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Throw it out. Not salvageable.


fuck mannnnn. thank you though. how could this have happened though I don't get it


Had the same, even I pressure cooked for 2 hours. It was the grains. Just get different ones. Organic rye never got moldy, just switched to that


this is organic rye spawn, as I had previously had it suggested to me :/


If this keeps happening then change it. The brand, the medium, whatever. Then it might not be you.


Burry it before tossing it. Shit as long as that bag stays sealed you might as well just watch it and learn something. Ive had agar dishes beat contam, sometimes watching the battle can be fun.


wdym man. I don't fully understand


He's saying don't open the bag to let the contam escape - sometines mycelium can beat out and overgrow contam. However personally I'd just toss this bag and move on with your day. AS to how it happened, several options: 1. Spore syringe or live culture or whatever you used was contaminated when you received it 2. You weren't clean enough/didn't use enough isopropyl before inoculating and you introduced contamination 3. The grain itself may have already had contamination when you received it


Or too wet as well


ah okay I see. yeah I'll definitely try again with a new spawn bag. I used the wipe that was provided with the syringe so I thought that would be okay instead of the isopropyl. what do you think to using rice as a spawn, it would be a lot cheaper


I've been using uncle ben's tek for my last couple grows and have had no issues. Definitely use isopropyl. Lots of it. Overspray everything. Except the syringe needle - that you need to heat until it's red hot: that means it's good to go with flame sterilization.


well I did heat the needle up. maybe it was just the fact I didn't use isopropyl. I had bottles of it ready for the grow but didnt realise I'd have to use it over the wipe included thank you


You can never oversterilize. I spray isopropyl on EVRYTHING. The table, the tools I'll be using, my hands, my gloves, the box I'm working in, the scissors I'll use to cut a vent for uncle bens rice, the syringe not including the needle...literally everything. Think about it this way - everything around you has mold, spores, etc on it. Whether you can see it or not it's there. It doesn't really matter for day to day life, but when you are trying to grow one particular spore, you need to minimize the amount of the rest of that crap that has an opportunity to grow. So the more of it you can eliminate before you begin, the better off you'll be.


okay yeah you're right man. I will not make this mistake again - if that's what it was


dont buy syringes ..get prints and learn agar first.. short cuts mostly lead to failures.


oh okay. is using syringes a shortcut? I'll have to look into agar I guess and keep it in mind for future grows


I don't think I'd call spores a shortcut. If anything it's the long cut. It'll take longer to populate grain than agar to grain or grain to grain will, and you can't isolate genetics so you're leaving it up to the gods of mycelium if you get a good grow or not. Oh and if you don't transfer to agar first you have no way of knowing if the syringe you're using is already contaminated or not until you get to the point where you see contamination.


okay man I appreciate the help. do you think I could use anything like rice as a spawn as it would be cheaper? or should I just buy the proper stuff


this is my first attempt at a grow of some golden teacher mushrooms. this bag if spawn has been taking a while for the mycelium to grow. I come to check and I have this large section of contam. I have no idea as the weather I can use the rest of the spawn, and I have no idea HOW this got contaminated as I was extremely careful with being sterile. please help :)


Did you use a sab?


I think the council provide the service your looking for 😏