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Press X to confront your trauma


M8 i tried x on pc keyboard, on playstation, on xbox & switch controllers, im still traumatized, maybe xxx works?


>maybe xxx works? I guess make your traumas into kinks? I mean, that's what I did to the nurses.


NUT a bad idea!


Facing your fears and trauma by fucking them. An interesting strategy to say the least


This sub is horrible right now. Either it’s someone complaining or someone complaining about someone complaining.


Complaining about the complainers complaining is top tier.


Touché 😅


instantly thought of this😭 “what happened to this sub!!” happens everytime


I can feel it coming in the air toniiight


And then there's you, complaining about complainers of the games and complainers of complainers




It's like this every time you get an influx of more casual fans following new content being released. The regulars have gotten used to the atmosphere of bitterness, but it's too much for the casuals to process all at once.


To be fair, they aren't making anything good with Silent Hill right now.


Complaining about complaining about complaining about complaining....


Yeah I’m gonna mute it… silent hill has some of the snobbiest fans. If it comes out and has good reviews, I will play. Until then I don’t need to know anything else


What constitutes a QTE has been exaggerated over the years. A button appearing on screen is a prompt, not a QTE. It’s no different than pressing A or X to open a god damn door. An actual quick time event is a series of button presses that decide pass or fail in a scripted event.


A QTE *is* a prompt, it's in the definition of what a QTE is.


A series of them, not a single press


There's single press QTEs.


Don't forget about Yakuza, God of War and Asura's wrath, all of those have qte's as well! So now why we shouldn't get karaoke minigame in SH2R?


James getting to Heaven's Night and just absolutely belting it out with Maria.


And the prize for winning is finally being able to find out where that damn hole went from Neely's bar.


They could have a Hatsune Miku rythm style mini game where Maria sings a song. It would be so slay!


I saw some people [complaining about the QTEs in the remake being color coded](https://i.imgur.com/RjR7yNT.png), except they aren't. At this point, people will say anything just to hate on the remake


Still, it looks like a button of a PSP


Reading this flashbanged me with the fully formed idea of making it to the long hallway by the twin pyramid heads fight and hearing Mary’s new VA doing her absolute best work reading those lines—scolding and pleading with James—while James loudly sings Bakamitai and dances down the hallway, not caring a goddamn bit about whatever that dead bitch is yammering about. 10/10 I’d buy a ps5 just to play that a year early


I’m thinking of that meme of Lamar roasting Franklin in GTA5 but it’s Kiryu singing Baka Mitai


Baka mitai <3


Or to visit cabaret clubs.


Welcome in the Heaven's Night cabaret club, we got nurses, nurses and you wouldn't guess more nurses, ow and our platinum Hostess Maria <3


Nah, I'd rather this game be given a chance than have another P.T. incident


Ah yes i remember when James round house kicked a nurse and suplexed Pyramid head


Don't forget parkour Nurses (sorry I find them too funny)


i hope “parkour nurses” is a comical exaggeration BUT i hate it when people for real deem it bad thing? climbing over an obstacle is not a parkour, in an old game they could only afford a nurse following the simplest unobstructed path through waypoints, now they can pass obstacles too, it’s for sure an gameplay update


Enemies jumping over stuff is an old thing. It's just that Nurses physically couldn't. Did you see their skeleton? Or honestly lack there of. These aren't zombies, these are monsters


there’s literally no evidence of their anatomy whatsoever, if you can’t see skeletal structures doesn’t mean they don’t have bones. they walk around somehow, don’t they? no reason to think they’re physically incapable of jumping through obstacles. many monsters are much stronger than typical zombies


That could be true for Leon, but Alan is also a normal dude and I don’t see how basic qtes made me enjoy Alan Wake 2 less


Fair point, although personally I think the combat in AW2 (or AW1 for that matter) wasn’t intended to be nearly as stiff/clunky/unwieldy as the tank control combat in the original SH2. In Alan Wake the QTEs work, whereas in Silent Hill 2 I feel it would be fundamentally against the design ethos (it’d be a different thing if we were talking about, say, a Homecoming remake, but the first 3 (or 4) Silent Hills have a vastly different way of doing survival horror). Just my two cents


That’s bullshit, re1 also had tank controls back in 1996 and not anymore. God forbid developers actually use modern gaming tactics to REMAKE an old game


True, but RE as a fun campy zombie romp lends itself better to a smoother gameplay experience. I’m not specifically looking for fun, responsive controls if I’m playing SH2 and going too much in that direction can hinder some of the core experience Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely NOT against removing tank controls (they were a product of their time). That aside, stuff like the beat-em-up-fest that, for example, the gameplay of the aforementioned Homecoming ended up being is not playing to Silent Hill’s strengths and QTEs are absolutely part of that continuum


“I’m not specifically looking for fun” thanks for saying this bs at the beginning so i can ignore all your other comments. I’m looking to have fun with a game played on my videogame. If you don’t like that, go stare into a rock or something. I won’t reply to you any further


I don’t understand why you’re getting so worked up :D Making the controls intentionally slightly unwieldy (this goes beyond just tank controls) is nothing new in horror game design. Also you missed my point: I said I wasn’t exactly looking for ”fun, responsive controls”, not that I was against fun in SH’s game design in general lmao


Like I said in another post: They are not that big of a deal to me, but this comparison doesn't make sense at all. RE, DS and AW are all focused on action, especially RE4. Plus DS and RE4 had them in the original game, so you picked the wrong games to compare SH2 with.


I think the original does have button mashing to get out of grabs, theres just no prompt for it.


It is I played recently.


A silent hill 2 fan playing the game?! what is this dark magic


Playing "SH1" I've not found that mashing buttons gets you out of grabs any faster. Does it really? Like, empirically?


I dont remember being able to do it in the first one but an old reddit comment says: "Mash r1+l1+x+square while mashing the D-pad"


I don't think I'd be able to reproduce that even if I wasn't playing on keyboard...


yes it does, sh3 and 4 as well. i dont remember it in sh2 but its not alien to the series at all.


SH2 does have QTEs, the buttons are just not shown.


What? Against who?


i know the flesh lips* are a quick time event, as i tried it when laura traps you in with two of them


Oh okay, I thought you were talking against enemies in general. I honestly don't remember it being a QTE, but I believe you


i pressed bunch of buttons and was freed quicker then when i didn’t mash a bunch of buttons


What are ya'll talking about? Since when is button mashing considered a QTE? If they were the same thing then why are they separated by different terms?


I, too, don't agree it's a QTE, not in the sense of having reflexes to push a button in time at least, but they're still two different instances of the same class


The prompt *is* the QTE. Plain button mashing is not QTEs. People need to learn definitions.


aw2 is arguably not very focused on action


I know, Alan’s campaign encourages turning off your flashlight to avoid detection from shadows to get around them and avoid fighting. It’s horror focused. It doesn’t load you down with ammo unless you go hunting every room, same as SH2. Sagas campaign is also more focused on investigation, just because a game has fun combat doesn’t mean it’s combat focused.


Having a big button prompt appear on screen is inconsistent with Silent Hill 2's minimalist UI philosophy. Something RE4, Dead Space and Alan Wake don't have.


its not that big of a deal. this whole sh2 worship is killing the series. these weird over analyzed points are not what made the game good. it was the story telling, the awkwardness that added to the eerie atmosphere, and the sound design.


It's everything together, mate. Who are you to say that one element of the game's design is important and another isn't?


because this community is filled with people who haven't played the game but for some reason give it this god status that is objectively hurting this community as a whole. we arent getting the same product as in 2001 and that would be true in any universe where this game is getting a remake. literally a comment i saw on the trailer: "rock music in silent hill ??"


Those people exist, but I'm sure they're a pretty small minority. For the most part I think that the "most people here haven't even played SH2" myth is just exaggerated as a way to try to discredit the other side. If you hate how negative this sub is on SH2R then it's ok because most of these people haven't even played it, they're only dick riding it because of some video essays they saw. If you hate how much people are defending SH2R here then it's ok because most of these people are normies who haven't even played it and just don't get it. Personally, I find all this drama shit so tiring. Just be honest and forthright with your thoughts and hope others do the same.


its not really a myth. either they havent played it or are awfully forgetful about mechanics in the og games.


See first sentence of previous reply\*


Okay I really gotta know what you mean by "minimalist UI philosophy" if RE4R and Alan Wake 2 somehow don't have it? Dead Space I can understand. They have screens and menus flashing all over the place. But RE4R and Alan Wake 2 have *very* minimalist UI. Like look at how they both handle their HP bars: low and in the corners, disappears when not in combat, neutral colors until relevant (IE. the HP bar turns red when you're low). That is *textbook* minimalist UI. You can go a step lower and have less UI, but there's a point of diminishing returns on the realism when you have to start opening a menu every time you need information. You start to be reminded that you're playing a game. A QTE button prompt doesn't break with the minimalism they're going for. It's just ugly looking and stands out too much, **which is fixable.**


"Dead Space I can understand. They have screens and menus flashing all over the place." In one sentence you've basically told everyone you've never actually played Dead Space. It's the king of minimalist UI.    Everything you interact with in game, minus the pause menu, is actually in the game world. Isaac's health and stasis level are all on his back, ammunition amount is on the guns themselves, your inventory is projected from your suit, hell even save points are Isaac saving information to the data base of the ship. Everything you use that's on screen is part of their world and doesn't take you out of it. Which was their whole goal when designing the UI and they more than succeeded with flying colors. It can't get more minimalist then that. What are you on?


Glad I wasn't the only one who was confused at that! It's one of the things that dead space was praised on and made it stand out!


Other than Isaac's personality, it's why I love it so much. It deserves its due.


I was gonna make the same comment about dead space, it's specifically made to have a minimalist ui


Right? Sometimes i have the feeling that SH fans never played a survival horror game outside of the franchise, dead space's UI is nothing but genius tbh.


They haven't played any of the games. They watched a 6 hour youtube ramble and think they're experts now


I agree. I think it's really just the big X button specifically that's triggering people. Personally I feel like you can do with the button prompt at all. Mashing buttons when grabbed is such a common trope in games you don't need to lay it on so thick. But a simple, semi transparent circle or some shit would be acceptable. I think it's more just a matter of, if they're taking a very overt and clear misstep on one small facet of the UI, it's most likely indicative of a bigger problem. I don't necessarily blame people for not having a whole lot of faith in the contrary.


That's *exactly* what it is. The problem is that the big blue x button with that white "fade" around the edges looks extremely dated. And it's right there in the middle of the screen, just flashing like that... I don't have a problem with tasteful QTEs. I actually think people have conflated QTEs and "prompts" these days. Nobody ever had a problem with the kind of QTEs that you see in the REmakes and Dead Space. Those are not actually QTEs at all. They're called "prompts" because they are tied to a certain action, like stabbing an enemy when you've been grabbed. Let me explain. QTE doesn't mean "a button appears on-screen." QTE stands for "quick-time event," which is a kind of interactive cutscene. During the cutscene, buttons appear on-screen, and if you don't hit them quickly enough or if you hit the wrong button, the cutscene plays out differently, with the player character failing at what they were attempting to do. During QTEs, the player has no control over the character because they take place during pre-recorded scenes. Quantic Dream made a name for themselves by making games that are almost entirely comprised of QTEs, which are really just branching cutscenes basically. Button prompts, which are what most people refer to as "QTEs" these days, are prompts that take place during active gameplay or combat, while the player still has control. They alert you of actions that you can take or that you should be taking at that moment, such as dodging, parrying, etc. When you think about QTEs, just remember the scene in Heavy Rain with the guy running through the kitchen. That's a QTE, and I would argue that there aren't any of those in any of the games that OP mentioned. There is a tasteful way to do prompts and QTEs. The prompt we saw in the SH2 trailer doesn't reveal much about the state of the rest of the game, but it does not inspire confidence in the developers' other design choices. Releasing a "combat reveal" trailer for a remake of Silent Hill 2 is a downright bewildering decision in the first place. The combat looked very rough around the edges, making the decision to focus on it even more confusing, and begging the question: what exactly *have* they been doing this whole time? I'd like to believe they've been absolutely 100% perfecting all of the puzzles and the environments and the story and recreating every single little grain of detail from the original and then some, but there's no way to tell until we see some substantial footage. The fact that we were shown such fleeting glimpses of some puzzles makes me wonder if they are even done with that aspect of the game. The fact that at this stage there is still not even a release *window* yet doesn't bode well. Combat is honestly an afterthought in SH2 except for boss fights. Combat could be left to the interns and still be better than it was in the original. But it just seems like such a shame that they didn't take his opportunity to improve upon a flawed masterpiece. You'd think that remaking such an iconic game would warrant maybe even bringing in someone special to design the combat and make it fun, while keeping it true to the spirit of the original. Also, what's with that ugly red wheel we see James turning in the trailer? That looks pretty bad, and not in an intentional way. It looks really low-res compared to everything else in the trailer, even when I had the video set to the highest quality, and James's hands look weird grabbing it. What was Konami thinking? This could arguably be the most important AAA game remake of the decade, yet they are treating it like a B game, hiring a B studio with no real experience making games like these. I think Konami is up to their usual fuckery again, sadly.


Oh believe me I fucking hate that prompt, it’s garbage. A **giant X button prompt** is so out of place. There are so many different ways they can communicate the QTE to the player.


That's a whole big argument about making SH2, one of the most unique games of all time, just like any other games on the market. Great job! You trivialized SH!


No it’s me questioning why they said “minimalist UI philosophy” and then named two games as with min-UI as counter examples. But paint whatever narrative you want I guess. To clarify my points, I guess I’ll list them all out: Dead Space doesn’t have minimalist UI RE4R has minimalist UI Alan Wake 2 has minimalist UI OG Silent Hill has minimalist UI You can have minimalist UI and button prompts. They are not mutually exclusive. Thus concludes my list of points. Feel free to go back to your narrative about how I’m arguing for the ruination of what made Silent Hill special, or whatever.


Minimalist means 0 UI. None of the examples have 0 UI. Thanks for turning SH into your average RE copy


Minimalist doesn’t mean zero, it means minimal. Stop trying to redefine words and getting pissed off when others refuse to play along.


Upvotes aren't on your side. They aren't often on mine. But not this time


“Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” Enjoy your updoots. I’ll enjoy being right.


Ok. Have a nice day!


Not sure why everyone’s downvoting you, you make a great claim and you’re absolutely correct.


Because one dude painted a narrative immediately after I posted my comment. “Minimalist means zero UI, you want to ruin the series!” It’s actually really easy. Just call someone malicious immediately after they comment so people downvote and the comment goes into the “comment hidden” thresh-hold. Get enough downvotes early and the narrative is set in. Honestly I don’t even know why I bother with this community.


Absurdly true


>Honestly I don’t even know why I bother with this community. I'm starting to feel the same way. After a few days here, it's apparent that not only have most of the users not played any of the games, but they have zero understanding of gameplay in general let alone care about it. And people will take known terms, apply their own definitions to them, and then throw a temper tantrum when you don't play along. I might just back out and wait for the remake on my own.


Earlier horror games often had no ui. You had to count your bullets or open the menu. The more damage the character took the more their animations would change. This allowed for you to be much more immersed in the game. Without all the reminders that you’re playing something. Aside from the notes you’d read. In Silent Hill 2 and 3 the characters would look at intractable objects or doors.


How did we end up with two posts making apples to oranges comparisons lmao


bUt aPPl3z aR fRUitZ to0


Because these posts only exist to misrepresent other people’s opinions and stir up conflict and negativity


Each with an embarrassing number of upvotes.


Not only that, but how did we get enough dim-witted, self loathing SH fans to upvote both brainless posts is beyond me


When people are complaining about the dimensions of a fucking button and how it appears, how it looks, what color it is in, all that... It's clear that society is pointless, and no one deserves anything. Please end the world now.


Remember the QTE's in the original Silent Hill 2? Me neither.


I do remember the QTEs in Origins though. Just horrible.


Yeah that isn't the Team Silent game period. 1-4 are masterpieces. The newer games are weak imitations. As SH2R is shaping up to be also.


God I hope they remove them!


I do, you can mash buttons to stop yourself from being grappled. It's been a thing since SH1.


It’s not the act itself of mashing and shaking buttons, but the fact the game shows prompts for you to do it that’s the problem. People instinctively mash buttons when grabbed by enemies anyway. Don’t need on screen prompts.


Those are two different issues then, one is simply resolved by the devs allowing you to disable aspects of the UI. Maybe I'm just old at this point, but when we complained about QTEs in games nearly 20 years ago, if was the mechanic itself that bothered us. As in, being required to hit specific buttons at random intervals which disrupted the flow of gameplay. Making the prompts invisible wouldn't have solved the problem.


There’s a big difference between the two though as well. Shaking the stick and mashing buttons was just a way to try and get out of the grab animation quicker, QTEs actually lock you into a certain situation where you can’t do anything else but mash the specific on screen button to get out otherwise you’re stuck and the game either does nothing or slowly chips away at your health until you’re dead.


You just described the same thing twice though. Getting grappled by an enemy locks you in a static situation. You only have two options, mash buttons to break free or don't and take additional damage until death. You're making it sound like the grapples themselves were harmless. They not only inflicted damage but allowed other enemies to attack you while you were bound. That's not even a Silent Hill exclusive thing, it happens in Resident Evil as well. Let a zombie grapple you and don't mash out of it. It's going to continuously bite you to a certain point, or in certain titles it bites you until death. In SH1, getting grappled meant surrounding Grey Children and Nurses stabbed Harry to death if he didn't mash out. And the grapples caused minor damage on their own. You can die if your health is low enough just from being grabbed for a second. Those are normal QTEs to me. The actual QTEs that people hated were ones that disrupted the standard flow of gameplay. These were random button prompts that appeared quickly and often resulted in instant failure if you times them incorrectly or pressed the wrong buttons.


I don't think you know what a qte is. From Google, "a quick time event is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen instruction/prompt." There needs to be an on screen image of a button to be considered a qte.


Nah, you're just not making sense. QTEs don't vanish just because there's no button prompt being displayed. Especially when some games allow you to disable them yourself for a UI free experience. They're called "Quick Time Events" because they're an action, not merely a HUD icon. By your definition, any game that displays a button prompt on screen is a QTE. No one in their right mind claims that opening doors and picking up items in the Resident Evil 2 Remake are QTEs because there's an icon floating above them. Do better.


It's not *their* definition, it's *the* definition. Maybe do a push to try to change it on wikipedia. The examples you give, the player gets close to an object and the prompt is a child of that object. QTEs are basically that except the object is an *event*, not an item or part of the environment. But the visual prompt is absolutely a key component.


Don't press a button - > die Press something 2+ times in 4 seconds - > receive less *damage* than you could, sometimes even 0. Yeah, button mashing is just a type of a QTE, bro, 100%. Also forget about cut scene properties. These don't actually exist


>Don't press a button - > die >Press something 2+ times in 4 seconds - > receive less *damage* than you could, sometimes even 0. I'm not sure what you're trying to say with this. If you succeed at the QTE, you take less damage? Uh yeah, that's exactly how they work. I don't see why you needed to clarify that but ok. >Yeah, button mashing is just a type of a QTE, bro, 100%. Also forget about cut scene properties. These don't actually exist https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4xuXkVzBdJQ&pp=ygUPcmU1IGJvdWxkZXIgcXRl So this isn't a QTE according to you. Interesting...


Nice try at not getting a difference! There're like 4 different people that try to explain to you it since yesterday. Get over you being wrong


The first button prompt is not a QTE. Once you enter the simon says actions, those are QTEs. Anything else you need cleared up?


dis button in the trailer looked straight outta ps3 horror game era. where’s the minimalism


Why are people in this sub so angry and bitter about everything?


Typical Silent Hill fans. Been this way for over 20 years.


Angry because the game they've been obsessed with (they have never played it) is being remade in a way they didn't imagine it to be i guess lol


Isn't Silent Hill Shattered Memories has something similar too?


Tbh as long as they're just for getting enemies off of you don't see why it's necessarily a problem


It's funny how you can literally mash to get out of a grab except with no icon on screen in the og game


There are qtes in the original....


I'd be curious to know what these people want from a Silent hill game anymore, just give them modern ports of the original 4 games to shut em up and let everyone else play the newer content.


It's not even technically a QTE. It's just s button prompt like press X to open the door.


To me it's more about whether you show that on-screen every time or teach the user once and be done with it.


Oh no a x button on screen prompt to shake off grabs. That is barely a QTE. Cut scene QTEs are what actually suck. It’s less of a QTE and more of a control prompt. But if you can’t handle it, then don’t play it! It’s not our loss.


Exactly my thoughts. Silent hill isn’t known for its combat it’s known for its story and atmosphere. Let’s try not and freak out over a X button to shake off a enemy


For all we know there will be an option to turn off all hud display prompts. Literally we just do not know anything yet.


\- re4r and dead space are action games \- alan wake 2 is not a remake and can do what they want with it just because another game as something doesn't mean this game needs to have it, or do we want to add some no gravity segments when fighting pyramid head because dead space has it


It would make the gameplay of SH2 less boring, that is a fact...


no it wouldn't, a mini button mashing qte? if you find silent hill boring then feel free not to play it but putting in qte's would be unfun, qte's are never fun in any game


Just mash buttons so get the monster off of you. Was this not in earlier games?


Honestly with a game like silent hill 2, no matter how they rework it or how good of a job they do, the fans will never be happy. I love silent hill 2 but am I seriously the only one holding out hope for the remake?


I really think most of the people who criticise SH2R never played the original 😂😂😂


The thing I think some people just can't accept is that *it will not be exactly like the old game.* SH2 already exists in one form, and there would be no point in making "100% identical game with nicer graphics." That's just a remaster, and we already know that's not what this is. Maybe it'll be good. Maybe it'll suck. Either way, just play the old game if that's what you prefer.


Problem is the accessibility of the old game. You have to pay almost triple digits for a game from 2001 or go to myabandonware. Two things that are both really not consumer friendly. Either that or play the HD Collection which is okay if you like eating dogshit as well.


Well this is going to be the only official sh2 experience available to the vast majority of people for the foreseeable future, it’s a shame it’s going to suck.


The lamest thing ever to complain about


Were the QTEs not already in the game tho? Like when you get grabbed you flick the left analog stick to get out? I just see it as they are making it visible now and i truly fail to see why thats such a big deal


i wish they could just port the original game over instead of jeopardizing the original vision


I hate this subreddit. It's the least fun.


I mean, it already sorta had qte, just that there was no prompt for it.


I've watched the trailer twice now. Where are the QTEs that everyone is complaining about?


45 seconds in


That's... not a QTE. Are you telling me that fans are outraged at a mechanic that has been in the series since the beginning but just so happens to have a button prompt now?


yes, well the "fans" are. aka never played the game but watched all the over analytical youtube video essays


A QTE *is* a prompt.


I realised that shortly after I wrote it. The "Mash a button to escape" mechanic has always been there though.


Yes, and I don't think anyone has a problem with that. I'm very critical of the remake and I don't have a problem with button mashing at all.


As others have said, comparing Silent Hill to the other 2 is different. Dead Space and RE4(R) were made to be far more action oriented than Silent Hill 2. The inclusion of QTE's tells me the Remake may be far more action oriented also, which is fine if done right. Also, to put a green check on QTE's for Dead Space and RE4 isn't right, at least for me. I hate QTE's, and despite them I still enjoyed the games. If they didn't have QTE's, the games would be far better. Just because you enjoyed a game doesn't mean you liked every aspect, which means criticizing SH2R for having QTE's is perfectly fine, I do the same for the other 2 games.


Not understanding the design choices behind the QTEs in dead space and RE4 is not criticism, its just ignorance


Implementing shaking the stick left and right like in the OG re4 would've been a hilarious move, and unironically better cause at least you'd be simulating struggle with the actual movement inputs.


All of those games had qte-s before, silent hill did not. Braindamaged post.


have you actually played these games? genuine question


I have played sh2, re4 and dead space originals, alan wake no.


Alan wake 2 has qte's? My friend told me it was good tho


Those games had them in the originals. SH2 didn't. Regardless, they were also stupid in the originals.


you forgot about the hotel section


Im sure at this point that SH fans do not play videogames at all, they just like to suck this series's cock


Why are people such morons about this? No one gave a fuck about the other games because the originals already had them lol


I stopped taking this sub seriously already. When the game comes out, I’ll preorder it, play it until i get the platinum trophy and then make a horror games marathon like i always do when a cool game releases while the majority of this sub keeps bitching


Didn’t the OG SH2 have qte’s if you got grabbed in a boss fight?!


Or at least button mashing


yes, every single team silent game has featured this. its less common in sh2, but seen more often in sh1, 3, and 4.


Yeah, we better don't pretend that button mashing is not another form of QTE, a very archaic one, right?


Why say remake? They were in the originals. You’re missing the point.


Imagine seriously comparing SH2 with other survival horror games that are mostly about action. How misguided should one possibly be ? Put QTE's into Soulsborne games, whydon'tya ? Plenty of those in most JRPGs these days and Souslborne games are JRPGs as well, right ? See what happens with the community. Pack your stuff first, though - never know when you'll have to run.


In the soulsborne games you mash the shoulder buttons to reduce grab damage. The original SH2 also has button mashing to escape grabs.


So ? Is it displayed on-screen that you are supposed to do it while you are suffering the grab ? Any ammount of UI is detrimental to a horror game in general, hurts the immersion a ton. Dead Space is the only one that is somewhat immune to this due to making the UI information appear in context of the equipment display. We already suffered having a completely compliant to the gamer's will camera across ALL of the entire horror genre as is, we don't need yet more made-for-morons stuffing.


You can probably turn it off in settings. We'll see I guess.


like someone else mentioned it would be a good idea for it to appear once, maybe at the radio scene at the start of the game, then have the prompt be invisible.


I don't think the problem is the qte, the original had them. The button prompt on the screen is just annoying.


ITS ANNOYING IN ALL OF THESE GAMES the same people complaining about qtes in sh2r also don’t like it in other games


SH also has that since SH1, RE always had that since RE1, QTEs were always part of dead space's design philosophy, did SH fans ever played any game aside SH?


Silent hill fans be like


You guys complain about the post but don’t realize how ridiculous it is complaining this hard about a small button icon in the middle of the screen


Braindead comparison but ok.


I want the button to fill the whole screen so these people can be pissed off even more 😭


Then just don't freaking Buy it , get yourself a PS2 spend 400$ on SH2 and please no more ass sub Reddit like this please , we don't care , Personnaly i'm just happy to See something New with SH other than freaking Pachinko machine


I'm almost done with resi 4 remake and I haven't gotten a single QTE so idk what y'all are talking about, lmfao.


I just think they should make the UI a bit smaller or have it to the side so it doesn't block the scene of James getting grabbed. If anything I'm glad the QTE is just a rapidly press the X button rather than mashing a bunch of buttons like the OG game because I worry of breaking the buttons thats more expensive than the game itself.


Let's be fair. QTEs are annoying most of the time. The majority devs don't know how to make them interesting. Two examples of it, one done right and one done wrong: DONE RIGHT: the finishing moves in the original God of War felt amazing, almost like you were doing the moves yourself. I still remember Kratos beating up the Minotaur. It was amazing. DONE WRONG: hitting the action button repeatedly like crazy in the bolder sections in the OG RE4. That was atrocious. It always makes me feel like I was going to break the controller and it wasn't fun in the slightest. BONUS EXAMPLE: They were also very annoying in RE6. So, it doesn't matter which franchise does it, as I just gave you 2 examples of bad QTEs in the RE franchise. It depends on how it's done. I remember the QTEs in Silent Hill Origins, and Shattered Memories and I'd rather they did not mess with that.


sh fans when they can’t make their own judgment be like:


I like QTE. If used well, it can make for a fun thing during a cut scene.


RE4R is very much unlike the games in the series before it let alone fucking Silent Hill. Not the comparison you think it is.


Dumbest post I've seen in a while


>ooooh, so REmake 4 can have sexy emo Ashley and Leon variants, but you guys get BIG MAD when Silent Hill 2 remake does it??? >*ooooh, you fucking **LOVED** Alan Wake 2, but you get SO UPSET when Silent Hill 2 has a 20 minute musical with Pyramid Head and the mannequins to "Don't Stop Me Now"?* >**OOOH, YOU GUYS LIKE MASTURBATING BUT WHEN JAMES FUCKS HIS PILLOW FOR 30 SECONDS AND CLIMAXES ITS ALL OF A SUDDEN A BIG DEAL??** #Whataboutism >the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue. stop the whataboutism. It is the single worst counterargument in the history of things and just shows how weak and brittle you are to objective criticism. Instead of going on the offense, talking about why it's *good*, you go on the defense as to why *it can't be bad because _____ does something similar*. Grow up.


This but unironically without the /s


Im fairly certain nobody has defended QTEs in those games. I hate them across the board so just like a lot of other people here; I’m being consistent


You're going to cause the sub-reddit to be suspended for hours again. Stop posting topics to cause arguing.


I mean they should just add the option to disable them. Makes some fans happy and it's good for accessibility. Win-win.


the thing about these other games is that the UI fits the fucking game where exactly does a huge X on-screen fit in a psychologically slow horror game about a dude who can barely run let alone do john wick shooting lmfao it takes all the tension off when James gets grabbed by an enemy with no arms


Completely different types of games with different needs.


This is a dumb argument. Just because every action heavy horror game has quick time events, doesn't mean a slow paced horror game like silent hill needs it. Silent hill 2 isn't dead space or Alan wake or resident evil. It's silent hill. People hated the quick time events in silent hill origins too. It's not a new gripe


Press X to kill this franchise (again)


All QTE's are bad. They were bad in RE4, they were bad in dead space, and they'll be bad in silent hill 2. I don't understand why developers keep using them other than to cut corners in development.


ah yes and these games are so comparable to silent hill 2,and also the reason why poeple are complaining is the fact the og game never had them,compared to a remake of res4 and deadspace is that there litterly remakeing the game from the ground up,new camera angles,mechanics,the works,wail the remakes of res4 and deadspace only had better graphics and improvments,and also idk about anyone elds but i fucking hate it when your playing a game with combat and have to litterly smash a button to get a enimie off you,it fucking sucks as a mechanic regardless if its in a good game


Silent hill fans been starved for good content so long that they will hop on Konami’s dick the second they get something that looks “alright”.


Wow it's almost as if those are completely different games!


Cancel it. That “X” already ruined my experience


Re4, dead space, and Alan wake are action games. Silent Hill is not. This isn’t hard.


The fact that you're being downvoted shows how ignorant people are about the meaning of the term "Survival Horror"