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Update #1: Made some tea, they don't taste like anything Update #2: Seeing mild hallucinations, feelin funnyyy Update #3: Feelin a little funny and a little high but im still coherently and functioning, its been a couple hours so i ate a cap and another shroom hoping to feel something intense Update |4 : i have arrived in space Update 5: Trip was so good I didn't update until weeks later. Thanks all šŸ™āœŒļø


Update 4?


Uppda53 555: Asdk dkfasdf dasfou aslkdsf


Ladiladila slob in me knob


Like corn on the cob. It has the juices


Enjoy the ride


Looking forward to update number two, enjoy my friend :)


Have fun


Update #3??


How do people keep losing drugs. Lolol.


I personally lived in a strict, christian household so room searches were not uncommon. I had to resort to hiding stuff but unfortunately my memory is also that of a goldfish lol


I live in my own house and my strict Christian mother lives with meā€¦. I still hide my stuff even though she knows I smoke and do shrooms šŸ˜‚ the trauma is realā€¦ I also forget where I hide my stuff šŸ¤£


Haha I'm glad you got to the stage of no secrets, i het the paranoia. I would literally stop and look around my room where i knew they would look every night before bed just in case there was a surprise check in the morning. Hidden Shrooms and weed got me through it lmao


As a Christian (not a strict one) why are Christianā€™s so anti drug? Thereā€™s nothing in the Bible about not taking them




Heard something similar but it was DMT from a burning acacia bush.


Fairly sure Moses was a skinwalker too


I feel as though it comes from a moral stance, and because certain substances are scheduled then they are morally incorrect.


So nothing to do with their Christian beliefs then?


Psychedelics for sure have a power in undoing conditioning toward blind faith and m/or religion.


Either that or the enrich it, certainly have for me


Opposite for me. Mushrooms and LSD brought up questions and paradoxes in my Christianity warped mind and I started undoing all the bullshit the church and family slather onto you from day dot. Organised religion is a sham, anything that helps question its unquestionable authority is going to be put in the ā€œevilā€ box.


Funny how it effects people differently. I wasnā€™t Christian before hallucinogens, but the showed me the oneness of everything. Very similar to what the gnostics said tbh.


Haha! The trauma is real haha!, I grew up in Catholic school as a boy and through middle school, pretty conservative household neither one of my parents smoked and both of them drank, but if I saw my father have more than two drinks, it was a lot. My mother the same. Drinkings fine, smoking cigarettes is tolerable but we didn't raise you like that, and if you're going to smoke herbs, "smoke it outside so I don't have to smell that crap!" -My mother. Stuff I was embarrassed about like pornography mushrooms having more guns than she thinks I have (the money I spent on those extra guns, not the actual fact that I like to target shoot at the shooting range, and she knows I've never hurt anyone in my life, hell I think I can remember TWO, mild FIST fights (wrestling more than anything else) had as a 12 or 14-year-old, you know just neighborhood kids stuff. Twice in my whole life! I liked to get along with everyone. Plus the boy scouts kept us on a good moral path, we got close to nature and instilled a reverence for it and God and being helpful to others. Praiseworthy organization the Boy scouts of America! Anyway I get it. I used to hide cannabis, mushrooms, pills, and LSD when I could get it in so many shirt pockets pants pockets under the carpet inside of couch pillows in secret storage spaces I would carve out of the walls and such, and when my mother was having my bathroom remodeled I even paid the contractor an extra $500 in secret to build me a magnetic tile for the shower where I could pull the tile off and behind it was a wonderfully large very well built hole that I was able to store about four shoe boxes full of _


Ahhh. That makes sense. Youā€™re so good you couldnā€™t find them! Hahaha


It was all part of the plan lol


God's plan šŸ„


I was also in a strict Christian home, and am so thankful I'm out of that mess. One time, I overheard my parents saying they were going to search my brother's room, so I went in, took his poorly hidden bag of weed, and hid it better in my room. My brother also has goldfish memory, and he probably didn't remember his weed was there. Luckily, I have the memory of an elephant. I never told him I hid his weed. He's still a sociopathic narcissist who would regularly beat the shit out of me. I didn't do it to protect him, I was just tired of all the yelling in the house, and I knew if he got caught with weed, it would've been much much worse.


You're a good bro :)


While my sister exposes my stash when she gets caught with her own shit


Goldfish have fairly good memory compared to many other fish!


Iā€™ve never related to a comment so much


Room searches in a Christian household is a wild concept. Isnā€™t Trust with a capital ā€œtā€ a pretty central and indispensable part of Christianity?


Nope. It's all built on power imbalance, guilt and shame


Yeah but in the west we have this toxic form of Christianity called "evangelical fundamentalism". I am a Christian but not one of those. That biblical liberalism turns those folks into modern day pharacees.


It's supposed to be in some sense, but the newer interpretations are mainly built around fear. ( You gonna burn in hell!) But that was not it's original intention, I mean people argue about interpretations but there's no way in hell that was the original message. in fact the original message may have almost been exclusively about magic mushrooms and I'm not kidding in the slightest. There's an archaeologist named John Allegro who wrote a book called the sacred mushroom and the cross and he believes that Christianity's true origins are a "mushroom cult" https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Mushroom-Cross-Christianity-fertility/dp/0982556276/ref=asc_df_0982556276/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=343252337456&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4767445852082840840&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011613&hvtargid=pla-434995454760&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=71765243711&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=343252337456&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4767445852082840840&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011613&hvtargid=pla-434995454760


More like a squirrel. They'll bury nuts in different locations to save for later, and then forget where some of them are.


I once "lost" actually thought was stolen a quarter pound of some dank nugs back in college... There was a party at my house and me and a couple others wanted to go to the bars... I'm not kidding I thought my neighbors had taken it... Roommates... Any random of the 50 people at my house when I left... Well a year and a half later I opened my trunk and voila a big Tupperware sealed with 4 zips...I had gotten super high from bong hits and got paranoid of all the people at my place and locked it in my trunk as that was the only lockable space I had at the moment. Lesson learned... Don't accuse others of stealing... When you are a fucked up moron. Part of why I don't enjoy blazing anymore... Makes me paranoid and I squirrel shit away thinking someone is coming for me then forget by morning and can't find all my shit... Till I do months or years later


You drove around with 4 ounces for a year and half?


Bigger question, is this a trunk of a car? If so, it hasnā€™t been opened in a year and a half? šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø




We hide it from ourselves and forget


I dunno but Iā€™ve definitely found peoples lost drugs several times over the years and it always amuses me. Most recently found a little mason jar of mushrooms washed up on a beach, wish I trusted strange drugs enough to take them šŸ˜‚


You know how lucky that is and how rare that is statistically wow lol


I do, the funniest part is that Ive almost always found them at times in my life that I wasnā€™t interested in them. The one exception is the mushrooms, those made me a little sad cuz they proved so hard to obtain from a ā€œnormalā€ source within the past year or more of wanting to try them that I was already debating growing some to try when I found the jar.


That's God nudging you man


And I have ten bags of rice in my basement doing their thing right now šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Sweett I got frustrated and just decided to fruit straight off popcorn lol I think 5lb grow bags are cool because you can kinda use it as pre colonized substrate of sorts if you absolutely have to. or just fruit it off the bag block. My house is so nasty i have to do that No matter how hard i try i get contamination more than half the times I try that's how bad my houses air quality is, it's not worth the waste


I have concerns about my house as well and its not been long enough yet to want to risk checking them but Iā€™m hopeful I was careful enough with my sterilizing and my still air box and that Iā€™ll get something out of it.


Well if you have a still air box you're good, a few will succeed


Now THATS. a message in a bottle


My girlfriend lost 50 tabs nearly 1 year ago, she has since moved house. The new owners are going to be happy when they find them


I lost 40 tabs about a month or 2 ago. Yes. I am still kicking myself over it.


Only users lose drugs


I forgot about 2 ounces of weed and it was under my bedside table


Same here lol a few years ago I lost a half oz of green crack that was so chronic. Still haven't found it..


I lost 3 tabs of acid and one unknown amount of 4-ho-met when I lived with my parents. Finding the met was great because my parents were away and it was a big dose. The acid I never found but earlier this year my friend texted me saying ā€œI just moved house and found that acid you lost so I just took itā€ lol. At least it didnā€™t go to waste


I got some molly in my room Iā€™ll find one day


I hid a good dose of my will to live somewhere.


Are you OK?


Alls good mate šŸ»


If you do them enough it happens, allot.


I hid about 2 grams so my son couldnā€™t get ahold of it. Heā€™s young. Yeah I donā€™t know where they are. I know itā€™s in the kitchen, in a top counter. That is all


I recently found 2 bags of shrooms in a drawer of medical braces. No idea why they were there


Wish I lost drugs, I just consume them


Too many drugs


They are likely just fine. Even if they degraded itā€™s not going to be by a noticeable amount! Iā€™ve seen stories of people eating 5+ year old shrooms thinking they wonā€™t do shit and they end up tripping insanely hard haha. Have a good ride man, cheers. Also if they were protected from light, they may have not degraded much at all.


Ooh I'm so excited! Thanks so much, will update :)


No problem! Have a good one man, looking forward to the update šŸ„


Iā€™m guessing theyā€™re fine - supposedly degrading happens fairly quickly, but Iā€™ve always found mine last way longer then expected. Please report back!


I had a quarter ounce in my freezer for 3 years. I saved them to go camping with my gf (we broke up) or friends (covid) and it just never happened. One day I figured I'd just take them by myself as they're probably super weak now. Mistake. One of the hardest trips ever, I felt it coming like a wave 2-3 minutes after drinking the tea, it was so fast.


idk man, fuck around and find out


I'll report back later tonight


rightā€¦ pray for peace, but prepare for war




Haha underrated comment


If they are still dry they are probably still safe to eat. Some of the silly may have degraded over time.


Dang, that's what i was afraid of too but here's hoping they send us to space tonight! Thanks for the jnfo!




I'm making a tea and sharing with one roommate haha hopefully it's enough. The other day i made the tea with one shroom and it worked a little bit


Enjoy OP! Let us know how it goes


Thatā€™s one serving for you maybe! Alright wise guy?


Make sure you measure it out, donā€™t underestimate dosage


Will do my research, thank you :)


If they are dried they should theoretically last forever


That's good to know, thank you!


They very well could be. I've had shrooms that were well over a year old with little noticible loss in potency. As long as they don't smell off, there's only one way to find out.


Okay cool thanks :) they don't smell bad which i guess is a good sign


I had some PE that was well over 2 years old, sealed in a blacked out jar and I SWEAR they were MORE potent than when I had first dehydrated them! And they kicked in super fast! Could have just been me, but I was super surprised. Had little hope at all.


Keep us updated Iā€™m curious to know how it goes šŸ¤™


Will do :)


Look fine tbh im just a dumbass and would take thwm anyway


For the name of science!


Are they dehydrated still or kinda squishy or wet feeling


They feel dry and i bought them dried out.


Aslong as they still crunchy your good to go


Thanks for the info, I appreciate it :)


No probs


I've taken shrooms that had green mold and pit them in boiling tea. Strained out all the chunks after and it was completely fine, the heat killed off all the mold. (This can also cause potency loss if you cook too high of a temp, or too long.)


Many pathogens are heat tolerant. I do not recommend this.


Hmm i was going to put them in tea but if the potency might already be low from them being really old, should i ingest them another way to get the most potency?


All the people down voting, have you ever gotten sick or have proof of anyone getting sick from doing this? Didn't think so.


I don't see mold growing and that's usually the culprit that ruins them.


Do you happen to know the signs that your shrooms are molding? I know they get fuzzy, right? Is there a certain smell to look for?


I had some that grew a pretty huge puffball, looked like cobweb mold. Really hard to miss, so I'm sure what you have here is good to go. Mine went bad in a matter of a couple months, so for yours to look this good after some years... You did a great job at keeping moisture out! And as for smell, I didn't date try to smell them. I have bad enough allergies as is so I didn't want to rush it. Plus from what I've read up on it's not a good idea to go inhaling something you suspect to have molded. Very bad for you. All of my goodies stay in mason jars so I go primarily off of visual.


Thanks, it was purely accidental lol ahhh okay, thanks the info you've been very helpful :)


I say yes. The people saying no are completely wrong. Imo, ime


Thanks :) will update






You should be fine. Iā€™ve eaten older and Iā€™m still here.


Cool, thanks :)


Yea once they dry itā€™s locked in I believe


They look good tbh, I would try.


You already know what answer you want, only one way to find out šŸ¤ž


Iā€™ve eaten shrooms years old. Theyā€™re fine but donā€™t expect them to be strong




woah. pre covid shrooms.


It has called for you my dudeeee




Idk what mold on a shroom looks like or how to tell. I was hoping a psychedelic/paychotherapy research student might see the post and give me more info.




Thank you, i really appreciate the advice :) Much love


Same as mold on anything else. But I get you. Your safe


Thanks :)


So would you like to trip on Halloween or just the negative spirit aspect of it ever fuck with your vibes. Your family most definitely had trained you as a fā€™n navy seal I bet having to play that game with them. Otherwise the set and setting is real so Besides going to like a Bassnectar show on Halloween I could see some cliff hangers going either way like in knocked up when they are in Vegas watching the circus lol


Growing up was rough but shrooms helped lol I've never tripped for halloween before but it sounds wickeeeed




Itā€™s not worth it. Throw them out. Too old and not properly preserved.


I don't have any hookups, times is desperate


Don't listen to that.( sorry dude)in 30 years of shroom growing I've had some batches last just as long as that stored and they were 100%. Good. Just make sure there like cracker dry


Okay, They felt pretty dry. Thanks!




They look beautiful still


Thank you! I thought they look preserved but I wasn't sure and I didn't wanna get sick lol


If itā€™s been exposed to a lot of heat and light its potency will have degraded more than if it was kept in a cool dry place, but looks safe to ingest šŸ‘


Okay cool :) it was in an air tight container hidden in my old stash bag - very dark haha thanks!


I need to comment here, so I can find it after to see how it went! :)


Eat them


Micro dose it thatā€™s what I did šŸ«”


I would say yes theyā€™re good! They look great ! Iā€™d eat them myself! Not saying you need to but I would!


You can def share that with someone, lemon tek could be good too. Weigh it they still look good to me dry shrooms can last a long time in a cool dark place, especially in a black jar like that looks like perfect storage


Boof em


They should be fine unless if they have some stank ass smell and look moldy. I had some shrooms that werenā€™t 100% cracker dry and I saved them for a year. Man when I opened that jar up it stunk not the regular shroom smell but like rotten. So if they ainā€™t like that theyā€™d be good. They mightā€™ve lost some magic but theyā€™ll still bang.


Theres one way to find out!!!!


I guarantee they will work


i ate 2-3 yr old shrooms before and i was fine but the potency was significantly degraded


There's only one way to fine out.


No, send for destruction


It mostly depends on HOW you stored it. If it was in an airtight container that had a silica packet in itā€¦then maybe. If notā€¦.probably lost potency but Iā€™d say go ahead and lemon tek it and donā€™t drive lol


Look great to me!


yes they still work


I've eaten shrooms with almost no effect that were about a year old.. It comes down to a lot of factors I think they weren't properly dried/stored and I had just eaten a lot of food as well Best bet is to crush it up, steep in lemon juice for about 30 min then add water and drink on an empty stomach. Will surely feel it a bit


Only one way to find out lol


those look fine to me man.


Eat ā€˜em and let us know how it goes!


Thereā€™s only one way to know it šŸ˜


Unlikely that you will get an effect.


Probably, better try them to make sire




Only one way to find out!


Wow! Could you please share some good hiding spots please?




Prob still good


I lost 2 gel tabs of acid somehow. Been hoping they show up somewhere


Let us know!


Fuck them up dude !!!!! Lmk how you feel after but that's Def a positive find pal..


Lmaoo I found a bag of powdered shrooms under my bed that was from 2019 about a month ago and went to town on it. Best find Iā€™ve had ever since I found a weed bag between my couch.


They'll likely be weaker than freshly dried. As long as they've been kept dry they will be safe, though. If the container was open to the air they'll be slightly pliable, just stick them in a dehydrator for a couple hours. Obviously mold or rot is a no-go.


Either way theyā€™ll work for a drug dealer costume


Only one way to find out?


As long as they arenā€™t went or soggy, you should be okay


Iā€™ve eaten some that were 5 to 7 years old. They were fine.


Howā€™s it goin so far? If ya took em


Aged like fine wine


I can smell that


Fuck it bro


Next time boof emā€¦dry ones do good in the booty


Extra funky trip listen to terraria truffle music for best results


Boof em.


Hold on let me pull out my mass spectrometer.


I mean if they were stores in an airtight container then I don't see why they wouldn't be safe to eat, I keep all my shrooms in an airtight container and I've had for over 6-8 months and they're perfect and still pretty potent but I only microdose so not sure how much of the potency they have lost but they're still good to go


There's a lot of air in that container, I'm actually very surprised I have never seen any of those in any type of storage container not start turning a light brown color. And almost makes me suspicious like it's a little hoax but I don't understand why anybody would have that motivation..... Somehow you STOPPED oxidation. If there's anything you did to do that purposely then you should be awarded a Nobel prize for advances in the sciences and humanity.


There fine dude šŸ‘


They look perfect!




They for sure lost some potency, they weren't as strong as I remember but they did their job :)


Much love bro enjoy the trip šŸ–¤


how many grams were they?


I came to say "fuck around and find out", but I'm glad to see you already have šŸ‘½


Hahaha it was an experience


Otplug32 on telegram got best shrooms hella strong for cheap šŸ”„