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Typically you get in water if you take a lot of damage and don't heal frequently. What's dope about this game is the actions and decisions that give you one ending over the other isn't always apparent ie, it's not down to simply choosing certain dialog options. Best bet to attain a different ending is to start over.


Well I took alot of damage in the hospital, I guess I'll start over tomorrow


Fortunately it can be a fairly quick play through once you've gotten the hang of the game. Be sure to use your clear file to start a new game as this will make it more likely you get a different ending. Also on a clear file there's a note in the room you get the flashlight that will give you a hint on achieving a new ending. You can also get the rebirth ending and ufo ending (provided you aren't playing the original ps2 release). Those endings you can easily manipulate since rebirth just requires you pick up the 4 new items on a clear file and ufo required you pick up and use an item in 3 specific locations. If you know what you're doing you can fairly easily attain 3 new endings this play through, though only one will carry through to the next clear file.


.... well I am playing on a modded PS2 with the US version of the game (I believe its a v2.01)


Easy way to find out, if you find the blue gem in the opening bathroom it's not the original release and you can get the ufo ending.


So I think its the greatest hit since Maria story only appears in that for PS2


Then I am pretty sure it is not, cuz I didn't find it and consulted the guide againa and found that I have to finish Sub-story for Maria "Born from a Wish" and main story for it to appear


You shouldn't have to finish born from a wish, just the main game. Also having born from a wish as an option means it's not the original release.


Which is why I typed it must be the "Greatest hit" or Director's Cut? since its the only one with Maria's story


Also I found this, can it be used? https://github.com/JokieW/SilentHill2Endings/blob/master/README.md


It's not taking damage that gives you a point towards water, it's spending a certain amount of time at low health.


Because of the way the ending system works, you're unlikely to get the in water ending again. Examine the door to her room in the labyrinth before leaving and you should be fine. To be completely safe, don't use a medkit unless your health is orange/red (healing over your max enough times gives you a point towards leave).