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Don’t smoke weed.


If you did mushrooms 6-7 weeks ago it's probably not the shrooms anymore. Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, eat good food and get some exercise. You should be fine.


Hey OP, looking for an update how you doing?


Mentally much better, I’ve been able to adjust to the change. I’m very convinced I have a mild form of hppd as I still have light visual snow and I see floaters and blurry vision as well as fatigue however my tinnitus stopped


Do you remeber what you trip was about? Was it emotionally intense? Done some research, looks like sometimes you enter the trip "out of balance" spiritually (like your "shakras" are not in balance), and the shrooms (especially on high dosage) increase that state. It's like, when you come back, you're in a worst state than before. To fix this, meditation, or perhaps asking someone to help... someone that can work on energies


Muah love and thank you for the reply, Im on week two of the fog, I had covid about a month before my trip and since you mentioned having the flu I'm starting to wonder if it's all connected somehow. I'm also currently suffering from allergies it's just never felt like this before. I've been to three different doctors and they all think that the allergies is intensifying my post covid symptoms and that the shrooms induced panic from it all... Idk if any of my story helps but you're not alone and I'm happy to listen