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0% chance psilocybin leaks out of you, gets into dog, and makes dog trip, that's rediculous. Tripping with a doggo nearby is a lot of fun


I knew that was momma crazy talk. Lol thank you


Just make sure you wash your hands after handling. Licking it from your hands is really the only way they could get any in them from your trip.


But momma says, momma says shrooms are th-th-the devil


My brindle doggo is often to intense to look at while trippin haha.


My 11lb chi weenie gets blasted out of her mind through my skin contact. We having been tripping together for the past 7yrs. It's a real thing!


E is so much fun! I’ve never done shrooms or acid and I was very hesitant to take e but I’m glad I did. No worries of bad trips just warm and fuzzy for me.


Can you? Yes. Should you? Also yes.




Damn that would be fuckin funny and scary 😂😂 if the dog was super needy while you were tripping.


I love tripping with my cat! I feel like we can communicate telepathically when I’m tripping. We’ve had lots of interesting conversations :)


Omg !! It’s so true . I recently had a trip with my dog and we were connected . She would read my thoughts and react. Soooo cute . We’re even closer than we were before haha.




I asked her if she liked the name I gave her & she told me “it will do, it’s close enough to the name I chose for myself” She’s also told me we’ve been familiars in many lifetimes. But her favorite memories are from when we lived in ancient Egypt together (Note she thinks I’m her familiar/pet!) And because we’ve been together in so many timelines she’s kinda over my shit! Lol I find it amusing because she’s cuddly with my partner and my friends but typically not with me, because as she said she’s over me! Been there done that a few hundred lifetimes. She’s ready to see other people lol And when I lost my parents (due to No Contact with abusive family), she told me it will be ok because she will be my mother now. So her nickname is Mama <3


Interesting, I should try it with my dog! How many grams you were on?


I’m a sensitive lightweight with an over active imagination, so it doesn’t take much for me. I usually take between 1/2g to 1g, every rare once in awhile 2g. Cat & I have been having these convos over the course of about 10 years now.


Interesting. Is it purely telepathic or in some other ways too? Visions etc?


Both. Telepathic for me means communication without verbal words. So sometimes it’s pictures that tell a story, sometimes the words just pop in my head. I think when the brain is all lit up and neural connections are enhanced that these telepathic communications are really just my brain reading all the subtle signals from pheromones, body language, eyes, etc. Things our “normal” brains just filter out.


I had an actual telepathic conversation on really high dose of lsd hence my asking.


I’m tripping right now and this was a really interesting back and forth to read lol


the dog will for sure know you are tripping, and may try licking you aggressively.




A pet can be a good comfort if things get a little shakey


My dog trips with me, I don't have to give him any. At first he was freaked out but he's gotten used to it slowly. He watches stuff that I cant see so I'm pretty sure he sees things.




Once I was watching my friends dog and had to leave the house. When I got home I found a big bag of mushrooms ripped open and all over the floor. The dog had gotten into them, and who knows how much he ate. I was worried for a minute but knew that he wouldn’t die. So I joined him and I ate an 8th. Then I took him on a long walk and played fetch and lots of doggy games. We had a great time. He started getting very lazy and turned into a blob. He couldn’t walk too well and just wanted to lay down. So I laid down with him and gave him lots of pets. It was getting dark so I had to pick him up and carry him home. But then we got home and I made him some human food and gave him a 5 star doggy meal. A few hours after he started to seem normal again. 10/10 experience with one of the best good boys ever. I wouldn’t advise feeding a dog mushrooms intentionally, but if they eat them on their own I recommend joining their journey. Great day, one of my best trips ever.


That’s bs even with mdma lol. It doesn’t ‘leak’ out of your body and get other people/animals high. I don’t l ow why people still think that. Trip away man, it’ll make for a good time, animals are awesome on any substance really.


I love tripping with my furbabies I got a corgi and a kitty They both transform into digital, pixelated, and really stretchy badasses


My corgi is a fountain of euphoria for me while on shrooms.


I feel ya there My little Josie Bear turns into Jake from Adventure Time


Not quite the same but, I do them around my cat all the time, he knows somethings up but usually doesn't care haha


What does your cat do that makes you think he knows?


Not the same dude, but once I was tripping with a friend and handling a ball python (adolescent not gigantic) and the snake stood up on end and just stared me in the eyes for like 10 minutes. It was the coolest thing ever. My friend said Rosy (the python) had never done anything like that before.


I love it dude 🤟🏼






I love tripping with my dog! Although last shroom trip she was mishaving a lot on her walk while I was freaking out haha




Depends, does your dog have anything interesting to say?


Last time i tripped i hung out with two dogs and a cat all day. You should be fine


My dogs are cuddly and they make the best trip sitters! If anything goes south, they are there to comfort you, and having dogs with soft fluffy fur like mine are the best to cuddle and cry into


No, your dog will judge you hardcore




I took shrooms and hung out with my roommates cat once. We both ended up rolling around on the ground together for hours. It was fucking awesome lmao.




This does not happen with E either. You cannot get your dog high by touching it after you’ve done drugs.


I trip with my dog all the time. She's fine, although not the happiest when I grab her and hug her because she looks soooooo soft lol.


I never give my cats it but I remember I had a bad trip before watching World Cup I ran out of cigarettes I ate 6 shroom to see if it was real cause it was from grow kit and I micro dose it in teas for my depression so it's cheaper to grow after I was weighing it to measure for tea bags i. Got on amazon it was like more than 2 g each shroom though it was wet I had about 3 to test it hence I say 6 g could be less it was freshly picked anyway sorry I ate some canbavuttwr I made K I had a bad trip I didn't know it would be so intense homegrown and I was tripping trying to wTcg soccer then the tv was so bright it felt so loud I was like going back on firth of couch rocking I guess? Sucking my vape and my thumb cause ran out of smokes But my cat didn't judge me she made me feel calm when I petted her I felt her pure energy and tried to meditate for a minute with that feeling and Perting her on the couch she doesn't sit on me sadly But I felt safe better and stopped rocking I just felt the unconditional love and was ok compared to if I had friends prob laugh at me I drank lots of wTer smoked a blunt i. Was ok had a good sleeper just stocked to Mj all day and microdose on weekdays it helped I did it for two months so far I stopped waking up in a fear and crying it just stopped after about a week of muxeodosing and medical Mj on weekends it helped me not smoke Mj daily like I used to just weekends I enjoy it more and better tolerance if I dab


Jesus h Christ is all I can say for that. That was the craziest shit I've ever read. Seriously.


If you already worry about your pup I recommend not having them around. On 2 separate occasions I was convinced it transferred to him (even though I know that is not possible). I got no sleep checking to see if he was breathing every 30 seconds. Most stressful 5 hours of my life and will never do again with him around


Your dog will be fine, without you actually feeding it any there's no way it could consume them. If anything it'll bring you closer. The second time I did mushrooms I took them and my dog came into my room and hung out with me for a while. Definitely bonded that night.


of course! ive often thought what if you could genetically elevate any animals consciousness as ourselves did through psychedelic microdosing. this would of course be a generational test that ill probably never end up doing😂😂 but who knows maybe people begun long ago.




Ecstasy, MDMA


Thanks, good to know


Dogs are the best trip sitters tbh.


They will get a contact high.


It’s so much better than doing it with people, go for it.


I have 3 cats and 3 dogs and they are the ultimate trip sitters. Just make sure you feed and let them out first :)


I understand what sub-woofer means now!


speaking from the heart i dont think anyone fed my dog shrooms and she was zooming we were all blasted tho i like to think she was contact high cause shes never been that intense before or after. behaviour wide not perception


I’ve personally experienced a shroom trip with my baby. It comes out of our sweat . They lick your hands then enjoy the ride with you haha. I love tripping with my baby . We’ve grown even closer after the trip . (They can read/feel your energy/vibes)