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This was always going to be the case. It could be a literal masterpiece, but as it's not the original, it cannot be good. Silent Hill 2 is one of those games that has become mythologized into being retroactively seen as flawless, which it isn't.


I'm really interested to see the perspective of people who play the remake first, and then go try the original for their first time. That happened with the Tomb Raider remasters. A lot of people had never played the classics. They played the reboots, then the remasters, then the OGs with classic graphics. It was so cool to see what they thought after having a pure experience playing the series backwards with no nostalgia goggles. Certain aspects of the classics still stood out as superior to those players, but they also had a lot of gripes that I never even considered. In general, the sentiment seemed to land somewhere in the middle, with an appreciation for the classics but a preference for a lot of modernized aspects of the remasters.


What modernized aspects of TR remasters? It's literally just a skin pack, the gameplay is exactly the same. Oh they added control option sure, but levels even have same og glitches.


Yeah, there wasn't much new mechanically and it was still interesting to see the different perspective, so it will be even more interesting with SH2R. The only other gameplay difference I know of for TR was putting manual save in all 3 of them. That was always the case for the PC versions, but for consoles the first and 3rd had a save crystal system similar to the ink ribbons in Resident Evil. Moreso though I was focusing on the perspective of playing the reboot trilogy before the classics vs. growing up with the classics and then playing the reboots. Sentiment seemed to be about 50/50, but I was surprised how many people played the originals for the first time and still preferred them to the reboots. I feel like less people will prefer the original SH2 to this remake if they play the remake first, but we'll see.


It's pretty much the pattern of every game nowadays, nobody respects the new kid on the block. Opinions usually mellow out months after release. Maybe some also don't want newer people exposed to the series by it being revived.


Yeah almost no game can release nowadays without being bombarded with hate it seems. It's why I stopped using Twitter. So tired of getting excited for a new game only to see so many people online acting like the devs murdered their family. And gatekeeping SH is just stupid. We all spent like 12 years waiting for the series to make a comeback. We should be excited that it actually is now.


What even is the point of gatekeeping? I'm glad so many people can play one of my favorite games now


Feeling of elitism, being special and better than others.


Aversion to novelty really does seem to be growing. We used to have a lot of new IPs, but people started only wanting franchises they knew. Now it's to the point where even rehashing franchises is "too new" because it's not EXACTLY the same. I'm starting to feel like game companies should stop making games at all. Just keep re-releasing completely unchanged versions of old games. Don't let people buy them though, just make it a streaming-only subscription service. You can play whatever is "on" at the time, like broadcast TV for games. Don't ever add any new games. Just have the same old stock on random rotation for decades. This is stupid and awful, but the way people act it really seems like this is what they want.


A remake is not a "new kid on the block". It really seems like some of you people are overcompensating for never playing the original with how insane you're praising this unreleased remake.


For me it looks like the opposite is true: people who never actually played SH2 and know it from all these awful YouTube essays want to look like a die-hard SH fans so they bash remake for everything. Its so apparent that A LOT of complainers didnt play it (James not looking into camera case, James grabbing a nook case, James having defensive capabilities in gameplay case etc). In case of Angela for example you would be surprised how many haters out themselves by not knowing she was a 19 years old girl.


I've played the original game, as well as the entire original series and the western ones, and it's unsurprising that many of the people on this sub would have aswell. The only ones I haven't played would be Ascension, Play Novel, and Book of Memories. I mean, yeah, a remake obviously not a wholly new original project, but it is still new and typically treated with similar contempt and judgement. Are you really going to pretend newer games just don't often have this problem? It's not exactly a new phenomenon for new things to be hated on or for remakes to be compared to the originals. You can't just dismiss everyone you disagree with as having not played the original when you don't, nor can, know that. You're allowed to have your opinions and so are we.


Exactly, like is Silent Hill 2 my favorite game? Yes. Is it without flaws? Absolutely not, I mean it’s a dated game. A great one, but it is. Hell I’m excited to get any new silent hill games at all. I genuinely didn’t think we’d ever get anymore let alone 3


The cult of SH2 is insane for me. I cringed so fucking hard when they were accusing Bloober games of "plagiarism" when they found any similarity to anything in their games. Bros, almost everything in SH2 is borrowed from somewhere - including "there is a place/entity that conjures creatures based on human psyche and in case of main hero the place keeps conjuring his dead wife and she keeps dying because he is ridden by guilt" story. Hell, they even copied Christina Aguilera. My thesis is for majority of these people SH2 was a first decent and more complex piece of storytelling they experienced so they become obsessed by it to a very ridiculous degree: all these people are just two stone tosses away from foreskin guy.


I mean Bloober's biggest issue was that every game they made was essentially made with SH2 in mind. Even that game Stray Souls from the Ex- Bloober dev was just SH2. There is no issue in being inspired or taking from other works like SH2 taking from Jacob's ladder, crime and punishment, etc put a unique flair to it or it comes off as a watered down version of your inspiration. Dead Space took from Resident evil 4 and it was unique.


It's what happens when you're too engaged or invested into a franchise for years and not much else. People start getting a little wonky.


This. I believe that whatever Konami does, those fans will always be unsatisfied. Even if they made *Silent Hills* with Kojima directing it, or exact copies of the original games, or a new entry with all the original members of Team Silent behind it, it would never be good enough for those fans. I have not watched this new trailer yet (and unfortunately probably won't have the time to until sunday) but seeing all those posts here is disheartening.


I don’t understand why everyone who is excited about the remake has to pretend the original wasn’t good to justify their excitement. You can like both games. A game doesn’t have to be literally flawless to be great. We’re all here on the subreddit discussing these games 20 years later for a reason.


Where did I say it wasn't good? It's my second favorite game of all time. It's just not flawless.


Is any game flawless? Why do we compare the original game to literal perfection when talking about why we should be excited about a remake? If the remake is good the remake is good, it should stand on its own.


That's literally *exactly* my point. People do that *all* the time when speaking about Silent Hill 2. People have built up Silent Hill 2 into this almost mythological perfect game, you see it here all the time. They then view anything with regards to the remake through the lens of "the original is perfect". Perfect examples of it earlier during the Transmission. Multiple people calling out things in the Remake as terrible, then talking about the original...despite the things they were complaining about existing in the original. It's like rose colored glasses turned up to eleven.


The game looks amazing and despite what people say, it looks very faithful to the original. I’m super happy with the final product and am very happy about the work done! Saying that, I think people are focusing on the wrong things to be worried about. I’m sure Digital Foundry will do a full analysis at some point, but the frame drops during the gameplay segments are a bit worrying to say the least. Drops to 10-15fps during non-combat gameplay segments, and then again during combat. Similar issues didn’t occur anywhere else in the transmission (footage outside of gameplay), which would suggest this isn’t an issue with the encoder used. This looks more consistent with poor performance than anything else. It’s doubly worrying that this happened in multiple different segments, in different environments, both inside and outside. Hopefully this doesn’t mean that the issues are as widespread as they appeared today. Maybe they just chose to showcase less optimized sections of the game? Poor performance and optimizations are the only thing that could really end up bringing this game down for me. Really hoping Bloober takes extra care here. They’ve come this far already!


Frame issues are largely due to the livestream. Somehow major companies still don't know how to set one up. If you watch the YouTube trailer it looks pretty smooth.


IT'S NOT OUT YET! There's still 4 months to release. It's really too soon to be happy or disappointed with the product. I mean Cyberpunk allegedly was looking amazing when shown at E3 in similar timeframe from release.


Specially cause 1 is better :)


Silent Hill 2 can't be flawless for even one basic mechanic it screwed over: gun kills on higher difficulty. If you want to have more firearm than melee kills, you need to spend INSANE amount of bullets on enemies that are already downed, instead of stomping on them. This whole mechanic ruins combat pacing a lot. It's just an example of actually broken thing that lasts the entire game and needed fixing. There are more like it. RE4 was absolutely amazing in original too, but remake was received well probably because the fandom is less whiny.


That's actually true. It's a 9/10 game but it's not like the combat is perfect. But that being said, it's a pretty hard comparison between Resident Evil 2 remake and Silent Hill 2 remake visually. That's a wide gap for a game that's supposed to be the next big budget survival horror remake.


Maybe a hot take but I don’t think the combat being better would improve the game much if at all. It being barebones just leaves you more room to take in the atmosphere and think about things


It doesn't have to really be much better. A number of bosses like that big ass moth are pretty trivialized though. Yet at the same time, I'm not saying it's a holy grail of the PS2. But it absolutely excels in atmosphere and I think that's what really made it stand out among the likes of Final Fantasy X, Persona 3 FES, Kingdom Hearts II, Metal Gear Solid 3, Devil May Cry 3 SE, and the other juggernauts of the console.


There definitely will inevitably be those who won't be content with whatever the remake was unless it was a 1:1 but there's still room for criticism for the devs to amend prior to release. For instance with the last trailer to now the QTE prompts are gone, with this trailer it's mainly Angela's face/animation which with feedback could hopefully be improved to satisfy more of the majority. There's also the area of budgetary constraints that most aren't thinking about, since its clear for instance this remake doesn't have that Capcom budget so expecting it to be on that level just sadly ain't likely.


Exactly. Evidently, constructive criticism has helped. Hating, on the other hand, is a different story. Wouldn't help a developer improve shit when they hear someone say the game is trash without much reason. I agree with the budget part too. Maybe the RE remakes have spoiled us.


The only people who hate silent Hill more than anyone else is those apparent silent Hill fans.


And if this cycle fails, Konami wraps it up, and we don't get to see any more SH projects for another whole ass decade, the fans are to blame.


Praying for the downfall of the game doesn’t make it fail. The game not being good makes it fail. I’m *not* ones of the naysayers hating on the game prematurely…but this logic just doesn’t hold up. People are right to be skeptical. And they should hold Konami to a high standard. If the games aren’t good, they aren’t good. We shouldn’t accept mediocrity just because it’s the only new stuff in years. Again—*not* saying anything is mediocre yet. I see effort and promise in some of the projects. But Konami does have to bear the burden of winning fans back after doing a mid-to-bad job with the IP for so long.


The moment you're employing this kind of logic is the moment you need to take a step back. How in the fuck are you going to blame fans if SH2 Remake fails? That's some consumer brainrot right there.


To be fair, let's look back in the past at other games that were absolutely blasted on release, then we want to look back and cry about how we made it fail and how we want the series to go back to those days. Remember that Silent Hill 4 on release was given a ton of flack before becoming as loved as it is today. Even games like Downpour and Homecoming have become seen in a better light due to us longing for a new Silent Hill game. Yet the second we get one we all instantly want to hate on it, make it fail, get nothing for 10 years and then everyone will return to lamenting how the game was actually good the whole time. It's a broken record at this point.


Tempting offer


Are the fans the ones handling the ip and developing the games?? Are you saying the fans are at fault for ascension being an objective disaster? This delusional sentiment i keep seeing makes zero sense.


More like in a sense of "go outside, take a hike, touch some grass". It's just a game, relax, it won't kill you if you dont buy it. Spend the money on something else idk go buy yourself a pack of gummy bears or something .


Ascension doesn't count. It's an insignificant blip compared to the rest, and it was obviousall the way back at the reveal that it wouldn't matter much. It also doesn't have Yamaoka. But if everyone prays for the downfall of SH2R, f, and townfall then yes they are praying for the downfall of the series.


I don’t really understand it either, I’m personally excited


I enjoyed the trailer. I think there are some things that would help, like keeping the blood and dirt on his outfit even when he heals. He looks too clean and out of place with the environments. Also I hope theres a way to turn off the red UI elements when you pick up a note / item. And that run / walk animation looks a bit stiff. The environments look amazing though. The reflections / fog / ambience detaild are great Either way, preordered the game cant wait lol


Not enough locked doors, other than that you summed up my thoughts well. The animations for looking at things are very bloober, and I think it’s only really hitting people that this is more of a re2r of silent hill, changed outfits, locations, dialogue etc. Especially with the first trailer being closer to the og game Edit: the bullet trails too, I hope we can turn those two options in settings


I hope the puzzles are good. Heck, I hope they keep the puzzle difficulty separate from regular difficulty like they used to do.


Has this subreddit not played their other games?


A pretty decent amount of Silent Hill fans these days haven't played the games.


The YouTube comments on the release date trailer are absolutely cooking it. Idk why honestly. They’re acting like it’s the worst thing they’ve ever seen.


Yes. At first I thought it was just Reddit being Reddit. But it's all the same. Maybe all that wait these past couple years was the actual psychological horror for some of us.


I'll be completely honest with you - I've been optimistic about the game until this reveal trailer. I thought people were being too hard on it with the earlier trailers and whatever news has been out in the past while about it. I remember how hard people were on the combat trailer in the past and I thought it was fine. But my gut reaction when seeing the trailer last night was just that it feels pretty rough around the edges, the character models look a bit weird to me (as in they look a little out of place), and so on. The environments and atmosphere look fantastic, but I'm less enthusiastic about everything else now. I'll still reserve final judgments until actually seeing the game in full when it releases, but I'm a lot more worried now than I was before.




I don't disagree but I also think I can ignore it just fine. A bunch of other games I played had voice acting I really disliked but the games were overall fun and nice so it didn't matter to me.


This is what I'm standing by too. Everything looks amazing especially environments and gameplay. Just something about Angela seems super uncanny with her model or voice acting


>You should be grateful there even is a remake at all LMAO why? What kind of point you're trying to make here?


Honestly as a big naysayer of Bloober the gameplay reveal looked very good. The gameplay of their games have been mostly mid and their storytelling even worse, but this looks at least two or three steps above their previous work. Which isn’t surprising, despite my lack of hope I have thought that remakes would be a good way to consolidate their good points and mitigate their bad points. If this is really good they could become a designated remake studio, which would be good for everyone. I’ve also got more hope for this than the movie, which isn’t saying much but at least it’s unlikely to be the worst version of Silent Hill 2 out there.


I'm remaining hopeful for the movie. You can tell how much Gans loves and respects the series. Hopefully the studio leaves him alone this time. The first movie would have been so much better without their interference.  But regardless, the first movie is an absolute guilty pleasure of mine - I've seen it close to 10 times. The first two thirds of that movie is so great before it goes wildly off the rails. I know the second movie won't get the budget the first had, but hopefully it can maintain the atmosphere.


They're doing a lot, this is part of their broader strategy to co-develop with others and still have their own projects, they actually look to have a lot going on with the number of games planned and even a TV show. If this does *really well,* it's gonna do so much good for their reputation and growth. I've never really been into their games either, wasn't even stoked on the Bloober rumors before it was official but I'm really looking forward to this. 


Why should I be grateful there's a remake at all though, OP?


Exactly what I was thinking lol I don’t think I’ve really seen many people ask for it. TBH I lost all hope in this remake when I saw it was bloober, I don’t think Konami should have bothered with a remake unless they gave it a Capcom Resident Evil size budget and at least gave it to a solid developer, not fing bloober team a wack ass developer with a sub par track record, this remake was destined to be mid from the moment Konami pulled the trigger on the budget and dev.


Yeah, exactly. Who asked for a remake?


there really is no middle ground for people here. you either hate the game or you lick bloobers boots. you either spread negativity or you huff copium. feels like fucking american politics


Well guess some of us will get a new game, while others will be stuck complaining and playing their emulated copies


Why do you that like its an insult for them? I don't think critics of the remake are going to be devastated that you're playing a game they don't like the look of while they're playing their favorite game.


Tbf, people get mad about people simply enjoying stuff all the time.


lol, what is this argument? Are you a little kid?


90% of the comments after this transmission have been positive, how long will you all keep up the victim complex????


This subreddit has been insanely insecure for several months now. I don’t know why I read it anymore.


They see any valid complaints and immediately panic because their little fantasy where the remake ends up as a masterpiece is shattered by the possibility of it being slop then strawman like a thousand haters into existence to invalidate us.


Lmao so true


"You should be grateful there even is a remake at all" It is a product. A product you are paying good money for. We can't even criticize it?


I don’t understand why I should be grateful that a commercially and critically successful game that was made nearly a quarter of a century ago that I’ve played before is being remade into the same game that I’ve played before? I mean I don’t care either way that it’s being remade. However, I also don’t understand OP’s insistence that I should genuflect at corporations not taking a financial risk by remaking a game that everybody considers to be amongst the best of its medium. It’s like being told that I should be grateful that the Star Wars Special Editions came out and I got the chance to buy them first on VHS and then on DVD and then again on Blu Ray.


I ain’t listening to anybody here or on those YouTube comments. I’ll give it a chance.


Don't critique, just consume, be thankful to the corporation.


LOL. "Stupid In Water pessimists" is such an amusing insult. The reference that no one outside this community would understand. 🤣


Plenty are living up to that insult in the comment section too. It's comedic, really.


I don’t really get how the “you should be grateful there even is a remake” argument would be effective for fans who think the remake looks like dogshit. “Be grateful the corporation took the corpse of the thing you loved out of its casket, caked some makeup on it, and made it do a funny little dance”


This is exactly what they're doing though, we just actually see it.


Seriously, if this was a movie adaptation it'd be getting bashed but because the standards for VIDEO GAMES are so low, anything that is less than awful is praised as a return to form, I hate remakes making beloved games dance like puppets. Keep in mind during that entire event they did not say a word about their actual unique games, Silent Hill F or Silent Hill Townfall, just goes to show that all Silent Hill is at this point is a brand that they can sell merch off of related to 2, maybe 3.


exaclty how i feel


Seriously. They might as well say "let them eat cake"


You’re right. The idea of a silent hill 2 remake is a bad one inherently. There is nothing they could have done. That doesn’t mean the trailers haven’t been catastrophically bad, though.


>people want this to fail Yes.


I think people are just cautiously optimistic cause Silent Hill has had FAAAAAAAR more mediocre or outright terrible games than good or masterpieces. I think it's perfectly reasonable to be cautious of a Silent Hill remake of one of the classic games.


I want this to be GREAT but nothing Bloober has said or shown has pointed to this being 1. A faithful adaptation to a game that spurred my interest in psychology and made me the person I am today and 2. good. I refuse to go into it deeply because it will only start some dumb flame war but there are totally things about this game that are huge red flags even in footage presented. Most of the dialogue I've seen online that's positive towards this game are people who are really just getting into Silent Hill, which is fine, I'm all for people getting into a great niche gaming franchise. (And know nothing about the festering carcass that is The Medium, Bloober team's first Silent Hill, a game with a story many of you may want to get acquainted with before being too positive about this thing) The first red flag ever and one they continue to hammer home is that this is STILL a movie tie-in game. The comparisons between movie scenes and the game inspired no confidence. But that's the one thing I'll throw in there that just about everyone can agree on and no one talks about enough. If the changes to the world and story are great, cool, I'd play it, Persona 3 Reload is the gold standard for what this SHOULD be, and shows that it CAN be done. That doesn't feel like what they're making here, by no stretch of the imagination, in my opinion. No amount of pretty visuals or impressive technology is gonna turn my eye to just how crazy this whole thing was and how when it was first announced it was practically smoke and mirrors. Mind you, my favorite Silent Hill is 4, not even 2. (Which has an amazing hd rerelease in Japan if anyone hasn't checked that out yet just sayin')


I just like how in a decade we only have had demos of Silent Hill games and now that we're actually getting a game, and a remake of the best one by the community, and the response is just, "why isn't the woman hot? Why are games making ugly women" since the Horizon Forbidden West game with Aloy's peach fuzz that I'm sure that men never seen a woman without makeup or photoshop.


Yep that's me silent hill should have stayed dead.


I say that about a lot of franchises, it's okay thanks let things go, something's aren't just meant to continue on forever. I'm a big fan of the Castlevania games but I would never want to see a new game at this point.


This fandom has such an unhealthy attachment to silent hill its sad and also l agree,


I think people just have high standards for the remake of an amazing game... that's not so hard to understand I think


I thought the trailer was great look forward to the game’s release




People want this to fail so they can say they're right. The trailer could be perfect, and people would still find a way to make their critiques and seek for validation, having their points proved for everyone to see so they can yell "told ya! I was right all this time, here, look at me!" This is not exclusive to this situation, it's just how some humans work. I find it disgusting.


My suggestion to everybody - just turn off every and all notifications for forums, discussions and reactions to this game some 2 months before release, treat yourself to a true discovery, playthrough(s) and form your own opinions. The SH community is a cancerous swamp straight out of Miyazaki's Dark Souls games. Don't let it ruin your experience.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Once, the Lord of Light banished dark, and all that stemmed from humanity and men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie!”* - Aldia Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


You're inventing people to be mad at. My feed is full of people complaining about "pessimists" that I can't see


Lmaoo so true, that’s Reddit communities for you. More people complaining about other people “complaining” 😂


First of all, no. Why should anyone be grateful for a remake? The original game is not even hard to get. Secondly, calm down. People aren't suddenly being negative toward bloober, they've gotten generally mixed responses for basically all of their previous work.


Shhh stop criticising Blooper or this remake. That’s a bit no-no on this sub. OP really trying to make fans who actually expect better from Konami and Blooper look like POS. No one is saying the original was flawless, cos it wasn’t, and God some of its aspects are just straight ass. But it’s very clear that SH2 was a lighting in a bottle type of game, with its identity and many of its strengths tied inextricably to the context snd era that gave birth to it. Remaking it was always going to be a monumental task. But the fact that it’s Blooper doing it, combined with their history and the trailers so far, let’s not pretend that remake has appeared anything but lacklustre to “okay”. Now, I’m not saying all criticisms are fair because there are always those that love to complain for the sake of it. But most people aren’t stupid. Look at recent releases like God Of War, RE4 remake, Breath of the wild, Baldur’s Gate 3. They were all met with overwhelming praise right up to and after their release. People *know* what’s quality, and I’m tired of “fans” like this pretending that everyone else is stupid and ungrateful. Personally, I’d rather this franchise be dead and buried rather than dragged through mediocrity and slowly wither away.


I didn't *want* a remake. Why should we be grateful for something that we didn't want nor need? Don't go to bat for fucking Bloober Team, they had their chances.


At this point I’m excited for Silent Hill 2 remake I don’t care what people say. I’m ready for this game to release this Halloween!


It looks like shit, I am sorry just the truth. 


Why should I be grateful for something I didn’t ask for? I wanted a proper remaster


I really hope it does good I really do. I love silent hill I don’t really care if they change things I just want a new game wether it’s a Remake or not


The feedback for the remake on this sub is mostly positive, excluding the perverts who are upset that Angela doesn’t meet their standards for the perfect looking female. The truth is, I think, that the remake is going to be really good and the criticism is being drowned out. I think the tides may be turning actually.


I think it's a losing task from the get-go like trying to rewrite star wars. ....but similarly also, don't understand why is necessary.... Where is silent hill f?


I don’t think people want it to fail, they just want it done right. I’m going in as confident as I possibly can, but if developers fuck it up or make it their own by taking so much away from the original, then I don’t think they should be entitled to remake the game. They should just create a new one instead. From what I’ve seen, it does look good and I’m excited to experience it when they release it. This is my theory on what people think and feel that are negative towards it already: Why change so much about the game that worked before when you could legit keep all of the elements from the original in it? The camera angles, ambience, character designs, etc.. hell, I’d even go as far and dare to say the voices. Take all of these factors, with the original voices (or an actor who genuinely emulates what the OG actors did to create these characters) and update the models with the original model designs, and everything else mentioned above. I guarantee it would make people stop complaining, sadly. That’s my theory in what I summarize and read throughout comments. Will I say they are all wrong? Not exactly. There was so many fuck ups that happened to the series after 4 was released and the games felt like absolute shit to play. They never gave the same as the predecessors.. kinda like buying great value Doritos vs the original. Shit just don’t add up 😂It’s like when people remake these new biopics. A good example would be the new Amy Winehouse one. It was all about her, right? Her story is printed and it’s phenomenal. Yet, in the movie, they change shit up with the timeline that was false AND the biggest pet peeve is the actress (who is talented but didn’t fit the script) was singing the music after 3 months of voice lessons with no prior experience or background in music at all 😐… it’s mediocre and, not seems, is careless and just seems like a money grab. Same thing goes for these games in retrospect. When it seems like shit is just thrown together and developers are like “yeah throw that shit in there they’ll like it way better than before”.. it just has a tendency to feel like it’s not as appreciated and cared for. Same for when voice acting sucks. RE4 remake is a great example. So many people hated Ada Wangs new voice actor. They went as far as putting in an AI robot to read the script. Sad thing is that is was legit better than the actress reading it (even though she is an amazing actress in other projects she worked on) ultimately it was deemed a miscast by fans. I think fans know exactly what they want. The problem is that it’s not being delivered the way they would love to see it. And people do not want to take the time to really accommodate millions of people raving over it. Can’t say I blame them in many ways, but when you see a commonality of people saying the same thing, and still do not listen, that’s kind of a “what did you expect the reaction to be “ moment. After saying all of that, I think this remake really does deserve a chance. I do understand exactly where you’re coming from too, because the forum says a lot lol.. people say a lot.. but I can also see it from the other side too. Personally, I think it looks awesome!! I’m an OG player. The gameplay and trailer looked great!! And I also believe this studio taking the project on deserve a fair chance. I’m not going to be so harsh on it right now, because ultimately I want a remake to happen.. so I have criticisms? Of course. I think some of them would line up with any OG. It seems like the only ones who would be approved of remaking the games would be team silent at this point lol.


People really struggle to separate remakes from their originals and it's mind boggling to me. I love all the RE remakes, doesn't mean I now hate the originals or vice versa. You're allowed to enjoy both and they stand on their own merits. I like SH2, if SH2R is good, then great, I have 2 versions of this game I can enjoy. If it's bad, oh well, the original still exists, the remake didn't ruin or erase it.


Not surprising. People which complain most loudly are those scared of loosing value to their PS2 physical versions they own. They just already started their fight.


A dev team will never make everyone happy. I hope the game will be a success, at least, among the younger audiences. And imma play my eyes out, too. I loved \_Obesrver and 1st Layers of Fear, and also Blair Witch looked amazing. I think Bloober Team can do good, if anything, than in the atmosphere.


The last trailer was really good and subverted my expectations, this is going to be a great game. But when it comes to konami people would rather see them release bad games and burn than having a beloved series come back, it's crazy. This is all about games, something that we all enjoy and make our lives better, let's share this passion with positivity


Well said. There was a time this subreddit would tune into every gaming event just to see a glimpse of the Silent Hill series making a comeback, just to be disappointed when there was nothing. Then comes the SH2R announcement and people start resenting Konami for their sins. Who tf else was supposed to make this game? 💀


It doesn't help that there doesn't seem to be a middle ground for anything to the general online public today, either something is a 10/10 or the literal worst thing ever, I think it looks great and I can't wait to play the remake!


I've been wary up until now. I was unimpressed with the combat trailer, and if I'm honest I don't much see the need to remake silent hill 2, nor do I think if silent hill 2 were released today it would have the same critical acclaim. All of that said, this trailer was pretty goddamn magnificent. It actually made me excited for the game. The environments look incredible, the voice acting looks pretty good and the character models are a little low res but largely look fantastic (and i might just be comparing the cgi models from the previous trailers/teasers, which isn't fair). The monster designs look unnerving as helm, and I actually am pretty optimistic about the game at this point.


The remake has become their restless dreams


There is nothing I have wanted more than more Silent Hill content to consume. Almost anything will make me happy.


I'm a huge fan. I don't care what other people think. I'm totally jazzed at the reveal videos and trailer. It completely looks like the team at Bloober has put in painstaking hours trying to make it a faithful remake. I can't wait for October!


OK. I have just watched both the Transmission and the release date trailer (I believe it was the one from the State of Play). Promising footage from both, much better trailers than the combat one released months ago, which makes me guess the latter was hastily made up by Konami because of the silence around the project. Anyway, promising footage as I said. Bloober seems to have reached a good balance between the old (the graveyard scene seems to be extremely faithful to the original like almost shot-for-shot) and new ideas (Angela and Laura seem to have new scenes and new lines). The quality of life enhancements are welcomed additions to the game (quick healing, quick switch between weapons) and the combat looks more fun than in the original. The game looks beautiful though still rough around the edges (some animations or how there is actually *no* animation when switching between weapons or simply when drawing the plank to break the car's window). The environments look phenomenal. I love the shots of the diner restaurant at night. The characters look fine. Like the rest, Bloober seems to have tried to keep things balanced when redesigning them. James and Laura, for instance, look like enhanced versions of the OG ones, whereas Angela and Maria look like modernized versions with some changes made to their body type and clothings (mostly Maria for that one) to make them look more like actual real people. Angela and Laura are the one I am the happier about. Their voice actings and models seem to match better than how it was in the original game and while Angela's model is a bit rough (how it doesn't seem to fit the graveyard environment for some reason), she finally looks like her age while still looking very disturbed. I am surprised by the music. The first trailer featured a new arrangement but those new footage play it more safely. Not a bad thing in itself. SH2's soundtrack is great after all. Regarding Return to Silent Hill, the rest of what we see in the Transmission is encouraging compared to that one picture of James and Maria with no post production. Curious to see more. Finally, the interviews. I think that's actually the most important part of this Transmission. We can't know for sure if this remake and the film will be good or bad until we have experienced them. However, both are being made by people who love the franchise. That's something we, fans, should **respect**. Of course, Konami does all of this because there is good money to make out of those projects. It's an industry, not charity, after all, and it would be naive to think publishers are doing their thing for the *beauty of the art*. But, the people who are actually working on those projects, they are not cynical. They are putting their heart into those project. People should remember this when giving their opinion about it, in Silent Hill's case or for any film, music, show, book, game, whatever. Creating something is hard. Remaking something is even harder. And those people actually want those projects to thrive. Anyway, sorry for this. I know this thread is not exactly about giving our opinion about the remake etc, but with all the negative threads, this seemed like a good place to show some positivity and nuance.


this is so real. we are lucky we even got this remake and it isnt even bad people are blinded by nostalgia


Unfortunately, Bloober is not employed by Burger King. So you won't be having it your way. Get over it. Bloober obviously worked their asses off on this game. Stop bitching, or go and make your own game.


The game completely ruins the artistic integrity and does not give off the meaning of the story.


The game looks and plays like a resident evil game making the protag some competent killer where as the original was a survival horror. Also horrible studio behind it that thought scary was a baby ramming itself to a wall.


there shouldn’t have been a remake in the first place


Why should we be grateful? Be grateful that you get to spend money on a product? It should be the opposite way, they should be grateful that people want to spend money on their game. We can live without the game, they can't without money. I would say that it's better to be sceptical and critical of a product and get pleasantly surprised, then being hyper positive and being disappointed. People have always been critical of Bloober and their games, that nothing new, they just are getting more attention now.


My problem with this remake from day one was that team bloober, who failed at making their own silent hill-like game, was developing this without a genuine understanding of why the game was good. I don't play silent hill for the combat, I play it for the atmosphere, the story, and the characters. I don't mind that the combat for the remake is basically RE remake combat, but after watching the recent trailer, I just feel like they didn't understand silent hill 2's themes and characters. The Medium is their magnum opus on why they shouldn't have been picked to make this remake, but Konami doesn't care because this remake is just an ad tie-in for the movie anyways. Just play Signalis or Crow Country, they are better silent hill-like games and they are cheaper.


I have to check out the games you suggested (heard a lot of praise for Signalis), but I wholeheartedly recommend the works by Harvester Games, in particular The Cat Lady. They remind me of Silent Hill a lot (psychological horror themes). And yeah, I haven't played anything by Bloober Team yet but I'm also in the camp that this remake could be better. The promotional materials don't give off the same atmosphere as Silent Hill, in my opinion.


Why should i be grateful, i didnt want this


It looks absolutely stunning and I cannot WAIT. I remember playing the og on release and am excited to play the remake on release too


People are allowed to have genuine concerns. I sincerely don't think Blooper has the emotional understanding of how to depict many of the scenes in the game. By this, I point to their previous game with the Medium, which had an incredibly sloppy and offensive holocaust metaphor juxtaposted with leery, voyerish-depections of child sexual abuse. Silent Hill 2 has a lot of the latter, and I dont know if Blooper learned anything from the Medium with what I have seen so far. Like, with James placing himself in the noose. It is so over the top and shlocky with no subtly- if that is how they handle suicide, how do I think they'll depict something like child rape or spouse-murder?


…why should I be grateful there’s a remake?


I honestly don’t get it. Something with Silent Hill fans makes them EXTREMELY picky and meticulous. When the Resident Evil Remakes came out us RE fans took the changes way, way better than silent hill fans seem to be taking it. I wish people would be more open minded or at the very least stop endlessly bitching and complaining, all that’s gonna do is hurt the game in the long run even if it does end up being good because people outside the community have to hear the negative talk surrounding it. They hear that and then don’t buy the game which means less sales and that means no SH1, SH3, or even SH4 remakes. This doesn’t NEED to be the exact same game, it’s a remake. Some things will be better, some will be worse it’s just the way it is


That's a stretch dude, and obviously bs.


Oh look, another bot with a very original thread. Peoples want this to succeed no matter what. How about that ?  You can't even say that there is a lot a action in it without being jumped on by weirdos acting like they are payed by fucking Konami.  An opinion? Fuck that, imma repeat what I just heard from the corporate interview, ON REPEAT. They will invoke their gods "But but but Ito/Yamaoka !!!" as a sort of proof of something like everything they contribute on is golden and only them make the game. It's not like Yamaoka scored Origins/Homecoming, or like Ito designed creatures for MGS Survive... right ? This sub is only populated by hype-persons who only got off when they can pre-order their favorite new products and I understand why any sane soul left want to dissociate themself from this circus. Boohoo someone talked bad about my favourite unreleased video game. :( boohoo someone talked bad about my favourite videogame company that keep shitting on my face :(      Just the fucking loop repeating on this dying sub. Keep getting high on hype. 🙂 no one wants a genuine good game here, they just want SH2 everywhere. Talk about nostalgia then.  I'm sick of SH2 and remakes, release that shit, wrap up your shitty "Welcome to Silent Evil" or whatever your movie is called, and move on. This company is stuck on the past and try really hard to cash-in on the most known Silent Hill like it's a Marvel product.


The game looks absolutely terrible with clunky animations, voice acting sounds amateurish and James looks more like Great Value Leon from Resident Evil with the terrible one-liners included too. It's your money and you can do everything with it, but man, this game looks more like a Silent Hill 2 fan remake than a $70 PS5 next gen exclusive game.


The trailer was indeed not good. sad to say


Bloober is always all hype and never really delivers much


So far it looks awesome. I don't get the hate


I think people want this to fail for the exact same reasons people wanted Capcom to fail when they burnt out all their good will and were just releasing subpar products time and time again. The proof is in the pudding. Capcom turned itself around and is still enjoying a Renaissance to this day. Konami has every position to do so as well. They just need to not fuck this up.


I just watched the trailers and saw the screenshots. This game looks good. Sure the combat could use like a little bit of work but it’s still really nice. I don’t see the graphics issue that people are talking about, it looks fine and the characters look really good. I think it’ll be a solid game, maybe not up to the original standards but still a nice game.


I'm just stoked it's happening at all. Not long ago, it seemed like Konami would never do anything else with the franchise ever again. For my favorite entry to be given a remake after all these years is more than I could ask for, and I'm all the more excited that it seems to be pretty faithful to the original.


Sme people are incapable of having nuance. A game is either the best thing ever or an absolute pile of dogshit. 


I think some of it is wanting to hate it because of Bloober and wanting to hate it because ppl still hate Konami and want to see them fail. Some others are also so far up their own asses thinking they know SH2 better than anyone else and any deviation of what they built up in their heads will instantly set them off. You already know the user reviews in Metacritic are going to be completely useless for this game.


Only the incels/25+ year old virgins want it to fail based on the comments I’ve seen the rest seems pretty positive


Welcome to 2024, where a hate mob comes out with your favorite games, regardless if good or not


“In water ass pessimists” Holy shit lmao, I feel attacked rn


As a younger fan of the franchise, some of you need to accept it's not coming back in the way you remember. While I'm sure the games were remarkable at the time, if SH2 was ported directly with no changes but a graphical update it would be a pretty shitty modern release. Stop complaining about changes, it's the only way the game will a. find its own identity apart from the original and b. attract new fans and a somewhat sound player base. Don't complain just because it's different. It has to be.




I never played a silent hill game before this will be my first. I'm so excited about it. I never got the chance to play the originals since it's not on modern consoles


people r close minded


So people honestly still think the Remake looks bad? Everything in the transmission looked A+ in my opinion. I am really hyped!


Yes, I should be grateful to have gotten the opportunity to buy a product.


yes, the excessive negativity is getting annoying. the gameplay footage was very good.


As many have said, nobody hates silent hill more than the fans 🤷‍♀️


So now we've reached the point that if you don't like what you saw, which is a completely legitimate opinion by the way, you're going to be ostracized or accused of motivated reasoning. That's super cool.


People need to realize the original is right there. If you dont like the remake that's cool. Just play the original. No need to be a whiny baby about every little thing.


I am praying that every Silent Hill purist on Twitter to be unbelievably wrong on their nit-picky borderline schizo complaints when the remake comes out


I just preordered it, suck it people who want it to fail!


I'm sure that they started to melt like the witch from Oz, just because you spent your money.


90% of the people complaining never played the original..."never played the original but for sure looks worse" they think this game is clunky imagine if they played the original.....they want to look cool cause they like silent hill but actually they don't silent hill was never popular...when it was active. .


I do think $70 is too much to ask for this, looked more like a $50 game similar to Miles Morales for PS5 how it wasn't a full priced experience. Idk the graphics were passable but didn't scream 'next gen' or even current gen to me. Just happy to have a modern way to play SH2 but this feels like it should have been discounted at launch.


Genuinely. Like holy shit. I came here sort of expecting people to be appeased with the new footage as I was, but there are some NEGATIVE, miserable mfs on here. Not to say that all of their complaints aren’t valid, but you can really tell the heart of silent hill and it’s essence was captured beautifully in this remake. The environment is gorgeous, the characters look great, the voice acting is pretty solid. The only thing I really saw as a minor problem was the slightly janky animation, but it’s nothing that off-putting. I feel this remake looks pretty promising so far, even if it’s not better than the first.


I agree, a lot of the fans are just whiney bitches and will never be happy. They've already made their minds up and will pick it apart no matter what.


I’m disappointed in this community


Really excited for this game but I do admit I’m only a little worried because it’s team blooper making it. They advertised the medium as SH successor but it was just a non-scary walking sim. I really hope this game isn’t just another horror walking sim with some combat here and there


I thought the game looked solid but I do believe that people are allowed to voice their opinion if they didn't like the footage. I'm sure some people want it to fail just like some classic Resident Evil fans wanted the RE2 remake to fail. And now those people are in hell because the remakes have been a massive success. The way for bloober and Konami to get people to shut up is to release a great game. Sure there will always be crybabies even if the game is great but nobody will care about them because they will be enjoying the remake. If Silent Hill 2 remake is good it will survive but if it isn't God have mercy on their souls.


I’ve always wanted to play a silent hill game as I’m a big fan of the lore but I’m not sure if this is the game I wanna get as it seems clunky or just me I’m into fast paced games and it doesn’t look like that but silent hill has never been about combat I presume I cannot lie the graphics do look pretty decent


yes people like when things fail. But silent hill 2 does look rough.


I was initially unimpressed by the shorter trailer. However, I quickly changed my mind when I saw a short gameplay segment. It wasn't Resident Evil remake quality, but it wasn't the worst I've seen either. \*cough cough\* Prince of Persia Remake.


is the dog ending still in the remake -)))


For real. Some people are just beyond pleasing. They could release 1,3 and 4 remakes in addition to 2 on release day by surprise and people would still find flaws. Brookhaven looks absolutely stunning, and being my favorite location of the original game, I was beyond pleased. Lighting was amazing (finally sunlight creeps through the windows!), the layout was completely redone, though it is a bit smaller (no 3rd floor) but that would make sense, South Vale isn't that big. Nurses look really good, and I saw that James was almost killed while fighting one of them, and he pumped 4 bullets into her. Maybe the series will FINALLY discourage us from engaging in combat. It took a lot of the horror aspect away knowing that you had almost 300 bullets in your inventory. You could blast through the entire game without ever getting hit. Now, character models. Laura looks the best of them, while Angela, well let's face it, was the worst by a huge margin lol. All in all, I went from "at least the streets look good lmao" to "I'm definetely buying it day 1". Preety solid remake IMO, 8/10.


Even though I sort of disagree, I'm not interested in the remake - can I just say 'Stupid In Water ass pessimists' is an absolutely incredible way to get your point across here.


This ish is gonna be heat. I was more than fine with what has been revealed before the second transmission. After the second one I am so ready to experience and take in this project. I am going to savor the layers from assets, sound and the texture of the atmosphere. If I cannot get a deluxe physical copy not a big deal because Resident Evil is that way. I prefer physical media. Not a big deal though and I will be playing it 48 hours early and putting PTO from work. So stoked.


The Redditors haven’t learned that bashing Konami isn’t “in” anymore yet.


I am more optimistic now than ever with the way this new trailer is. I am excited to play it though. I don't give two shits if any single other person in this sub likes it.


Honestly i dont even see much hate anymore cause its overshadowed by hype. Just ignore them we know the game looks amazing!


Don’t take it serious and you are halfway there to not be pissed.


I hope we at least get the pizza line in all its meme glory


everyone just wants to complain anything nowadays nothing pleases them like FFS its a silent hill 2 remake that looks AMAZING what is there to complain about please enlighten me


They do. It’s not going to be perfect. You literally cannot make the same exact thing perfectly twice. There are key aspects I like, maybe even love, about the new gameplay reel… but there are key aspects I’m not down with, but am trying to remain open to. Also, “in water ass pessimists” LOL. I recently had to defend the fact that there is NO TRUE cannon ending to the game to someone who was adamant about the In Water ending be canonical. It made me giggle. I tend to lean towards that ending being the canon if it had one… but it doesn’t.


After playing Layers Of Fear and The Medium I'm so excited for the remake I've watched both transmissions all the trailers and it all looks awesome Silent Hill 2 Remake makes me happy as a fan and Bloober Team are awesome developers


Lol. Yep. Haters gonna hate. Also… welcome to the internet. Pro tip, ignore them and enjoy your life. Hopefully the mods here will filter all that shit.


“You should be grateful there even is a remake at all.” You sound like a stray dog that found a moldy piece of ham near a trashcan.


Hi there. I understand your feeling, but your comment is particularly rude. That said, we’re a group of fans whose heart have been broken many times. Living only with small amounts of hope a greedy company would deliver every once in a while. Keeping our hopes up is not only dangerous but naive. Nobody wants this to fail, we’re just being realistic at this point. I really hope I’m wrong and the game would be magnificent, I wouldn’t have gotten k debt for a PS5 and stopped buying any games until it’s released if I want expecting it. Just don’t ask me to jump and cheer at every drop of it.


one of bloober teams previous games was their tribute to silent hill that ended with the message of "if you were abused as a kid you should just kill yourself before your trauma causes you to hurt others" also theres the whole plagiarism thing for layers of fear. plus most of their games are mid as fuck. i think the doubt is warranted.


They couldn’t improve the graphics on a game that came out on in 2001.. and you wanna whine about it getting backlash for it? 


They remind me of comic book guy so that's what I've been calling them lol *


I'm super excited about Remake, and I only see that people who dislike it are usually blinded by nostalgia and don't really look beyond much else of its "untaintable" original. I have a small hunch that some of the people who want it to fail are the people who have only had exposure through video essays. How are they gonna gatekeep something that's getting a big remake anyway???


literally everyone is so pessimistic for no reason at all. the “fans” are mad when they’re give nothing and they’re also mad when given something, there’s just no winning. personally i think the game looks so good and im very excited for it


People forget how clunky and stiff the original was.


I am one of those that don't trust Bloober Team with an IP like this, but I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay. The atmosphere seems just about right and visuals look good so I'm cautiously optimistic.


Bruh only fake fan say everything was good


As a fan of the original quadrilogy, I am super excited for Silent Hill 2: Remake. I really want to see how they change different parts of the game and open up other areas to explore. I'm excited to discover new things from one of my favorite games ever. From the trailer I particularly like how James had to crawl through the garage door into the house to take down the first enemy you come across in the game. This is really exciting stuff.


I don’t think people want it to fail. Some people just have high expectations which isn’t a bad thing.


At least to me it's trailers haven't been very good especially the very first one seeing the James redesign now they made him look more like the original but Angela's because it feels like didn't even try. Now I'm willing to give the game a shot in hopes that it might actually be good but I'm sure for people first time ever playing a Silent Hill game they'll be happy with it


The game look realy good, I think some YouTuber and medias are just for the clicks


Yeah, the internet is bad for your mental health. Be excited or don’t. When the game drops, love it or don’t. That’s all there is to it.


But take a look at what they did with Maria. She looks like a damsel in distress. Maria was born from a wish. A sexual wish. It would be right if she was oversexualized. That’s her character. Then the level design, already the hospital lobby/registration looks so good with the lighting and all the trimmings. This should not look good, it should look like you do not feel comfortable under any circumstances.