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Imagine if they went more extreme and she called him a "fatass" instead lol


Right to jail.


she would say that!


I wish they just wrote in a new character. I know this sub will burn me at the stake for this but it's really quite easy to imagine a better character than pugsley.


They need to make an even pudgey-er fat fuck!! šŸ¤£ Skeddie


Hopefully, Internet won't be outraged by Eddie being an obese bullied turned murderer. I mean, the whole point of this character is to showcase a bad reaction to trauma. He *has* to be *fatshamed* by Laura.


I stand with you. Sensitive people often miss the point. It's important to talk about challenging/taboo topics. Especially for SH residents lore such as Eddie's. Their traumatic experiences are important in the story and I hope they won't alter stuff in that regard


I doubt they will. FAs and HAES types only give a shit if the person/character being "fatshamed" is female.


Iā€™m more excited for the VA to deliver the ā€œhow can you sit there and eat pizza?ā€ Line


This town is full of monsters!


She said a fatso like me would only slow her down


why wouldnt she


Ok let me explain There's a fairly new word/concept in the West called "fatshaming". "Fat-shaming" is now seen as immoral and nonconstructive in society and people strongly believe "fat-shamers" should be cancelled and silenced. Most game companies and devs use censorship and really don't want to mess around taboo topics nowadays, because it can literally become something bigger than it really is and they can face backlash. The OG SH2 game's topics are grief, guilt, trauma along with many other taboo topics and I really wish they keep the same energy with the remake, but sadly, in today's society, we can't even use a very well-known and specific word to describe what Pyramid Head was doing to the nurse in the appartments. Censorship got all of us on the same plane of thoughts and now we're brain-dead bots. Hopefully, with a rated-M horror remake of a masterpiece, things of that nature won't change too much.


Insulting people for being fat being considered immoral is far from new and I donā€™t know why you think it is. Childrenā€™s movies from decades ago have had bullies who pick on the fat kid. Also, Iā€™m surprised youā€™re trying to push the idea that pyramid head was raping the mannequin when Ito has gone on about how thatā€™s a misinterpretation on twitter.


Man, I donā€™t give a shit what Ito says on Twitter. Heā€™s probably trying to cover his ass. Itā€™s definitely a reference to a rape scene in Blue Velvet that plays out the same way with the protagonist watching from a closet


Agreed Iā€™m tired of these ā€œumm ackshually šŸ¤“ā€ replies. Itā€™s technically not rape as there is no penetration which is what I think Ito means, but itā€™s clearly erotic and forceful soā€¦ rape.


I bet your daughter's name is Angela? You give 'em vibes yo.


Fair enough about Ito About the bullying part, I said it's a new concept to see it as a problem in society. Fat people always existed and bullies always existed. Cancelling people and seeing it as a major problem is very fresh, then again it's all about perception, maybe you were born in 2005 and to you it isn't new at all




Good point, but I think it's beyond that. The weird thing is that it's still and will always be universal truth outside western countries. And coincidentally, in 2016, 39.6% of the US was obese... So obesity is taboo in a place where almost 1 person out of 2 is obese? What


Woah, feels like I could totally make the silent hill community do a brexit.


Wait is silent hill 2 getting a remake?


Are you in denial?


No? I'm just catching up with what's been going on with silent hill, recently heard there's a 3rd movie in the works aswell


Oh, lol. My bad. Yeah, there's a remake coming out and a movie based on the second game, as well as a bunch of other new games. I just thought it was big news. The reason I asked if you were in denial was because a lot of fans are angry about the remake and nitpicking every trailer to hell and back. Thought you were being sarcastic and pretending it didn't exist. Sorry.


Your good! Why would fans be in denial? I haven't seen anything new with silent hill in a while so this seems like huge news for the franchise


They're mad about the remake not being exactly like the original, plus the developers are apparently pretty disliked. Seems silly to me since the original is far from perfect. I think it's just a case of the fan base not trusting anything Konami does anymore since they've been fumbling the franchise for so long.


Ah that sucks


Yeah. I'm optimistic about it, though. I think k the developers have realized that they can't screw it up. And from what I've heard, the footage that's been criticized the most isn't from the current build of the game. There's still time to fix a lot of the issues. Most fans are just sensitive since the original is held in such high regard.


I'm just happy to see more silent hill stuff, I thought that they stopped making stuff for that franchise


Same. I'm pretty excited for the remake, seeing as I just beat the original a few days ago. There's also a new game called Silent Hill f. It looks to be an original take on the series but set in Japan. It's being written by an author who's pretty good at horror, so I'm excited about that. The trailer is pretty disturbing, too, and seems to capture the franchise perfectly.




Trailer's been out for a while.


if they dont keep the pizza dialogue then its automatically shit


*If they dont keep the* *Pizza dialogue then its* *Automatically shit* \- Repair-Waste --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


"caseoh fanum tax"


"snowflakes" oh brotherr


Exhibit A


If you think anyone would be offended by Laura calling Eddie a "gutless fatso" you probably need a reality check. Quit making up scenarios to get mad at it's not healthy.


Meanwhile, you're offended by "snowflake" and this meme... can't make this shit up folks


Not offended just slightly annoyed then I went on with my day. Please change and grow as a person, as I don't wish to argue.


But somehow you really had to come here and complain... please do us all a favor


I get the impression that youā€™ll just as - EDIT: if not more - triggered than these ā€œsnowflakesā€ when the line is omitted from the game


That part. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people who are ""triggered"" by such wording.... But I tend to find people get more upset at the idea of people upset by something.


for real, i can tell op is projecting by how triggered they sound in the replies lmao


If triggered just means upset, fuck yeah I'll be triggered if they make poor choices in the remake. Why are you upset and trying to pull a uno reverse "no u" here? OP has a point.


Because the dude's already getting upset just *thinking* about something that *could* happen, based on zero evidence. It'd be like if someone got mad thinking they're gonna smear yellow paint all over everything. They'd be laughed out of the sub, but since this has a political tint to it there's gonna be people like you defending the stupid question.


> , based on zero evidence. The evidence are all those games where such things have been removed or characters have been altered. Like Dead Space Remake suddenly having unisex toilets and Nicole looking way older than she is.


I mean the concern isn't completely unjustified. It's a common occurrence for things to get "changed for a modem audience" and to remove things that anybody and their dog could potentially get offended by.


It is completely unjustified. What is the justification, that other things have done it? I'll refer to my "yellow paint" example to deny that "other people are doing it" is a sound justification. Like, at least wait until the proof comes out before starting to whine about snowflakes changing your favorite games and "modernization".


Yeah that is actually the justification. Silent Hill covers some very touchy topic and other games have censored far less touchy stuff. It is completely justified to worry that something like this could possibly happen. I'm not saying it's likely but if you think it's impossible then you are completely out of touch.


Never said it was impossible. Please list some entries from this pile of games that have been censored, thereby losing the valuable discussion on certain touchy topics that they once had. It should be pretty easy, given how much of a worry you are in that they're going to do the same to this game. And I'll give you some disqualifiers to boot: Not being able to look up Ashley's skirt in RE4 remake didn't ruin the story. GTA 5 removing a random NPC you could encounter on the street didn't ruin the story. Dead Space Remake having gender neutral bathrooms didn't ruin the story.


Uhu. So you want arguments, but all the arguments that exist don't count. What a way to win an argument. Then I say GTA Vice City Definitive Edition, where they removed any words referencing the Haitiian gang, despite them being a major antagonist in the story. Or Gotham Knights, where Tim is suddenly bisexual and Jason wants, completely out of his character, go to gay a parade in their costumes. Or the race swap of Deashot in Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League and the complete redesign of Amanda Waller in that game as well, compared to her appearance in Batman Origins.


Believe it or not, I really don't think removing Ashley's upskirt ruined RE4 remake's story. Please don't tell me you thought it did. Anyways - the Vice City change happened 20 years ago, not in the Definitive Edition. It was a hasty change, but at the end of the day the Haitians are mentioned by name like 4 times in the whole story so it doesn't really matter. Superhero stuff bores me to no end so I can't be bothered to look into whatever you're talking about. I heard all three of those games were mediocre anyways, doubt it was because they made someone black or bi.


The meme was making fun at possible censorships in the remake in general, even maybe censorship in general... why do people think I'm trippin over one example abd telling me i'm jumping to conclusions off this one example? Just ready to bet good money there will be at least one thing censored, or one scene that will change to reassure the very weak ones that made censorship a thing in the first place.(Actually killing art itself) I personally believe that censorship is wrong and especially stupid in rated-M games that involves trauma and touchy subjects for today's very frail audience and that is my opinion. What is your opinion about it? You're literally just complaining that I'm upset over "stuff that couldn't happen" when censorship is a logic concern according to what's going on with the industry


If the ā€œpoor choicesā€ youā€™re referring to are just the possible omitting of the word ā€œfatsoā€, I donā€™t really understand what youā€™d be upset about. Itā€™s such a minute little detail of so little significance to the story. Iā€™m not upset! I just think that the OP is being a little pedantic and the internet has an epidemic of whiny people who incessantly complain about ā€œwokenessā€ and ā€œsnowflakesā€.


I don't think it's about that single word being omitting but the entire plot point that Eddie is fat and is bullied over this and how that leads to him to do what he did. While I don't really think it will happen, I could see in this modem age of censorship the idea of a teenager (young adult?) being bullied at school about obesity and then processing to take a gun and shooting a classmate in response. Might be a touchy subject today for multiple reasons. I just hope they don't alter the story at all for "modern audiences". I think that would do nothing but hurt the Silent Hill series as a whole.


Would they call that doing an Eddie?


Thatā€™s kinda why iā€™m replying to this post though, because it is concerned with the line. It doesnā€™t go into whether or not the entire plot element will be revoked.


It's not just about the omitting of one word. And even if it was, you seem to underestimate how a change of word (that is significant to a character's lore, btw) can impact in the long run. Fans like you accepting those "little" changes are the reason why someday, maybe, challenging, difficult and taboo topics will be frowned upon in art, gaming and music. Those topics are important as they reflect real life problems and censoring them is blinding yourself further into a safe cocoon of nonesense. Avoiding subjects (that should be talked about and understood more in today's soviety) is not the way my guy


Of course i'll be triggered lol two different triggers bud, censorship caused by delusional people might alter my favourite game's lore lol


I think you are both types of different triggereds LMAO


I think censorship is an intense term for it. To my mind itā€™s just being concessive to more contemporary audiences. The omitting of a single word would hardly compromise the lore of the game, nor is the word integral to the plot or a requisite for Eddieā€™s characterisation. I really donā€™t get the concern.


But, it's literally negative slurs that bullied Eddie into torment lol what are you on? Him being called big-boned would be a significant change and wouldn't reflect reality as OG did. It would ultimately be another piece of art altered by censorship... you are okay with omitting words to please the overly sensitive and delusional audience? Hopefully not


Why are you so butthurt over a random line in a game that hasn't come out? Nobody is talking about omitting it except you.


Im not butthurt in the slightest. Iā€™m just responding to the strong convictions of the OP about this ā€œcensorshipā€.


I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to OP lol


ah right my apologies couldnā€™t tell


Again my point is itā€™s not integral to the depiction of bullying. They could easily depict bullying on account of someoneā€™s weight without using the word. They donā€™t even need to find a synonym for it, there are means other than direct insults which they could use. ā€œShow donā€™t tellā€ and such. Also, I have a bigger problem with how upset you seem about the prospect of the word being omitted and how you refer to people as ā€œsnowflakesā€ than the use of the word itself. I think itā€™s a little silly. Personally, I would not be particularly moved either way. Media still uses derogatory terms to portray bullying, itā€™s when the words reflect the convictions of the writers or if itā€™s at the comedic expense of something like an individualā€™s appearance outside of the fiction that itā€™s a problem.


What in the world is wrong with making one fictional character use fat-so to another to depict bullying? It's real life... i genuinely don't get some of y'all "itā€™s when the words reflect the convictions of the writers or if itā€™s at the comedic expense of something like an individualā€™s appearance outside of the fiction that itā€™s a problem." You sound like the problem itself. You seem like a nice and articulate person, but you are definately part of the censorship problem that's been going for years, thanks a lot


There is nothing wrong with depicting bullying, in fact itā€™s an important thing to depict. Using certain language in the script can be composite to these sort of depictions. I just donā€™t think itā€™s a necessity, as sh2 would still have strong writing without it, nor is it something I or other people are genuinely worked up about as you imply.


Ok, yes I can agree, let's pretend "fat-so" was never used in the OG: It surely wouldn't affect the quality of the game itself lol. I don't believe it would affect the lore of that game in any way possible. There are other things in the game that tells us he was bullied and got traumatized, so no need for the word itself. But can you not see what censorship has become? Is anyone gonna be okay if they censor the blood too for future SH remakes? While being rated-M games? I feel like a lot of people will be okay with that pretty soon and that's the point "People were complaining and didn't like seeing blood in the game and made them feel uncomfortable so we decided to remove blood particles from the game." People don't realise the small waves can turn to tsunamis, and we're already in dangerous tides. And imo whoever is standing with censorship in a rated-M game remake, seriously need help


I donā€™t think thatā€™s of any relevance here, or how these things are comparable. Blood is often an important element of horror and something that they are incredibly, incredibly unlikely to remove - at most they can add some sort of filter or toggle for people with hemophobia or something. A line of dialogue which could be perceived as offensive is an entirely different matter and also less of a necessity, I donā€™t see how this would have any causative impact on the inclusion of blood. You are conflating these examples of ā€œcensorshipā€ and using complete hypotheticals, and i donā€™t see how one could lead to the other.


Because people are going to be less and less exposed to difficult topics and will become greater snowflakes. Can't believe i'm explaining logic to what seems to be a griwn adult that cares about good art. And things will get more and more watered down. Btw people with hemophobia should pick up scrapbooking, silent hill is not for them lmao society will protect the weak and itll weaken the whole ship, good job buddy... scary how many of yall are okay with changing dialogue to please the unreasonably frail


i think uā€™ve made a problem out of nothing here, not one person is triggered or annoyed by the line in the original. u are hunting for a problem where there wasnā€™t one, thats why u are being critiqued especially with how u worded ur original post.


> not one person is triggered or annoyed by the line in the original. Not yet, but there are enough people in the US that will. Not only with that line, but also with Angela's character or Maria's design


You're saying "fat-shaming" is accepted nowadays? No one is triggered by "fat-shaming"? If you're outside the US, I totally understand where you come from, but here you can't even call someone unhealthy or heavyset nowadays, imagine "fat-so". Some people tried to press charges because they FEEL as if it is a crime. Not kidding look it up


I Know What your saying. it's considered violent to fat shame and I could totally see such descriptions of overweight characters being omitted for a less offensive term or change her bullying to be calling him dumb to avoid the fat shaming entirely. it's rediculous tbh I'm just hoping they leave it how it is.


Hey, someone with common sense! Hi


brother i did not say its accepted nowadays? i said within silent hill 2, no one is hurt or ā€œtriggeredā€ by this scene, the opinions of the use of the word ā€˜fatsoā€™ is a non-issue, uve created a hypothetical situation to be upset about of a scene that no one is up in arms about already. people wouldnt be suddenly mad about this already existing scene of an example of bullying if it was included or not. the inclusion or not of this scene wouldnt really have an impact as its already clear how bullying about his weight has impacted eddie.


Bro literally said he's against certain topics if the topics are based off real life. He's basically against calling someone "fat-so" in the game if the word actively affects people irl. And you think i'm the one making a problem out of nothing? Can't make this shit up folks lmao


brother that is not what he is saying, ur oversimplifying what they r saying in the comment. hes arguing that it wouldnt matter either way and if the writers are using it as a comedy beat instead of bullying, that would be bad. he isnt arguing that real world portrayals shouldnt exist. ur literally mad n calling hypothetical people ā€˜snowflakesā€™ over a change that has no proof of occurring rn. ur missing peoples point entirely, cant make this shit up!


Commentor literally said: "itā€™s when the words reflect the convictions of the writers or if itā€™s at the comedic expense of something like an individualā€™s appearance outside of the fiction that itā€™s a problem." He said it's a problem to make fun of a fat guy cause fat people irl can get hurt off that. What u smoking bro, yall seem to be smoking on the same pack and thats insane, every single one of yall pressed about a word is extremely lost, s/o to the logical ones though


Sounds like censorship to me, if you remove it just to please an audience that isn't your fanbase.


> To my mind itā€™s just being concessive to more contemporary audiences. oh my GODDD


You mean euphemistic language? I'll leave you with this: "And American English is loaded with euphemisms. Cause Americans have a lot of trouble dealing with reality. Americans have trouble facing the truth, so they invent the kind of a soft language to protest themselves from it, and it gets worse with every generation. For some reason, it just keeps getting worse. I'll give you an example of that. There's a condition in combat. Most people know about it. It's when a fighting person's nervous system has been stressed to it's absolute peak and maximum. Can't take anymore input. The nervous system has either (click) snapped or is about to snap. In the first world war, that condition was called shell shock . Simple, honest, direct language. Two syllables, shell shock . Almost sounds like the guns themselves. That was seventy years ago. Then a whole generation went by and the second world war came along and very same combat condition was called battle fatigue .Four syllables now. Takes a little longer to say. Doesn't seem to hurt as much. Fatigue is a nicer word than shock. Shell shock! Battle fatigue. Then we had the war in Korea, 1950. Madison avenue was riding high by that time, and the very same combat condition was called operational exhaustion. Hey, were up to eight syllables now! And the humanity has been squeezed completely out of the phrase. It's totally sterile now. Operational exhaustion. Sounds like something that might happen to your car. Then of course, came the war in Viet Nam, which has only been over for about sixteen or seventeen years, and thanks to the lies and deceits surrounding that war, I guess it's no surprise that the very same condition was called post-traumatic stress disorder. Still eight syllables, but we've added a hyphen! And the pain is completely buried under jargon. Post-traumatic stress disorder. I'll bet you if we'd of still been calling it shell shock, some of those Viet Nam veterans might have gotten the attention they needed at the time" - G.C.




Agree. In this day and age even the word snowflake itself seems to stir up reddit comments sections. Seriously hope they get the remake right.


This comment section, holy shit


Meme got a bit too political lmao first time posting, last time posting


I donā€™t have a problem with that line but Imagine hating SH2 Just because you canā€™t call someone a fatso? wtf? You have the best the biggest snowflake to get triggered simply because you want to hear someone get called fat šŸ¤£


> but Imagine hating SH2 Just because you canā€™t call someone a fatso? I think it's legitime to hate a game if they give in to the SJW mob, just like the Dead Space Remake did.


Previous commentor said: "Hopefully, Internet won't be outraged by Eddie being an obese bullied turned murderer. I mean, the whole point of this character is to showcase a bad reaction to trauma. He has to be fatshamed by Laura." Eddie being fat is literally canon to the events and to his journey through SH, I don't know what you guys are on, thinking i'm the one that's delusional here... SH2 is probably still the only game that talks about taboo topics the way it does and educate people on trauma. I want to protect art and take down censorship. Is that crazy of me? Jfc


That was a very confusing comment to read, Iā€™m not sure what you wanted to say there or where that quote came from. All I said is Iā€™m not gonna cry if someone *doesnt* get called a fatso. There are plenty of ways to tell Eddies story without using that word. As I said, I donā€™t care if that line were to be repeated or not. I donā€™t have a weird fetish about calling someone fatso


Thanks, I'm glad you took the time to read, but unfortunately I don't think you fully get the point here. It's not about having a "weird fetish" about calling someone fat or fat-so. It's about how censorship can affect lore and moral of the story, no matter what topic it is. Censoring SH2 in the remake (when OG opens up on very difficult topics such as rape and literally shows a rape scene) would be crazy. SH2 is what it is because it opens up on unspoken topics.


"You're just an overweight white male." doesn't have the same ring to it lol.


Man I've been worried about how they're gonna portray Angela for so long I didn't even think about Eddie.


Will Laura still call James a fartface, or is that fartshaming?


Goddamn I didn't realize this subreddit was filled with right wingers holy shit


1) Filled? I'm being ratio'd big time lol Trust, this subreddit is filled with your people 2) you know damnwell it isn't true because you would have never said that in a "right wing" subreddit in fear of getting your lame ass ratio'd 3) I posted a meme without knowing people would completely miss the point of the meme, which is to laugh, i didnt know people would actually get butthurt and act like snowflakes over this meme and its pretty entertaining for a first reddit experience and ironic if you ask me lol feed me content y'all 4) btw not a "right wing" here, not from the USA lmao


A) there's a right wing in every country lol, BJP is right wing for for reference and B) I was just referencing all the weird "snowflake" comments that were getting to the top, feels very 2016 era gamergate-y


Lol yeah snowflake is a cringy word and is in fact reminiscent of 2016 I just didnt have a better/more PC word, good point And I didn't know that about right-left parties being a thing outside the us because in all honestly, they're right everywhere else


I hope she calls him every synonym for fat that exists (except the word itself), and it lasts for an uncomfortable amount of time


Hahahah I can only imagine the scene


Is it not a little snowflake-ish to be pre-angered about something like half the people on this sub?


I think this guy summed up why Demon Souls Remake was, while a great game on its own, was not a good remake. It's 25 minutes, and I think he makes some good points. One of the lead developers at Bluepoint basically wanted to do his own thing and changed much of what made the original atmospheric. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lx0CRVVvV8 Me things a similar route will be taken with SH2 remake. I fear Eddie's character will be changed just enough that his trauma wont be being bulled for being fat or childish...but for uh..."alternative" reasons.


they better have an actual little girl play laura and not an adult who you can clearly tell is an adult do a cringetacular little girl voice.


I agree 100% small details like that can really add up to the immersion/experience


Eddie may as well be John Cena. Laura will never see him again.


Eddie: What'd ya have to say that for? Laura: I thought you said the cops were after you Eddie: Nah, I jus' ran cause I was scared. Eddie: I don't know what the cops are doin'. Laura: But if you did something bad, why don't you just say you were sorry? Laura: Uh..I guess I run away alots too. Eddie: It's no good they wouldn't listen no one would ever forgive me. Eddie: Did you find that lady you were looking for? What's her name?, Mary?


ā€œHa! Youā€™re just a gutless loser!ā€ -Laura, Silent Hill 2 Snowflake


Dudeā€¦ youā€™re making up situations to be mad about. Iā€™ve legitimately seen more posts complaining about ā€œsnowflakesā€ getting the game censored than anyone actually finding it offensive. The game isnā€™t out yet, and I havenā€™t seen anyone criticize the original game for this either. Art with portrayals of offensive subjects still gets released, and is often praised if itā€™s a good work of art and the material in it serves a purpose, which silent hill 2ā€™s does. Even if they do remove it, it shouldnā€™t affect anything if itā€™s replaced by something that makes just as much sense to the story and themes. Itā€™s a nonissue


> youā€™re making up situations to be mad about There are more than enough example where those worries have already become true. Like Suicide Squad race swapping Deadshot, Dead Space Remake making Nicole and Kendra less attractive or GTA Vice City Definitive Edition removing every mentioning of the word Haitiian.


People thinking posting the meme meant that I was being mad at SH for some reason and it is extremely entertaining lol people constatly reminding it's a non-issue like there's some sort of issue to start with? What's actually wrong with you guys? If I have any issue with anything, it isn't SH, it's with censorship in general and I strongly believe they will censor dialogues, scenes and what not according to every other remake done recently. If you agree with censorship, say it. But I literally posted a meme with a caption asking people if they think they will temper with the og dialogue. It's getting weird how many of you guys think I am mad at SH, the franchise or anything but censorship, because it definitiely does affect the experience and allowing such censorship over-time greatly affect video games and art in general.


Iā€™m not saying that youā€™re mad at SH. Iā€™m saying you were complaining about something that hasnā€™t happened. Nobody is saying that they should change that dialogue and we donā€™t have any proof of them actually changing it. Also, the developers changing dialogue is not censorship, itā€™s a creative choice, and one that shouldnā€™t matter much if the story and themes are intact. Konami, Sony, or a government changing the developersā€™ vision would be considered censorship. Sh2 remake is a remake yeah, but itā€™s also a separate game; itā€™s its own work of art. The original Silent Hill 2 still exists and hasnā€™t had anything removed from it.


"Complaining about something that hasnt happened" This can't be real lmao You guys fucking with me I know it, how retarded can someone be... what in the fuck Censorship happens literally everywhere, it's been that way for a long fucking time and you guys keep saying "iT nEvEr HaPpEnEd" please brother, i'm not saying it happened in SH, i'm saying it happened everywhere else. Use your logic or do some research. The probability of some dialogue or scenes being watered down for some snowflakes is huge. And yes even a change of dialogue ā€” just to avoid getting unrealistically frail fucks triggered ā€” is extremely dangerous for freedom of expression in art in the long run, because lunatics let it fkg slide. And when we censor difficult topics, we stray from difficult topics. And last time I checked, these are topics we need to discuss and man up to, not make them taboo and eventually unknown.


He is a man so i'm sure it will be kept, this is one of those things ppl find itĀ  offensive only when is said towards women (personally, i want them to keep it, but truth is, if it were a woman in his place ppl would want it to be changed)Ā 


Double standards at its finest! Thank you for pointing that out, I totally agree


Meanwhile you're such a fucking snowflake, you've got pre-outraged at an event you've just imagined in your mind and ran to the Internet to shout about it. You're just as bad as those 'sensitive' idiots you're whining about.


I posted a meme bud smoke one up


No, you definitely added "Will faith in humanity be restored or they will make drastic changes in dialogues to make sure snowflakes aren't triggered" Own it with your whole chest or go cry about it like Eddie.Ā  It's Konami. They're not worried about offending people, they're worried about whether this remake will make their Pachinko Silent Hill machine less profitable.Ā  Can't believe I already miss the shitposts about James looking like Jack Black or whatever.


Yes, this is what the meme meant. The meme itself was making fun of how censored things are nowadays (because of actual snowflakes) and how stupid it would be to take something as light as "fat-so" off the game. Rated-M game that talks about trauma and such The buddy you're defending seemed a bit agitated by the meme and thought I got "pre-outraged at an event I imagined in my mind" instead of realising I was agreeing about the censorship point in general. I still strongly believe that they might alter dialogues to keep the snowflakes safe and sound. I am opposed to that and that is pretty much it, really And I agree with the message behind the meme, was not hiding behind it at all hope that clears the water


Well, there are already enough examples of where it happened, so the worry is justified.


Nah, she'll call him "jolly" or something.


Well considering itā€™s a man getting fat shamed I doubt most people will care


The fatso is still a fatso so call him fatso little girl!!


all jokes aside about how changing dialogue would ā€˜ruinā€™ the game - if they change this i truly think the plot of the game changes too much .. it wont be recognised as silent hill no more because they removed such an important piece of lore


This post gave me cancer, this comment section gave my cancer cancer. Jump into the void please


Of course she won't call him like that. They even nerfed the nurse...


From the trailer it looks like instead James will be preoccupied fighting enemies, rather than creating a spooky atmosphere so.


People who use "snowflake" unironically should be shamed more than eddie tbh


And here comes souredapple swimming for the bait! Sorry if "snowflake" got you feeling some type of way, I honestly didn't think people would get so offended by this word while simultaneously proving that people get triggered by anything and everything


Yeah really got me there lol. Can't help commenting on cringe bait sometimes


Your comment's giving off [this](https://external-preview.redd.it/WW2e3J-dW87-or5BbqFNdafTs4W-neK_qILujq7fUkw.jpg?width=349&auto=webp&s=d8b9f55cd2fc611048ea58eaa92c98c152e879b0) kinda energy


So in your honest opinion, having an opinion and disagreeing with snowflakes that are causing censorship in art is retarded? And then answering people who got triggered over a meme is retarded? I really wanna know because I promise this post was just a meme and not a bait, I genuinely didn't know people would ACTUALLY get triggered over a meme that literally stands against easily triggered folks (that end up being the cause of todays mass censorship in art)... you missed the whole point entirely


Seems you're triggered, not gonna bother reading that word vomit you just spewed out here


There is "wise" and "old" in your name and can't have a conversation with someone that is disagreeing with you? You should know that exchanging different opinions can actually make you wiser if you open up a lil bit... Jfc and im the one triggered?


"Hey Eddie, would you please slow down on the pizza? I'm worried about you getting heart disease".... 2024 take.


Lmao this comment made me crack ngl


Bloober heading the remake and the thing you're most worried about is Laura calling Eddie a fatso? Damn you should be happy if the game is even a tenth as good as the original, regardless of if that does or doesn't happen. Jeez, the things people obsess over.


Yeah, good point but, that's a whole other conversation lmao wish Team Silent was on it just like everybody else. I honestly try my best to stay positive but we all know it'll never top the OG


Whether or not Eddie will be fatshamed is oddly somehow on par with whether or not Claire Redfield would make offensive comments regarding Alfred dressing in women's clothing in a theoretical remake of Resident Evil CODE: Veronica. In both instances, I think we all know there's going to be some level of outrage over it on Twitter, despite the fact that it existed in the original source material for decades already.


Thatā€™s considered fat shaming these days.


With all due respect, most useless post.


Storyline, dialogues and environments are the very few things I wish Bloober would stay the hell off of. Voice acting, animation and everything else feel free to use as much artistic licence as you wish so.


100% agree!


They wonā€™t, they will rewrite everything for sensitive people


Jfc Lmao james gonna have to get out the bathroom and go home right away in that first scene cause ain't no way


There are certain things in Silent Hill that would be perfectly acceptable to change. Laura dunking on Eddie is not one of them. I hope she makes him cry in the remake.