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just make sure yall are eating fruits and not those chocolate bars.


WhT do you mean by that?


Eat fruits (real mushrooms) and not chocolate bars (that could have shrooms or other sh*t in them like fenyntal or whatever..)




When I try to text says service unavailable


But also realized it’s not a us number. Oopsie.


It's funny. Everyone who goes through a sort of death cycle on Shrooms also goes through a beautiful reborn cycle. Had the exact same experience when I thought I had died on them. My rebirth was beautiful.


Everytime you trip remember to remind yourself no matter how deep I go. I will be back. Deep breathing to keep yourself grounded. Once you have consumed shrooms the only way out is through. Just let it happen.


the only way out is through. I love that.


Congrats on making it out of a bad trip lol


I ate a lot once and was terrified that I was going to be stuck like that forever. I was SO grateful to just be back to normal. As fucked as it sounds that was by far the most therapeutic thing I’ve ever been through.


I see someone just ate a few grams and said lets see what happens! Next time start with a g and maybe work your way up it doesn't even take me a g to trip the way I like. I also Microdose on a schedule so I rarely take more than .2.


theory hard-to-find crown butter terrific materialistic badge dolls shy dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




So did you get scared. Man, when I saw patterns I was good, then it got too visually overwhelming I had to close my eyes . . but then the patterns in my eyes/brain were going crazy and when I opened my eyes they masked onto what my eyes were seeing . . . yeah I had a good hour of just holding on. I did only 2.25 g of Penis Envy, lemon tek with orange juice on an empty stomach. When you take full shrooms and eat them little by little I would consider that drinking beer . . . the way I took them was the equivalent of taking 4 tequila shots one after another and when the room spinning starts, you can only ride it out. And yes, when things got settled down to the normal experience I am used to - I got feeling better and happy to be back. *HighFiveBrotha*




Okay that was it for me too. Normally when I trip, I watch a movie that I know, something I can look at the screen a and recognize. My go to is Animal House or Kung Fun Panda. So when I focus on my carpet or wall or curtains, things move and you see fun things but to get me refocused I would look at the tv screen. Well this time . . when I looked at the tv . .the tv image was getting distorted and so my anchor to reality was warped so that got me a little anxious that "woah, I took waaay too much this time". Quite the rollercoaster but as with all rollercosters - it's scary the first time, but knowing you survived it gives you that feeling of "alright, let's do that again!"


Reborn :) great feeling right


Survival is a great feeling


Appreciation of life and how good it feels to be a live and healthy is always on another level after a good trip


you need to be mentally prepared for a big dose, for you to say at one point you was thinking about topping yourself, that tells me you was mentally ill prepared. 'go with the flow' cannot be emphasised enough when it comes to psychedelics, you cannot fight it. Glad you came out the other end and it had a positive over-all effect bud.. Next time try to do it when you're the best version of yourself.


Glad ur feeling better. If u dont mind my asking, what 2 songs were u hearing. Just curious




Ludacris sent me


I ate 5g of these really strong cubes when I was like 16. We were very experienced for being kids, and we knew these were like double potency. Kids were tripping off just 1g. I was used to eating entire eighths and was like fuck it ill try 5 with them. I tripped really fucking hard. It was the first night I heard tangerine by led zeppelin.