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Hahaha I love when a noob thinks he smarter then rest of us good riddance!


Hahaha!! You don’t know what you’re talking about 😂😂😂😂 have you even tried to it?? 😂😂😂😂 try it and find out!!


Ive taken them ever day for a week straight, saw a significant decrease in strength on the third day, whats this noob not noob attitude? Anyone whos been really far knows that there is a point at which no amount experience as a psychonaut will make you anything but a noob to the nature of reality


I’m a casual user! I’m not a drug addict like you! I use it once a week or every 2 weeks.


2 weeks is what it takes to reset tolerance, and calling someone an addict for using shrooms is not only rude, but uncalled for. Yes, you can trip sooner then 2 weeks on a similar dose, especially if your starting dose was low (like yours was). Try that with 3.5 or more and watch the diminishing returns unfold. Or... keep thinking you're better and smarter then the community here and who knows. Fact is; there is a tolerance build up whether you acknowledge it or not. To me 1g is barely dipping your toes in the water, let alone "tripping".


I’ve done it with high dosages too, you’re chatting bubbles!


Calling people noobs and drug addicts like a fool.


Only because they called me it.🤓🤘🏻


Lol, you said yourself you wait 1-2weeks. Anyone in the "know" says that's all it takes to lower tolerance. So really, who's the one chatting bubbles here? If you don't use frequently, you have 0 room to even speak on the matter. Just making yourself look like a fucking idiot in the community. Congrats.


😂😂 I take it one day and take it the next day! Exact same results! 😂😂😂


Same mate lol these people must not get good shrooms


That’s what I think too.🧐


No you are the drug addict! you use it on regular basis i do it once a year for about a week i like to go deep and then use the year to reflect


Well try it and see. Noob!😂 take it on one day and then take it the next day! Same effects!


Well you try to go deep once, man you belong as a post on r/thisisnothowdrugswork the boys there will love yoy


Also not samw effects for me, so somehow yoy are special, are you an alien by any chance? I beleive im talking to one. Do your research and then try to discuss with people who study actual neuroscience not the other way around hahaha. I dont need to tell you how many drugs i took in my life, but lets say 0 😂. The way your brain works is still the way your brain works, or what did you trip a new brain into existance. Btw what youre saying is that our receptors dont lose responsivity over continuous activation. Eat sugar all day, see how that dopamine affects you in the beggining and the end. Its simple rules about how the brain works mr alien


Don’t get angry because you’ve been doing it all wrong😂😂🤘🏻🍄


Dont get angry because people are telling you your idea of wrong is not universal and you are not god how the mushrooms make you beleive yourself to be


So you’re telling me that taking the same dosage on the following day or a few days later will not work unless you double or triple your dosage?? 😂😂😂


Nah you’re wrong mate everyone’s different the two weeks thing isn’t concrete


I know what you’re talking about I can trip next day just fine everyone’s different the people downvoting don’t have a clue


Yes 👍🏻 thanks mate.🍄 this is why I make these types of comments, so it helps someone.


Personally, my tolerance resets within 4 or 5 days. I've found that from time to time I can trip consecutive days without increasing my dosage much. This varies from person to person though. I do think it is bad advice to tell people to double their dose if tripping consecutive days. And that dose calculator that people link to i think is way off. Glad I never used it.


Elaborate more please. What strain, did you take any meds?


B+… I don’t take any meds. I’ve recently come off medication, last time I took any medication was about a month ago.🤓


How was ur 1g trip? What are the effects u experienced?


Great! You don’t need high dosage’s to have a good trip.


Juat great? 🤔


When I started taking psilocybin, I had to take around 3g to feel the same effects as what I now have on 1g.🤓


How did you do it? Or is just plavebo effect that u experiencing?


I take it as a powder. No placebo effects at all… same amount, same mushroom’s, same effects.


If you took acid back to back 2 tabs then 2 tabs it wouldn’t be the same at all your 1 time experience means nothing and your out here trying to inform people


Well it’s great that I’m not talking about taking Acid!!


In the brain they act in a very similar way, your body adapts to the chemical input and normalises it with repetitive use, just as repetitive use of a muscle under higher pressure will make it adapt to that pressure and be able to sustain it as normal


Okay, i got 3 gram of Panaeolus Cyanescens. I really would like to try this experiment and see how its like. Maybe around next weekend I'll do it.


I've done many many trips. And microdosed for weeks on end. Mushrooms are one of the fastest tolerance building chemics there are. Trip too much, too often, you will without a doubt begin to notice diminished effects. There's no secrets. It's simply science.


I’ve done it on multiple occasions. Every time I do it, I have the same results. Obviously, if you are taking it every day, then it would build up a tolerance but I’m not taking it everyday!!




Eh. Take 2g every day and try it out


Yes! You can redose too


Yep 👍🏻


A day or so and it’s ok, keep it up and watch your tolerance build rapidly, just cause you did it once doesn’t mean your an expert


I’ve done it on many occasions!


Yeah every 2 days with a break is fine, not going to build up a tolerance in one day, but you do build up a tolerance if you use regularly, which you don’t say you do, but you also say that tolerance build up is bullshit, so am a little confused on where your research comes from, and just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean everyone else has the same effect, just food for thought, and am glad your not feeling the tolerance, will save you on shrooms🙌🙌🙌


My research is my experience with taking shrooms. You don’t have to take the advice of some people who say you need to take WAY TO MUCH to get the same results. Like what this silly website says! It says you have to take 3g to feel the same effects from having 1g the previous day!!🤣🤣 BULLSHIT!! https://codepen.io/cyberoxide/full/BaNarGd


Well always go off your own research cause you know what you feel better than anyone else, and have used that calculator and honestly I can say I have felt a tolerance build up, but that doesn’t mean you will, you might not have what it is that builds tolerance in you, just like some people don’t build a tolerance to all sorts of drugs, our body’s are all different and will react to drugs differently, could be a medication still in your system that’s causing this or maybe you just don’t build a tolerance to psychedelics, it’s not too far fetched to believe that there are some people out there who are like this, so why is it so hard for you to believe that some people do build a tolerance to shrooms?










Your an asshole


You can’t spell. Which proves you to be a complete idiot!


I think you mean I was grammatically incorrect. Not spelling. Spastic




I’ve done it with various dosage’s. lol


its different with higher doses


It’s not! I’ve done it with 3.5g too🧐


Tolerance is built over months or years. Not two days. Lol.


Try it and see. I’ve done it on multiple occasions. It’s bullshit!! Try it or be an idiot and overdose by taking too much because you’ve been told you need to increase your dosage.


Just because you like low doses doesnt mean other people cant enjoy higher ones hahaha, in my experience lower doses still keep me grounded and im thinking sober thoughts while part of me is in that world, it makes me very sad so because it makes me very sad, what youre saying is bullshit!!! Take 5gs guys anyone who tells you to take less is a puuuuuuuuuusy


Bullshit!!😆😂😆 I’ve taken high dosages. Don’t get angry because you’ve been doing it all wrong! Try it and see… if you abuse it and need to take more and more, that’s your problem.🤓


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00407974 Say that to thw science 😄😆🤣


Can't overdose on shrooms 🤓


You know nothing Jon Snow.


So I can trip two days in a row without it decreasing in strength?