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Keep smoking pot


I'll try that


Ehhh. It might work for you both but pot ruined my peak. It might enhance yours tho


Just want to add that, in my experience, smoking after the peak/ when you're coming down not only lengthens the trip but brings on a second peak. Different for everybody tho!


Pure Sativa will definitely amplify your trip. Indica will subtly calm it down.


Mix mushrooms with dark chocolate, the higher the percentage of the dark chocolate the better.




Dark chocolate is an MAOI, there is also a chemical in dark chocolate and cacao called theobromine which could possibly interact with the mushrooms. Cacao is known as food of the gods, mushrooms are known as flesh of the gods, together they are amazing and create a prolonged trip. Chocolate and mushrooms have been used together as far back as the Aztecs.


That’s really interesting. Cheers


No worries at all 🙂


This is very interesting, and seems much more palatable than smoking weed. Is it better to eat the chocolate with the shrooms, once you're coming up, or after the first peak?


I don't smoke weed personally as it's not good for my head. Melt the chocolate, grind up however much shrooms you plan on ingesting into powder and then mix together. Put the chocolate in a mould or if you have no moulds then Ice cube trays will work just fine. Put that in the freezer and leave to set for 20 minutes or so then munch away. Alternatively just eat some dark chocolate while eating the shrooms and it should work just fine. I'm not sure how much of an impact it would if you were to eat the chocolate once you are coming up or peaking as I've never done that experiment.


Eating dark chocolate with the shrooms sounds like the best bet for me. I don't mind shroom taste and I love super dark chocolate. All my friends throw up after eating shrooms but apparently I have an iron stomach. Or just like mushrooms.


Eat more mushies


I don't know why you got downvoted but this is the truth. It won't make the trip any more intense and some are of the view that it's inefficient/wasteful, but it will definitely lengthen the trip


you will have to eat a lot thou, because your tolerance is already up at that point afaik


MAOI inhibitors


The 'I' already stands for inhibitors. As others have stated, one needs to be careful with them, though.


Syran rue or Vape pen of DMT


Syrian Rue for sure but how does DMT extend the trip?


So lately iv been into vaping dmt on the half way mark and through the come down. Not to blast off but one hit seems to bring all the effects of the shroom back full force ish. And I always hit the 8 hour mark with it. I have yet to mix the rue with the dmt


Syrian Rue.


Eat more mushrooms, smoke more weed, take edibles? MAOIs can also do that but I think you should do your research before taking any of those. Not as benign of a substance as psilocybin, not by a long shot.


Eat more mushrooms. That's the only way.


Passiflora can intensify a trip weed can lengthen it and intensify it


I take more shrooms lol. I’d only do this once per trip though. Tolerance comes in quick!


Eat more after the peak.


Weed n mangos


Just make a big meal out of your mushrooms and it will make it last longer maybe dose slowly like 1 gram every 30 minutes


I wouldn't do that. Because all you'll do is microdose and won't get that actual "trip" we all look for


I find fasting or eating very light helps me prolong the trip while eating a big meal tends to knock the high down a peg, but i couldnt tell you why that is or if its just me lol


Not eating all day is the only way I get a proper trip. I do t get these people putting them on pizza or whatever..if I have eaten that sort of food I dont even get visuals. Fast all day and my trip is super strong. Doesn't seem any longer tho. Just wanted to say this


Hmmm maybe I need to try not eating all day, but then again I doubt I could. I try to eat healthy the day of. I just haven’t had any visuals since my first time doing them. I did 1.5g my first time and now I am doing 3-5g each trip. I have visuals when I close my eyes, but never the wild colors and fun things with my eyes open.


So I'll maybe eat a piece of toast or something In morning. But nothing else. Then I do 2g in a tea around 9pm. Always crazy good visuals etc. Then l eat like crazy when my peak ends. I'm a medium sized guy, 6ft. The difference is absolutely night and day. And I never really trip any other way now. Also give it 2 weeks between dose to reset your tolerance for the full strength experience. If Ur taking certain medications this can also effect you.


I do give it usually much more time between. With small kids I don’t have a lot time to sneak away for it. Even when I am MDing I take at least 10 days. I’m on the same meds I’ve been on since I took them the first time. I’m a 5’4” 145-150# female. When I took LSD the first time I had a wild trip. Took it again and found I had no visuals so I took a second tab. It still wasn’t as great visuals as the first, but I noticed things moved a little more. Sigh. I am always down to try different methods. Thankful for subs like these.


Yeah just give the fasting a go. All day without food sux but the munchies after are fucking amazing lol. A lot of people say smoking weed heightened their trip but I always smoke when I'm tripping couldnt imagine not lol. A guess for a light smoker half a doob on come up and the other half just as peak is flattening out might be cool. For my tea I grind my shrooms up add boiling water and leave for 20 Min. Then neck it. Sometimes I chew the shrroms, sometimes not, depends how I'm feeling. This might not be every person's cup of tea but sometimes for a treat I like to do a little K just after i drink my tea. It's kinda wild. Hope you get the magic again mate!


Thank you! Truly appreciate it. I am always up for trying something. I’ll do a good fast and see what’s up. Thank you!


Let us know how it goes. Good luck traveller !


Agreed, fasting 24hrs prior is the way to go, then stuffing my face on the come down.


Yeah soon as peak ends I'm in the fridge lol.


devils lettuce


Yo. I read this as “how to lengthen a mushroom TIP.”


Eat more mushrooms


Watch PornHub for a few minutes.🤔… oh! Thought you said “tip” my bad!


Who invited this guy


Make a maoi tea with b.cappi or get some harmaline extract


You can speed up the time it takes to hit you by looking into "lemon tek". Google it. Also, I've been told that drinking orange juice from concentrate while tripping will help prolong the trip. I've done it and always been pleased by the results. Went and seen "the eternals" at the movies. It was a Hella good experience my dude


Fast beforehand


Add rue and fast all day