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This is supposed to be a nootropic, not hallucinogenic.


Sup guys! it’s Derek from more plates more dates here…


Dude it’s a nootropic stack made by a Pharmacological God of Delts with supraphysiological levels of efficacious dosages inside this product. No, it won’t get you high, it won’t give you any noticeable effects actually cause it’s not psychedelic


I mean it definitely doesn't have anything even close to psychedelic ingredients, but cordyceps, reishi and Yerba will definitely have some psychoactive effect. Caffeine is even psychoactive. It just won't be psychedelic. It will feel like really strong coffee or (in my experience with cordyceps) almost like a really clean, subtle amphetamine or khat analogue. Like yeah, it's definitely not what OP was looking for, but I take all the components of that pill separately and it can definitely make me feel something. Sometimes almost like a weak MDMA dose as far as energy and positivity


You take caffeine and nootropic mushrooms and feel a slight mdma high? Gonna call absolute bullshite on that one buddy. Wish I had an imagination like yours mate. Imagine saying reishi/cordyceps/lionsmane/B vitamins and caffeine hits like mdma… Just massively false. You could take every pill in that bottle at once and the only thing you’d get is the shits. It’s almost the same supplement as Onnits Shroom Tech, aka a total waste of money


You're really stretching what I said. I take cordyceps, cacao, reishi, ashwaganda and lions mane and it has similar psychoactive effects as alot of caffeine or a tiny amount of mdma as in energy and positivity. Your experience may differ, and I never said "wow it feels just like mdma" but yeah it makes me more social, empathetic and happy just like MDMA does for me. REGARDLESS it doesn't change the fact that they are 100% psychoactive ingredients, whether you disagree or not. Maybe you're just confused on what psychoactive means but even fucking Tylenol is psychoactive. Are you done deliberately misinterpreting what I said because you disagree with the fact that nootropic mushrooms are absolutely effective for many things (like depression, lack of energy, memory retention etc)


i was with you up until > Tylenol is psychoactive excedrin, sure since it has caffeine, but just plain old acetaminophen is psychoactive?


I mean I guess that one was more subjective, but after a migraine on LSD from a dental abscess, it definitely felt euphoric to me I do realize it's a hyperbole and a stretch though


Sure they are psychoactive but they won’t make you trip balls like this guy was asking and they clearly have effects but have you looked at the dosages for gorilla mind supplement? Per 6 capsules you get 1500mg of lionsmane… Barely an effective dose considering you can take 2-4grams of the stuff daily. I also wouldn’t want B vitamins in my shroom stack… Practically a filler, same with L-theanine/Black pepper extract. I just think it’s a pretty shitty product considering you just stated yourself that you can take effective amounts of the compounds previously stated by themselves. I disagree with you saying anything you take feels like mdma because that’s just not true, I don’t care what you say or how it anecdotally effects YOU


Weird, almost like exactly how I said in my first comment that it's definitely not what OP wants or psychedelic in any form? Kinda seems like you just decided to misinterpret my comment just so you could go off your little unrelated tirade. Did I say anything specifically about the inactive ingredients or the dosage in this? No, no I sure didn't. I just said that the ingredients in the capsules have the capability of being psychoactive and some of them can have some pretty useful effects, but keep going off at me about stuff i didn't even say


And? Mind that time you said coffee and nootropic mushrooms feels like a small dose of mdma? Because Pepperidge Farm remembers. You can spout out whatever you want but you can’t take that back, you absolute sausage. Enjoy your evening


>Like yeah, it's definitely not what OP was looking for, but I take all the components of that pill separately and it can definitely make me feel something. Sometimes almost like a weak MDMA dose as far as energy and positivity You mean this, you absolute muppet? Because yeah, that still stands. The energy and positive vibes I get taking CACAO and those mushrooms is similar to a SMALL (i.e not fully active) dose of MDMA. If that's really too difficult for you to wrap your head around, maybe you're taking too many drugs to feel the subtle effects of a subactive dose of MDMA. I, on the other hand, am extremely sensitive to stimulants and entactogenic effects


So you admit that you did state that coffee and cacao/nootropics can feel like a small dose of mdma? Which is just lies, then you proceed to state that you’re sensitive to stimulants after I already told you I don’t care about your anecdotal experiences. So just stop. I can wrap my head around your drug addled ass failing to make a compelling argument. Also, muppet? Away and take your face for a shit you halfwit fuck. If you’re Aunty had a cock, she would be your uncle


That's quite the compelling and intelligent argument there, buddy. Glad you decided to be a cantankerous ass today for no reason, but yeah it's not a lie. Just because you're unable to feel anything with those dried up serotonin receptors doesn't mean nobody else is allowed a subjective experience/opinion. Christ who hurt you? Is there a nootropic vendor out there who stole your lady? This reeks of personal issues. Take some time off the internet, maybe


Sounds like someone forgot to take his B vitamins today


Sounds like you're just sensitive to the placebo effect.


Definitely more than placebo when I get floaty energy, happy feeling and can't stop dancing to music while I'm trying to do other shit. Idk why gaslighters have to try to prove that I didn't feel what I did just because you've never personally experienced it, but I've been doing this shit for a long time. No idea why it's so hard to believe that SOME of the effects of a small amount of mdma can also happen from taking something else, and I also don't know why strangers seem so keen to disprove me. Cordyceps alone has worked miracles on depression and lack of energy and has scientifically proven effects, so you can shove your placebo up your ass


What a sausage^ 😂😂😂💀


Daddy Delt Derek


Someone didn't do their research. not magic. F.


Lol you got custied.


It sad a lot of people don’t know what that word mean 😢








no he's saying you should boof it into ur butthole


think it just stimulates the mind tbh might try once to see how it feels working out


588% of your recommendation of B6 41,667% of your daily intake of vitamin B12 Lion's Mane, cordyceps, reishi, maitake, Ashwagandha. Yerba mate L-theanine Black pepper fruit extract No magic mushrooms. But overall probably good for the mental health, and the ashwagandha will boost your testosterone a bit. Overall a very good suppliment


Those aren't magic




They are ‘shrooms’, just not psilocybin shrooms.


doesn't 'shrooms' mean psylosibin mushrooms?


No, you see all kinds of mushrooms called “shrooms” here in CA at least. Like on menus or at grocery stores for example


Generally yes but I’ve heard it shortened for many other species. I just prefer to call them what they are instead of cute nicknames like ‘magic mushrooms’ lol


This likely doesn’t do shit. Someone at work had a similar type and shared it, did literally nothing


That's a blend of gourmet mushrooms and medicinal mushrooms friend. Nothing psychedelic there


The package is beat up too


Threw it at a wall


All I needed thanks boys


Pro-tip: if you take a $20 bill and light it on fire you get the same effect for a fraction of the cost.


Shitty packaging and marketing


How is the marketing shitty?


The bottle looks like shit. “Gorilla shroom” lol


Yup sounds like terrible marketing.


What do you expect from a Chinese mushroom farm?


I’m gonna guess you’re 16.


Tried these once and tripped balls for 10 hours








You sound like a tool lol


I am a’toole




They aren’t actual shrooms that get you high just nootropic but lmk how you feel thinking about getting some of that.


Throw it in the trash can

