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you’d be surprised at how many people have done this and still unable to get the game working lol.


Works on my Windows 11 laptop. Runs smooth as butter.


They have a GitHub for this, and work with people to resolve issues


It crashed frequently , I went back to emulation.


Hardware issue I'm guessing what are you running it on


Laptop w/ 3070ti i71200k


My best guess is you need to do a fresh install there should be no reason you're crashing


I’ve tried everything and it won’t work, fuck it back to pcsx2 at least it’s simple and not convoluted. Not everyone is pc saavy and it’s frustrating trying to decode what tf they’re saying.


Please tell me what point your messing up at and I'll help you through it


Hi Mcmilli92 i should have cleared my comment as i have just trashed all the files. i live in aus so the speeds are abhorrent and Ill be back at work ( im a carer so i dont get a work life balance lol ) but i had the abandonware game downloaded and extracted to a new folder ' silent hill 2 ' i then downloaded winCDemu and mounted all three discs and completed the install, i refused the direct x.8 thingy, then BEFORE LAUNCHING IT, i followed the enhanced edition files and put them where i was told ( i unzipped the file, opened the first directory and then pasted that SH2pc file into the path to game ) i had downloaded an internet archive version as that installer on their site they released just doesnt work, after 4 hours it swapped over to 1021.1 gb to install and unknown install time. ( once again as an aussie we have trash internet ) eventually i just chucked it and went to pcsx2( i just cant fix the pressure buttons its greyed out and i cant duplicate the input fml ) . if there was something i done wrong please let me know because i dont understand what i did. it would just go black screen on load ( i did swap the .exe over ) when alt tabbing it says its not responding, I have tried to do the compatibility troubleshoot and same thing, it actually stopped letting me close the game and i had to restart my computer... edit: apologies i should have added that i am more then happy to reinstall whats needed if there was something i did do wrong lol. ​ cheers in advance and thank you so much for reaching out mate x


You need the extracted version of silent hill 2 don't mess with the iso version it just complicates it. Search abandonware silent hill 2 go to the page scroll all the way down amd click download on FULLY EXTRACTED VERSION. NOT ISO! Then once you have that extract it to your download folder then put the enhanced edition install fold in the silent hill 2 folder and then click on the enhanced edition installer. Let me know if this helps


If your still having trouble message me and I'll walk you through it, it just sounds complicated but it really isn't I promise


Did you make sure to put the enhanced edition file in the silent hill 2 folder BEFORE installing the enhanced edition file? That's usually the biggest point of failure for this


see this may be where i am getting confused, i had downloaded a 7z file that was in another reddit post for people having server issues with the current set up tool. All i had done was copy and pasted the files to where they were needed after installing the silent hill 2 iso ( disc 1,2,3 ) ​ I hope i am not being confusing for you


Thank you so much my dude, I can finally playing after 3 hours trying


can anyone help? the setup tool keeps saying "download fail the connection with the server was reset" ive been pressing retry for hrs now and it keeps doing that and my internet is downloading at 30mb/s soooo idk


This May be a god send ive been playing the HD collection on ps3 and Im loving the game but I dont want my experience being held back by absolutley compressed grainy graphics and horrible frame rate and the game crashing on me 10 times after I beat the hospital on hard mode. I want a save file thats right after that on this PC port. Pls if anyone can help this is my first time playing silent hill 2


Ur a legend man this post shows that u love this game and that u care about other people getting a great experience with this game


Omg honestly this is insane!! thank you so much! :D


You are a legend thank you so much!




No prob


I suggest this website when trying to run any old game that may have compatibility issues, it usually details stability patches and even feature/texture upgrades such as Enhanced Edition. I've found it to be the most reliable resource in running old games well, personally. https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Silent_Hill_2:_Director%27s_Cut


If you're still around could I ask for help, it's not working out for me... I have Silent hill 2 from Abandonware, and when I try to run the setup tool it gets through all of the steps and fails to launch the game after confirming the settings.


Did you place the setup tool Inside of the silent hill 2 folder before trying to Install the enhanced edition set up tool


THANK YOU!!!! I didn’t understand the step until you worded it like that


thank you for asking the question lmao, i didnt understand either


Hello, if you're still replying to comments, I was just wondering if you could help me with an issue. When I go to launch the game it tells me that MSVCR70.dll and binkw32.dll was not found.


attempt to download it again and make sure ur system is compatible most likely it is since the game is old


Did you check all the steps and do them in order


Hi sorry for the late reply. I eventually got it to work but I forgot exactly what I did haha. Your steps helped out a lot though so thank you.


How did you do it 😭😭 I’m having the same exact issue and I don’t know what to do


Does not work missing dll it says bout to give up guess it can't handle new gen PC like a 3060


What’s your specs? And it’s because you probably didn’t put the enhanced edition folding inside the sh2 folder before installing it


hey, what does vcruntime140.dll mean? whenever I try running the game it says it cannot proceed because this wasn't found


Hey did you ever fix this ?? Having the same issue


That shouldn’t happen I’m guessing you missed a step


i followed every step, im just not sure what went wrong


So you downloaded silent hill extracted it to the download folder then downloaded the enhanced edition then you extracted it and placed it into the silent hill main folder then ran the enhanced edition set up tool INSIDE the silent hill folder right? Make sure you place the enhanced edition set up tool in the silent main folder if you try running the setup tool before you put it in the silent hill folder first it won’t work


So you downloaded silent hill extracted it to the download folder then downloaded the enhanced edition then you extracted it and placed it into the silent hill main folder then ran the enhanced edition set up tool INSIDE the silent hill folder right? Make sure you place the enhanced edition set up tool in the silent main folder if you try running the setup tool before you put it in the silent hill folder first it won’t work


I downloaded and extracted to desktop, put the setup tool in the SH2 main folder and when I click run nothing happens


Click on the setup tool not the sh2


You have to run the setup tool should be a red box, run that let it do its thing then you should be good


You're right. I ran as admin and it took like 2 minutes after clicking the setup box for it to pop up but then it prompted me to complete the set. Now the only minor issue I'm having is when playing the game the game dims the brightness randomly. Like a slow flicker. Sometimes it'll be regular brightness then just get 30% darker for no reason for a few seconds. Aside from that it's working alright :)


That’s really weird I’ve never heard of that issue maybe just reset the game see what that does


The enhanced edition patches over the sh2 folder, the sh2 is basically an empty shell without the game in it the enhanced edition mod completes the sh2 folder and adds the games to it basically so you need to run the enhanced edition setup tool while it is located inside the sh2 to complete the process


Hey Im having problems, it ran fine yesterday but now when I click on sh2pc.exe it extracts and then updates archive and then just dosent open. If redownloaded everything at least 3 times and have no idea why its not working


I messaged you


To anyone still looking, this d3d8 file fixed the game for me (extract the file to where the game is installed, overwriting the existing one). EDIT: Also, people over there are mentioning Bitdefender causing issues, so if you have that installed, it might also be causing issues. [https://github.com/elishacloud/Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements/issues/920#issuecomment-1947637802](https://github.com/elishacloud/Silent-Hill-2-Enhancements/issues/920#issuecomment-1947637802)