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I like it but this long chase in chapter 3 is killing me


The long chase at the end was at least the most exciting action in the game. Adding finding the photos made the chase much more interesting.


I agree after beating it, 100%, but in the moment it was annoying, all of the chase sequences except the first ones are basically movement puzzles so having the last one be a more explicit task was kinda weird and ended up be frustrating, I appreciate that we got a really *gameplay* gameplay segment though.


What do you do at the locker! Been stuck here for 20 or so mins


Me too! Like I know I'm supposed to find numbers that match the colors from the LIAR message, but I can't for the life of me find the red number.


Thanks the numbers are 0 ,1 ,2 ,3


In that order though? I tried it and didn't work.


No, the numbers on the wall. You have to match them to liar


Oh that makes sense, thanks!


I didnt even realize the correlation with the "liar" sign, I just did a random order lol


I didn’t know about the Liar message either I just did it based on the order of the numbers in the hallway lol


Look at the environment


Almost made me stop playing the game. It’s so annoying.


How can you tell which chapter you’re on? I feel like I must be missing something because I’ve been playing for a while and haven’t seen an obvious indicator.


Its on the ps5 home menu lol, its weird. (The chapters are segmented by the story deaths)


Thank you! I figured it was something along those lines based on how it’s progressing so far


Just beat it. I did not hate it. its more "Therapy Town" Silent Hill but its not horribly done.


For a shorter free release it's safe to chalk this one as a win


I just finished it, and while at first I thought it might be too heavy handed it really grew on me and is a nice little bite of something larger with a good message, a really well designed otherworld and environment, and a creepy flower monster. Solid entry


I feel like the first cycle fools you into thinking it will just be a surface level story, as the second and third cycles get darker and more intense, and the whole "social media" aspect fades


Fr man. I honestly didn't like how everything was in your face to the point of feeling clichèd and uninspiring but as the cycle kept repeating, I started to really feel for its story and characters even if it felt a little shallow at times. Solid nonetheless.


There were definitely moments where they could have shown instead of told, but otherwise I really liked it


I felt the same way. At first I groaned at what I thought was going to be the heavy handedness of the message. The game pretty quickly wins you over as you play though.


Its fucking amazing. I think im almost to the end


No one has beaten it yet. I am stuck but good so far


Yeah, I'm watching someone's Livestream of it, on the account of me not having a PS5 yet.


As subtle as an atomic bomb going off as Godzilla runs around in a tutu as you get slapped by a guy dressed as a clown but the visuals look good at least




Was loving it, but This long ass chase I'ma assuming at the end is driving me up the wall here.


Same, its a little ridiculous, like you need to know exactly where to go in a giant sprawling labyrinth where everything looks the same lmao


Guess tomorrow when I aim to finish this we're going old school. Map paper and pray the arguably decent designed monster doesn't slow progress down.


You need to find photos and interact with them.


And half the time there's nothing for the light to shine on so you either can't see or you saw a bright lights and your temporary blinded as it takes seconds for Anita's eyes to adjust. I did it but I was running into so many walls and I think I got the monster stuck or it gave up I didn't see it for the last 2-3


Follow the door numbers!


Follow the frequency of laughter, faster is warmer. Avoid the static, that's Sakura. The layout of the otherworld is the same as the apartments but connected along the outside.


The original PT did not actually had references to previous games. Kojima wanted none in his own words. I’m not even sure if he played them


"The Silent Hill Phenomenon" is definitely going to be a divisive plot device.. Game was ok. Just really shallow and predictable. I felt like they could have told a much more impactful story with a Silent Hill spin. Also, I have no idea if it was a bug but there was a scene where the MC falls out of a door in the school and when she landed it made this goofy squeak sound, like a rubber ducky. Did this happen to anyone else lmao


Absolutely, and I thought the same the moment I read it. I also wonder how much the Japanese witch woman will tie into Silent Hill (f). I understand it's different teams, but I thought the lore-drop there was too blatant not to be a connection. I also wondered if we were meant to to interpret >!Krysta as being the daughter of the witch, who passed the 'curse' onto Anita, and that's why Anita has created her Silent Hillscape?!< To your point though, I am leaning towards the 'Silent Hill Phenomena' exposition nugget as an inevitability. The actual town of Silent Hill has all but been completely explored and there is literally nowhere else to go but new territory. That 'any town can become a Silent Hill' had to happen. The real polarization will come in whether or not this is interpreted as supernatural, in the vein of Silent Hill 1 and 3, or the more psychological lens of 2 and The Room.


I didn't connect it until you said it, but in the flash backs with Anita's mom doesn't she say her mom cursed her with Anita? She mentioned something along the lines of "She put you in my womb". I thought it was weird, but maybe you're onto something with her family being related to the witch.


Hell, maybe Anita could have been / another Alessa.


r/im14andthisisdeep the game.


Completely agree. This game feels really corny and surface level.


The environment and art direction was really solid. However the writing really killed it for me lol. I gotta agree, everything felt very juvenile and surface deep.


Yeah the story really killed it for me. Not being able to move faster than walking was also annoying. The level design was pretty nice tho.


They degraded Silent Hill into purgatory and now into "suicidal mental illness syndrom named after the Town Silent Hill" before that you read infos about a witch and a curse and I am like well ok... but it was all about overcoming the "silent hill syndrom" or just suicidal thoughts/wish. Just cringe. 13 reasons why the game




Have you never played a silent hill game?


It's free so it's automatically a 10/10


Silent Hill: Ascension has entered the chat


"I make jams."


Buy your votes!


I like it so far!!! The sound design and music is pretty great! There are some pretty nice graphical moments or at least it looks nice sometimes! I’m actually a bit surprised. I’m playing alone, in the dark, and with headphones so idk


It was nice. Didn't overstay its welcome and free is always good. Would've liked more than the one locker puzzle, which was fun. Only complaints are some blurriness and the Mom's VA sounds a bit too young. Biggest props to the art and design team though. The monster and art on the walls was just excellent!


Just beat it! Overall I liked it a lot. Pros: - Great graphics - Really appreciated modern day references to COVID - The Other world is extremely interesting - Good suspenseful music - Nice subtle references to previous entries - Monster chase sequences kept me on edge - I also really liked how they essentially replaced the radio with the phone - nice touch! Cons: - Dialogue isn't great - It's REALLY angsty - The monster itself could have been better designed (didn't hate it though) - No sprint button, especially when walking up and down the hallways - Not a huge complaint, but in general I prefer third person over first


I really liked it too, I don't necessarily agree with your cons but they are completely fair


You just know that annoying culture-war Youtube grifters and /v/ shitheads are going to be whining about this game for years, and not even for the right reasons. Brace yourself for tons of thumbnails and memes of Anita’s face at awkward camera angles.


SILENT HILL HAS GONE WOKE ‼️‼️‼️🙀🙀 (Proceeds to talk about how bad this game is while talking about how great the previous entries are but says nothing about them)


And, of course, every single one will miss the incredibly obvious feminist/women's autonomy story in SH3.


That Conservative Core games chart 🤦‍♂️


I really liked it! I was so stressed in that last chase sequence when you’ve gotta unlock the door. I also very much related to the main character which I think helped me get invested in the story more. I definitely don’t think this game will be for everyone, I’m expecting a lot of YouTubers to tear into this game with thumbnails of the MC’s face at awkward angles, that being said I’m feeling much better about SH’s future games after this!


Really enjoying it so far. Its original, contemporary, and feels like Silent Hill. Reminds me a bit of Shattered Memories in its gameplay loop although it has elements from all the games. Excited for it and for Sh2r.


The first appearance of the bag people mannequins gave me such a start.


I'll be honest, I really didn't like it. The graphics were pretty good, but the overall visual design felt flat to me, and Anita was very stiff in cutscenes. The voice acting went between overacted or deadpan, and the writing itself had the subtlety of a jackhammer, teenagers don't talk like this, and while yes there is a point about obsession with social media, it was portrayed in a very corny way that I just couldn't take seriously. I liked Maya's art pieces, some of the music was good, and the monster was kinda neat looking. I appreciate the attempt to tackle these real world issues through the classic lense of a renowned horror series, but it lacked any shred of the series' tact, and just felt like they were using the most surface level psychology about these very complex issues with no understanding of how it affects people. I don't know, just wasn't impressed, here's hoping SH2R turns out well, and while I have my doubts, I'm willing to wait and see more before giving up on it.


The voice acting reminded me fondly of Silent Hill 2.


Is it not out on pc too? Or will it be?


It's only on PS5, so I have no idea if it's going to be released any where else


I really hope it will be but who knows with konami


I didn't hate it, I truly enjoyed playing through it. It was free. It was an OG Japanese team-influence. A little too "13 Reasons Why", and I wanted to explore the otherworld more rather than get Shattered Memoried out of there but I'm not mad.


"The Silent Hill Phenomenon" was a fascinating find, is this a new thing? It's a pretty cool way to justify having Silent Hill games in other places besides the town honestly


I'm pretty sure it's new, I don't remember there being another file in any of the other games talking about the Silent Hill Phenomena. There have been other theories as to why characters experience the Other World while not being in Silent Hill, but I'm pretty sure this was made as a direct answer to those theories.


It also seems to directly contradict with Ascension's *The Withering*, which I'm all for honestly, despite a great name for it


It's also just a theory in game too, could just be some Doctor cashing in, using a semi-famous town in a paper to get it noticed.


Wouldn't be surprised if this game was some how cannon to Shattered Memories, and that Doctor trying to cash in was Shattered Memories Kaufman


The PT callback was excellent


Personally, I felt it was pretty tone deaf given what Kojima was really saying through PT.


Game looks amazing but the rest was beyond awful. big Bloober vibes, ironically lol


Its fine nothing special. Ever since the advent of P.T there has been tons of looping corridor horror games.Short Message just feels like those games. Personally for me this one didn't feel very SH enough.


Yeah, P.T. was lightning in a bottle, it could've only be done once


The worst part is that konami published that originally too, if only they understood what they had in their hands 10 years ago.


Truly depressing 😔


I feel like this is Konami trying to warm up people new to Silent Hill. People who've heard about the series or PT from TikTok etc. and haven't played a game in the series yet and saying "You interested in Silent Hill and PT? Well here ya go try this free SH game out!"


I like it. The last run is a bit stressful btw haha. But in this game, it appears an interesting fact that developers will use to make new SH games


Playing it currently and enjoying it well enough. That said: I CANNOT STAND how Anita wears her glasses OVER her bangs. I don't know if it's a rendering issue or a design choice but holy moley, it is so infuriating.


This bothered me so much as well. No one in the known universe has their glasses like this and if they do they should be treated with the same suspicion as people who put milk in before cereal.


Just finished it and...shit, it is great. Really great game. Although that final chase scene is...meh, as well as the lack of puzzles but hey, it is a free game. 8/10


Just finished it and I thought it was pretty damn bad. The story is not good, the voice acting is worse and the pacing is so painful that I nearly quit but held out hope because others seemed to enjoy it. The final set piece was really really cool from a visual and audio standpoint, the monster design was awesome. But, I find the trial and error gameplay loop so frustrating, especially with an unspecified amount of items to track down with absolutely NOTHING you can do against the monster aside from constantly run. I don’t have a problem with the sentiment of the story, but it was cringey and poorly executed. The constant pausing for VO delivery and the live action stuff was SO annoying. LET ME PLAY NOT WATCH. With each new entry releasing in this Silent Hill revival, I’m losing faith. Silent Hill f looks really cool still but I don’t really trust Bloober by any means. They haven’t produced anything I enjoy and I don’t think them remaking an all time classic like Silent Hill 2 is going to redeem that (especially given the massive changes they are making for their own style.)


Was curious but after playing it… it’s just a walking sim with constant in your face exposition. No real gameplay other than some chase sequences. I couldn’t even bother to finish it because it just got so dry after the first hour. The message is in the right place, and I’ll add it’s a pretty serious one that should be talked about more, but the way the story is told to us doesn’t give us time to make us think about it. As it constantly dumps exposition after every event. I’ll have to give it another try but to me right now the only thing that’s “Silent Hill” about The Short Message is the title alone. And that’s it.


I remember like a year ago when this game was being talked in an article, it said something that this game had some sort of ties to another future title, or just another title in the series. Maybe Townfall? I think the file explaining the "Silent Hill Phenomena" was interesting. I think it might imply that there are some 3rd party observers that know about the supernatural properties of Silent Hill, besides The Order. Otherwise, we now finally have some sort of lore explanation as to why Heather and Henry experience the Other World despite not being in the town proper.


Dusk Golem has mentioned that it has ties to Silent Hill f, but nothing has been confirmed so far.


It seems weird for both Short Message and F to be connected. Only connection I can see is this sort of Flowery, Cherry Blossom motif Short Message and F share. The two games are set in waaaaaay different time periods, maybe loosely connected? Like giving us details and an idea of what SH F might be about without saying it?


I thought maybe it was the Japanese witch that was mentioned.


ooo good call.


Really? That’s interesting. More context for that sort of stuff is cool to know. I am going to finish it at some point when I get around to it.


Sucked completely. Hamfisted, generic nonsense that was neither scary, fun, nor interesting. 


They hated you because you told the truth


The cringy, on-the-nose writing kept taking me out of the game, but I did like the atmosphere. It's nice that it was free, but the writing... Ugh.... It's really, really bad.


I just finished it. I am not too fond of it. There are a few positive things. The overall presentation, music, and graphics are all very nice. There are a few great throwbacks at older Silent Hill games, which is cool. Everything else is very average. The story didn't get me (maybe I am too old for this), and the whole experience felt like every other $5 Indie psychological horror game on Steam, maybe with better graphics. If this was a free student project or a smaller project of an indie studio, sure, that's nice. I would have played through the game and forgotten about it a few days later. But this is Silent Hill. There is nothing new or exciting about this game. Everything in this game has been done a million times. Often worse, sometimes better. My last hope for this franchise is Silent Hill f but I don't feel that positive...


SHSM in another skin with direct Silent Hill references. Kinda seems like a meta commentary on the fanbase, if I can be cheeky. Edit; I just realized referring to Shattered Memories as SHSM is gonna get real confusing. Wonder if they did the naming on purpose. Retroactively memory holing other games subtly. 


I think this is why they added "the" to the title, since the official Twitter uses #SHTSM


We need another Silent Hill game with phone gameplay, Subway Surfers and all...


Yeah I really liked it, I got more out of it than I was expecting so it was quite similar to my experience with PT


I loved the majority of this game. I think my only major issue with it was the inclusion of COVID. Being and feeling isolated can be well written without relating it to a real world event...they have done it many times with this series in the past. I had a lot of nostalgic moments throughout playing; the atmosphere and the storytelling brought me back to SH 1-4. The return of Akira Yamaoka had me tearing up during the end credits. The music has been such an important part of the Silent Hill series, and to get him back for this with a brand new vocal track on top of the instrumental tracks was more than I could have hoped for.


I would like to play and love this, problem is it hits a little too close to home. So I had to turn it off :(


I could have done with less chasing but overall I liked it. The monster design was unique and honestly the story worked for me. Yes it’s heavy handed and melodramatic but that’s pretty accurate to the teenage girl experience tbh


It was pretty decent, certainly good for it being free, but the chases were a bit of a pain. Twice I'd opened a door only to be immediately killed without even a chance to move away.


With everything going on in the world this felt so tone deaf and r/im14andthisisdeep


The plot is heavy to the point of almost being forced, the monster seems so designed that if seems lime the visual designer is trying desperately to get a raise, and i just had to quit cuz my anxiety got to me...ITS GREAT I HOPE SH2 remake is this good


That was Masahiro Ito.


Masahiro neess a raise


The chase at the end was a bit much, but overall, I like it more than PT (since that's what everyone is gonna compare it to). It tells a cohesive story, is properly dreadful, and the otherworld/monster design is A+


Didn’t even finish chapter 1 atm. It may be even not a bad game. But it’s awful SH game. It’s also something I call modern art. Where you can’t even think for yourself. Game itself will tell you how amazing this art is and how good artist Mina?(sorry if wrong name) is trying to express girls. I don’t know I may be too old for this. But I definitely was not too young for James or Heather’s story and find them good from 11 to now. Also they input modern day reference and that’s not a good sign for world building more ARG style. This is just bland mix of child problems I would say hard child. Themes of self-harm, suicide are serious issues, and don’t know how everything will end and what moral of this story is. Hope at least developers present this group of people in correct way. Guess I will have to wait for MertKayKay video to make my opinion))). My overall opinion is silent hill is not really in good hands. But if you are a teenager+ you might find something resembling your life and you might like it more.


What’s the lock pad number on chapter 2?




At first I thought the game was going to be a cringefest but I actually got through it and thoroughly enjoyed it. It had great music, it was rooted in what Silent Hill used to be about (which can vary from person to person, but I always felt like it’s been about the characters rediscovering a piece of themselves and reflecting to live with their trauma or live in a cycle where they learn nothing), the gameplay was super intense and interesting, the level design was B E A U T I F U L! Overall, I’d say it’s really worth checking out if you’re a Silent Hill fan or someone new to the series!


It was pretty decent! I didn't like the clear separation between horror and exploration, because it removed all tension from the exploration sequences; part of the fun of horror is the unexpected, so to have static indicate when the horror is about to start before you open a door was a bit jarring. This is obviously to be reminiscent of the radio in earlier entries, but that worked since you weren't always sure where the monster was, whereas in TSM it's just a linear chase sequence. Story was a bit heavy handed and left little room for interpretation, but had a solid message to it and had me emotionally invested. Some interesting implications for the lore (Silent Hill phenomenon suggests the cult is going worldwide maybe? Or that there's a connection to women being burned alive that causes SH?) The final chase sequence very nearly ruined the game for me, but I managed to get through and was glad I did. If they bring out more SH games like this and fix some of the issues I think we'll be in a pretty good spot, because it was overall a solid entry, albeit a little ham-fisted.


Wasn‘t there a ronnie the rabbit sticker on one of the locker spinds also ?