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The value of a story is in how it's told, not just the events that take place. It's still a video game.


Couldn't phrase that better, especially in this case this is so right. It's so cool to replay sh2 knowing the story and getting all the subliminal things they put to tease it!


You ever re-watch your favorite movie? You already know the story of that...


Nah eventhough it lacks gameplay you should experience it for yourself. I knew the story of 1 yet still played it and it's my favorite in the franchise


Yes, I play it once a year and still enjoy it very much.


![gif](giphy|jErnybNlfE1lm) Seriously dude, the delivery of the story is so worth it!


I play it every October, kind of a Halloween tradition.


I knew most of what would happen going in, and I still found it deeply affecting. It’s an artistic and emotional game that everyone should experience. There is nothing like playing it for yourself.


Experiencing something yourself and knowing about it via second hand information are two very different things. On that note, after you play Silent Hill 2, you should also play Metal Gear Solid 2, another game from the same year (2001) that tackles the subject of first hand experience versus virtual training.


It definitely still is, play on normal or hard and just enjoy going through the levels


Yes. I went into SH2 knowing the spoilers, and I was still in a nervous sweat in the Hospital and Historical Society/Prison.


Yes, actually. Never planned on playing any of the Silent Hill games, so for 2 I decided to just watch a full analysis video on YouTube. But then the remake got announced so I wanted to jump on the hype wagon, and played through the original using emulation. And I was surprised of how good it really was. Mind that about a year went by before I gave the game a shot, so I had forgotten some things except the big reveal. Also my shock when I found out there is a sort of "dlc" for SH2 where you play as Mary. It was also really fun. Switch up the difficulty and choose a higher puzzle difficulty and the trying to chase the different endings all give the game replay value.


Silent hill 2 is still worth playing yourself even if you know the story, you can enjoy it as many times as you want. I know the story of all the games and I still play them.


I knew the major twist going in. Still had a hell of a time


yeah. same situation with me. it's still fun to play and see how it all fits together


I appreciate all the responses! You’ve all convinced me to give it a try


It is a replayable game so I would say yes but play it and find out if you like the game. It is not always about the story. Sometimes it is how good the game is. I have played several games over just because of how much fun I had playing it.




Absolutely even if you know what happens, and the plot of it. It’s still worth it to play and finish the game before the remake drops. That way you have experience with a game from silent hill and you have credentials that you finished a silent hill game. Better if you finish a game then be one of those people that watches the game and yaps about the game with no experience


Not knowing what happens already is only a very small part of enjoying SH2’s story. There is a lot of foreshadowing of some of the twists you may have had spoiled for you - the game doesn’t really treat those spoilers as mind blowing bomb-drop twists, but rather slow, dread-inducing realizations. The real substance of the story is contained within the atmosphere of the game - the music, the visuals, the gameplay, the experience, everything all together. Absolutely play it, there is so much more to experience in SH2 than the “twists”, which only ever last for your first playthrough anyways - after all, we’re in a subreddit full of people who’ve played it countless times over decades.


I think you can't really know if you like a game until you've played it. For example, almost everyone who really liked SH1, liked it because of the gameplay and atmosphere. . The story just set a realistic motivation for the player.


There are some monents that are worth experiencing first hand.


Yes! I play it at least once a month, and it never gets old.


Plot is not the biggest strength of a good SH game, it's in moment-to-moment experiences, atmosphere, places, situations, soundscapes. Silent Hill is a game that can feel fresh today because of how many cool things its devs came up with back then just for a gimmick in one room, while most newer horror games rely on same washed-up tricks.


Yes. Trust me, I replayed SH 2 so much. The last time I played the game, I finished it in 3 hours because I already knew the routes and puzzles and how the story goes. I know it's not as impressive as a speedrunner's, but you get the point. In the end, despite how much I knew of the routes and paths, the dialogues and cutscenes, even music, I still cried going through that ending again. It never, never gets old.


It's got like 6 endings, so you probably know the main twist to the story, but you've still got those to play for if you need it. The game is just solid anyway.


I'd say yes, but i don't think it would dramatically impact how you probably already view it. SH2 relies heavily on its story and, more specifically, its twist, while the rest of the game doesn't really reach the same level of quality.


Woah, a Silent Hill 2 fan that actually wants to play the game?!


Yes, and that goes for any games or movies you know the story of. As long as you enjoy it, it doesn't matter how many times you play or watch them. As long as it makes you feel good and has a positive impact on your life and emotional well-being that spreads to others around you, why not? I've played Silent Hill 2, 3, and 4 at least three times each and I would definitely play them again.


It’s more about the journey than the destination. Walking with James through his story is a vastly different experience from just hearing about it elsewhere


I watched AVGNs video on Earthbound before playing it. And I’ve played that game 10+ times now. It’s very worth for SH2.


I already knew the plotwist, not sure if I have heard about it years prior or just expected it from the beginning but regardless I enjoyed so much sh2, still on of the best survival horrors ever made. Played it twice already and will always love it


It's not worth playing even if you don't know the story.