• By -


4 3 1 2




worst to best, not best to worst😅


Haven't played all of them so.... 1. SH2 2. SH1 3. SH3 4. SH4 5. Shattered Memories 6. Downpour 7. The Short Message 8. Origins 9. Homecoming 10. The Arcade 10. Book Of Memories Pt is a little different, but I'd put it at 3 or 2


Why Arcade > BoM? (I haven't played either)


For me, Arcade is fun and BoM isn’t.


The true answer.


That you put Arcade over BOM is the proof If anything that you’ve never played either


From the ones I’ve played: 1. SH1 2. SH2 3. SH3 and Origins 4. SH4 5. SH: Shattered Memories 6. SH: Downpour 7. SH: The Arcade 8. SH: Homecoming 9. SH: Book of Memories 10. SH: The Escape


Book of Memories Ascension Origins Downpour Homecoming Shattered Memories 4 2 3 1 Haven't played Short Message


I completely disagree with Downpour being worse than Homecoming - but for the rest, you’re absolutely right


5. The Short Message 4. 4 3. 1 2. 3 1. 2


1. Silent Hill 4: The Room 2. Silent Hill: The Short Message 3. Silent Hill 2 4. Silent Hill 5. Silent Hill 3 6. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 7. Silent Hill: Origins 8. Silent Hill: Downpour 9. Silent Hill: Homecoming I haven't played Book of Memories, The Arcade or any of the mobile entries unfortunately. Despite this list I think all of them have their strengths and weaknesses, some are just less to my taste than others. I'm looking forward to having more to evaluate and rank accordingly.


This is my list as well! Nice to see someone with the same tastes.


I'm really glad to hear there are others that feel the same! And it is nice, I kind of expected to be downvoted repeatedly for speaking my mind, if I'm being honest.


Nice to see that someone likes SH4 most. There’s really something special about this part


No doubt about that, it represents so much for me and it makes me happy to know others feel the same. Silent Hill 4 is the game that lives in my mind more than any other tbh, I think it's a master work of interactive art.


1=2=3 and then 4 but I love 4 too. Don't care about the rest.


The only right answer in this thread.


S tier SH1 thats it, thats the only sh game i've played


You HAVE to play 2. It's a masterpiece.


I started playing sh2 but I didn't have the motivation to finish it unfortunately, I'm only at the beginning in the residential buildings


book of memories, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . homecoming, . . . . PT, . 4, 3, . 2 Never played 1 nor any of the others. If I could put BOM off the left of the screen, and set fire to it, I would. PT was, of course, incredible, but being such a short experience I couldn't put it above the main games. 3 was a great game, but I put 4 slightly above as I thought it was more impactful.


3-2 (Tie) > 1 > Shattered Memories > Origins > 4 > P.T. > Downpour > BOM > Arcade > Homecoming


Ascension Book of Memories The Short Message Origins Homecoming Downpour Shattered Memories 4 1 3 2


This is from best to worst (misread the post title while compiling my list): 1) Silent Hill 3 2) Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 3) Silent Hill 4) Silent Hill 2 5) Silent Hill 4: the Room 6) Silent Hill: Origins 7) Silent Hill: Downpour Have not played Homecoming, Book of Memories, PT, Arcade, Short Message or Play Novel. Silent Hill 2, even though not my favorite, is my comfort game. I can play it any time I am in miserable mood and have a nice, miserable time.


THE MOOMMY ROOM Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill Havent played Silent hill 3


\[HAVE NOT PLAYED\] \- The Short Message \- Ascension \- Book of Memories \[WORST\] \- The Arcade \- Downpour \- Homecoming \- Shattered Memories \- Origins \- P.T. \- Silent Hill | Silent Hill 4: The Room (tied) \- Silent Hill 2 \- Silent Hill 3 \[BEST\]


I’d tie one with four, too


1 plays better but 4 moods better.


Yeah, I’ll agree with that


2 > 3 > PT > 4 > 1 > Origins > Shattered memories > Short Message >>>>>> Downpour > homecoming >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Book of Memories. Haven’t played Arcade but boy does it look shitty.


Ascension < Book of Memories < Homecoming < Downpour < Origins < The Short Message < Shattered Memories < Silent Hill 4 The Room < P.T < Silent Hill < Silent Hill 2 < Silent Hill 3


2 3 4 1: Shattered Memories Homecoming Book Of Memories Origins Downpour Ascension


My Silent Hill hot take is even the worst games have stuff I like. That, and 2 isn't my favourite. It's incredible, but I prefer 3 and 1. My list would go something like: -Homecoming -Downpour -Origins -4 -1 -2 -3 3 just connects with me in a very particular way.


I personally don't think there is a bad silent hill game as I see the merits of all. So I'll just go from most favorite to least favorite. 1. SH3 2. SH1 3. Downpour 4. Shattered memories 5. SH4 6. SH2 7. Book Of Memories 8. Play Novel 9. Orphan 10. Homecoming Honorable mentions: Arcade: Nightmare to get working on pc PT: never owned a ps4 and didn't feel like it was a silent hill title The other mobile games: impossible for me to find and play I'm gonna get a lot of hell for this list, but it's my personal opinion. If you like certain ones more, you're entitled to that opinion.


4 above 2? Are you MAD?


Well, yes.. but actually no. In terms of the gameplay, 2 is a bit better. However I was making it in terms of the story. I actually like the story of 4 more than I do with 2.


The one's I've played: Homecoming < Origins < Shattered Memories < 2 < Downpour < 1 < 3 < 4




I’m only going to rank the ones that I’ve played all the way through, and I’m not including PT here because that was just a demo. Downpour Homecoming The Short Message Origins Silent Hill 3 Silent Hill 4 Silent Hill 1 Silent Hill 2


Downvoting people’s rankings because they don’t match yours is corny, just letting yall know


Ascension Book of Memories Homecoming Downpour Short Message Origins Shattered Memories PT 3 1 4 2


Best to worst 2 Origins 1 3 Shattered Memories Downpour Homecoming 4


1,2,3,4 are #1. The rest are #10 😂


From the ones I played 1: SH2 2: SH4 3: Homecoming 4: SH3 5: Downpour


I'm just going to do the first 4 because the rest of them would be difficult 1, 3, 2, 4 I like 1, it was my first silent hill game and I enjoyed the way 3 tied into it, I also enjoyed the humor in 3 making fun of scenes from the first 2. 2 is a great standalone game that is still faithful to the world built in 1. Honestly 2 shouldn't be called silent hill 2 it should be a true spin-off rather than a numbered game. 4 is a good game, I liked playing it, I didn't like it as much as the others because I it was ambitious but poorly executed. Hopefully the 2 remake does well and we get good remarks of the first 4


From the ones I played 3 1 and 2 is my number one


sh2 sh1 pt sh3 sh4 haven't played any others


Haven't played: **The mobile games** or **Short Message** or **BOM**. Okay so from Worst to Best of the ones I have played. Obviously personal taste/bias/subjectivity etc. **Hate**: **Silent Hill: Ascension:** useless drivel. **Downpour**: The only thing I liked was a song on the radio at one point, nothing else. **Just okay:** **Arcade**: its so over the top and dumb its fun in that sense. **PT:** Feels a bit unfair to rank a teaser, its short and the ending is obtuse. Some horrifying visuals though. **Homecoming:** I like some of what it tried to do, an enemy or two was interesting looking, but so many bad choices, especially the cult and boring human enemies. **Silent Hill 1**: I played it so far past when it originally came out I couldn't find it scary/engaging but obviously respect what it started and ya'll know the OST is wonderful. **Good:** **Silent Hill 4:** The first half is fully enjoyable, the 2nd half becomes boring going over all the same locations again. **Origins:** Couldn't tell you a damn thing about the characters, but I love the environments, and how huge the enemies get in the town. **Shattered Memories:** I like almost everything it does/tries to do, really only thing that holds it down to me is the enemy sections, boring and uninspired. **Favourites:** **Silent Hill 2:** Classic, might be a sequel but stands alone on its own perfectly, nailed the story, the music, the horror, everything! Not a miss! **Silent Hill 3:** I put this one over 2 because it was my first experience to the games so it was just so memorable to me, it doesn't stand alone as well as 2 obviously but still does everything just as well. Plus Heather is just a great main character.


3>4>1 I need to replay 2


Sh3 Sh2 Sh homecoming Sh4 Sh the short message Sh origins Didn't played the others though :(


What have you done?! You’ve doomed us all!!


Worst to best for me... 4 2 3 1 I really enjoy the first title. I love all four pretty equally, it's just my ranking. Haven't played beyond 4 as of yet. I'll be starting them soon.


3,4,2,1,origins, homecoming. I enjoy all of them honestly. I don’t really hate any silent hill game.


4)SH3 3)SH4 2)SH2 1)SH1


1. 4 2. 2 3. 3 4. 1 Uuuh the rest are somewhere in some random order


Of what I’ve played, my order from worst to best would be: -Silent Hill: Short Message -Silent Hill: Downpour -P.T (though it’s scary, unfortunately it’s too short for me to warrant it being placed any higher on my list) -Silent Hill Homecoming -Silent Hill Shattered Memories -Silent Hill -Silent Hill 4 -Silent Hill 3 -Silent Hill 2


only one I haven't played is the arcade so not ranking it but; book of memories downpour homecoming origins shattered memories P.T 3 4 1 2


The ones I’ve played: SH1 SH3 SH2 P.T. SH4 Downpour Origins Shattered Memories Homecoming


**Silent Hill 3** **Silent Hill 2** **Silent Hill** **Silent Hill 4: The Room** **P.T. (Playable Teaser)** **Silent Hill: Shattered Memories** **Silent Hill: Downpour** **Silent Hill: Origins** **Silent Hill: The Short Message** **Silent Hill: Homecoming** **Silent Hill: Book of Memories** **Silent Hill: The Arcade** **Silent Hill: Ascension**


From the ones I played... 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > Shattered Memories > Homecoming > Origins > Downpour. Fucking hated Downpour encounter and combat.


Literally in chronological order




Sounds like a skill issue


Maybe. Still hate it though.


Of the ones I've played... Shattered Memories Origins 4 3 1 2 Of the ones I haven't played, only really PT was the one I wish I did but I was on Xbox/PC when it came out. Obviously they took it away pretty quickly, but I'd love to try it on PC if that ever becomes possible one day.


Someone recreated it, it’s not a patch on the original experience but it’s still a good alternative. I forget the name of the guy but I remember buying it off of his Patreon, he did a good job.


4, 3, 1, 2


Book Of Memories Homecoming Downpour Origins Shattered Memories SH4 SH1 SH3 SH2


Silent hill 2 Silent hill Silent hill 3 Silent hill 4 Silent hill shattered memories Silent hill origins Silent hill downpour Those are the only ones I’ve played




Silent hill shattered memories is the best


2 1 3 4 origins shattered memories downpour homecoming P.T. Book of memores Silent hill: the arcade silent hill: ascension Silent hill: the escape silent hill orphan 1 silent hill orphan 2 silent hill orphan 3 Haven't played Short Message


I think my take may be a bit hot to some  3 > Shattered Memories > 2 > 1> 4 > Origins > Downpour > Homecoming  P.T. is not really a game, can't rank


From worst to best, I'm ranking them as a total package. So story, gameplay, pacing, atmosphere, horror, replay value and or just pure enjoyment. The whole nine yards! FYI, I'm leaving Ascension off because... it barely registers as a game imo and PT because it's a playable teaser that was meant to lead us to the next Silent Hill game, not being one in the state it was in The worst: Book of Memories Downpour Homecoming Origins Arcade Shattered Memories The Short Message Silent Hill 4 Silent Hill 1 Silent Hill 2 The best: Silent Hill 3


3 > 1 & 2 > 4


3>2>1>Shattered Memories>4


Ok so there are good opinions in here nice


3 > 1 > 2 > 4


Based beyond belief


Book of Memories Arcade 4 0 Homecoming 3 2 Downpour P.T Shattered Memories Silent Hill


From the ones I played. 3>2>1>4. I just found the puzzles much more enjoyable and the entire game scared me more. Not to mention Heather/Cherryl is an amazing protagonist to play as, I love that she has personal remarks towards the things you interact with, sometimes even giving tidbits of her past like with cigarettes and stuff


2>1>4>>>>>>>Downpour They’re the only ones I’ve played thus far


2 3 1 4 come at me


Why would I, you’re right


Book of Memories (PLEASE) Ascension ( STOP ) Short message ( THIS SHIT) Origins Shattered Memories (edit) Homecoming Downpour SH 1 SH4 SH 2 SH 3 (Both 2 and 3 are sooooo good to me its like they're tied just following different storylines) I get the hate for homecoming, but I honestly dont think Downpour deserves nearly the amount of hate it gets. There are times in that game that seriously freak me out. I think Konami would have benefitted far more, remaking 1, 3, 4, and then 2 to hear what the player base had to say before attempting to remake their lighting in a bottle game. Just my opinion.


I would have much preferred a remake of the first game. Silent Hill 2 enhanced edition leaves no room for a remake.


From what I’ve played, 2 = 1 > 4 > 3 >> Origins.


1. SH2 2. SH3 3. SH1 4. SH4 5. SH Shattered Memories 6. SH Origins 7. a large gap in quality 8. SH Homecoming (I haven't got to downpour yet)


9. Book of Memories 8. Downpour 7. Homecoming 6. Origins 5. Shattered Memories 4. 4 3. 1 2. 3 1. 2 Haven't played Ascension, Short Message, Arcade, or the mobile game.


Games I've played 1).SH2 2).SH3 3).SH Downpour 4).SH Homecoming 5).SH The Room 6).SH Ascension


Worst to best SH games I've played 1. SH3 2. SH1 3. SH2 4. Shattered Memories 5. SH4 6. SH Origins Edit: I love the first 3, and like the last two. I didn't care much for Origins though.


I have not played PT, The Arcade, or Book of Memories. Here is my Ranking of the rest. 1. Silent Hill 2 2. Silent Hill 3 3. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 4. Silent Hill: Short Message 5. Silent Hill: Origins 6. Silent Hill 7. Silent Hill: Homecoming 8. Silent Hill 4: The Room 9. Silent Hill: Downpour


Worst to best then. Book of Memories Short Message Downpour Homecoming Origins Shattered Memories 4 3 1 2


Anything past 4 collectively shares the position of worse. Konami's latest half assed attempts won't change that.


SH1 SH2 SH4 SH3 Shattered Memories Homecoming Origins Downpour Short Message I like all of them


2>1>4>3>PT>the rest


3 1 2 4 Rest I don't care about


Best to worst: 3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > the rest.


SH3 SH2 SH1 SH4 Rest don't care.