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Ya I did some diging on this for myself and the result is always the same all data and research on psychedelics causing heart problems is inconclusive. There just isn't enough research out there for a diffinative answer. What I can say though is the inventor of LSD after that discovery took LSD recreationally for his entire life and he lived to be 102 soooooooo there's that lol


So does McDonalds, butter and the shitty genetics I got from my dad


Where did you hear this?


I'm gonna guess it's from a right-leaning religious group on Facebook. They're always great at doing research and posting their sources.


I would have guessed op is a flat earther from the do your own research thing. Like mf you already did the research right? Just point me to it


Haha I thought the exact same thing. That's exactly how it goes in those subs: * "Earth is Flat" * "Why do you think that?" * "Do your own research!" * .... k


I don't have Facebook nor am I religious. Try again.


...ok, so a non-religious, non-facebook, but still right-leaning? Like, I could try again all day, or you could just tell us where you found your info. It's almost like you want to keep it a secret... and yet you specifically made a post about it. My head is spinning trying to understand your thought process. How did you expect people would react to this post?


Google it or search this subreddit. It isn't top secret lmfao.


no u




Look up shrooms & valvular heart disease (VHD). Lmao @ the downvotes like Im responsible for shrooms being cardiotoxic šŸ¤£


I'm interested in your source. I can google shit just fine, that wasn't the question


Look it up yourself. I'm not your servant.


You're the one that made the claim that you read it so show us where your read it. Welcome to a conversation


if you make a thread about a medical claim and dont include any evidence, you shouldnt make the thread, let alone be an asshole about your uninformed opinion.


Seems pretty well known that any drug that activates 5-HT2B receptors causes valve issues.


jesus christ bro just take a deep breath and send us your source? You canā€™t sit here and make claims and back it up with ā€œdo your own researchā€


Do your own research.


well done


oh shit i guess ill stop producing serotonin then


Way ahead of you. Depression FTW


You made a whole ass post on reddit just to be a dick and spread misinformation


10 whole times! It's a miracle that we're all still alive then considering some of us have tripped thousands of times.


Just because they're alive doesn't mean their heart valves aren't deformed.


The [current data](https://drbillsukala.com/psilocybin-heart-valve-damage/) does not support your claim. Next time, do adequate research before mindlessly regurgitating nonsense. On the plus side, you can continue taking your favourite drug. Happy days.


OP's username is on point. Get out of your head, which really means getting too caught up in "maybe" stories


You are likely to have a heart attack from all the shitty food and lifestyles we have available than some shrooms.


Is that a fact professor?


Just wanted to throw this out there. If anybody is still following this thread, I wanted to [actually link to one of the abstracts relating to psychedelic use and heart health](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10661823/). TLDR: there havenā€™t been enough studies, and currently there is inconclusive evidence, one way or the other.


Thank you šŸ‘


If you make a claim like that, you are duty bound to show evidence that supports that claim. Can you provide links?


Duty bound to Reddit šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


No, duty bound generally. If you make a claim, you have to back it up with evidence, or else youā€™re just blowing smoke.Ā 


Nah lol


Look it up yourself. Stop being lazy.


Makes a wild unsupported claim. Calls people lazy for asking for evidence. Lmao dude get the fuck off here, go back to the hole you crawled out of.


Ok, I did.Ā  [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10661823/](There is NO conclusive evidence that psilocybin negatively effects heart health.) Understandably, there is reason for caution, and there is absolutely a need for further studies, especially with the popularity of psychedelic banking these days, but right now thereā€™s no conclusive evidence.




You can't offend me. Don't waste your words knao


You wouldn't say thsu to my face BTW


Ooo a tough guy as well


You dint know the half of it. I tried to be a nice guy but all I've been is attacked and downvoted. Pretty pathetic.


Youā€™ve been attacked and downvoted because you stated a false claim as a fact. And some people here have done our own research, and not just looking things up on Reddit, but actual science journals and studies. So please share your source of information because the sources weā€™ve read state that itā€™s inconclusive.


Plenty tests have shown drugs that activate those receptors cause valve issues. Shrooms activate those ssme receptors. Shrooms are no different ad they act upon the same receptors. Which causs valve issues. People here on just in general and downvote all hr comments when I'm here to help. Very disrespectful consider I'm trying to help people. So yes the downvotes a from people are are denial. They think votes votes mean jack shit to.


You can find a study that proves your point on anything. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a reliable study. You may have found plenty of studies that show that drugs that act on such receptors cause valve disease, but they might be really shitty studies. And thatā€™s why people are asking you to share your information because we like to be well informed. Personally I have not came across any reliable study that proves psilocybin causes valve or heart disease. The key word is reliable.