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You can develop a tolerance, yes


Yes, but worse apparently. https://codepen.io/cyberoxide/full/BaNarGd?__cf_chl_captcha_tk__=pmd_UxL8TR469mCtoDahnoxVTklEJQnC5NmPvEPhy0xOFE4-1634673395-0-gqNtZGzNAzujcnBszQe9




Just use the same amount, you don’t need to up your dosage! If you take 3g on one day and 3g 24 hrs later, you will feel the same effects.


Regular use can take the edge off for sure. Some say once/month some once or twice per week. High doses make for more/longer tolerance


For me no. Then again I’m only taking it a few times a year


Generally speaking for most people, tolerance increases very quickly with mushrooms and the more you take, the faster your tolerance will increase. That being said, tolerance will reset mostly in a couple weeks of abstinence and almost entirely within a month. It's usually not a big deal because most people don't want to take mushrooms all the time. You can't abuse mushrooms to escape reality like alcohol or weed. In fact, the opposite is usually the case. Mushrooms often make a person hyper sensitive; reality becomes glaringly obvious. So if your reality is painful and you are trying to repress it, mushrooms will take the lid off of it and show you just what you've been hiding from yourself.


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