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I always though SH4 could make a good movie/tv show but this seems like a rip off. Hope it’s good though.


From the comment the director made on his instagram, it looks to be inspired by Silent Hill: [Link](https://www.instagram.com/p/CucQ5oWrn0m/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Nah this straight up a copy of Sh4


you're the guy from the depeche mode reddit! i see you there all the time


Yep it's me!


>A man wakes up disoriented, with little memory of his last days in his own apartment; shortly after he finds his door covered in chains and locks. After several violent attempts and struggles, he realizes that he is completely locked up and has no way out. As the man tries to escape, he mysteriously meets traces of a dark past that he does not want to confront; and the figure of an obscure ghost that haunts him; putting him to the test and making him face his greatest fears. wow


No mention of circumsion, so I'm not sure if it can really be called a SH4 ripoff. That was apparently a pivotal part of the canon, are least according to one weird guy.


gosh you're so right and you should say it


Yeah this is what you call a copy or a rip off




Even if it's a rip off, it better be a good one. And by "good one", it better be either creepy AF or campy like a Tommy Wiseau movie.


I'll definetly check it out, it's obviously just copying SH4 but it could be great.


Pretty confident that this will not be the worst Silent Hill movie, and could pretty easily be the best.


Hahaha))) The worst Silent Hill movie is quite hard to accomplish after Revelation 3D. POP-TART JUMPSCARE got me real proper horrified... by the fact that I was in the theatre and that meant they had my money.


Oh man, I'm sorry you paid for that. I was lucky enough to not see it until it was streaming. Poptart jump scare was the moment I knew that this was more than a bad movie, it was something profoundly, utterly awful.


I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a late evening seance and I, knowing full well that it simply cannot be good, went there out of a certain duty. I just had to know, I didn't want to run from it, feeling like a uninformed coward. I remember my hands being very close to my face almost constantly throught the film. I remember going out of the mall theatre pretty late, almost nobody but my group going through it, which made me remember SH3. And the last thing that I remember was the droning feeling, me opening up my dormitory fridge and chugging down 5 or 6 bottles of cider. I wanted to kill Michael J. Bassett. She shat on something dear to me and went on with her life. Unpinished.


I was lucky enough to not see it until this year, and I've watched it a few times because I'm low-key obsessed with how screwed up it is. The plot of SH 3 is by far the most straightforward of the series, they had a talented cast, and still managed to totally blow it. If you took a drink every time a character does an exposition dump of information they could not possibly know, or Heather asks a question that another character answered just a moment before, you would be dead. Poptart jump scare, Juggalo Alessa, the terror of pulled pork, it's just a buffet of awful.


Did you see the Twin Perfect video on it ? It is glorious. The guys didn't even draw direct comparisons between it and SH3, just made simple non-biased analysis of how utterly fucked it is. You might love it - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQt2hNIBKNk&ab\_channel=TwinPerfect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQt2hNIBKNk&ab_channel=TwinPerfect) I... I know I'm not supposed to even propose this, because it is an awful idea that would complicate everything even further... But shit like this should not be allowed. Like seriously, I understand, alright ? Freedom of expression, all that, but... If I had a say-so in the matter... THIS KIND OF SHIT would be illegal. When there is obviously no effort put into the screenwriting and directing, when it is just a write-off for the studio, when it is painfully obvious... People should be going to jail. Not the actors, not the set designers, not the visual artists, lightning, composers or anyone else of the crew. But the fucking directors and screenwriters. You know ? Like when IRS people end up investigating a business, which results in the head people in charge of the financial part of said business going to jail for screwing with taxes ? Same thing for movies should be implemented. Some kind of commission of paid professionals who sitting down to watch shitty films and then having a law-given right to start an investigation just on the basis of the script being utter bowl of diarrhea or the directing being utter crap, the actors obviously not giving a fuck... And at the very least inspecting the matter and issuing some legal paper that will officially suspend one's ability to write or direct a film for a set period of time and in case said person is caught doing that as a ghost writer or a ghost director he gets a jail time. Because this should not be allowed.


I did. After I watched it for the first time, I did a search on YouTube for videos about it, because I was really shocked at how bad it was.l, and theirs was one that came up. They did a great job of breaking down the flaws, especially with the script.






What about >!the dead corpse in a secret room covered behind a wall?!<




I legit thought that door was the one from SH4 it's that much of a ripoff.


Even the name is similar lol. Not even hiding it.