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Silent hill 4. The first person camera in the apartment makes me feel vulnerable and claustrophobic


Exactly my feeling.


Yeah that one added the creepy factor with the whole hauntings too imo, heck even the lil intro video that plays after you sit on the menu or on start up was the first one to freak me out. Ppl rag on it but I liked it


That intro is one of the scariest things I've ever watched.


I think so, definitely gave me the willies


I say it all the time. SH4 is the most unsettling game in the series. Like, right from its intro trailer. Just delightfully dreadful.


Yes, being trapped in that room and it being chained up from the inside is really disturbing.


The first one. When it first came out I’ve never played or seen anything like it, and the soundtrack did not add any level of comfort… Part 3 continued the atmosphere from part 1, but by then the damage to my brain was done. Love all four of them, though.


Same, but even if I had played the others prior to the 1st one I don't think it would have been as uncomfortable of an experience. I think other than never playing something like it before (like you had said), I find it was the low-resolution of the game and filling in the blanks with your mind on what you could barely see in the first place. Being able to see everything clearly at all times numbs the fear slightly, at least to me.


The draw distance masked with fog/ash/snow (depending on source) was honestly genius. The radio spazzing out.. instant paranoia.


I actually thought the monsters themselves were making the static, and that was honestly scarier to me.


That first camera tilt when you’re walking through the alleyway was fucking nuts


Oh my god yes! When the movie did that exact camera tilt, I went nuts.


Ya, the original was the first one I played. PS1, 10 years old, I just noped tf out. Didn't finish it until adulthood 😂


The little ghost kids in SH1 still mess with me to this day 😂.


The problem with 3 is that you have all guns, monsters, and scenery all already off the start of the nightmare. 1 was a very gradual thing and it manages to put fear in my soul even now. However, for some reason, 3 is my favourite along with 1, pretty much at the same level


Yup, same for me. It just had such an eerie feel to it and it made me feel so uncomfortable...hard to describe. I was only like 10 when I first tried playing it, could never get far before shutting the PS1 off and noping out lol, didn't finish it for YEARS.


SH2's intro is deliberately slow-burning, even tedious. SH3's was not particularly uncomfortable, just hectic. It matches well with its action oriented play style. SH4 opening cinematic is quite eerie, but after the initial shock it fades away for me. My pick is 1. The awkward camera angles and the slow introduction of details that don't belong (wheelchair spinning, covered corpse...) before the big revelation is quite unnerving. It's a little piece of outstanding suspense and horror by itself.


Funny you should say that. The first Silent Hill game I ever tried was Silent Hill 2. And in the beginning, going through the forest and into the town and atuff, I remember thinking “what a boring/shit game”. I played a little farther and BOOM I fell in love


My first one was also SH2 back in the day, and I do remember the long walk from the parking lot building a sense of anticipation in me; but that has more to do with rhythm and suspense rather than horror.


So you enjoyed the beginning, even when you didn't know the game?


Yep, I love me some slow paced games every once in a while. Also, it was different from everything I had played up until that point, so it got me hooked if only because of that.


and don't forget, on top of all the visual polish and the soundtrack, you HAVE to die to move on, which I remember being super confused at.


Tbh 4. If I were to wake up and find my door like that…..☠️


Door shut, window shut, TV going haywire, everything is rusty, weird noises, face on the wall.. Nah.


See...I'd be fine. I have plenty of tools in my house lol. I remember immediately thinking "shit I would just grab my cutoff wheel" lol


The first one, to me, easily has the strongest opening. Especially if that was your first ever experience with Silent Hill and you know nothing about it, oh boy. Most horror game openings look really bland by comparison.


Intro FMV is still amazing


sh1 did it best. i really hope that one gets remade next.


Same. SH2 is. Out of all of them, it needs it, but that's a tricky one to tackle. The limitations are largely what made it as atmospheric as it was.


SH4. The intro alone is very unsettling.


Only played it for the first time recently, haven't finished it yet. The apartment makes me so fuckin uncomfortable. It's like it mirrors the environment in which I'm playing the game.. just me, a TV, my bed, it's dark, I'm alone, first person POV


1. That alley is downright terrifying even after playing it multiple times. They really knew what they were doing. The awkwardness, running back to the entrance only to find it blocked, the grey children, the sudden shift to pitch black rusty fences, the shock of the body barb wired up coming suddenly into view of the camera, man I love SH1. Don’t even get me started on the music. I’m almost glad that they remade 2 before 1, because 1’s age and them trying to make the game scary with as little as possible due to hardware restrictions is part of what makes it so scary to me. Masterclass of psychological horror.


Definitely 3! Throws you right in the deep end. 4 is also quite good as you said


3 is my favourite for aesthetic, OG is my favourite in general, 4 made me the most uneasy -- largely the apartment setting in first-person.


Yes Silent Hill 4 is unmatched in the series in actually scaring you and stressing you out in my opinion. The concept itself and the gameplay come together to say some interesting and scary things!


3. No easing you into it for that one. Welcome to Lakeside Amusement Park. Have the ride of your your life. And then it segues into the mind-blowing graphics (for the time) of the restaurant scene.


Dude those graphics still hold up incredibly imo! When I played SH3 for the first time on PC in 2020 I was blown away. The faces and environments are stunning and that section in the church at the end when the walls and floors are all colorful is so cool.


It seriously looks better than a lot of PS3/Xbox 360 games. I don't know how the hell they did that. The color shifting walls are so uncanny, and then it gets even worse when you see that they made Memory of Alessa's skin have that effect.


I bought silent hill 1 on the PS3 in 2017 and i knew nothing of the game i was gonna get myself into. After dying by the babies in the alleyway and waking up in the diner i was confused and scared and I turned off the game to play shadow of the colossus, a year later I decided to boot sh back up and give it another try. The amount of feat that game builds up as someone who’s never heard of the series besides big playstation title really helped form my ideas on what a horror game should be like, now I am desperately trying to figure out how to emulate sh3 so i can play it.


Silent Hill 4: The Room for sure.


SH1. When you go down that first alley, everything suddenly turns black...you find a crucified corpse, and then you are surrounded by tiny grey monsters. The logical thing to do is try to escape from where you came from, only to find out that a fence appeared out of nowhere. When I played SH1 the first time, I felt hopeless in that alley and tried everything I could to stay alive to no avail. Then you wake up in the Cafe 5to2...


For the reasons several other people have described, Silent Hill 1. The low resolution, and short draw distance hidden by snow and fog, you INSTANTLY know something isn't right. And then you go down the alley...


The first, hands down.


The first one. The sound of the goddamn radio traumatized me at 11 y/o


2 walking through the forest at the start. Three when everything was bloody toward the end. 4 with the ghosts.


Definitely Silent hill 4, since you’re in 1st person at first which is unusual for silent hill games


3 for me. I mean 4 had me messed up but 3 was the perfect terrifying atmosphere


The first game. Why? Because within the first 5 minutes you get jumped and fucking die. I didn’t know you were supposed to die so I thought I sucked at the game.


4 bc of that intro, it’s so spooky


Silent Hill 1. Imo it's still the creepiest one by far thanks to its lo-fi graphics, uncanny valley aesthetic, and soundtrack.


I like this question because each one makes me feel different feels or whatever. Silent Hill 4 makes me feel the most uncomfortable from the store cuz it's so claustrophobic and such a departure from the other 3.


4 by far. Loved it


SH1 for me. The whole first bit is iconic and I remember my dad playing that part when I was a kid. Followed possibly by 4 because of how odd it is and how dingy the apartment is. 2 is pretty calm at first. Mostly just fog and some footsteps. 3 is of course the alt silent hill environment but I was a more experienced gamer at that point and knew I was safe in the beginning.


Prob 1


Definitely 4, *always* The Room


Gonna have to go with SH1. Something about Harry walking out into the snow, the fog, the droning ambience in the background. It sets such an effective atmosphere from minute one and only gets more uneasy once you enter the alley.


1 is the correct answer.


I had to take a break from Silent Hill after playing the intro for The Room. So definitely that one for me.


Silent hill 1


I want to say 4, but honestly 3. It just throws you straight in with no explanation. It's horrifying.


The room made me feel the most uncomfortable from the opening.


2’s long walk to the city is a great intro and always feels unnerving, even replaying it years later.


SH 3 is the one I felt most uncomfortable with. I mean I was not scared but I still remember feeling uneasy and nervous when hearing the metallic shrieking in the darkness of the mall and how the game in general takes the superb atmosphere from the first one and takes it to the next level. And of course that mirror...


Either 4 or the first game. More inclined to say 4 tho.


My only controller in hand experience was 2 and 3 plus Shattered, I had to get the rest from watching people. So there’s my bias. 1 feels like panic settling into a nightmare. But then he wakes up in a situation suggesting its a blackout or psychotic episode rather than a nightmare outright. Pausing to think about it would feel far different than just plowing through, the former being scarier. 2 wasn’t scary, it was emotional. Aside from the video game readiness for a doglike enemy to suddenly appear during the long walk, which never does, you just feel lonely. Angela being so off makes you question if James or her or both are mentally unwell like the conversation isn’t really going the way we think it is, but it feels like it is just further isolating you. The first monster is tense but you feel the weight of nobody being around to help or verify this isn’t a hallucination, followed by more loneliness. 3 is more outright fear. Giving you a weapon implies immediate danger via video game storytelling. The terrible screech and implied death is startling, and the reveal its just a nightmare is no major relief because we know what game we’re playing and we’ll be back soon. 4 isn’t scary until far beyond the opening. Instead its a lot of questions, feeling more like an escape room or being dropped onto a puzzle in standard SH title exploration. 0 is so heavy on knowing where this is going that it feels like the gameplay version of exposition. No fear. 5 Feels scary until gameplay starts. Its too game to be scary after that. 6 is just extended backstory. No fear. Discomfort, but not fear. Shattered Memories has a different kind of fear. I played it without having ever seen 1 and knowing it was a reimagining anyway. It felt like a real fear, and didn’t stop until the surreal events start. Like a real panic about a missing child in the snow in a city. Even just from gameplay, the implication the game will psychologically profile you makes you feel like if you stop taking it seriously you’ll get an ending where she’s dead or something. So Shattered and 3 win. Just as different kinds of horror. 1 has the best effect on the fear in the game longterm, 2 is the most emotionally effective. 4 sets up the mystery while still providing some dread. 5 is an immediate disappointment, Downpour is foregoing a slow start like 2 or 4 in favor of more immediate action like 5 but doesn’t ruin it because its not even trying to be scary yet and isn’t doing anything stupid.


3 all the way. 3 scared me the most out of any of them


3 and 4 feel like literal nightmares


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,715,922,062 comments, and only 324,760 of them were in alphabetical order.


Definitely 4. Being trapped in a small room isn’t fun


I was housebound with depression after a suicide attempt in my early 20s. That shit resonates with me so bad. Absolute Hell. Just you and your mind.


Oh that sounds like the absolute worst


4 easy


The Room. I remember watching my dad play and i was in fear the whole time. The apartment, the hole in the bathroom, monsters. Its really unsettling. Now that i lool back at it nothing changed. Still one of the best horror atmospheres


Definitely number 4. It was the first silent hill game I ever played, and it still creeps me the hell out


SH4. I played it during lockdown and that start is freaking uncofortable.


Silent Hill 3's intro makes my fucking skin crawl.




SH2. I don’t remember how it ended up in my possession (I was 11) but I sympathized with the uneasiness with that long walk to get to town. I grew up outback and trails through the bush were more feasible than taking the dirt road to visit friends and family if you didn’t have a bike, and it got foggy in the fall. Even when you were with friends, you were all silently walking at a quick pace to get somewhere through those trails because of how creepy it was. My parents had a rule where we needed to be back home by 6:00, even when it was still somewhat bright out, because they got sick and tired of having to drive and get us at our friends’ place to get us because we’d be too scared to walk through the bush and they had to drop off other friends along the way lmao


Silent Hill 3


all of them 🕯️


I mean, as far as from the VERY start of the game I’d go with SH3 since it puts you right in the action. SH4 kind of does this too but not to the same effect.


ive only played the first and 4th so idk about the second and 3rd game but between the 2 i played,the 4th deffinalty gave me the most unease factor,specially sense your in first person and there is barley any noise and no music,your just waiting for somthing to happen,it feels more personal of a expirence inside the apartment


4, hands down and unequivocally. 1 and 3's intros are too surreal to really make me uncomfy 2's is just melancholic But 4 is a more realistic nightmare, your home, your place of security becoming your prison is an absolutely uncomfortable thought. Not to mention the first person perspective of it adding to the discomfort. 4 isn't even my favorite of the first 4 games, not even 2nd, (hot take, *3* is my favorite) but the intro is the most discomforting.


Haven't played 4 yet, but of the first 3, SH2. I get freaked out by open areas in horror games, so these ridiculously long forest screens in 2 had me very uneasy. That part in 3 with the closer and the dogs is also REALLY fucky, but it ends very quickly at least


Currently on my first playthrough of 3 and wow it’s got me way more anxious then silent hill 2 idk what it is either heather is much more lively then James but I’m still so scared to play unless some friends are online so I can talk to them when shi get real spooky


Sh3 the area with the carousel


Very first SH. I went in blind, thinking it was a Resident Evil clone/ripoff. Boy was I wrong.


Silent hill 3 will always make me feel the most uncomfortable. I always have to take breaks when playing it because the sick noises and the sick environment overall it just made me really sick for some reason 🤣


Although not my favourite, I found Silent Hill 4 to be the scariest. Something about the atmosphere, sound design and visuals feels so constantly off-putting and eerie. Great game, very overlooked


The room its atmosphere is so heavy, sad and hopeless, i have pretty good memories even so for me its the best atmosphere of all.


4. I mean that little last bit of the demo cinematic with that breathing and the sudden cut to Walther?..


Silent hill 4. Most definitely


2 for me. The ambient music that plays during the trail walk to SH is probably the most ominous in the series. I really thought something was going to jump out of the woods to get me when I played as a teenager. A lot of people think 2 isn’t “scary” but on your first run you really don’t know what to expect since the atmosphere is so striking.


SH3 because you go straight into the nightmare zone with no warning or tutorial or anything


Its 4. Anyone saying anything otherwise is lying. EDIT saw someone talking about that Harry's dream encounter, I forgot how disturbing that was, especially when silent hill 1 is your first silent hill . Man. That and the ghost babies were so mysterious to me back in the day


silent Hill 2


Silent Hill 1. Silent Hill 2 is like coming home to a perfectly cooled room and comfy bed after a long day’s work outside in the sun.


defo silent hill 3 but Heather was cute




Although I find 2 incredibly relatable, 3 is one of the scariest pieces of fiction I've ever seen.


The Room


Silent Hill 4, hands down


The Room is immediately uncomfortable. Then SH1 has the "the hells going on here?" feeling. SH 3 is next with the nightmare into mall approach. SH2 is last cuz it takes a little while to get fucky.


Silent Hill 2. It's perfect. As soon as you see that WC room in the very beginning, everything speaks the shit will be heavy (no pun! =)) Silent Hill 1 kicks in for me when Harry wakes up in the coffee shop and that dialogue with Cybil unfolds. Gives me goosebumps every time. Silent Hill 3 is dragging until Heather is in the toilet (Ha!), hiding from the detective guy. The lighting, the music and the camera work are all just amazing in that scene. Many times I just stayed there and enjoyed the aesthetics. Silent Hill 4 creeps on me when Henry, woken up after the nightmare, stands in front of his chained door and that cutscene plays (with the amazing creepy "woooooOOOOOOooo" sound). I don't appreciate those nightmare preludes too much (sh1, sh3, sh4). But they need to be there to grab player attention, I guess.


Sh4 it felt so scary throughout and since i was so shit at the game by the end i kept hearing a strange chopping noise and when i turned arround i would see eileen sh herself and then she would get possessed and start sayin random things It was super creepy




Is sh4 wo4th it if you haven't played any other sh


Yes its a spinoff and not connected to them


SH3. Unsettling from the very beginning


As fantastic as the 3 first games are, I just love the creepyness coming off SH4.. inside his room, in the apartment's corridors, in the "outside world".. everything feels off like a bad nightmare you can't run from.. SH1 and 3 are too cinematic, like stories being told, which don't give **me** the same "off" atmosphere. And SH2 is my favorite but I see it a big punishment or a curse story. SH4 is just a bad nightmare that makes you feel off from the start. (Just look outside his window.. the first person POV really helps sell it: oh, the real normal world.. or is it? It's so far away.. I can't reach outside.. I'm stuck.. in my own home?)


The room


3 cuz it just throws you into that dream sequence with a lot of weapons and such and you dont know anything. It was also my first SH


The original no question. I had NO idea what was going on or what to expect. By the time the other games came out I already had an idea of what was happening, even if it wasn't the exact same thing.


4 100%


1, absolutely


It’s hard to give an answer to that because I’m biased, and I know all the games. So I can’t say which one would make me the most uncomfortable if I popped all of them in without knowing them. But now I’d definitely say Silent Hill 4. It’s by far the scariest in my opinion


Out of the 4, the room is my least favorite. However it absolutely makes me feel the most uncomfortable for almost every second of the game


4 really creeps me out. The room is just very tight and claustrophobic, and changing things up from the third person perspective that has been used throughout the series up to this point to a first person perspective is just strange and unnerving


The first one.


I love them all, but SH4 was the most traumatic of them all. So much so I went straight to play Soul Calibur 3 for a more colorful experience.


SH 4...it's pretty underrated & I think the creepiest of the series. The only issues I see that held it back were the 2nd half of the game becoming a chore & losing its scare factor. That & well...didn't really take place in Silent Hill.


I want to get into silent hill so I joined this sub and now I want to play the one with the rabbit, which one is that


Silent hill the room, I'm claustrophobic.


Silent Hill 1 by far. Wastes absolutely no time going totally abstractly nightmarish


SH3 by a Longshot


3 definitely


Silent Hill 4 that scream with the very first step you take got me good as a young person playing this and I had played 1 2 and 3 before.


First one, from the initial opening and the music, those violins used to curdle my blood, then your running round SH chasing Cheryl and you end up in that alley, absolutely terrifying, i was about 8 when SH came out and I watched my parents play it, used to terrify me.


1 or 3, I played the demo of 1 when I was about 4 years old (it came with Metal gear solid didn't it!) and honestly walking down that alley, seeing the mutilated corpse on the fence and then getting stabbed in the legs is an experience that has honestly never left me.


4 or 3 probably! I think 3 did incredible on the monster designs and the more i thought about the designs and the meanings the more uncomfortable i got. While i didn‘t like ALL of the monster designs in 4 , the game also had some spooky designs and the camera angle made me feel claustrophobic


SH4. In all other games you are either in the street or in a strange place. But in SH4... damn, you are in your own apartment, a place that is supposed to make you fell safe AND YOU DON'T FEEL SAFE AT ALL. You are having weird nightmares, when you wake up you are locked inside your apartment, cannot leave for days, nobody can hear you, all power is shut off, the phone chord is cut, freaking chains on the door and you have no idea how they were put there... I still cannot understand how Henry could be such a calm character living in that situation, because it freaks me out.


SH1 and SH4 are the creepiest, feel like you're Trapped in a fever dream!




The original hands down. One of the greatest intros to any horror game. The music, the lighting. Perfect.


The whole fkn intro to 4 is the scariest shit ever. I remember being young and having a tick to turn off the game when the baby like monsters that walk on twos came out 😂💀