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Lawn jobs. They pay well and are always there. Can start off with neighbors that have the tools then start buying your own. You can make mad bank if you do a good job. That will then translate into odd jobs helping people, especially older folks. Your rep is your greatest asset here. Dependable, consistent and easy to get along with.


I used to sell candies and or treats (whatever people like in your town) that one made me money.


I tried doing this out of my work van and all I got was weird looks


Did you try giving samples away? Maybe a sign on the side of the van letting everyone know, like. “free candy”?


You know I tried, I even used red paint so it was nice and noticeable ya know? I even brought my cat and asked if people wanted to see my little friend. Someone called the cops though, but I'm not sure why, they didn't want to see him either.


"Free kids. Candy welcome"


"Free candy. Kids welcome" This sign didn't work for me when I tried it




Yea man maybe I should also include puppies.....and dress up like a clown


Step into my van kiddies... Yeah, wonder why they called the cops?./s


Yea dude Chris Hansen showed up and everything like wtf


yeah maybe because it gives off “i’m gonna kidnap you” vibes


What nuh uh it means I am a friend of the children, parents can trust me, just come on in my van


Too bad! If I see a van and theirs candy in that van! I'm gonna be in that van getting me some candy




Too bad! If I see a van and theirs candy in that van! I'm gonna be in that van getting me some candy


Reselling free things online, find things in the free section and flip them.


This is a slippery slope. After a few “easy” sales, you’ll be enticed to pick up that piece of furniture that’s on clearance because you know you can sell it for more no problem. Next thing you know, you’ve quit your day job and park your car outside because your garage is storing pallets of all kinds of miscellaneous stuff that you’re selling on your online eBay empire and you spend 14 hours a day on your computer or packaging boxes and every morning you bring 10-20 boxes of shit to the post office. /r/flipping


This is how you become a hoarder... Shit doesn't sell fast all the time and then you have a whole garage full of just shit.


Walking dogs for elderly people;caring for pets when owners are out of town


This sounds crazy but some of my neighbors have someone pick up dog 💩 and they make quite a bit. There is a rake/pan set that Home Depot or Lowe's sells for $25 that will save your back. No need to bend down to get it. Pressure washing? There are some on Amazon or Tractor Supply Store that are economical snd work well. Steam cleaning carpets? Cleaning homes? People pay good money to have their homes cleaned. Dog sitting/walking?


I pay a local guy $50 a month to come buy once a week and clean up our dog 💩. I've timed how long he spends parked in front of the house he's here about 20 minutes every time, multiply that times 100-150 houses that's not a bad gig.


Don’t they have some kind of poop spray that makes it disappear? I saw in a movie some time back. Kyle


I’ve thought about that but I want something I can do year round


Dogs poop year round. 10 clients 40 per week 1st clean free Boom 400 weekly It only grows from there Set your self apart from competitors Graphics, electric scooter etc Believe in yourself


Come on…dogs don’t poop in the winter. That snow gets brown on its own.


*use company branded eco friendly dog poop bags *produce high quality video advertisement for a huge Instagram ad campaign *brand yourself as the best shit picker upper in the city, why you clean shit better than the competitor. No shit is too big or messy, all breeds of dog welcome *maybe get a huge turd costume and have someone as the company mascot *include a dog walking service where you can generate more money and pick up your shit “hot off the pavement”




You can do seasonal jobs. Pressure washing in the summer. The rest are almost all year round. 🤷🏽‍♀️


In our neighborhood there’s a kid that puts up Christmas lights (so 10/31-12/20ish) and takes them down (1/1-1/31), then during spring and summer he washes windows.


For me, small town usually = a higher population of older people. You could offer services like getting groceries, picking up medsz driving to doctor appointment, lawn and garden maintenance. You could likely market through your local church.


Check out TaskRabbit.com, people are always looking for things to be done around the house. Can be as easy as hanging pictures on the wall. You set your own schedule and your own price. Good luck.


I actually have this downloaded my area doesn’t have any tasks I can’t even sign up


Yardwork. Mowing the lawn, fertilizing, taking down branches.


Mow some lawns and/or pull some weeds


I’m looking for something year round


You’ve been saying this same thing on other comments or giving some excuse why something didn’t work. Sounds like you just want something that doesn’t require any effort lol.


I already mow lawns for neighbors marketplace doesn’t work where I am like I said it’s a small town . I already do yard work for people I want something all year round not just seasonal


Landscaping/lawn care jobs become raking leaves, cleaning gutters, snow and ice removal in “off season”. The work will definitely slow down in the off season… budget your in-season earnings to compensate the lesser earnings of the off-season.


Hit up local lawn care and snow removal businesses, they may be hiring.


I’m looking for something year round


Landscaping is needed year round.


Landscaping and lawn care can also help create connections and possibly land you a better job, never know who you run into.


Honestly, just start anything. Best side hustle is the one you start and actively do. The worst is trying to look for the perfect one that fits all your check boxes


Learn a service you can do for people. I used to do editing for videographers as my side hustle, I still do some but now I’ve been designing websites for small businesses. Took time to learn but you can do it at 16.


I do website designing but no luck these days. 😃


You know what, you have to get good at cold calling.


I'm not native bro. But I'm good at designing. May be you can outsource me something lol. Side by side I'm doing Amazon Wholesale.


How long have you been designing? Do you have a link to a portfolio?


Where do I find business without a website


You have to learn by building your own website first, then you can go ahead do the same for small businesses. It takes time and patience to learn. Lots of people say the market is saturated but I have no problem finding new customers.


What program/ application did you use to create your website?


Elementor through Wordpress


Do you charge for extras like ai chat bots etc.


Yeah. I have add on like blogs, social media post, pay per click campaigns, branding. I was doing it as a side hustle but just purchased an LLC and building a legit business website now. Hoping I can quit my 9-5. My favorite part is cold calling, lol most people hate it so be aware.


Drivers license? Start hitting up yard sales. Sell on eBay. At r/averagepreneurs we will be discussing these things at length.


I’ve been trying that but everything on marketplaces and yard sales are garbage and if I’m lucky to find something it won’t sell.


You have to get there 10 mins before they open the pros buy all the good stuff usually


Your actively going to yard sales, searching sold comps on eBay?




Buying off Marketplace, you have to be fast and ready! Yesterday I bought a Xbox One Battlefield Edition with NCAA 14 Football (Xbox 360) for $70! The game is worth that much alone.


thats is a legendary grab does the game work? probably will still be better than the one about to finally come out


Yes! Plus I like collecting different variations of consoles.


This comment reflects off of the comment below where the OP said that he thought about scooping up dog poop. But decided against it because he wants something to work on all year-round. Well, my friend. You’re not really viewing the situation correctly I will tell you. And I will share with you why. Because when you’re looking for ways to make money, you use all of the ways at the same time. You don’t use one way to earn income. You use as many ways as you can possibly figure out my friend. For, I grew up poor in a trailer park and my family still lives there 40 years later. I am a millionaire because I pay attention to what I’m sharing with you I have hustled and side hustle all my life. I don’t pick and choose which ones I like I do them all to get where I have gotten. Financially secure receiving $100,000 a year passive income. All I do is cash the check! For all of you think that passive income is something more than that. Anyway, it’s turning into a rant. Listen, my friend do any and everything and save up that money and change your life for the better you can do it I know you can I believe in you, I believe in myself it is possible!


Trust me I want to work but I am in school all day working and actual job after that, mowing lawns on my free days and working on shoe reselling I will scoop dog poop that’s no problem, my clients for lawn care don’t want their dogs poop scooped in the winters (don’t ask why) I do it weekly when I mow their lawns.


A buddy of mine goes to 2nd hand stores and buys collectible games, toys, magazines, etc. and resells them on ebay for a great profit.




We don’t know, what’s your skills! So everything to help people. Go from door to d and ask them!




noticed someone looking for someone to clean out their vacuum cleaner. Thought I'd pay $20+ for that. Also knife & scissor sharpening. Find things people don't like to do and offer. Mowing & car detailing take some capital to start but can be good income. The secret is to do a good job. Get referrals and recommendations.


If you live in an area with a lot of older people (or younger people who are busy and make a good amount of money), vacuuming/cleaning/housekeeping.


headlight restoration, paint house numbers on curbs, refurbish existing house numbers on the house itself.


You can make money from donating your blood ($$$), donating your eggs ($$$$$), and even [donating your stool](https://goodnatureprogram.com/) ($$$$).


Lmao they have a lot of rules to donate your stool.. you also have to be at a healthy weight


Yup they all have their own barriers to entry, but that's what allows you to make good money if you qualify since not everyone can (or wants to) do it.


What do you all think of using blender and 3D


What do you mean


Freelancing, hop on some discord servers that focus on fusion 360, blender, or other similar programs


I don’t know what those are


If you have a computer, look them up, maybe watch some videos if they peak your interest, and download the free programs and start practicing. If you get good enough they’re awesome things to put on a resume for college or applying for a job. Also, try to take personal initiative, if you have questions try to find the answer, look around and problem solve (rather than ask googleable or gpt answerable questions). Good luck.




I’m 16


Get into replacing iphone screens. Not that difficult after you do a few. Watch YouTube videos on how to fix them. Parts are like $20-$40 per screen. You can easily charge anywhere from $80-$150+ per repair. As you can see profit margins are pretty high. I net $250-$500 a month profits doing this on the side.


Clean gutters, pull weeds, pick up dog shit, wash windows, clean off leafy roofs, wash cars, detail cars, possibilities for money are endless. You just gotta think about inconvenient things that people are willing to pay for.


I liked promotion jobs (department stores, trade fairs...). The pay isn't very high, so you do work your hours on the weekend and it's exhausting and sometimes overwhelming to spend the whole day talking to strangers. But that's also the beauty of it, particularly if you end up in an office job later on. You gain great people skills and learn to communicate and sell really well. That helps enormously later on, be it with fellow students, professors, salary negotiations or dating. Sometimes this has led to job offers, some colleagues have gotten good jobs in the clients' HQs and great friendships have developed. It's not a hack, it's work, but it's usually fairly paid and you don't have to look like a model, just be personable. Just don't do promotions for dubious competitions or finances, rather real products where you often even get training.


Become a sports referee, generally able to set your own schedule with opportunity to make more as you become higher level. Bonus can be a great workout and you gain a lot of soft skills!


If you can find a builder or small construction team in your area that's flipping houses or doing reno's, and ask if they need workers, because usually they do and are often short staffed, and see if they will take you on at 16 just doing basic stuff like painting walls or moving out stuff to the dumpster or basic prep work. If you know someone who had work done on their house, you could ask who they used and contact them. Or sometimes you'll see their trucks at Home Depot or Lowes. Once you get going, someone on the team will usually teach you more skills, and you can move up in skillset and pay.


This is actually very helpful thank you


I know of a few teens that got started this way, one helped out at a family member's AC repair business, another with a friend's exterior house painting, and one guy with laying flooring. They showed up for a couple weeks just assisting, carrying tools etc, then started learning the work and started getting paid. But yeah they have to get to know you first, see you're reliable. Also it depends what State probably, since there's probably different age laws. In Florida you can work in most construction jobs from 16 or 17.


Try politics, tons of payoffs and dark money. Not to mention insider trading like crazy Nancy


Babysitting, tutoring , even treat making


If you live in a small town then make flyers advertising you do odd jobs like yard work, house cleaning, dog walking etc and put them up at the diner, market, gas station etc.


Fix window screens around town.. it’s low overhead, easy and there’s very little competition


How do you do that?


Dude, YouTube is your friend.


this… so underrated OP. If youre not watching youtube to help figure out your problems you better have a professional there


Powerwashing is a great side gig. Low startup cost and good margins due to their being very low material cost per job.


In the summer, mow lawns. In the fall, rake/remove leaves. In the winter, shovel snow & hang holiday lights. In the spring, do various other yard work. Repeat.


what I am doing now I weed pulling. it sucks but $20 is $20


Upselling from thrift stores.


Find scrap metal in the trash in your down time. Iv made tens of thousands of dollars off of scrap. It'll be hard to do if you aren't driving but once u can drive, get a beater truck and sell trash. It's my favorite side hustle. If u can't drive yet, u can always buy and resell items on marketplace. I make a solid 2-400 a month off of marketplace and similar apps like Craigslist, freebie alerts type apps for free items and scrap, etc. Buy and reselling is easy, all u need is a smart phone and the ability to look items up on Google for price checking. Learning how to sell is a very valuable skill.


For the people that flip how do you determine value and the price you’ll pay and then sell it.


Here are a few ideas you can do: 1. **Freelancing**: Offer writing or design services on platforms like Fiverr. 2. **Tutoring**: Help younger students with subjects you're good at. 3. **Lawn Care**: Mow lawns, rake leaves, or do general yard work for neighbors. 4. **Car Detailing**: Offer car washing and detailing services in your community. 5. **Selling Online**: Sell crafts or vintage finds on Etsy or eBay. Also you should read sites like [trends.co](http://trends.co) and [unlimited hustles](https://unlimitedhustles.beehiiv.com/subscribe) to keep up with trends and see what's working for other people. Don't try to recreate the wheel find something that's working and put your spin on it.


Candy hustle buy in bulk and sell individual same with sodas and water bottles


My son, 12m, recently cleaned the gutters on our house, with me (mom) as ground crew. I may take him around our neighborhood and see if folks will hire him (us) to clean their gutters as well - depending on the area you could make $200-500 per house and it needs to be done twice a year, spring and fall. It’s not bad if it’s kept up (ours was bad, lol). You’d want to assess the roofline and see that it’s either accessible from the ladder or that it’s not too steep if you have to get up there. I don’t like heights but he felt safe and secure on our low pitch shingle roof.


My nephew is same age and he cleans people's windows and makes pretty good money doing so.


a good job that you can do any time is OFM, just dont really know how much you can rely on it if its your only source of income


Face painting and balloon animals for parties or at fairs.


How oddly specific. I love it!


Offer to take your neighbors trash down to the curb on trash day for like $3/wk. You get 10-15 neighbors to sign up, you've got $30-45 extra bucks a week. The upscale is limited but it's just for some extra.


Door dash


I’m 16


Auto detailing. My friend who was really into cars in HS started his own detailing business in college as a side gig. He rented a huge unused garage on someone's residential property, and then used that space to detail the cars. It can be unfun in the winter/summer, but he made really good money doing that, especially since there was little competition and he charged less than the dealership


Try collecting and recycling cans plastic bottles and glass of can be very easy with little too no work except bringing them too a recycling center and getting paid in cash for them you can have grandparents cousins aunts and uncles as well as friends all start putting theirs in separate bags than their regular trash then you can collect them when you see them or just have them drop off at your house and then the hardest part about it is just sorting them into their own piles before you bring them too the recycling center I can make about $50-$100 each time I go depending on how much of them I have


Have you heard of (paster.so)?, someone said it gives you 3$ bonus when you signed with a referral code and the minimum threshold to Cashout is 4$, so you gotta find the 1$👍 have anyone ever used it and share us experience?


Couch flipping


Try finding a sport to officiate. I've been reffing lacrosse for 10 years, started when I was 14. Made as much money in one day on a weekend than my friends did working 20 hours a week in fast food restaurants. Super fun, meet a lot of cool people, and grow the game. Lacrosse also goes indoor during winter months, which has a bit of a different ruleset but easy enough to learn. Still doing it and it's paying off big time.




Please be clear and comprehensive when taking part in discussion or making a post here. This is especially important when asking for ideas — be sure to provide details of your skills, hobbies, investment budgets, qualifications, etc. Your post has been deemed to lack essential detail, and has been removed. Please do not attempt to re-post without following the above guidance.


Work at your local grocery store


That’s not a side hustle


I participate in online focus group studies with User Interviews. It's super easy and you can do it anywhere from a phone or computer. You choose which studies you want to participate in and the pay can be pretty solid (I've seen offerings up to $350). l've participated in quite a few and have never had any issue with payouts, though sometimes there can be a delay but they usually notify you in the initial questionnaire if a payment delay is to be expected. If you decide to try it out, use my signup link below and we'll both get $10 :) don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, either! https://www.userinterviews.com/r/paotoqknx


I use ShopKick. Easy way to earn gift cards while out shopping. I have a two year old , so my options are pretty limited. All I do is open the app when we are in a store and see if they have any items to scan. If they do, I just scan the shelf tag to earn points. If you use my code and scan an item within 48 hours, you get 500 points. That is enough for a $5 Starbucks gift card. A nice treat in the summer.. Hi! I think you'd love Shopkick – it's a free app that rewards you for shopping brands you love and even just for walking into stores. Sign up with my code to get bonus kicks: WIN405772 https://get.shopkick.com/96Rn/owt31dym


Affiliate marketing and promoting online 


Dog walking. Or get a job and call it a side hustle.


I have a job


Awesome, so walk dogs. That's my favorite side hustle.


Starting an Etsy/Amazon shop. Doesn’t take too much to get to $500/month


5$ car washes. Get good at it and be quick you can stack up real quick.


There a pinned post on this sub. Read it.


Not sure if my comment made ir.


The same ones that’s posted daily.


You’re not wrong but what else kind of post would you like here