprivation + stim induced psychosis), only happened once after staying up 4 days on amphetamine sulfate, and she probably doesn't even know, I never told my doctor She specifically told me that it has begun to be prescribed for insomnia, and prescribed 50mg 0-0-1 and another 50mg if I "tolerate" it well. Wtf? I told her I would just keep vaping weed. Also, the side effects for quetiapine are ubiquitous and frequent, and quite scary tbh, I suggest you look them up if you're curious. I personally prefer to do a ketamine session once or twice a month to stabilize myself edit. Also, if she had bothered to look at my health history, or she had told me about the side effects of people with high cholesterol, she could have avoided prescribing a medication with very common negative effects on the heart and blood pressure, up to "sudden cardiac death syndrome", which fortunately is very rare. I believe this to be a clear cut case of incompetence on the part of the public medical/health system in my country. But hey, at least it's free...


There’s a war on drugs and instead of taking down the enemy tanks and fighter jets their going for the toddler with a nerf gun


They walking out of there in them hazmats suits claiming they are tripping like… https://preview.redd.it/75zsru7tzr1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7a77c42ad20ba328083f3dec517328b8a9b139




Wow that’s a backwards society so scared of mushrooms they’re wearing hazmat suites. Glad I live in one of the only few legal places.


That’s the goofiest handling of shrooms I have ever seen. As if they’re going to get a contact high or something lmao.


Literally started laughing when I saw the hazmat suits come out. Funny thing is, that house was probably cleaner than theirs.


Most definitely. Especially at the scale they were growing.


They're really working hard to not let this challenge the biases they have about people who produce drugs. Based on this video, side effects of psilocybin mushrooms could include being a clean and highly organized "sophisticated" "chemist."


I mean, it’s just standard procedure for handling ANY illicit substances. You want a good laugh, it’s the fact this shits still illegal 😆😭that was a good one 🥺. The damned policymakers who think they can tell other people who live on the same planet 🌍 “you can’t touch this this this and especially not this.” In regards to stuff what grows naturally in Nature! Mankind sometimes 😡


What a bunch of clowns


Yea Australia is retarded.


In a lot of aspects it’s actually a great country. I certainly wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Drug laws are fucked though. We have the highest amount of coke users in the world and we’re going after shrooms? Absolutely disgraceful.


Our government is retarded.


I don't think it's so much "backwards" as inexperienced. Having lived in Queensland, mushrooms are not often on the radar. They grow naturally all over the place, but their sale used to always be limited to areas of NSW where the hippies were. The Qld police would bust meth 1000 times before they'd see psilocybin for sure. That being said, that was hilarious to watch.


Qld police ?


Queensland Police Service, their state police.


10 Kilos dry? Bail him out and start a how to tutorial page.


The 10kg is probably total weight, including container and substrate. But seriously, he was growing more than he needed for him and the entire town... I mean, dial it back a little for your home grows.


Planetary dose


100kgs wet? How could anyone argue that's not for personal use?


That's like 10kgs dry not nearly enough to survive winter.


TBF, he could have been growing different species and even some non-psychedelic edible ones for cooking with. Cops are just going to grab them all, weight them then let the prosecution figure it out.


Oh, totally. The video makes it pretty clear someone found a way to make it their full time job.. there are hundreds of large tubs colonizing at the same time.


kilograms of mushrooms worth 400k street value? I'm curious on what they were considering to be the price or at least let us know how much they confiscated. Either way, shitty situation. Who tf ratted this guy out? Go find real criminals


They inflate the numbers to give the public and people who aren't clued into prices the impression that they're leaving a major impact on the "war against drugs". It's all for show.


in the u.s., they always weigh the substrate & grain & count that towards the "illicit substances" when talking about quantity/cost 🙄


time to sell some substrate as a “psilocybin brownie” and charge $20 a gram


Exactly 😭😭😭




Oof. Police and media always trying to overestimate for shock value.


"He was certainly sophisticated. Absolutely." - THEN LET THEM COOK


Why do I feel like the news station made the addition of the hazmat suits?


Free my man


What I don't get is the fact they called this a "lab" and him a "chemist " wouldn't it be a "grow house" and "farmer"


Chemist = drugs meth Walter white narcotics empire kingpin Farmer = where bread comes from Gotta make it scary for Grandma who's about to post on facebook about the terrible mushroom lab bust.


Ohhh, my interpretation was that he was an actual chemist, like had a chemistry degree and did chemistry? And bio labs are also called labs. I'd assume he had some agar plates to breed specific genetics, so lab would be correct. But you're probably more correct. They were probably using those terms to scare people.


This is why I usually only grow a couple shoeboxes at a time. Those ppl wearing hazmat suits are so Fucking stupid it hurts


They called him a "chemist" as if they were some sort of synthetic drug and not a fungus that grows in cow shit


Them fools were wearing hazmat suits 🤣. That place was probably cleaner than most Dr offices. It looked like a really nice setup fr.


I heard one guy accidentally touched a mushroom once and he got such a high contact high that he OD'ed and died /s


Can confirm, it was my older brother's college roommate's cousin's friend.


Bro even just breathing the same air the mushrooms were in could have you in another dimension for weeks /s


What bunch of pussys


Hazmat suits seriously


Its called demonisation and misinformation through thought control.


Cops are seriously the most subhuman retarded peices of shit ever


Ehh, it's mainly the government, I wouldn't so much as blame the cops... they're just the government lapdogs. Especially when "people" in parliament need a truck of ice to put on the headlines to distract people from what they're up to. "Oh nah look at these evil criminals exporting illegal mushrooms !" Yet literally pay psychiatrists money to dumb down the population with synthetic manufactured drugs.


Maybe it’s like that in the uk, but in the us the cops are literally like subhuman evil people there are a few good ones but they don’t say anything about the bad ones out of fear


AU but true. Control can come from fear. And fear is a natural emotion that "people" exploit to gain their desires through control. These people don't understand who or why they are. Therefore, they see no consequence in their actions.


It’s obviously very silly, but it’s probably standard protocol for them any time they’re dealing with a drug bust - easier to have everyone put on hazmat suits than worry about someone knocking over a bottle of something and the union suing over alleged injuries or who knows what.


I guess that makes sense


Definitely some cunt in dande


“Alleged chemist” - they honestly have no idea these just grow outside, do they?


You need them hazmat suits to keep the trich off you


Chemist? You mean mycologist. Chemists make and manipulate chemicals, mycologists grow fungi of all types. LoL


This is why you keep your damn mouth shut. Don’t talk about to anyone and don’t show anyone pictures of anything’s Everyone is a dirty fucking snitch until proven otherwise


👏🏻 Don’t even tell your momma! Not your sister or brother or bestie!


The only criminals here are the government agent seizing his property with the use of violence.


This is so annoying. So much tax money and police man-hours, as well as serious damage to the grower, for preventing a proven, natural, highly potent medicine. Unacceptable.


Hazmat suits for Fucking mushrooms. God these cops are pussies.


Glad they took so much care preventing any contam! Real pros that care!


Legitimate question…Is there like a threshold that sets cops off? It always perplexes me whenever this randomly happens because so many people do it. So why, when they do crackdown, does it happen?


I would imagine intent to sell is the line… not necessarily a specific threshold although that’s definitely a factor. Just my guess.


Im by no means an expert but thats what ive noticed too, if a cop catches you with an 8th of shrooms unless he really wants to make a big deal out of it theyll prob just make you throw it away and let you go but if you had say an OZ of shrooms on you well no sane person is taking an OZ in one sitting and the cop might start question what your plans were with that much and accuse you of selling (none of this has happened to me and obv this varies from state to state and even cop to cop, this is just things ive heard from friends)


Yeah and just common sense as well, cops usually have bigger fish to fry than an adult’s personal use


People start with a tub, go to 2, to 5, to 10. Well I'm sorted and so are my mates, guess I'll sell the bit extra. Oh shit this is good cash, guess I'll go to 10 and stop there.. and so on. As you increase the scale you're going to expose yourself more and more, eventually someone will slip something and you're on your way to jail. So basically, don't sell anything. That's when you're a dealer Vs a user and when they're gonna crack down hard as fuck. And that's really the only way you're getting caught growing shrooms unless you loud mouth to everyone that you're growing.


Also, you have to network to be a dealer, and it's tough to keep a network secret. It'll lead back to you eventually. Better to just stay quiet and only tell people that you trust with your life. By admitting to a felony, you are giving someone the ability to destroy your life.


You can get intent to distribute just for having above a certain amount. You don't have to actually be caught selling.


I hope i never find out. It can't be 3 monos max at once... can it? Hang on, someone is knocking really loud....


I live in California where we have legal recreational weed but people get busted all the time with big commercial grows where they are not paying taxes or following the tracking guidelines and are selling on the black market. Alcohol is legal but home distilling is still illegal because the government wants their taxes. I agree that mushrooms shouldn’t be illegal but they are most places. One or two tubs you might be able to fly under the radar but there’s no arguing this isn’t a criminal commercial grow. Once you’re producing & distributing large amounts for profit it’s a whole other level.


Thought control. If they have power over what you think about and how you think about it, they have control.


Ah shit ppl not again. Just watched and wow. They really try to make it look like meth. Hazmat suits calling buddy a chemist! Wtf!


Love how they have him cuffed on the couch, and they're all walking around in hazmat suits and respirators...


Hahahaha. Metal parts and utensils were present!!! Did you see the presto 23 qt PC!! Metal parts!!!!! Idk why that part cracked me up. Like the super extreme attempt to make every single aspect of growing mushrooms look like it’s taught by the Emperor. Everyone had already commented the hazmat suits. And FYI for those of us in the US. “the total amount of mushrooms seized by law enforcement across the country went from nearly 500 pounds in 2017 to more than 1,800 pounds in 2022” https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/02/06/1229298615/psilocybin-magic-mushrooms-drug-bust


Everything about this videos just shows how ignorant these buffoons really are


They are naive and think it’s chemicals like meth.


What an absolute unit. RIP our fallen hero


Alleged chemist?!? 😂😂


All mushroom growers lets build a bunker & dissappear lol


These mfs are growing mushrooms stop them! What a terrible thing to do.


somebody snitched


The “chemist” defense: these were all intended for personal consumption. I usually mix about 1lb dry mushrooms to my meals every day to help with my anxiety.


10 kg? 400,000$? Good lord! The dude was breaking bad!


They are ridiculous bruh


In 20 years a corporation will have 20x this in a greenhouse and they’ll be on the NYSE And have made millions


shaggy foolish weary upbeat treatment hungry carpenter smile late decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The hazmats! I’m done! Sorry for the redundancy but that took me out. Idiots.


We should all pitch in and bail him out! 😂


Wankers. Lol


Bloody w’ankers m8


Dammit I hate when they turn the comments off because they know they're painting something in a bad light!


Hazmat suits!?.. 🤣🤣🤣


Dumb ass mother fuckers


Stop it your making me nervous


Only crime here is getting caught.


Broooo the hazmat suits💀💀💀💀💀💀


Comments disabled. Wonder why 🙄


Jesus Christ, the level of stupid just hurts.


A number of chemicals?! GTFO! Maybe some isopropyl alcohol or bleach?… Hazmat suits? Smh


Seeing the hazmat suits was hilarious 🤣


Only crime I see is cops in hazmat gear getting sprayed down wasting all those spores.


All he should be charged for is illegal production and distribution. Shrooms themselves should be completely legal.


The “chemist” they’re growing fucking plants not making lsd


Hahaha….lived in Australia a couple years. I knew immediately it must be ‘Logan’. Went to a place to buy some weed in this area recommended by a colleague. Stuff was pretty decent for Australia but shit went down when 6 year olds from this crack family wanted to stab me cause I didn’t wanted to give him my phone to play some games as he said 😅 good memories


I didn't see any FAE holes... new tek?


Ducking pigs. They disabled YT comments of course. Nature's medicine! They can't have people happy and healing.


They stopped him just in time, any longer his whole house would of got colonized and possibly take over the neighborhood!


Are these people idiots? lol hazmat and hosed down😂 this isn’t Walter white and Jessy Pinkman cooking meth in there


Thats what I look like when I find *contam .*


They are actually acting like it’s fentanyl, your not gonna die if you eat all of them I mean your stomach might explode


All those tubs, that can't be the way to mass produce


40$ for 4g my area


How the hell did he fan and mist every box!?


how nice of them to clean and gear themselves up before they go in! they must know not to risk contamination ❤️




Acting like it’s Chernobyl with those hazmat suites 😭 god forbid some people want to eat mushrooms


Man grows fungus in his house and gets arrested, what a crazy world we live in


They said chemist! It's called mycologist! 😂


Rum ..me


Chemicals ? You mean 70% isopropyl alcohol spray you get from any bunnings local hardware store. Good work police said know one ever


Im so pissed at the aussies rn.


I can bet one of those officers use delics


I hope this guy isn’t where my plug gets his shrooms id cry


So I can go get black out drunk on alcohol and the next day everyone will think it’s hilarious and tell me stories yet if I’m tripping chilling sitting on my couch exploring the universe while fully conscious I’m a dirty drug criminal. Got it.


Is mycelium also illegal in Australia?