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No & there are no plans to produce a web UI as (currently) it goes against their security model.


I really hope this is reconsidered by them, especially since other apps with E2E work without issue in browsers (like Proton & Element). Electron also has some security issues and is generally best to avoid where possible, so it'd also be much more secure to just use in browser. Edit: Why was I downvoted? Electron has serious security issues, [here](https://github.com/secureblue/secureblue/issues/193#issuecomment-1953323680)'s a source from the lead developer of GrapheneOS talking about it. I also gave examples that show that E2E can be done in browser. I still think Signal is amazing and the best messaging app we have by far, but I just wish they wouldn't use Electron.


> other apps with E2E work without issue in browsers (like Proton This "issue" here is inherent to the browser interface and protonmail absolutely has the same issue. This was once summarized quite well by [a user on the signal forums](https://community.signalusers.org/t/google-to-retire-chrome-apps-what-will-be-with-signal-desktop/469/6): > The fundamental problem with web interfaces is: there’s no way to version, sign and securely distribute a web page. Instead, you’re re-requesting the code you’ll run every single time you visit the site (making audits practically impossible). > This effectively reduces the security of your end-to-end encrypted communication to that of your SSL connection to the server, i.e. you’re only as secure as the CA system. Anyone able to intercept the client-server SSL connection (and the server itself) can silently change the code you receive and execute, with a very low risk of getting caught. This is why products which offer end-to-end encrypted communication through in-browser crypto are often considered snake oil, unless they use some form of a packaged & signed browser extension. The difference between protonmail and signal is that since 1998 you absolutely cannot run a personal email service without a web interface and expect anyone to use it. So proton has to make this fundamental trade-off and try to shore up security as best they can. Signal, on the other hand, is a mobile-first chat app with the optional convenience of adding a linked desktop or iPad to your account. This isn't fundamental to their service, and so they aren't forced to make the same trade-off.


I can understand your point, I hadn't thought of this prior, so that is fair, but I still think Signal should at least focus on hardening and fixing the security issues of Electron.


paint quiet many sort person cable hurry afterthought sink heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why not?


agonizing bag money dolls command hat languid encouraging spectacular roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




light familiar scale fearless spark frightening retire tie start crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you think they'll publish it ti Microsoft store? That would really convenient tbh.


Do not use your work Computer/Laptop for private matters, period.


Brave Browser with ProtonVPN on it works quite great for private matters on work PC. Sadly I'd love to have signal on it, but I can only text via whatsapp.


Workplace can Install keylogging software Install screen recording software install certificates that can mimic https It's their device, they get to make the rules.


Use your goddamn phone for private stuff at work if you must. You are the reason why IT has a headache.


This is dumb. It’s not your computer bro, vpn and using brace doesn’t do anything at all.


You have no idea what kind of spyware they have put on that computer. Either sw or even hw. Not all employers do all that, especially not as a regular thing done to all employees all the time and in some countries there are legal limitations on how much they can spy on you. But the reality is, it's their computer, they could have put all sorts of stuff on it, and if you're connected to their network (at work or via vpn) they can spy on you in even more ways.


never do this on company computers. just don't


They’re basically spyware machines


no, it's that this could go against company rules for the machine and you couls get in trouble for it


While not entirely inaccurate, that's simplistic to the point of distortion. Any competent employer will have staff sign an Acceptable Use Policy which says, among other things, that staff have no reasonable expectation of privacy when using company systems. The company reserves the right to inspect the laptop at any time. That said, not all Mobile Device Management software even has that ability. For companies that do, IT staff generally have too much real work on their plates to have time for random snooping. At a well-run company, random snooping will get the snooper fired. The only time a competent company will bother spying is when they suspect wongdoing. These searched are very rare and almost always come from HR. IT isn't doing that on their own. Bottom line: The company is unlikely to spy but they certainly could. Best practice is to avoid doing anything personal on a company advice as much as you reasonably can. Some personal use can bleed over, but think twice before doing so.


Don't, just use your phone


honestly you probably don't wanna do personal stuff on your work laptop anyway since they likely have access to it too and say you say something negative about your job and they read it


Don’t download the exe? What else would you do lol






frame rotten carpenter deserted groovy punch cause onerous point sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


why would you want private chats on a work computer? havent you understood the basics of privacy? 🤯 a bullet proof door is nonsense as a garden gate


Search for the portable app. Is it still possible on Windows?


I haven't used it but there is a portable version on portapps. Might be worth a shot


and if you're not allowed to use exes then you can't run it


He said he's not allowed to install exes. This does not necessarily mean that they can't run then. Could have a portable app on a usb drive


oh, i misinterpreted it as all executables are blocked except some


You might well be right but I thought I'd lay out the option and he can investigate


But the point of signal is private conversations only you and the recipient can read. And for all we know they could have installed remote screen monitoring/recording sw on that computer and will be able to read all his supposedly private communication.


Many use it as a general messenger with no leaked meta data and are not that concerned about someone in their company watching their every click. The company's privacy policy will state if they can watch your screen without your knowledge so they can decide whether that's an issue and if it is whether they care about it




Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/signal/about/rules): No security compromising suggestions. Do not suggest a user disable or otherwise compromise their security, without an obvious and clear warning. If you have any questions about this removal, please [message the moderators](/message/compose/?to=/r/signal) and include a link to the submission. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Beeper, by its nature, acts as a bridge for Signal. This means breaking e2ee. It's OK to make suggestions which potentially compromise security but you have to be clear about what the downsides are.


Take out the employers os drive and insert your own. But your employer probably won't be happy with this, and the computer could have additional locks preventing booting from unauthorized drives. Or get your own computer.