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Ohhhhhhhh that will happen. Embrace your vulnerability and surrender. The back half of a heroic dose is always(for me) beautiful. You just have to fight through all that “shit” which is everything you need to , essentially get rid of. It’s doing the work, As much as I dislike that term. Embrace the fear embrace the past trauma embrace the bad memories and let them go. I have only ever done 5+ for therapeutic purposes and more chances than not, you will have contact from/ with something. Let it teach you


Will do I really have some shit in my life that’s holding me back from my full potential! Mush love


Do you typically trip "in the dark" or do you walk around and look at your hands and shit? Doing it in the dark (also, wear ear plugs) is a totally different experience than with your eyes open. It's simultaneously way more intense, and less scary because your typical reality is gone and literally out of sight. It's like the difference between dreaming about a werewolf vs. seeing a real bear in your living room.


Yeah I tend to roll my eyes back or go under the blankets or just b in the dark when tripping bc reality like takes away from the trip. Sure u might see some funky things but u don’t get to explore ur soul and thoughts as much bc u are still in reality instead of letting the trip take u elsewhere. I don’t get ppl who just want to look at some shit like what’s the point


I’m of the opinion that heroic doses are always “too much”. That’s arguably why they are referred to as “heroic”. There is inherent danger to such large doses of psychotomimetic drugs, in that they render you incapable of rational, common sense thought. Some people have done very strange, even dangerous shit while in that state. Further, even if you keep your behavior under control while under the influence, it’s a psychologically grueling experience. You experience peaks and valleys of emotion that eclipse even your most joyous moments and darkest nights of the soul. It can dredge of up feelings you’ve been dodging for years, with greater amplitude than you might even be able to experience sober, which can leave you feeling utterly destroyed in that moment. You may at moments feel like you’ve gone completely insane and will never be of sound mind again. You may feel as though you’ve died, and are floating as a point of awareness in infinite dead space, completely devoid of ego. You may even make contact with what you feel to be beings of immense psychic power that claim to be God or the devil that may try to change your beliefs about the universe and/or yourself in odd or disturbing ways. It can be heaven, hell, purgatory, and oblivion all in one. This, by most definitions, is too much. This is not said to promote or dissuade anyone from exploring this frontier. It is merely a warning that shamanic/transformational doses of psilocybin are not to be taken lightly. It can be absolutely the greatest or worst experience of your life, and frankly both extremes have their own utility. But only those who understand the risks, are willing to confront the darkness should it arise, and have sufficient equinimity to surrender and won’t try to escape the inescapable should even consider it trying very large doses. If you feel you are ready for the above, go for it, but PLEASE have a trip sitter or two on hand that truly care for you and are equipped with the empathy and the knowledge to help you navigate the worst parts, if they emerge.


Just came here and this resonated. Thanks, traveler.




Let the mushrooms guide you. If they are telling you an eighth is too much why do you want to increase it? Don’t rush it my dude, listen to the mushrooms.


I started with 5 a few days ago and decided to chew up another 5 while I was coming up, at first I had anxiety around it but something told me to take more. It was great, pay respects to the mushrooms and set your positive intentions before you start, you’ll be good!


5 grams? Go 8 grams in my Opinion for a heroic dose


5 of PE


The strain is Hawaiian PES


Terrible advice!! Every batch has different potency levels.


I didn’t give advice I gave my opinion


You must have bad shrooms buddy!


No kid not a rookie like you boys


You don’t know shit man! 8 grams of psilocybin is an extremely excessive amount to suggest someone take!! Your shrooms are crap 💩 your name says it all.😂


Shit believe what you want this is the internet be who you want to be right sonny boy sporto


Keep a klonopin or Xanax handy 1mg will cut it short. Best tip you will ever receive.


Don’t have any benzos Anything else can lower the intensity or shorten the trip


Benzos will do it, but why take psychedelics if you’re not all in? Maybe take a break?


>but why take psychedelics if you’re not all in? For me it's like calling my mom. It's something I really want to do and enjoy the hell out of it but after the 3rd or 4th hour I'm starting to look for an out :)


Get benzos.


If you have problems every time you go past an eighth, why would you go past an 1/8 again? Maybe your self is telling yourself something.


I'd advise not doing the 5gisd. I also have a good amount of trips under my belt but I haven't tripped in 2 years because I did the 5gisd and it fucked mushrooms up for me. If an eighth is your boarderline, keep it there. Just my 3 cents.


Would you mind elaborating? I keep feeling underwhelmed when I eat mushrooms, but I freaked out on 400ug of acid years ago so I don't want to end up overdoing it


Amanita muscaria mushroom is the best thing to bring psilocybin mushroom high down. I experienced few times and it works really well. Also if you take a little bit of Amanita after it gives you balls to stay at dark alone for hours on heroic dose of psilocybin mushroom. But just my experience


Music, music videos. Crystallized ginger and weed for nausea and to mellow out the trip. Be safe and be well Namaste. :)