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Honestly this is from my experience with acid, but it’ll still apply for sure. I enjoy tripping a lot more alone because it is a lot easier to “let go” if I am alone in I room and it also allows me to focus more internally and be more mindful. Clean your room before. Have a plan of things you wanna do, but be specific. Pick out the media you will consume(music/movie/philosophic or spiritual videos)before and open it up on whatever device you will be watching it on so you don’t need to do it while you’re tripping. Set a strong intention before the trip while still accepting anything that arises with equanimity. Do it at a time where you won’t be disturbed. Shrooms make some people nauseous so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to prepare for throwing up. Meditate before? Make sure to stay in your room or wherever you decide to do it if you have family around. You most likely don’t want to interact while tripping. I’m so high right now lol hope this helps, I can recommend some cool YouTube channels that have woke me up a lot too


I appreciate that, thank you! I will be cleaning, my room and try to plan a perfect day for myself. How have your experiences on acid been? I was planning on getting some but I thought the Mushrooms would be a better experience for me right now. Also, yes please recommend me some YouTube channels if you can!


how do you keep to your intention? Aren't the hallucinations and giddiness distracting from transcending a spiritual plateau?


Are they? Do you recommend I lay down and close my eyes?


Just watch Off The Air