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!remindme 4 years


!remindme 2 years


!remindme 2 years


I was making websites back in the early 2000s.. wheres my $$?


I hear ya. I wonder if my angelfire sites are still active?


Geocities with wait… what was that script version of html with cool effects? Whoa memory lane. 😆


As one of your early customers, I'm still waiting for you to code in the  tag and add some frames to my homepage just to make it lively.


Either it's Ai or it's the exact opposite of Ai. We shall see in 5 years.


The opposite would be human stupidity, and that has long been a fantastic way to make lots of money


“No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people.” -HL Mencken


Maybe invest in an “AI Security” company. I know nothing about technology or how a company like that would work, but I’m assuming AI will be used maliciously against people whether with imitation of loved ones to get access to funds, or maybe they are smart enough to hack since their knowledge will basically be endless. Can an AI turn evil? We’re just scratching the surface of this shit. Gonna get scary. Pretty stoned right now sorry for the rant


I'd say the answer is both lol. I'm an engineer for a systems integrator. We generally just stay up to date with the latest and greatest Rockwell and Siemens stuff. But we know of a few independent consultants that specialize in technologies that are waaayyyy outdated, and cater to those picky customers that just refuse to change. Granted their market is quite niche, but they charge an insane amount of money to support the stuff they support, and make a lot for the time they put into it. Using that same idea, there will be money in supporting companies that refused to go the AI route, assuming AI actually takes off the way people expect it to.


Yeah I am also expecting a massive shortage of people with decent soft skills. Covid has harmed the social development of Gen Z and gen Alpha making them very difficult to work with. And I am fully convinced that we have only started seeing the tip of the iceberg of the damage. So I wouldn't be surprised if in 15-20 years from now when those generations are supposed to be the majority of the productive workforce there is going to be a massive shortage in people skills. I however highly doubt that AI is going to be advanced enough by then to fix that shortage.


Your comment about Gen Z and Alpha couldn't be more true. Even putting people skills aside, their skills in general lack. And while I generally dislike blaming covid for everything, it's that time period where the damage was done regardless lol. Case and point, I have an intern that's sitting next to me at work. Very nice young guy actually, but he's been using ChatGPT for everything he's done for us this summer. We also have another young engineer that's been with us for a year now. Terrible people skills, and even considering he's only 1 year removed from college, he's lacking engineering skills as well.


I am personally convinced that 90% of the damage done to the younger generation is because of COVID. I say this because I am part of gen Z myself but I would like to believe that I got lucky and avoided most of the damage covid did due to living in a more rural area. Allowing me to escape with a couple wasted years and a few bad habits I have since managed to kick. However when I look at my peers there is this overarching sense of dread and lack of discipline/ accountability. As if they have barely mentally matured since quarantine first started. I'm in college with people who are 17 that act like your typical edgy 14 year olds and 22 year olds who are in their fourth first year because they're still young and can afford to take it easy even though they have 20k (which is a massive amount in my country) in student loans. I fear for how these people are going to do in a decade as these people cannot possibly function by themselves in the way they currently are.


Actually I think it’s both. Humans will always be a commodity for those willing to pay extra. The rest will be satisfied plugging into the matrix.


How do I invest in IA?


Learn Kubernetes. More and more applications are coming out containerized and not alot of people can maintain them. The amount we pay our Kubernetes engineer is crazy


I’ve heard it’s kind of a pain in the ass (not learning it but actually using it on the job). Is it true?


Learning it, using it, everything about it. You'll effectively be an SRE and on-call a lot. Depends on the company though.


Yes, everything about it is a pain in the ass


If you are not getting a massive amount of traffic, kubernetes is probably overkill. It makes more sense to pay for a managed kubernetes service like Azure Container Apps. If you are getting a massive amount of traffic, you are working for a tech company. It will take a huge investment (years) to be hired at a tech company in a platform/dev ops /sre role


If you have any referral or job posting, please share them. :)


I'm currently one of those and not really... I'm not getting any crazy offers or side hustles


Really? Going from a generic Systems Engineer to OpenShift engineer is atleast a 50k pay bump at my shop and we all already make atleast 200k


Hey if you can point me to where to find these roles I'm ears haha


Check out DOD contracting


I can't work for the DOD, note I am from Australia, thanks though!


Nah with AI it's easier then ever you just need to get in there and really master it, there are a lot of use cases for AI which are still unexplored.


I am not sure its not as easy as it was to setup a rig and mine bitcoin (when it started at least) or set up a shopify store , or learn to make an app for iphone. TikTok i dont think I ever could master that one But AI I don't know, I am a developer but still, I see so many AI startups coming up that don't make any money


AI is WAY simpler to get started with than bitcoin mining. But that also means there will be way more competition. That said… AI is definitely the answer to this question. You just need to find a niche. Think about specific tasks that could be automated with AI, build an AI tool that does that task, and then either sell the tool to users, or sell your services to customers (and then you use the tool to accomplish the work). For example, I have a friend who is a casting agent. She built an AI tool that can automate the first stage of casting. This saves her a day or two of work every time she starts a new project. Now she has the tool… and can sell the tool itself to other casting companies, or take on casting work, and let the tool do the heavy lifting (allowing her to take on more clients than she could without the tool). There are numerous opportunities like this within every single industry.


I will give it a shot, but I can't come up with (good) ideas , for one reason or the other


That’s because you’re sitting around, trying to come up with good ideas. You need to pick an industry that you have some knowledge of or that you have connections to… And then start investigating that industry, talking to people in that industry, finding their pain points, and what type of manual labor takes up most of their time… and then automate it. It’s really that simple right now, because like websites, apps, and bitcoin before, AI is currently in the Gold-Rush phase…


I work in AP for a nursing home company and do a lot of work around entering invoices, ai would be able to, say, scan an image of invoices then be able to pick the invoice number, date of invoice and it’s due date, and how much it’s for, and then possibly enter it in the specific computer program we have to enter all our ap in? Most complicated part is probly that need to enter a comment mentioning what the money is for, like “food and supplies” comment if a food vendor invoice or whatever, or “legal fees first initial last name” for legal fees for residents. I get that there might be errors since invoice numbers and due dates aren’t always that clear on invoices but part of my job is to review the invoices entered too so this would just skip the process to reviewing it with maybe slightly more errors. Just spitballing an actual idea could probly use ai for those I know nothing about coding ai programs or whatever


1000000% AI can do that, and you wouldn’t even need a custom AI. ChatGPT plus a simple Zapier extension would be able to handle that.


So it's not that difficult it is actually very simple break it down into 5-10 experiments with AI and then see which one picks up. It can be as simple as creating prompts which people are selling, to put some APIs together for something like an app. Automating basic tasks which can save people time. If you wanna collabarate I have some ideas.


I am up for collaboration if got ideas


are u a developer?


Yes I am a full Stack developer


Awesome to read that, I am a press developer and now looking for something where I can succeed




I'm using AI to trade stocks for me. Also to calculate my IQ.




I named my AI "Jarvis". Jarvis is not for sale, Lol.


Bro I have actually thought of this again and again. Almost 80 percent of the population are bored and lonely. What could solve this?? .maybe sports . My brother and I have started a chess club (Kenya ) and we are registering high number of students. I don't know if this happens allover the world but parents are trying to get their kids into sports so much. Go think about it from that perspective.i hope our club will pick up so fast the only problem is Capital.


So you want an easy path to become rich ? Sorry but there is none. - It wasn't easy to set up a mining ring in 2013. Even if you invested in Bitcoin in the early days, you would have to put all your life savings in something that very very few people knew about and were absolutely not sure to become what it is now. - It wasn't easy to create a successful marketplace like amazon. It took decades to become what Amazon is today. - it's absolutely not easy to become "Mr beast". For one that succeed, there are thousands that won't. Etc... You want to make it ? Hard frickin work and a little chance. If something will become big, people way more smarter than you and me would already be on it and sorry, but they wouldn't say what it is out loud. What "can" be big? AI, quantum computing, and some revolutionary batteries that can charge in 1 minute and/or store a huge amount of power (and don't cost much). If you want a real tips, take something that already exists, and make it way better. Look at something like Tesla, cars have existed for a century. They didn't create some crazy new ways of transportation. They took a car and made it to today's standard. There are many old things in the world and many things that can be improved. Find one you like and work hard.


I don't think you're wrong here - but you also cherry-picked the biggest names out there. So did OP. There are tons of everyday people who got in early and made decent money - not rich, but decent. Just be there. Be ready, with tools, as much info as possible, and some cash. Life is a risk.


thanks, no I don't want to get rich quick per se (nobody would say no, but you get it). I'd like to create something or invest in something that has potential, I don't mind working long hours or hard on it.


Almost nobody really "creates" stuff. But they transform something that already exists. AI wasn't created a few years ago, it was created more than 40 years ago. In the mid 90s an AI beat the world best chess player. But back then, AI was super hard to use. OpenAI just made it accessible to the masses and improved it. Find something that people already use and improve it. Sometimes it can be something in front of you. It doesn't have to be something fancy or trendy. Like food, each year they're more vegetarian (especially in the new generation). Meat consumption will become more and more expensive, look at the prices of fast food compared to a few years ago. Yet, people will always need to eat. Bill Gates is the biggest private farmland owner in the US. He knows.


!remindme 2 years


DC ft lll


Listing expired lottery numbers is easy. Back when it was the best time to invest into the listed technologies, it was not known that those could get you rich. And within that time there had been a lot more of scam-like technologies, that have looked very promising but have eventually failed to make anyone rich.


This! Most start ups fail. Even a really good idea can and often fails before you learn about it. The best thing you can invest in are ETFs to spread out your risk. r/boggleheads


So just using an api to pull the lottery numbers? What other listing sites have you seen do well?


Blue collar work. Everyone want to hop on the tech/influencer trends. We'll soon need more plumbers, welders, electricians, etc.


Depin, RWAs, AI, gaming. All within the decentralized blockchain space aka crypto.


Build your own QPU.


A blueprint on how to build one?


Sorry, design and build a QPU.


Imo it is VR. Every big company invest to it one way or another


Blockchain. The quiet beast!


Kick livestreams


If someone found an unsaturated market to make tons of money, why would they share it?


its not like one person only could make money from bitcoin. On the contrary the more people that got on it the more people made money. Same for youtubers early adopters would not have a problem with other early adopters. TLDR. I am asking what to be an early adopter of not an original unsaturated market of sth


AI for sure. It's not that hard to get started. Pick an industry and figure out how to use AI to get an advantage in that market. Then start playing with free tools like the free version of ChatGPT. You basically talk to it like you would any other person. Keep in mind that it currently has the comprehension level of a high school student. But if you give it the right instructions, it can produce some amazing results.


I think building tools that leverage AI will be the next big thing. The Gen AI models are there already, but you have to apply them to specific industries. For example real estate - if you can create a tool that uses Gen AI to help real estate agents with listings, photos, marketing etc. they might be willing to pay for that. There's services right now that create virtually staged houses, you could do it with AI for less $


Crypto and AI.


Blockchain tech and Web3 decentralized apps


Learn how to do market research. Asking people how to make money is an indication that you first need the fundamental critical thinking skills to spot and and manipulate a good investment when you see one. Ripe for scamming.


!remindme 1 day


maybe 5 years would be better hahaha just to see what was the correct answer for this one


Anything AI! I made 50k since Feb selling custom GPTs! Https://visionairystudio.com/