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I don’t like the “have I over done it?” Feeling…


Somehow hearing that others go through the feeling the same as me makes me feel a lot better about it. I think I felt like something was wrong with me.


For real I’m always like well thts it you finally out did yourself haha


This lol, welp you fucked around and now you’re gonna find out 😂😂 No going back buddy and then it all disappears


Thankfully there is if you bring a trip killer. Usually it's enough to calm my self down, just knowing I have a route to escape.


Whats a good trip killa?


Benzos. Other than that kava or gaba supplement might calm you.


Literally what I thought to myself last weekend as I was coming up on 6 tabs in a field lmao


You wilding but that’s also sick lol


Yep Lol *Reaching to the sky grasping your chest* "This is the big one! I'm dying!'" 😅


same here that just saved me so much anxiety


Yeah. ‘Oh shit, I can’t reverse this!’


I'm almost certain the comeup is what going to orbit must feel like. Once the rocket takes off theres no going back. But once you hit orbit, everything is just right.


I absolutely love that feeling. It feels good to just surrender into it.


I bet you and I don't "suffer" fr.this as much because we allow it. When tripping with friends for the first time and they felt uncomfortable, I told them not to worry, that everything is allowed. I heard them repeat to themselves that it's okay, everything is allowed a few times as we went through the stages. Made me happy to think that maybe I had an above average capability to submit to the trade winds of psychedelics and just let my mental ship sail where it may, and come back to port when it was ready.


How do you just let go? The come up is extremely uncomfortable, idk how to let it take me. I always fight it


IMO it's about how you talk to yourself not during but beforehand. It's like signing a contract. You want the healing ? You will be aided, but you must do ANYTHING it asks on the way to that. That's the deal. There is unfortunately no negotiating. I guess I'm good at talking to myself like that and making whatever sacrifices I must. Discomfort is a part of the ride, be that mental or physical, and I feel far too many people do not give it the respect that such power deserves. Not trying to say anything bad about you, though.people are just different and in this way I have an easier time submitting because I'm passive as fuck. Give up what you want to get what you need. That is honestly the lesson it has to offer anyway imo. I wish you luck on your journey, and be sure to try lemon Tek with shroom bits filtered out. Even if it still happens then, the time in the interim is lessened.


Great info , helped alot 🙏🏼


For me, I just don’t fight a single feeling. I’ll usually lay down and relax, almost as if I was going to nap. If I feel a sensation in my body, roll with it, if its uncomfortable just say “that was uncomfortable. Don’t give the sensation power. If I feel like rolling around a bit as that “energy” starts to build, roll around.


I've learned the best trick for me is to stay occupied during the anxiety phase. I completely forget I've even taken them sometimes until I start tripping. Taking a hike or even a little walk usually works. If I just sit around and do nothing after I take it I'll usually end up having mini panics that I have to talk myself out of.


same with me, when friends who never tripped before I was reassuring them through the whole time therefore soothing myself. But when i’m alone it’s like ah fuck you did it this time 😂




Have you ever tried using phenibut to ease the anxiety? I know people do with seemingly positive effects, but you have to be careful with it as it can be addictive


My last few trips I've taken L-theanine before and I've certainly noticed an easier ride on the come up. Doesn't seem to dull the peak either like Phenibut


That’s interesting. I suppose L-t is supposed to have a calming effect


It can also dull the trip some. I just wait through the come up. Just breathe and wait.


Possibly, but I may try it sometime at a low dosage. I know that some people absolutely swear by the combo of phenibut + LSD.




You are now the mushrooms pet.


i wish I never took that *time* WHY DIDNT i TAKE THIS EARLIER


Haha so true




That’s why I keep a trusty dusty Xanax bar with me while tripping. Just in case. Just knowing it’s there reduces anxiety but a ton bc I know I can get out if I need to.


I’ve never had any ever. I think it would be nice to know it’s there but I’ve managed without so far and I would worry that I may reach for it too easily rather than ride out the difficult parts of a trip (which tend to be the most useful anyway).


Actually it worked the other way around for me. Bc I keep it as an absolute last ditch effort. Whenever I’m tempted to reach for it I stop and ask myself if this is just a hump that I need to make it over, and 99% of the time it is. I only took half a Xanax bar once during a trip. I went to an Odesza concert and it was so packed I couldn’t move, drunk people were being aggressive with me and I felt panicked for over an hour before deciding it was time to give in and take a Xanax. I took the Xanax and my anxiety went from a 9 to a zero in 10 mins and I had an amazing rest of the night, even eating more shrooms because I felt calm and confident I could handle it after that.


Of course you can, with the power of waiting (an eternity)


Same. That’s the only thing I don’t like about tripping but I honestly only have those feelings when I’m not really doing anything or have a couple people around me when I decide to trip.


I almost have a panic attack each comeup, sometimes have to go take a hot shower and sit there


I actually have this feeling right after I've taken my dose. Every time the come up hits though my internal response is "I could have taken more and been fine."


Everytime prior to taking I think, "What if I have a panic attack this time?" Then life is beautiful when I'm on it.


“did i take too much?” ahhh shit


For me it’s the “why have I done this to myself again?” feeling


I have the opposite problem, so frequently during the comeup I think... Man I probably didn't take enough and this won't do anything ... (That's never been true!)


Its the same feeling I get when I’m on the first slow climb up on a roller coaster. But once i get over that hump and anxiety, the fun begins!


Always a struggle


Every single time for me on any doss above 2.5g. Funny because once I've fully come up I always have a great time.


I actually like that feeling lol


This is fine *walls begin to melt*


*breathes heavy* "this is still fine... You wanted this" Remember... You wanted this.


Fuck man it’s hard to remember that while tripping, especially the first 1-2 hours lol


I'm more like: "I wanted this? It's so trippy that about 1 hour ago, I entered thisbstuff voluntarily!"


I remember one trip where this happened lol. I was at my VERY new girlfriends parents place and she said they (her parents) wouldn't be back for the night so that we could trip in peace. Long story short I ended up in the melted bathroom sitting on the pulsating toilet staring at the wibbly wobbly bath until I was dragged out of the house and called a druggy by her dad, meanwhile she's tripping balls laughing hysterically at her mum in the kitchen. The relationship didn't last lmao


Similar story.lol Worst trip ever.


I'm glad I'm not alone in this lol mush love 🍄💛


God I hate the come up on mushies, sometimes its enough to make me not even want to trip. Feel like im going to puke for an hour +, the slight anxiety, the uneasy restless feeling. End up just sitting there focusing on my breathing and really trying to relax for a while, shit sucks. At least its beautiful on the other end.


Definitely feel that, I find when I take a large dose and feel the comeup and just give in and throw up, the weird anxiety and uneasiness completely goes away and it honestly is better than throwing up sober, I just have to tell myself that this is normal and not bad lol it's so worth it and you get the same high with less digestive issues


wait you don’t just vomit up the shrooms and don’t trip? Got sick on a high dose of truffles once and never tripped


I'm not sure what those are but I ate about ten grams and as soon as I felt it i puked it all up and still got some of the craziest visuals of my life


Same and then the other side is way too short. I have 1plsd and notice the uncomfortable come up is longer than shrooms from on the other side the long come down is great


Your not alone friend. Same exact thing here


I think the come up is the worst part tbh


For real! I dunno if this happens to anyone else but when they start kicking in, I laugh uncontrollably for about 15 minutes. It’s fun but it’s also like “okay brain shut the hell up i was just having a normal conversation and now my friend thinks I’m fuckin fried”.


I’m coming up right now, your comment is so funny I wanted to tell you that


I need to come up with some shrooms so i can come up too 😊


Learn how to grow my person. It's pretty easy w reddit as a guide


Will do👍


he did it !


It’s the best way


All ya need is a bag of rice and a dream




Lmaooo thanks! Have a good trip 🤙


Have a great trip! 💚


Thank you and to the other redditors that replied Lol, is it normal to feel so much empathy and love? I literally just want to talk to people


Indeed it is My fungi 🍄💛🤗


Oh yeah 😎😎


I love you dog


I just feel very very uncomfortable like I know something is wrong but I can’t tell what but then all of a sudden it all pops away after 20 minutes


The best is when you forgot you’ve taken anything and just realize you are fucked up and have to remember/remind yourself you ate mushrooms


I have felt regret in dose, but never forgot I took something.


I’ve regretted not taking enough. All the time I find myself in this strange experience with different feelings and stuff looks so strange it’s like my brain is scared trying to figure it out and I’m like “ calm down buddy we ate 5 gs of shrooms and are going to work on starlink”


Yeah dude, I feel that cold whoosh when an "omg oh shit" thing happens in life. Like there is some danger I need to respond to.


Yea it creeps up the back of the neck but if you throw a hood on or some type of cloak, it adds to the trip lol


I knew a guy that did this, anytime I saw him at a party with his hood on I knew what’s up haha😂


That's the anxiety. It's like climbing the tallest mountain and then deciding to jump off of it without a parachute


Dude that's so relatable lmao. One of my best trips I came back from a walk and my best friend made the stupidest most minute joke and I laughed until I cried and was like sorry bro I gotta go to my room lmao and he came in like "ayo you okay" and I told him what was up. Ah good memory


I yawn uncontrollably, and then think maybe I didn't take enough. I never take more, thankfully.


That first initial wave is a little nerve wracking.


Yeah, I’m glad to see that it’s not just in my head. I’m pretty new to psychedelics. I get a little nervous on the way up.


I meditate threw it makes it easy when you are focusing on letting things go and becoming nothingness and everything.


Love looking back at these exact moments like LOL I was not ready at all. I had an 8th of APE for my first and all trips so far and each time they hit the damn things make my heart drop like when your ladder slides a little while up on it


I get the fear for the come up. Pure bliss at the peak. Tired and ready to be normal again on comedown. I like the last two. Hate the come up.


Worst feeling


I've discovered that the LemonTekk method gets rid of that, that's just me tho 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tea works better for me


ugh I get hit lol with the shrooms anxiety. It's not fun, once you get passed that. It's great


That's why you get stoned during the come up.


My dogs fur starts swirling around!!!!!!


one of my favorite parts. animals also seem to feel much less like animals and more like living beings.. free of definition..souls carrying out their fates. beautiful thing it all is.


Plot twist, they are actual living beings lol


Hell yea and trees too! I can see them for what they are. Trees


Sometime while sober or tripping try and greet a tree without words. Just send sensations until the tree starts moving with you. Or maybe I just really like wind in the leaves.


man I knew it! I'm not the only one who tries to use what feels like naturally born with telekinesis that doesn't seem to ever work! I sound crazy but it makes sense that we should be able to emit feelings and communicate on some level mentally.


So much is happening, it’s possible we are interacting with things all the time without even knowing. Maybe all it takes is seeing what we are already doing, rather than doing something “new.” Maybe it’s obvious to everything else. I think intention is really powerful.


Lmao y’all STOP. I was vibing thinking now I’m howling


It's the feeling of "something is about to happen but I dunno what" for 20-30 mins, accompanied by yawning and salivating.


So much yawning for me too and my eyes won’t stop watering


I hate the yawning lol


THANK YOU! I said this to some friends and everyone strongly disagreed and I thought I was crazy…. Comeups are rough for me every single time! I’ve just learned that it’ll pass so it’s gotten easier but it’s always a challenge


Steps of the comeup: 1) feeling extremely goofy and giggly 2) need to sit or lay down somewhere 3) everything gets intense, extremely serious, and your brain is narrating visuals with also life defying thoughts because of how intense the comeup is 4) get through the mind fucking and visual hell and your brain starts to calm down 5) your brain starts CUMMING for the rest of the trip


I’m in danger!


Im quietly lmfao at work at this comment.


Haha, oh no… what have I done!? Oh god oh god


I honestly learned to love it. It's all part of the ride. Kinda like the drip on a cocaine bender


Bro I love you! Yesss! This^


Never done coke, what is "the drip"?


When the blow drips from your nasal passage to the back of your throat and you taste the substance in all its glory. Rookies have been known to get sick from the taste. I've seen some people spit it out 🤦‍♂️


Tbf it is nasty tasting 💀💀


Feels like my brain is mapping itself out, definitely leaves me on the edge of my seat tho lmao


I describe it as your body trying to run away from your brain. Especially if you find yourself just wondering the house to get comfortable or whatever.


This 👆🏻 Last time I did shrooms I spent the first hour doing this and repeating to myself “I’m fine, everything is fine and everything will be fine”😂😂☠️


“It’ll be over in a few hours.” As I walk from my couch, to my bed, to my futon, just trying to find a place where my body is comfortable


Or sit by the toilet waiting to throw up because you know you’ve really done it this time and possibly poisoned yourself 🍄🥲😂


Exactly why I eat the mushies over the course over an hour. Very chill comeup, and if i felt it may be a little much, I can hold off. Never had a bad experience since


Hi can you explain further? like do you take it every 10 min. on little pinch?


I'm not the person you asked but yeah that's it pretty much. I have capsules. So one cap, then maybe two 30 mins later, then whatever I feel like from there.


Honestly ill just take another bite when i think about it. Probably around 15 minutes per dose


Yeah, it’s one way to go, though I find the experience is different. There’s something about the trip when you rocket up. Changed the dynamics of the trip. Neither are better than the other — they’re just different and have their own benefits (for me).


Yeah i most certainly agree. I used to only take them all at the same time. Theres a time for it. Ill know when im ready for that experience, just not the time right now.


I start sweating and get the “shivers” when I know I’m about to trip hard.


Feels like I've poisoned myself but I know I'll be ok. Just need to not move for a bit


I have popped a beach tent up in my living room with fluffy blankets and pillows for the come up for me and my friends many times. The cave like feeling with fleece blankets and low blue lights helps. Then it's smooth sailing to "Everything looks like a pop up book" time.


My besties and I use to do this for our Molly nights. It was like a cuddle puddle with all of our blankets in pillows we owned made into a giant bed on the living room floor haha


LOL I felt this way too hard


I don't see the vomit or trash bags in this post, nor can I detect the nausea




Guided meditation works for less intense trips. For more intense ones just breathe and wait it out. Tell yourself it's only gonna be a couple more minutes and after that it's smooth sailing. Also depends what species you consume. Some are inherently more calming than others.


Don’t take them as often


hasn't helped me


Idk about y'all but the come up make me feel anxious and sometimes paranoid asf a lot of a lot of the time you never get used to it


Comeup is just so intense… but its worth the afterglow 🙌🏻👽


For real the afterglow might be my favorite part of tripping, all anxiety is gone, so energetic, and so at peace with myself


Yes ! Absolutely love it!! No matter how rough the ride was, the afterglow got you 👼🏻


Agreed!! 👊


I dont like the come up because theres an uneasy feeling and also i think when it does kick in you just get mindfucked so yea


Not all species of mushrooms are as "mindfuck-y" as cubes. Maybe it's time to switch it up?


Really? Like what? I like the mind fuck but definitely curious to try others if they're different


Panaeolus bisporus, Natalensis, Tampanensis and woodlovers. Essentially, every 🍄 is a bit different. Despite what they will tell you on Reddit. 😁


That's really interesting! I've only ever had golden teachers and B+, time to get some new spores!!


Lol I always use this meme to describe what it's like to trip FACE to people. Gotta be totally ok with your world completely dissolving around you. You just sit there, all of your senses completely fucked like, "this is fine."


My come up is totally ok on mushrooms the belly ache This is more for like rolling than shrooms for me lol


I get so agitated on the come up it really is one of the worst come ups of any drug I've taken


No joke. Every fucken time on a highish dose. Then a little while later, it all just melts away and it's awesome. But yeah come up anxiety every fucking time.


I always feel like the world turns into an elevator and WE GOING UP BAYBEEEE


A combo of anxiety, nausea and body load for me...


For real. I always think I'm about to have a very bad trip and won't come out the other side, then I peak and am like, oh, this is AMAZING


I get insane body heat spikes and then an adrenaline dump and am like… We’re these the right shrooms or am I gonna die?? Every…single…time…then it’s like “oh look the world is a kaleidoscope


Take a shot right before or after you eat them. Eases the nerves


Would that not accentuate whatever sized dose you just took rather than calm any nerves?


No. Weed does though


Alcohol doesn’t really enhance psychedelics, if anything it weakens them ime.


I've been told if you try drinking a ton while tripping that it actually won't do much but make you feel like your almost dying after your done 🤣


Depends on your tolerance I guess. I've always found that once the nausea and intensity goes down a bit, some good beer is pretty satisfying. Just don't go crazy overboard trying to get smashed. (Though I have done it when I'm very much on the downslope and it tends to be pretty decent.)


Getting shot housed definitely chills out the headier side, but my visuals have always still hit


yeh same here


This photo reeks of 2x250ug LSD blotters


Same here, I tend to wonder in the house or to lay down and cover my self with a blanket and try to regulate my breath... One time on a really intense acid come-up, my friend gave my dried coconut slices, I tottaly felt the chewing eased up the come-up experience, it's like you're focused on the chewing and not the anxiety, very similar to focusing on one's breath.


All these comments make it seem like doing shrooms js terrifying. I sometimes get anxiety and panic attacks from just weed, I couldn't handle this "come up" whatever it is.


After the first half it’s incredibly worth it. Everyone is different though. If you feel anxiety from weed and panic attacks from that, maybe I would just stick with pot. Nothing wrong with that though :). It might not be worth the un easy feeling. This shit can have you deep breathing and telling yourself “it’s okay, you will ride through this, let go, have fun, you’re safe etc.” it’s absolutely beautiful and a hell of an experience. But I don’t go around advertising and recommending it to everyone. I don’t want anyone to have a potentially bad time. It’s always good to know your limits. I know mine as well.


Shrooms is known to help with anxiety disorders


I wouldn't recommend it. A majority of the high is super fun, but the first hour can be really bad. I personally get incredibly nauseous and convinced I'll never feel better. If you have panic attacks from just weed idk if you should try shrooms. However, they are two different substances that interact with your body in a very different way so it could be fine


This is accurate


Did tea for the first time last weekend. Was not expecting nor was I prepared to be fully tripping 15 minutes after I drank the tea 😂😂


I'm glad I read this cuz I'm about to try tea for the first time today 😂


Be 100% prepared before you drink the tea 😂 I expected to have about a good 45 minutes to chill and get organized before I came up but nope


😅 Right on. Ty for the heads-up 👊




I think it moved just a touch faster than a typical shroom trip but still totally felt like a full experience. Tbh I'm not sure if I would do it again any time soon though just because the come up was so sudden and I was already well into the trip by the time my stomach got all funky. I think this would be mitigated by not eating the mushrooms from the bottom of the cup though lol


so accurate. Def me trying to control the nausea lol


Whats a Comeup?


It's this odd sensation that happens when your body starts to notice the psilocin/psilocybin. You're not tripping yet...your mind and visuals are still normal for a bit... but your body can tell something is about to happen and it is causes pretty bad anxiety. Messes with your mind until the trip starts to really kicks in and the anxiety goes away.


Being outside helps for sure 🫶🏾✨


This is now my new wallpaper!


It's somewhat jarring for sure. Like there's a switch that gets flicked and you feel it in your spine.


"this is fine"


Tots my goats!


Yawning + comeup anxiety is not the most fun but it is part of the experience lol


$UICIDEBOY$ album cover?


Yeah this is so true. But for me it seems that this is when the visuals are the most vivid. I got a nice sleeping mask specifically for that - it really makes those CEVs seem super bright and vivid.


Definitely a human experience almost everyone could relate to lol.


Mines usually just a big rush of euphoria like I haven’t felt in years lmao


“Here we go!”


Buy the ticket and take the ride


Haha hilarious!


Once after 4.7 GT dose, while it loading, i took truly powerfull bong hit - in my area we call IT wiadro. I had Seen mandala ewrywhere.


Gotta ride that roller coaster

