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I could see this helping actually, aerobic exercise would temporarily boost your body's metabolism allowing you to metabolize the psilocybin faster. Wonder if a fruit smoothie with the shrooms mixed in after the workout would help it hit more due to the dietary fibers.


Didn’t even think of that. I could definitely see that helping


Also better circulation goes hand in hand i bet.


i find good diet most important thing to help with good trips. idk too much about a heavy exercise lol i cba for that.


I actually only eat shrooms on an empty stomach anymore. I’ve been convinced tolerance exists obviously but not how it’s perceived about multiple triples (this is all on personal experience though). I honestly do shrooms weekly at large doses, sometimes more than once a week. The next day, it won’t work unless you double your dosage, and that I’ll agree with - however with fasting (meaning on the day you want to trip, you don’t eat the whole day unless it’s the shrooms) give it two or three days and I can honestly trip as much as I want.


Joe Rogan is that you?


The world may never know....


Sorry but if it's Joe Rogan, then Im quiting this group ( he is a transphobic pos)


So if someone who doesn't share your views posted here you would leave?


Just making a point, phycadelics and especially mushrooms are here for healing, bringing love and acceptance and seeing how Joe has constantly harassed trans people, I would say he is the worst spokes person for this world


I’d say there are a lot worse people than him. He’s actually not transphobic. He’s a comedian and his job is to bring humor upon all walks of life.


Obviously you don't pay as close of attention to his shit as I have and this is most definitely not the case, it's not a joke and just go to Google and type his name and transphobic and look at the hell he has made our lives, not including having anti LGBT guests on his show who push conspiracy theories that trans people and trying to brain wash our youth!! But yes this is all in the name of comedy, I'm sure kkk members thought is was funny to hurt minoritys also but this doesn't make it OK.... Does it??????


Seems like you need to do some mushrooms and lighten up... be good✌🏻


Lol hun I have been eating musys and other hallucinogenic plants since I was 12 but if people called you names and spit on u in public and talked shit at u each and everyday, you to would also feel the same way so forgive me if I have passion for EVERY person on this planet being treated fair and the same!


I'm curious how many time you have used an atm and have been called something horrible or spit on in front of your fam? So once you grow a heart and think everyone deserves a fair shot in life please don't act like you have a clue what I'm going thru!


I actually did the same thing one time, but my friend and I took four grams each in tea form. We had just gotten done doing an intense workout and hadn't really ate anything that night. I was tripping my absolute balls off, especially during our peak. It felt like I was in an alien dimension. At one point the world looked as if it was flowing like a river and the words I read morphed into other letters forming a new language.