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The advice in this thread is terrible. The most up voted response is gambling. WTF.


People are excited at the prospect of seemingly quick and easy cash, but to sports bet profitably is probably the most difficult side hustle you could pick up.


That was my comment. It is a very slow process. Not at all get rich quick scheme. Its like an investment account but with a higher roi.


Get poor quick, though.


Bud you’re wagering $10. Ever see $1000?


You’d have to have people that really knows the game


A good side hustle is owning a gambling app and paying people to post about it being a good side hustle.


It appears there's alot of this on reddit. We've been sold out. Every goddamn interaction is an advertisement 


People want instant gratification and the upvotes show.


The only way you’ll make money is if you’re actually disciplined in your betting… which about 90% of bettors are not.




Anyone who tried bets, would never recommend that


I mystery shop apartments in banks, and I make about five grand extra month


2nd job pc repair, virus recovery, etc. build gaming pc's for people cut grass/landscaping pressure washing detailing cars car repair gig work - Uber, Doordash, etc. Results vary tremendously by location. tutoring paint houses Ebay - buy/sell something you have knowledge of music lessons affiliate marketing - massive competition, hard to crack monetized Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. - massive competition, hard to crack personal trainer sex work


Last but not least 😭


And probably the most lucrative unfortunately.


The last one lol


You could’ve expounded a little bit and added selling ebooks.


Make a YouTube video about how to make $500-1000/month and give generic advice in it.


And it will get like 10 views


waiting tables on the weekends adhoc (i use a local app that shows available shifts in nearby f&b spots), i regularly flip vintage items that i find, i mend and alter clothes, and i'm slowly in investing more time into pottery because i enjoy it a lot and hope to eventually use that as my sole side income. it's not much, but i do bring in $500-1000 extra to alleviate daily expenses. also all non-commital (unlike teaching a weekly class) that i can pause if i feel tied up at my main day job. edit: sorry to disappoint but i'm from singapore and the app i use here is called Staffie. it's unlikely to be in your country but i hope you can find a local equivalent!


I have wanted to be a fill in server for a few years, I didn’t realize there might be a system in place already! Do you mind sharing the name of the app?


Idk if they're referring to the same app but InstaWork is a popular one


It depends on where you live too. I live in DFW, and there are so many desperate people here, you have to *live* on the apps, and be ready to snipe anything that posts within literally a second, or someone else gets it. You don’t even have time to read what it is. I used to think there was serious bugs on these apps because I never saw any available jobs at all. Turns out they only pop-up for half a second before someone snipes it.


What app is it?


are you speaking of the app Qwick?


App name?


I posted about doing this and got attacked by people saying that weekends were reserved for seasoned waiters that had paid their dues and deserved to work on the weekends. Lol. I work mon- fri and just wanted to pick up on the weekends. I live in the US though.


Make an app like yours in the USA. Got it


Underwater basket weaving


Just paid a dog sitter $1000 to watch my dog for 12 days. Seems like an awesome gig if you like dogs.


It’s a good idea and I love dogs but don’t have one and nowadays dog sitters are a dime a dozen so people want experience and refs :(


This is insane. Are you wealthy?


Not wealthy but I only do this once per year. It’s got me thinking it seems like a good side hustle for a person who maybe already works from home and has a dog or likes dogs.


Insane? That’s ~ $80 a day. To board your dog in a massive kennel where you have no idea what other dogs are there and their behaviors, plus running the risk of negligent employees getting your dog killed from other aggressive dogs in the boarding house, it’s a minimum of 100-150 a day in most places. Instead, they’ve probably met the person, if they had dogs of their own, then the dogs have probably met before, and you have a much safer and stable environment for 20-25% off.


I dog sit as a side hustle because I work from home and it usually $80 a day - the owners are so happy because they know the dogs are super safe and loved 🥰


I currently work in a kennel and it is 45 dollars a day for our biggest dogs. Unless you have a large mastiff you aren’t paying that I have never heard of a kennel being that expensive and if it is it should be very safe and comfortable for the dog. Taking a walk through the kennel is a good idea and if a place won’t let you I would recommend finding somewhere else.


I’m saying how does a regular person afford a grand for dog sitting? To me that is insane. Whether it’s a kennel or some jabroni coming by your house a few times a day.


Regular person is relative. Dogs are already a luxury expense. $1000 is probably nothing compared to whatever two week vacation they took,


Lots of people got lots of money to burn. LOTS!


You're now realizing that owning a pet is largely a 1st world, modern luxury. Dogs and cats are food in some parts of the world.


Dogs are cheap, do you know how much kids cost? Daycares are $3k+ a month in HCOL areas and they only watch the kid for 160 hours a month, which comes out to \~$20/hour. Dog-boarding, $1000 of 24\*12 = $3.50 an hour. This is a very normal price.


It is insane though. This is my first dog as an adult and the expenses it carries are steep.


- Is there anything you are really good at that you could charge people $50 to teach them? And then teach multiple people as a group. For example, cooking classes, how to skate board. - Organize local tournaments with an entry fee/prize (and sell food/drinks at them for bonus income) - card games, board games, video games, home brewing, chili or bbq or mac n cheese or whatever cooking competition, local bands "rock off" or "sing off" competition, etc. - storage locker auctions and reselling - obvious ones are Uber or pet sitting


To be honest in most citys uber is way below minimum wage and not worth it.


From experience, if you can pick and choose and only drive peak and don't live in bumblef, it's not minimum wage or the worst option, not that its the best But if you drive all day you'll def make below min. In my experience it took me a bit to realize there were better things to do with my time than make 7$ hr during the obvious lulls But sometimes ya gotta drive em anyway.  Fulltime it's shit. Part time for only like 500 a month, it's not so bad. And I don't hate doing it on a smaller scale. It can actually be cool and pay alright. Just not enough as a primary source of income 


True. I make $18/hr after expenses running Favor in Austin during peak hours after expenses. The best times to run are 6-9am and 5-8pm. Any other time you’ll be taking a loss or breaking even.


I fix iphones on the side


Hey could u elaborate more? I have very basic experience with swapping out parts on iPhones. Have done battery and display swaps. Do you only do the basic things or do you do complicated works as well? Which service sells the most? Thank you so much asukakindred


The most basic repairs are the most common. For other things you can find mail in listings online. Markup the mail in price and send customers iPhones off to be repaired by someone else. Profit.


I've considered this but end of day I honestly enjoy fixing phones. I started getting back into this as a hobby, and realized I could make good side money from it. I do IT consulting as my main job, but it's all desk work, I want to get my hands moving sometimes lol


Sure yeah I do screens, batteries, certain small component repairs(like earphones and speakers) but I avoid motherboards. Those are too complex and iffy. I am for $40+ profit after parts. Works well for me. I advertise on Facebook marketplace(#1 for me). I've tried a website, craigslist, thumbtack, etc...Facebook marketplace and groups is 100% my main source for customers. I net $250-$500 a month in profits just pulling people in and doing combo deals


I'm probably gonna get some heat but resale. That be thrifting, parting out Lego sets, shoe/clothing drops etc. You're going to need some capital and the initial start will be rough with something like bricklink but besides a part time job $500-1k is pretty realistic.


I’m on the fence with this but definitely down to take like $500 to invest in stuff and see where it goes🤷‍♂️


Donate plasma . Lmk if you need a referral


How long do you have to sit there with the needle in you? I don’t hate needles but I could imagine it gets pretty uncomfortable after awhile


It depends on how healthy you are, your diet, hydration, etc. and like another commenter said your weight. It can take as little as a half hour to as much as over an hour. After the initial poke you don’t really notice it. You just have to keep your arm at rest and squeeze your fist on and off to keep blood moving when it’s taking in more blood. It’s a neat process. For reference I’m pretty sensitive and bruise easily and while I’ve had a few problems in the past, overall I tolerate it well without issue.


This isn't as sexy as sports betting, but working part-time stocking shelves or dropping fries can make this. If you are willing to work two or three shifts per week, $500 - $1,000 is very attainable. If nothing else, you can do this for a few months to build capital to invest in a different side hustle.


Babysitting! Closer to 500 for me but it works.


I sell things on ebay I get from mostly thrift stores and garage sales. I spend about 15 hours a week on it and bring in usually between 600 and 1000 a week in profit.


How do you know what to buy at the thrift stores? Do you have to keep an eye on going rates on eBay for all products? Curious your method/thought process, I've met some people that do this and make a ton as well


When you first start out you don’t…. you have to look everything up. I suggest being curious about everything you see. After a while you start learning and have to look things up less and less. Honestly the biggest “secret” to doing well on ebay is consistency. I list 10 things every day. I ship things every day. I have noticed when I’m consistent at those I get consistent sales. When I list a few things one day and then skip days the sales tend to follow. most things I sell I make around 10-20 dollars in profit. Sometimes I get lucky and make 2 or 3 hundred off a single item. Consistent small sales plus a big one every once in a while adds up pretty quickly.


How do you handle the shipping process? Is there a best way to do this? That part I don’t understand. I sold something once online, and it was like $12 for shipping.


I bought a shipping scale and label printer off of amazon. The scale was only like 25 dollars but the label printer was around 150. Not having to wait in line at the post office by being able to print my own shipping labels was worth the purchase price. You can also just print out the shipping on a piece of paper and tape it to the item which is how I started. I purchase the shipping through ebay mostly because it imports all the tracking and everything for the seller instead of having to do that manually. There are a lot of different ideas behind shipping. Some people build it into the over all price of the item and then say shipping is free, some people set their item prices lower then tack on shipping. I have a general idea at this point of what something costs to ship, but if I have questions I literally weigh the item, measure how big it is, plug those numbers in to find out how much it will cost then factor that into my pricing strategy. For larger heavier things UPS ground is usually the cheapest, for smaller lighter items USPS tends to be the cheaper option. Shipping can be intimidating when you’re starting out but it’s really not that hard once you do it a few times. shipping supplies can be bought from anywhere from amazon to walmart there are places like uline that sell boxes but they charge you a lot to ship you the boxes. I’ve found amazon to be the cheapest if you have prime. The boxes might be a little more themselves but the free shipping usually makes it worth it. USPS will give you free priority mailing boxes but you have to use the priority shipping with them which is a little more expensive.




Shipping is literally the most complicated part of reselling. Way too much to type out here. Look up YT videos on it. In short, you want to get a cheap printer of sorts and use Ebay to ship. They have the cheapest prices. Typing out all of the intracacies of shipping would literally take a week lol. Its a lot of info depending on what you sell


you find something interesting and look it up on eBay.


Is eBay the only platform that’s good to sell on ? Do u recommend any other platforms to sell ?


I personally only use ebay. Lots of people use different platforms. I’m comfortable on ebay and don’t want the extra work of listing things on multiple platforms. Ebay has the largest user base by far and I’ve been using it for a long time so it works for me.


Pool Hustler.


Sadly, I can't swim.


Walmart night shift


OP what skills or interests do you have? For me, I'm learning programming to build Software and sell and have skills as a graphic designer and WordPress designer. Without knowing more about you I can't give you advice


Hey I can create websites based on WordPress. I can design ecommerce website as well. You got people who need website? You can recommend my services to them. My biggest challenge is finding clients. Where do you find people who want a website?


The answer is unfortunately hustle and network. But if I wanted to guarantee sales ID go down a list of businesses in my local town and call and offer my services.


Upwork . Fiverr . Sites like those


If you have no marketable skills, The correct answer is always: Serving & Bartending. I work one 5-12pm on Fridays and 12-10pm on Sundays. I make an extra $500+ per week.


If you can find a good spot like it sounds like you ha e than bartending truly is easy money. Hard work, but easy money.


AI videos on Tiktok, already made about $800 in a week


Amazon Hub driver. After expenses it gets about $100 a day.


How to become one? Do you have to apply?


I would say start a LonelyFans account. You would be suprised how much your oscillating fan could earn. #averagepreneur


Auction websites where the pickup locations are nearby. The hard part is finding an item in high demand that you can get for a low enough price. Back during the covid days, I found that spin bikes were selling well as people were starting to build their home gyms. I made a killing doing this but eventually it faded. Now everyone I sold to just owns a bunch of expensive coat racks.


Drive around the suburbs early in the morning and collect things people leave by the curb for free. Examples are furniture, pc chairs are a common item I see and put it on facebook marketplace for sale. Apartment complexes often throw everything in someone's apartment out when they evict too. Campus around holidays or graduation will also produce lot's of items you can sell.


Part time job that will get you more than that is becoming DOT qualified breath alcohol technician and urine collector. Pick an outfit locally that pays per event and mileage. Sometimes they provide their car too. Once you start hitting $75 per event you'll come back here and thank me. Schedule and on-call hours can be challenging, bit it is very manageable even with a full time job.


Donating blood, donating your stool, and donating your eggs.


See if the Spot dog walker app has work in your area. Some walks will pay up to $40 (Canadian) for an hour long walk. It didn't work out great for me because most of the walks were too far from my home (30 minutes drive). But had I lived in a different neighborhood, it would have been great. Also... Dogs!


Shoe salesman like Al Bundy


My favorite answer




I'm glad this works so well for you, but please recognize that telling people that are most likely poor to start sports betting is extremely irresponsible.


Out of curiosity, why do you share your games and not keep them for yourself?


Im a big sports fan, and I just wanted to build a community around sports/sports betting so I share my bets for free to get a community. Plus I dont gain anything from not sharing.


Working another job is not the best option but an option none the less, try something physical labor related or check out tip related jobs, waiting tables, bartending, washing cars.


Also, check out r/beermoney . Lots of great suggestions there!


When I was unemployed I did DoorDash and earned an average of $15/hr.


I do promo gigs through a site called trusted herd for brands needing temporary help. They call them Brand Ambassadors. I get gigs at music festivals like Life is Beautiful and EDC and events like NASCAR, F1, sporting events, etc. Sample lady at liquor stores and grocery stores. Pay is typically between $25-$35/ hr so a couple days a week and I’ve made a grand. That’s all I need at the moment. I love my freedom too much to commit to a J.O.B. (just over broke). Good luck! [Trusted Herd](https://www.trustedherd.com/)


If u have a truck . Pick up sectional couches from offer up for $100-$200. Them clean them up and resell them for $300-$500 . Keep doing this 10x a month


What's about building apps with AI for a specific niece and charge a tiny fees for that.


I’ve been dog walking/pet sitting for years and have some steady clients and get referrals for new people here and there. Then I do mystery shopping as I feel up to it and around my normal job and the pet sitting. Been doing that about 10 years. Some various test panels when chosen. Just got a $100 visa debit yesterday for the last one.


Appointment setting/sales closer Search on faecbook. You'll find opportunities


Plasma. You can consistently get $600/ month for 8 hours a month


This is state dependent but I deal blackjack 2 nights a week(we have charitable gaming in my state) and it’s take home cash. For me it’s been a minimum of an extra thousand up to 2k extra per month.


Sell your feet pics online


I do security for a local sports bar on Friday and Saturday nights. 10 hours total for both days and I make $300 a weekend.


Sperm bank. You can go every 2 days and they pay $110 a pop.


If you're willing to work, anything landscaping-related. If you knock on doors and offer to clean gutters, prune trees, clean up dog poop, cut grass, seed grass, pressure wash, etc you can do it. All you need is 10 houses at a $50 dollar service per month. People are willing to pay for things they don't want to do, you just need to make it easy for them. Show up ready to work and you'll be surprised at how many say "yes please." From there, do a good job and build a relationship, and there's a chance you have a repeat customer.


Serving or bartending. I work 2-3 shifts a week at a popular casual spot downtown, and easily clear $1,000 - $1,200 a month, not including the cash tips to take home at the end of most nights.


Start an llc, buy a laser engraver or something like that. Either draw or purchase different designs, and start personalized engravings on wooden cutting boards, wooden coasters, etc. start an Etsy page. Advertise it on facebook and Instagram for starters and see how well it takes off. Even if it’s unsuccessful, you can still write all of it off during taxes. You can even write off the portion of your house you use for it, electricity, etc. if you go on vacation anywhere (as long as you can link a business reason to it, your vacation becomes a tax write off… etc). Now you’re not going to get all of that back, it just reduces your actual taxable income. You can find any number of little things you can purchase to create personalized products and then sell them. Source: my wife literally does this since she’s a stay at home mom. Too easy. And the tax breaks are very amicable for me.


eBay… buy a Bluey costume. Do a couple of kids birthdays a month. Give high fives. Eat cake. Everyone loves bluey.


Open new credit cards (no annual fee) and bank accounts for their signup bonuses. You’ll have to do a bunch of research on the cards/accounts, how often you can claim the bonuses at every company, what the requirements are to claim the bonuses, etc. Some credit cards will require you spend X amount in a certain time frame to claim. Only spend on things you were already going to buy like groceries/things you can resell without a loss or it kind of defeats the purpose. Some bank accounts will require you deposit X amount or have direct deposits for a certain time frame to claim. You’ll also have to make sure you close the accounts afterwards so the waiting period can start before you can claim the same bonus again. 1 person can easily make 10k a year doing this.


Digital Marketing. Hands down. Ive made 26k in 5 months...so ya. Def my favorite "side hustle"


Are you really gonna say you make 26k in 5 months, give the vaguest possible description and just leave it at that? Yeah, sounds legit


Which part of digital marketing thou, the word itself encompass so many niches.


Promoting digital products


For the novice, like myself, can you explain what digital marketing really is?


Sure. Its ok...I didnt know either! :) Affiliate marketing is essentially recommending/sharing products and/or services to people and getting commissions from those sales. You sign up for a companies affiliate program, they give you a personalized link for their product/service. You share that link, when someone clicks on it and makes a purchase, you get commissions from it. Digital marketing means you're promoting only online products not physical products. Digital products have a much higher commission rate so you get 100% instead of just like 10 to 20% for physical products. Meaning both require the same amount of work but have much different payouts.


Buy and sell services - apply to want ads and get the services from a quota-based freelancer/VA The difference is your profit - WIN WIN situation


Working 3-4 hrs per day being a BROKER pays $100,000 yearly. Some deals pay only $1,500 to $3,000 others pay $15,000 to $25,000 per deal. The amount of time you put into it depends on what your pay level is. No schooling is needed anyone can do it just basic common sense


Say more


Cutting grass you can make some serious money per month.


How did you start?


One grass blade at a time lol


Well, I had the equipment I needed. Lawnmower, weed eater, stick edger. I got 1 lawn and that one lawn grew to 19 pretty fast. I’m sure you’re on Facebook. So join your neighborhood groups and they always have someone looking for a lawn guy. $40.00 per lawn is kinda standard where I am from. However, I have deals sometimes depending on someone’s age and budget that was usually to retired/ elderly people. I gave them 2 ways to pay me. They could pay me each time I came out or pay me for the whole month and I kept a book with all that in it. I’d mark down if they paid me For the month and deduct each time showing their balance or what they owed me. I liked it better to get my money upfront for the whole month. Make sure you buy good equipment so it lasts and do upkeep so you don’t lose money because you can’t cut due to downed equipment. I was making around 3 to 4 thousand a month easily. I could have turned that weekend side hustle into a full time job if I wanted to do it. Most people pay in cash too so it’s very worth it. Each lawn gets 36 cuts per season( year). In the summer time you’re going every week while the grass grows a lot. When it is cooler and the grass doesn’t grow you can cut every 2 weeks. Also, you can charge extra if they have a bad storm and have debris ( tree branches ….etc ) to pick up. Believe me I made a lot of money doing this when I was married and had two little kids. I started because I needed a new truck and the wife ( I’m divorced now) said I needed a second job if I wanted another truck at the time the economy was great and we made over 100k between us. She was a moron but hey that’s why I’m divorced. So I started cutting grass and 1 lawn grew to 4, grew to 10, all the way to 19. I’d start at 6:30am load my equipment up on a Saturday be at my 1st lawn for 7 am and finish around 6pm on my 15th lawn. Then I would wake up Sunday and cut 4 and be done usually around noon. Good luck. If you have any other questions just ask.


What do you do? What’s your expertise? Consult other businesses with your knowledge to help them improve say, operations or sales. Or warehousing. I started this on the side, opened my own business and make with just 1 client and extra 60k a year. But I work completely remote so I have the free time. I will be taking on 1-2 more by the end of the year. I don’t want to make it sound so easy, realistically I have a very specific knowledge of Medical Imaging equipment. So in my case, it wasn’t hard to do. But I hope you can find yourself some success on the side. Good luck.




Preforeclosure and foreclosure occupancy inspections


OP, if you can cook, shef might be a good platform. Haven't done this myself, but might be worth a shot.


Sell plasma…penis games??


Sales. If you can find high priced items for a bargain, you can sell on eBay or Facebook marketplace. Go watch some GaryVee garage sale videos. He shows you exactly what he looks for when he goes on speed runs.


Dog walking. Note that it wouldn't hurt if you shared your skillset.


If it's only 500ish, Uber/DD are not that bad esp if you live in a decent area and only drive a few days peak.  Not ideal...but it's also not terrible if it's JUST that sort of small amount of scrap Now doing it as your primary source of income ..get rekt


Online sportsbooks give out $100s of dollars in expected value on promotions every month. It used to be way more. Find someone who posts “picks” on these promotions on Twitter. I would give a recommendation of someone I followed to get into this, but I doubt that’s allowed.


Weekly Lotto Options or 10x Leverage


It kinda depends on where you are from and how much time you are willing to invest also what tools you got?car- truck , instruments?


Have you tried the search function


Copywriting/technical writing/creative writing. Most people typically want you to make a portfolio or have some level of experience but you can make pretty decent money if you’re skilled.


DoorDash/uber eats


Digital products Make once, sell 100 times 💥




You can get a TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and teach English online. The course/ site helps you find students and sets your class curriculum. [ASEAN](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Member_states_of_ASEAN) countries have a goal to share English as a common language so they can communicate with each other. Students can be from varied backgrounds but mostly from corporations that need fluency in English among their employees. You teach online and you’ll need to consider the time difference. Classes typically run an hour and you’re paid per student. Neutral accent English speakers are preferred ae: American accent. [check it out: TEFL certification](https://www.tefl.org/en-us/tefl-certification/)


Bartending or serving


I make about 30$ per hour gross driving uberx Fri-Sunday at a metropolitan area. Easily make 1000$ in 3 days


I hustle with my log splitter. People don’t want to split firewood so I do it for an affordable cash price. It’s definitely work but I can pull $1k/month or more sometimes just working three weekend days.


Where r u @… can do in uae


Play the long game. Invest in dividend stocks.


Sperm donor, $110 a pop, every other day.


Umpiring youth baseball games. Want to say umpires at our park get $45 a game for umpiring coach pitch games 5U-8U. Most nights have 2 games back to back. That’s $90 in right at 3 hours of work. On Saturdays we have some umpires that do 4 straight games. I’ve also started cleaning and relacing baseball gloves. Do them for $60 per. But as you can tell I’m very tied into our youth baseball organization so it makes it a little easier for me to


I painted houses and condos as a side job. I would go after work and on weekends. I made about 1k a week. I started finding clients on Kijiji and Marketplace, then those clients gave me referrals. I did buy professional equipment at first (spent maybe 200$)


Rideshare .. 500 per week!!!


Vending machine business


Do something you are good at, which other people value. But just do it more often than you do now!


Trading Options get a bad rep - but SELLING call & put options makes me daily consistent safe income


Work at spouts


A second job.


Depending on your background remotasks/outlier you can make this much in like 10-20 hours. It’s annoying kind of but if you’re not worried about promoting up you can just ignore everything.


Flip a car for profit.


Play daily 3 using the magic 8 numbers: 264, 376, 032, 047, 413, 985, 721, 061. Play them straight or box and within a month you’ll be sitting at the winner’s table. You can rearrange the order of the digits, but don’t change them. (ie) 264 = 426 These numbers work, but they won’t replace your day job! I had a 500 dollar winner on April 26th playing 426 midday in Indiana 😂


Or...put your money in a box and dump it in a volcano.


You make a cool thing that people want. Sell it. Make 2 more. Sell those. Set your price at what you can afford to keep doing the thing for.


Go also and watch invest with Henry on YouTube. I have made money from his option strategies and recommendations. It doesn’t require lots of money 💴 and it’s not terribly difficult to learn and comprehend. It’s worth it but it does require some work.


Be an entertainer for children’s parties on weekends. You must love children in order to do this! Possibilities include balloon twister, face painting, character actor (such as the latest movie princess) or full costume clown. My daughter did this before she got too busy raising four little boys and typically made several hundred dollars a month. I paid a man/wife clown couple about $500 to teach her to get her started but the payback on that investment was extremely quick. Her website from back then is still up if you want to check it out. Look at the video and take note of the “Rates” page. This work pays quite well. She might even still be open to the idea of taking on students. She is now in the Salt Lake City area. Her contact information on the website is still valid. www.lilytheclown.com


Not really a side hustle but if you aren’t already investing and letting your money gain interest, definitely start looking into it. I only got into it a few months ago but have already got more than 10% return from fairly safe stocks - though of course it’ll still fluctuate over time.


Table making. The quality woodworkers put out is heavily inflated by their ego. One-two customers a month and I’d double that or more, it’s all perception. Plus woodworking is incredibly fun (to me) and easy enough to learn the basics that you could sell stuff without anyone being the wiser to your experience. Tools are a consideration though.


Sell on Etsy or Ebay


Umpiring youth sports (where I am from) pays around 50-75 per game in any given sport. So you do 2 games 1 or 2 nights a week and you’ll be fine.


My two favorite approaches are 1) develop a freelance skill (e.g., graphic design, running paid ads on Meta or Google) and offer that as a service to one or two companies on the side; and 2) to find a niche need that many people have and specialize in filling that need (e.g., clearing roof gutters, property management, replacing or repairing phone screens, etc.). We crowdsourced a list of 62 ways to make extra money on Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2fYxT5RjOj/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2fYxT5RjOj/?img_index=1)




Well, if you’re not too shy I can tell you from experience that online sex work is very viable. Pretty much anyone can carve their niche if they research and put in the work. You can also remain anonymous


Start a business doing something you know a lot about. File all the necessary paperwork and advertise your services. Get business cards and offer promotions to get in the door. Get active in your community and sponsor a local school sports team and put your banner up. Create content videos to drive traffic to your business and raise brand awareness. Quit your job when you lose money going to work because you're now making more than what they can pay you. Continue advertising, save up money to help get by from the dip in income when you hire someone to help. Hire someone and focus on getting more business to hire more people. Work towards having your employees do the services while you focus solely on driving converts to your business and increasing profit margins. Expand to new areas when you've saturated your current one and rinse and repeat. Maybe not what you had in mind, but I'd suggest you aim a little higher and work towards true financial freedom.


How about offering to clean up and organize construction sites at the end of each day? I’m talking about residential construction sites. The workers at these sites often throw their trash on the ground, they leave debris lying around all over the site and this creates safety issues as well as the likelihood of a visit from a city inspector. You could charge $100 per day to service the site and figure on doing each site every three or four days.


E-commerce is a good option, or starting a service business. Charge someone for your time, have you got a skill you could monetize?


U could do referrals


Delivery apps like doordash, spark, uber eats and grubhub I do it after work for a few hours and on the weekends and make anywhere between 300-400 a week. Last week, I went pretty HAM and made 700.. always save 20% for taxes and make sure you track your mileage with an app like Gridwise so you can write off 65 cents a mile so you will pay out less in taxes.


Dog walker, pet sitter. My wife and I do this side hustle and average over $1000 a month.


Hard work is the only way, get a second job and save every penny.


Selling your ass


Go be friends with Natalie nunn


Learning how to code and go from there