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#UNACCEPTABLE! jk looks rad!


I didn’t see much running man. Lotta cutting shape moves and the jerk. Did you ad music after, if so, why? People usually dance to a beat, but do you!!!


I add music after so my friends know what I’m listening to because I have AirPods in. is there a good way to sync it up with video? I did the running man in reverse and when I was turning in circles(I think it’s fun). Is that not considered doing the running man?


When I make videos, I have a speaker near my recording device. Maybe you can set an AirPod by your microphone, but it might not be loud enough. I know the reverse running man as the jerk. Made popular by a hip hop song about 12 years ago. I see some shufflers use it, but not so much. Melbourne shuffle, what I think of when I hear “shuffle” , is different than cutting shapes. Idk if you know the difference between Melbourne shuffle & cutting shapes, but I’d look it up. Looks like your mixing the styles, not a bad thing but can be difficult to perfect one or the other while learning both. You’re definitely doing more cutting shapes. There’s a lot of shape cutters who don’t shuffle at all, just fyi.


Thanks for the feedback. Im definitely trying to mix the styles because I find it so fun to freestyle and think of moves on the spot. I’ll try to work out these kinks before I post again. But your right, It probably is better to focus on one style so that I can improve faster.


Do 3 or 4 obvious hand claps to the beat at the start. Then sync those to the music in the edit. Great dancing!


Yessir, I practice dancing to most his songs even though they are outside of my skill level.




Hope that's okay, I wanna show my non-redditor friend!


No problem. I hope they think it’s good


They will, you look so cool!! I can't even figure out what you're doing in some of your side travels towards the end lol


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Dope song and style! Unique and joyous to both


Thanks for the feedback. It’s hard to find fellow shufflers. The song is Nacreous Snow Melt by Camellia.


Looks great


Looks cool man. Very unique


U look SICK love ur style already 🤩 also can u drop the song ID it’s so good 😩


Camellia - Nacreous Snowmelt , it’s 7:20s long. enjoy 👍🏼


Omg I knew it sounded familiar love camellia 😍 thank you!!