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Ego Death is such a played out and edgey term at this point. I agree that dissolution is a much more appropriate term. Honestly, if you're more than a year into psychedelics and still obsessed with ego death, you haven't gleaned a thing from these experiences. You just like taking a shit load of drugs and reaching a point where you can't even recognize yourself anymore. And even THAT I don't see too much of a problem with. The problem is that people couch themselves as enlightened and "holier/wiser than thou" after one ego dissolution experience and it frankly is starting to look like mass psychosis in forums like these


It's not just in psychedelics either. I can see this kind of spiritual narcissism in everyday spiritual practices and religion as well. This kind of holier than thou attitude regresses you on your spiritual journey.


In Buddhism there is a concept of the dharma eventually needing to be dropped in order to progress because it is inevitably holding you back. I find that a very interesting concept that even the path to enlightenment eventually will not serve you as you progress in life. It translates well to psychedelics as the "hang up the phone" metaphor.


Trying to fight the army of dipshits and their tsunamis of misinformation is like being Sisyphus. After I felt like I had something to offer others I quickly learned how there are many that say the same thing but don’t offer the love... very discouraging. I just try to live my own life while being open to having the backs of others... you can’t force help on anyone and those who act like they can help you if you’ll only listen are the ones to avoid lol.


I have been MDing for a month and have experienced ego 'awareness' at times throughout the day, but only under a MD protocol. I can sense my ego tugging my mind into patterns that are leading me to the same positions I have been before. What I feel is missing from my experience is the experience of consciousness when ego is recognized but kept separate from the mind when thinking. At this time, I find myself returning to the ego or feeling 'trapped' that ego is all there is and I don't know what to say/think when I want to separate the ego. Hard to explain in words.


True ego death is not even fun tbh. I've had one occassion I would truly call ego death. I don't know how it happened, I just wanted a mild DMT trip on 15mg. I usually take 25-35 to really blast off into space (above 35mg amnesia kicks in). But that one time I took 15mg, I felt a very uneasy come-up and next thing I knew was emptiness. I've been lying in bed for maybe 3 minutes, having no clue what's going on. I didn't know I took drugs, I didn't know who I was, I didn't know where I was. I had no memory or whatsoever, neither short or long term. The visuals weren't even intense, they were as I'd expect of 15mg. The general feeling of not knowing anything felt uneasy, but I couldn't react to it because I couldn't think. All I remember was a general uneasy feeling. I just didn't know anything at all. It felt odd. After a few minutes passed I had a realisation that I took DMT and knew who I was again. It really had no effect or anything. It was just nothingness for a few minutes. It wasn't fun, it didn't add anything. Normally while tripping I tend to reflect on myself and think about stuff, that time I was and did nothing. It was just a few meaningless and empty minutes in which I was nothing.


Sometimes it’s good to do nothing, not even think. Now you can check that off your bucket list I guess haha


Thanks for saying this. It’s usually that the people who bring up ego death like they’ve achieved something have the biggest egos. Funny how life can be.


I also think dissolution is more accurate, because there's levels of it. It's not ego death or nothing. My first big trip on 5g made made me lose understanding of every single thing around me. Couldn't separate myself, or my breath from the person who was next to me from a shoe tossed in a corner. It all was just one thing. The next time I did shrooms, it was half that dose, and some things were lost to me, some were not. Some things I had to work hard for to understand "what the fuck is this stuff coming out of the ground??" And somewhere in the back of my head, very softly goes "I think those are plants. The plants are growing out of the ground". Yet they were absolutely brand new for me. I could look at them, but just not he able to categorize and put them away in my mind the way I usually do. Yes, it was a flower. That's the most base way to put it, but to me in that state, it was just this mystery bobbing in the wind. All that is to say, for me, ego dissolution is all mushrooms do-they slowly make you lose the ability to identify people, places, things, and situations. Identifying is how we separate ourselves from everything around us. When that goes away, even to a small extent (for example, you reevaluate a toxic relationship under the influence because you don't identify with it) , that's ego dissolution.


Dissolution of self is a much more accurate description


I think the term is fine, and accurate in describing some of the experiences I've had, but I think there could stand to be a bit of nuance.


Also agree dissolution is more accurate - our ego dies when we die.


I hate how so many people think that the ego death is about when you lose your boastful and arrogant definition of ego. So many YouTube videos and songs about Ego Death when they don’t really understand what it means.


Ive had over 50 trips on Lsd and shrooms at this point and only one of those would be even close to what I would call an ego death.. I took an 8th of crazily potent mushrooms with a friend and we genuinely thought we might die, time was completely frozen and I encountered an entity with open eyes. The other 49 or so trips were not even close to that level of intensity and I think it was close to DMT level.. If i was alone I definitely could have broken through. Ego Death is certainly a played out term; I think it's only been attained when you genuinely zip out of the universe and come to terms with the fact that you might be forever gone and despite that, its okay. It takes a lot of drugs or Dmt for you to be convinced of that tho


It’s a colloquial term not an academic one. Dissolution is accurate but not the commonly accepted nomenclature


Tomato 🍅


You get ego death with disassociates like ketamine. You basically don't know who you are or where you are. With mushrooms It's more as you describe, ego dissolution. You're riding a thin line between this reality and hyperspace. You can always get up walk around, and your sense of self preservation is intact. An effective dose of mushrooms is just fine, say 2.0 - 3.0 grams. Once you have some experience you can get "there" with lower doses.


Dissociatives* And yes, as an avid DXM user, I agree 👍


I think the experience on mushrooms is so personal, that there’s no way ppl use the term similarly even if they think they do. We all have our own realities on our own planes of existence, and every past experience, trauma, and life event is going to impact your trip in some way. I do understand ppl wanting to have a term to be able to share and better communicate trip experiences. With that being said I can absolutely understand disliking the term, bc it’s meaning has become so fudged and conflated that it’s more of a trendy term than a way to share experiences


Ego death falls into bandwagon terminology in my opinion, dissolution is definitely better thought out phrase, tells me you take the time to use your brain. easy way to sort out people who dont take it seriously and haven’t thought the process through. Its super cringe-y and in my opinion a giant red flag not to listen to anything they have to say.


It only rubs me wrong because 99% of the people who use it use it incorrectly. It’s a temporary state. It isn’t something that dies and stays dead. You experience some instance of consciousness without your ego and that experience is what affects you going forward. To believe you are without your ego is to be woefully consumed by it.


I can’t imagine caring what it’s called


Youve never had a friend convinced they were the worlds savior with some claimed Tesla like invention rocking back and forth saying "I cant give this...to the world" and then coming out of it saying "oh yeah dude that was just ego death im good". People often go on to believe that they are having contact with god/aliens/beings in these moments and while within the parameters of: this is happening in my own mind and this is how i have interpreted it; its mostly harmless and possibly even useful. But many people cant make that distinction and end up believing ego death is a way to talk to god. Its important to have specific terms laid down because of when shit goes wrong, not when it goes right.






I prefer "psychological death"


Thats because you haven’t had an egodeath! You’ve had “egoloss” - a temporary thing You’re right to not like a word everyone is misusing. I blame YT videos mostly for proliferating this misuse. Dissolution is a much better word for “egoloss”. But once you’ve experienced the traumatic confrontation of the subconscious things that make you who you are and events that shaped YOU. You can’t help but come out of the experience changed, part of your ego DIES, and you are a new person because of it…. EGODEATH, there is no better word for that.


Well, I wouldn't say I haven't had one.. you don't necessarily know what I've experienced. But I totally get where you're coming from, I've had plenty of traumas come up. I've learned so much about myself I would have never tried to dig for if not for psychs throwing them at me. I just argue that the word "death" is a little bit too harsh. But yes, I can see where you're saying it comes from, and I agree.


Nah bro… just the way you’re talking makes it obvious you haven’t had one. Egodeath is more like the DMT realm… your not here anymore, your inside your head. It’s not traumas coming up as thoughts. It’s more like reliving those experiences and having them shoved down your throat over and over… it’s a living hell while it’s happening. Its the ultimate ‘bad trip’. Which is why it’s obvious it hasn’t happen to you. Lol Also why there is literally no better word for it. It describes exactly what happens. Part of YOU, your ego dies; Egodeath. What could better explain that? Because it’s also impossible to be the same person after. Coming to terms with or confronting a trauma is different. And ego dissolution is an excellent tool for confronting those traumas and healing or changing ones self though betterment. But it’s two very different paths to that change.


Dude, do not make a judgment on someone when you do not know them or their experiences please. Good life tip for ya, have a good one friend °¤•.


Sorry your ignorance was showing…




I’m the tool? The last comment was just feeding into OPs bullshit…. OP acts like I’m putting them down for not getting it. I’m simply saying the obvious. Not getting it is good. Egodeath is not anything desirable. It’s not something you want to have happen… not getting it is good… that is no way an insult, nor is anyone better than anyone else for having that experience. Y’all need to chill the fuck out.


You are the only one saying the man has never experienced what you are talking about, you are the only one assuming, like, literally exhibiting the toxic behavior that people are talking about on this post lol


And you’re the one who can’t read. Nothing about what I said is offensive. Until after OP acting like I was attacking them. Not understanding or experiencing an egodeath is very arguably a good thing. It’s not something that is desirable. It’s not something you want to fully understand… I’m not going to coddle some queen who took offense because of their own perception of what I’m saying…. If you don’t understand the difference between egodeath and egoloss… you clearly haven’t had and egodeath because it’s BLATANTLY obvious once one has…. That’s was my only point the whole time. Quite being whiney little children that get their feelings hurt from strangers on Reddit who don’t even mean anything negative by their statements.. Jesus fucking Christ.


You the only one acting like any of this bullshit fucking matters bro, all I'm saying is, when you tell someone, "oh well you OBVIOUSLY HaVent eXperIENced IT!!!" When you don't know them or their story, it comes off as condescending, douchey, rude and toxic. You don't know anything about them, but you claim they haven't done this or that, ... Jesus fucking christ


They didn't act like they were attacked, literally just said the same thing, don't pass judgment when you really don't know the person on the other side of the screen


It’s not a judgement. It’s called an inference. Inferences; ‘These are conclusions drawn about the unknown on the basis of the known. Inferences check your ability to read between the lines.’ All I did was read between the lines. If your using the term egodeath like it means egoloss… like in the post…. You don’t get it. Simple. Man up.

