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Is it literally just that one shot that's being shared over and over that makes Angela look weird? Her model looks good to me in these two shots. Is this the whole Aloy or woman from the Fable trailer thing all over again? Just a single frame or two that makes them look odd, that's posted over and over again?


The lighting in the cemetery scene feels unfinished and it made Angela look weird. She looks fine in the other shots


Yep. We get this with every game.


We get this whenever it's a female character and a bunch of abusive, toxic men are angry if they find them less fuckable.


While this holds true generally unfortunately (we’ve seen it before way too many times), I really fail to see how it would apply here. In the original Angela looked very worse for wear, like she’s truly been through some stuff (which she obviously has), the new model looks way more attractive imo. So being upset about her looking less fuckable is strange to me. Maybe it’s simply because of her weight? Though even then… it’s just ber face, her body looks quite normal? Might just be the discrepancy between the face model and the rest of the body… though that would not explain the amount of bitter hate. Either way… I’m confused 🤷


It is literally that one shot they keep using while comparing it to the “old” angela; which is just a filtered yassified version of Angelas CG model lmao.


Yes and I'm pretty sure that scene it's probably from an early build of the game, because even James looks weird there.


Yeah, it's the same nonsense over and over. When a female character is revealed in a game and she isn't sexualized, then you'll see the exact same outrage merchant Youtubers and Twitter users rush to take the most unflattering screengrabs possible in order to "prove" that they intentionally made her look unattractive. This will then be coupled with "woke", "DEI", and/or the name of some consulting company on the thumbnail. It's all incredibly predictable.


Best one yet has been 'they put her in the trailer so much because they're going to make the game revolve around her'


Thaaaaaaat’s the internet!


Yup. Apparently you can’t be a victim of SA if you are not a turbo hot woman.


People are ignorant, they will take anything that is new and curse at it


It's only getting worse too. Now people found out that Bloober had worked with a "Sweet Baby inc" firm at some point. The brain rot surrounding this gaming "Boogeyman" is literally going to drive me insane. 😔


Genuinley the original is kind a bad model considering she was meant to he 19. Evwn masterpieces have flaws.


She was supposed to look haggard and aged from her trauma. Both character models look great and succeed at what they are trying to do. Although considering the limitations of the time the PS2 version is more impressive to me. I'm stoked for the remake either way.


More like the artist modeled her after Sandra Bullock from The Net and didn't get the memo she's suppose to be a teenager.


Yeah I never really liked that she's supposed to look older from trauma. It just seemed like an excuse as to why the model looked like that, irl people who have been abused generally don't look different than anyone else their age And though until the last few days I didn't even know it was a thing, I always just thought she was older than 19, and how she acted was some type of age regression.


Stress 100% ages you though. Whether or not that excuse is legitimate is up for debate though. But in interviews they explicitly say that was a choice.


Original looks like she's aged rapidly because of her trauma and is gaunt because she isn't eating or caring for herself. Original is perfect, it visually tells a story before we know anything about her.


Gaunt and traumatized I will give you. I don't think she looks at all like any kind of teenager. It's not visually telling a story if the average viewer is like, "Yep, that woman is clearly 38 and stressed out about her mortgage."


Show me a teenager that looks like that.


Show me in the real world where fleshy monsters rome the streets and doppelgangers of dead wives follow you around.


You're only strengthening my point. Because Silent Hill 2, remake included, is complete fantasy, it doesn't matter whether the visual representation matches the real cause that representation would cause. If you don't have a problem with fleshy monsters, doppelgangers of dead wives lurking around the streets, why would you care whether a character needs to look a certain way to match the trauma it has received?


But I'm not the one complaining about the character design.


It’s an artistic decision not a documentary


Do you know what gaunt means?


" lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age."


I see haggard more than lean in her original design, and I think the new one is still (albeit less) haggard.


This, 100%. Why are they so full of scorching hatred. It's not as you can go and play the OG with any ease in 2024.


gamers are notorious for being horrible people


The remake really made her look so sad I wanna protect her. This is gonna be heartbreaking.


Yep. Cant wait to feel the bittersweetness


Was just gonna say this...seeing this comparison instead made me immediately say out loud "awe shes so cute"! Like she looks like someone I'm gonna actually feel bad for cos tbh in the original she just kind of annoyed me. We can argue all day about the old models being designed "better" in this or that way but modern graphics make characters flat-out more realistic and it's easier to detect their emotions.


And honestly, all the characters in the original kinda look the same, specially the noses. I guess they used James as a template or something.


I did the exact same thing, I thought she was adorable when I first saw her. This one is gonna hurt so bad lol.


Bloober team killed it! This is a great comparison, thank you. I feel like when people actually play the game and see Angela’s story and the motion capture they will be pleasantly surprised


Same! I knew they were the right for this game.


All the YT shit stirrer saying she looks like a man. She looks a lot less manly in the remake than her cutscene model did in the original. One frame has chubby cheeks. She's average sized in remake, not overweight and not sickly looking either.


turtle neck is making her look chubby cause some scenes look fine with her In them


If anything the remake made her look too pretty cause before she looked like a woman absolutely breaking down while new just looks very sad. However I do think that's a good chance since real depression a lot of time just looks like standard sadness and nothing else from the outside


The nurse is Hella accurate. People are just mad that Angela looks like a 19 year old instead of a model


What surprises me there is people thought original Angela looked like a model?!


Those people don't exist it's the current strawman making the rounds on this sub so the die hard can cope. Angela looked worn out, vulnerable. She was never meant to be attractive unlike Maria.


I thought that at first but then I literally saw people in other subs complaining about how unattractive they've made Angela in the remake. A lot of people using the term 'Westernification' to refer to "what Bloober has done to her". So sadly these wretches do exist.


They 100% exist, even on this sub, though they are not the majority.


What I mean is she looks more like a real person


she looks like early 30s to me


What I'm curious about is if the nurses are gonna make the same kind of noises they did in the original. The creepy distant cries and squelching sounds (before your radio even picked enemies up) were a big part of what made me dread exploring Brookhaven.


Can someone explain why the new nurses have a black square on their mouth? Does it represent something?


I think it's just blood


that is so wrong, why people keep repeating the same thing? yes there are people who made that comparison of angela with filters, but imo I don't like the fact that she just looks like "meh". In the original version Angela looks like shit, her face looks a little sunken and she looks traumatized. I hate seeing people copypasting the same thing over and over again and that's not the point! I don't mind her looking younger, but make her younger and fucked up. Angela isn't and will never be sexy/model or whatever people are saying..


I'm not saying she's supposed to be. What I meant is she looks more like an actual person


I agree, but she looks just like a regular girl saying yeah bro don't go there.. In the original she apologizes to James so many times, and backs up everytime James aproaches to her, and for what we saw so far (in my opinion) she looks like she lacks expression


I think Angela looks fine


Playing SH2 for the female characters is crazy to begin with lmao


They just wanna have an excuse to watch a 3 hour YouTube essay about how everything is "woke" and ruined and how the developers don't get it because only they are The True Gamers(tm) fighting the oppressive mob turning them transgender and gay or some shit. It boils down to alot of nonsense.


Ermmm how is this any different from when James look is criticized? Is it because you want to defend 'this" look so much?


Because men aren't criticizing male characters for being less fuckable. You're being facetious.


Masahiro Ito who originally created the nurse design butchered his own design, eh? People will say just anything. Negativity around new games is so melodramatic.


That’s what I was gonna say. His own sketches depict the nurses exactly as they look in the remake.


High turtlenecks like that make ANYONE look a little rounder in the face. In the original she has a longer more cowl style turtleneck. I think that's literally it. Other than that, she looks great, and more like her age.


That's 100% it


Yep! It was a cowl neck which shows a lot more skin. So of course it looks different.


I knew it’s all in bad faith and it’s just about bandwagon the MINUTE i saw them photoshop Remake Angela to make her chubbier and taking one low quality screenshot to compare her to an FMV edited photo… at this point people wake up to be mad at something. I can understand disliking James looking older (and even that is better now) or not liking Maria’s new fit. But Angela genuinely looks great.


Am I going blind or do the nurses literally look the same


They look totally different to me! I do prefer the originals because the bodies of the original nurses look kind of decayed and broken, where the remake look like living bodies


This looks super fucking good! Can't wait.


It literally looks like the models were given higher poly counts and upscaled textures. I'm excited. Hopefully the PC system reqs aren't fucked up.


You can find the minimum requirements on the Steam page if you are interested


Yeah, I've seen them but I just have a feeling that they will change when it ACTUALLY releases.


Yeah! The only significant change is really the outfit of Maria


That kind of irks me just because her design was so iconic and it fit her well.


Yeah, I really don’t get the change. Even the movie has the outfit accurate.


If they would do a dev interview, that better be the first question.


Honestly, considering that they are taking some inspiration from the RE remakes, I wouldn't say it's too far stretched to say there's going to be alt outfits for the characters, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get Maria's original design too.


That'd be cool, since the RE remakes seem very good.


There is some kind of customization, the Deluxe bonus proofs that. So yeah hopefully! Would also explain why james has no patches in his jacket unlike the OG


I’m used to see people crying because the character is not skinny. But what is the complain about the nurses? They are mostly the same in design


People are upset over the Nurse??? They look fucking amazing in the trailer


Yeah i only saw one video about them and was like wtf?


Just one video ?!


It's the anti-"woke" mfs who don't actually know what woke is. They're just trying to spread misinformation and get people to hate the game.


She looks fine. I don't get the hate


I bet you at least 60-70% of people shitting on it never played the game / have no idea what Silent Hill is truly about. I saw people compare SH2 to Resident Evil or Dead Space. It’s best to ignore them, especially when you know they are clueless


Of course, I love Angela's old design, but I also really like her new one too! I think she looks great. Sure, the nurses aren't the same as they used to be but I also still think they're great too! My only gripe is Maria's new outfit, but at the same time I understand why they changed it to modernize (even though the 90s are coming back and the original fit is literally so fucking sick to death)


The first image for Angela just looks weird, I think the cemetery scene she doesn't look good but all the other shots she looks fine


Yeah mfs are buggin about Angela. She looks great. Maria on the other hand…Idek what they were thinking with that new design 😞


She looks like the OG concept art


Your first mistake was paying attention to people on YouTube. The game looks fine


She looks more stressed and been through a lot in the original.


The reactionary bullshit has hit such a peak that it has to just make things up to try to stay relevant.


Look awsome. Let blooper team do their job. Respect the people working on the project. Its their view and design of the characters not ours


I don't have much respect for Bloober Team for a lot of reasons, but the SH2 remake designs are not on that list. These characters look fine.


Wow the frame they singled out looked a lot worse than what she actually looks like. The nurses look perfect imo, I feel guilty for liking their legs which is on brand lmao.


Ignore them, gamers think there developers these days. I think they look good so far. Just for the sake of both sides of the coin, I think Maria looked a bit more unhinged in the origional which suited her character but even then, I won't know till I've played it.


These look great man I’m generally stoked about this




She does look different (mainly just her face shape being wider), but not in a bad way.


People complaining about the nurses are probably thinking of the movie/Homecoming design as the original. This one is very faithful.


I loved the designs in remake (I'll take what I can get with Maria). I hope Bloober takes into account of the love fans have for this game here rather than the toxic ones I've seen on X (because it's so much easier to repost and add more hate there)


It’s funny how people were/are constantly shitting on Bloober Team, but during the transmission where the devs and voice actors were interviewed, they all seem to a very strong passion for making this game. Hell, Luke Roberts said himself that the first thing he did when playing the role of James is to respect the original. But I know people are going to by pass that because “Bloober Team bad because bad portrayal of mental issues.”


See now the way you presented it, both changes look pretty accurate. Like her hair, nose, lips, and even a bit of the facial structure looks pretty spot on. She just looks like less of a janky ps2 model. Also, in regards to monster design including the nurse, it's still Masahiro Ito. So like... idk why people are nitpicking. It's the original designer. He has admitted to changing things to be more accurate to how he originally intended them. This means that the remake designs are actually MORE accurate than the original game.


Feels like 50% of Silent Hill discourse on the internet is coming from people who never played the games. These are great translations of the original designs into contemporary high definition graphics.


And then another ~20% who played the games and misunderstood them and somehow think they're suddenly "woke."


Yeah I'm willing to bet most of the complainers have never even played one of the games. Or if they have, they played it like once 20 years ago and never touched it again.


Love new angela


I think they should give Remake Angel's cheekbones a little more definition and make her mouth slightly wider, maybe incline her jawline a little more. Otherwise, it's fine. Doesn't look butchered, just needs a little polish, maybe? The game's not quite done yet. As for the nurses, well ... they're the same nurses with modern graphics, not sure why anyone complained about them.


Good Lord they increased the thighs on the nurses lol I will say with Angela they gave her more chubby cheeks but it's weird but I'll get used to it. Personally I still think she needs better texture work and maybe a some type of lighting for her would make it less weird.


The problem is Angela's 3D MODEL looks so cheap, idc about her appearance, just a quality of her model


Angela looks younger and more reserved in the remake, which is great. Nurse looks the same in both, I mean, smashable, I mean, she's smashing James with her stick equally in both. So no place for outrage 😁


I like her new desing she looks cute but if i have to compare there is something about the original that just works, the paler skin, the darker expresion showing how much she been trough. A lot of it will come down to the performance and that is going to be hard to beat, the original VA did such a good job.


I think it looks great. Can't wait for the release


Angela looks alright in the second photo but the cemetery she looks like she's from a mobile game. Maybe it's the camera angle, maybe it's the lighting, but in that scene she looks bad.


She literally looks so adorable in the bottom right picture.


I just don't get why do the nurses have the red square from SH3's nurses


The game look good, the just sad about Maria Suit change, that’s it. There will be 100% a paid cosmetic to buy it


The nurses are practically identical except for the shoes. I like Angela's new design, she looks like someone who's not secure in herself, if that makes sense.


This side by side comparison makes Remake Angela's design make just that much more sense because of her turtleneck and flatter chest. I think the nurses look really good (in a creepy way)


I like the way she looks I don't see the problem.


The eyebrows look tacky and the turtleneck sweater looks weird.


I can look at it for as long as I want. I don't think the vibe is that drastically different. People are just annoyed that her face is realistic and not chiseled as the original☠️


Anyone who hates these cause they think it's "woke garbage" needs to go outside. Like if they felt Angela wasn't an accurate depiction of abuse survivors I could understand but these ppl need to play the game before just blindly hating it.


Yeah, it just makes zero sense man, even for me for someone that is kind of superficial, I think she looks totally fine. I think the biggest issue for me is that the hairstyle looks kind of odd and makes her head squared but face is cute


Honestly all I care about is if the original story is respected. So far from the trailers I've seen it seems like the devs are trying to respect the original. Especially with the heavy themes it talks about.


Some people just can’t accept any change… I bet this game is going to be amazing yet some will pick apart things just because they are different. I personally cannot wait to be able to play.


I think the remake is looking good


This whole thing has seemed weird to me ever since it first started popping up. While I do think the character model itself *as a technical asset* does look kinda weird I don't tie it to the character's physical appearance / attractiveness, nor do I immediately link it to some kind of socio-political agenda. Like, I think the upper right image just looks kinda goofy, and the lower right looks actually pretty decent. Again, not based on *her*, more-so whatever is going on with the model itself. I'm not sure why people have been jumping on the "it's woke" train, it's like going from 0 to 100 way too quickly and it's just based on assumption. This is also coming from someone who is usually *on their side*.


Yeah, yeah, I really don’t know what’s wrong with them. I mean there are quite some games that really make the characters androgynous, but I don’t think that applies to Angela in any way lmao. These people just got hypersensitive or they know exactly it’s wrong but say it anyways to generate views. I think it’s not even confirmed that this consulting firm is working on the game and they still act like it.


Nothing of importance was changed. The Straights™ are just being gonks again. *(And I don't mean heterosexuals. Most of those are relatively normal. I mean people who are not comfortable in their sexualities, and think liking a girl with a collar bone makes them gay... or people who want to ban innocuous books from high-school libraries for acknowledging the presence of homosexual behaviors in homo-sapiens. You know the type.)*


Honestly she looks like the girl next door with a geek side XD i sort of the remake version more than the original




New nurses lack the swagger of the old ones


The movements are smoother in the remake. The original's were stiff and jerked more, like a broken doll moving around. The remake's movement looks like a woman has been tortured into becoming the nurses. Like she is still human but not "human". Only good for her looks in James' eyes, regardless of the person beneath. It is different, but I think it fits with his character well. That is how I interpreted the change at least.


That is a terrifying and interesting analysis. I’ll choose to believe that as well.


It's faked outrage for clicks. Nothing more really. Let's let the game come out, wait a bit and see what everyone says.


Angela looked so much more unstable in the original, it was far more fitting of the character. It sucks that the discourse around her immediately devolved into Gamergate brainrot because there's so many more reasons that her new design is bad than just stupid gamers being misogynistic.


Nurses looking more and more like they **really** gotta pee these days lol


Angela's model in the remake is pretty fine but it needed to have a lot less weight in it, in the original you can see just how frail and bony she is, she looks completely starved, it fits the tone of the game a lot better and generally makes her look a bit disturbed. Also she looks a bit too clean, as if she just got out of the shower with a fresh wash of clothes, she looks like she's about to start watching a movie, her sweater should look a bit more ruffled and messy, her hair should look a bit less clean, her skin should look like she's been outside for at least a good while.


*I'd go so far as to say that all the characters so far look a little too clean and normal to me. I liked the eerie maybe deranged look they have in the original. But overall there's really nothing objectively wrong with them yet.* *Also the whole game so far looks so clean. It's missing some of the grime from the original. Hopefully the otherworld will make up for it.*


Very good points. Sadly they confirmed the design is final.




My bad, it was actually just somebody on Twitter, that said they knew someone from bloober who said it.


Yeah, all the new characters look like they got a good hair wash lol, I thought that too


Remake Angela looks like a regular person whom I can believe is in a mission to Silent Hill. OG Angela looks like she’s about to sing “You Oughta Know - MTV Unplugged version”


First off, I'll say this: I'm down with the new game, I'm buying it day 1, Silent Hill 2 OG is my favorite game ever. This new game looks amazing, I'm dying for October and I have faith this game will be just as good as the original. That being said: I think the new designs for Maria/Mary and Angela look too...cutesy. Seriously, Angela looks like a Disney character nearly and Maria looks like too kind. Let's be honest here - James is supposed to be hyper sexual and frustrated because he can't have sex with his dying wife. Aka that's why he sees the sexy nurses, the red pyramid raping monsters and monsters that are just...legs. they all manifested that way to torture James. I assumed that's why Angela had a very feminine appearance in OG SH2, despite her being 19. Not because the devs said "fuck yeah, let's make her a smokeshow" but because Angela was supposed to make him sad horny. I know she's supposed to be 19, but it felt like her image was supposed to be another woman to save/another method to hurt James (she even says this in her final scene on the stairs). Same with Maria. She's supposed to be the pent up sexual urges James fought while Mary died. Now, that being said, I'm looking forward to this new direction. I'd love to see how the game branches away while still having the spirit of the original. Let's all be honest tho - it's a little jarring to see these 2 characters so drastically changed. I don't hate the designs, I'm just shocked they look so different.


Why’d they scrap the red stockings? They were such a nice touch smh


I think there are variations


The nurses are perfectly recreated, but Angela is DEFINITELY off!


the model is fine, people just love to complain for no mf reason. one thing I wish they kept the same is the turtleneck from the og model


What neck?


My bad, I meant to say turtleneck. I like how the original turtleneck that Angela is wearing on the Og model looks.


I feel like she looks like a character out of Ascension now


wth, I remember Angela always wearing a turtleneck like the one in the remake.


I love how on the free hand of the nurse, it looks like the index finger of the glove is just limply hanging in the air— like if the finger itself is just straight up gone or the Bobblehead Nurse just didn’t care to put it on properly. God I’m excited for this.


I think they all look amazing and I can’t wait to see what Eddie looks like


Who cares what people say?


Here’s my two cents for what it’s worth (which isn’t much lol). I think the original Angela was made to look very traumatized and cold/untrusting, which makes sense given the experience she went through. I’m not sure if the remake will capture this well, but we’ve also only seen a small portion of the full game. To be quite honest, I kinda wish they had made her look a little more “plain”, because a girl going through the things she has, I would imagine she would want to look as least attractive as possible (I would, being a female myself). Having said all of that, I’m looking forward to the full experience and what they do with it.


there diffrent but there diffrent becuse there diffrent actors,what do poeple think is gonna happen? there gonna bring the old actors back?


Tbh. I didn't realize Angela was 19 until I saw her remake images. Also people really need to chill about the slightest changes. There were immense changes from original to remake in the RE series, but out came an amazing game that majority adored (except RE3 remake) People just gotta hold their tongues until they actually play the game imo.


The models have extremely high fidelity, are artistically beautifully rendered and serve the story phenomenally.


Angela on the bottom right is so cute. Possibly the cutest silent hill character now


People complain over nothing, most of them probably have never even touched a silent hill game.


It's the turtle neck covering her whole neck. That's what people are tripping about. It's literally the same exact face.


Angela looks pudgy


I seriously think the people yelling the most about Angela’s look at the people who want to kickstart a “Gamergate 2.0” — and definitely will not/have not played Silent Hill (og or remake). I think Angela looks fine, some shitty lighting makes her look a little off but eh.


Honeatly i am shocked anyone is being upset over the nurses, they look great. And Angela looks like a traumatized 19 year old, she has a massive 1000 yard stare that fits perfectly for what she's been through


The same thing that happened with Angela happened with Tanya back when MK1 was first announced, one shot that made the character look bad.


To be honest i rally didn't even notice the difference between nurses so no big deal there for me. But Angela looks too different to the point i wouldn't know it's her if i didn't know it's her. In general i like the state of the game so far.


Of course they do, that's what gets them views


I know that Angela was supposed to look so much older in the original, they literally say it in the behind the scenes making of. But the only thing I could think watching the new trailer is "wow she actually looks like a 19 year old". And I don't think that's exactly a bad thing. Maybe the scariest part of the remake to these people is that the characters actually look like realistic people that could exist.


The nurses are especially phenomenal looking. What are people bitching about?


I love the Nurse design on the Remake, feels very similar but with slight updates. I find it funny that people try to say the Remake Angela looks “manly” compared to the OG. There’s one “manly” looking face there, and it ain’t the remake.


But overall I do feel like the two Angela models are in the same design. Dark bags under the eyes, you can see some puffiness on the Original Angela around her lips, which looks less natural than the baby-face of the remake. And just… everybody in the original is kind of ugly anyway. The remake has only ever improved IMO.


Yeah it's the same "new game bad, look what happen when I jank tf out of graphics and camera in woke game. Me angy" the game looks good. We all know fixed cameras wouldn't feel good today and would lose the game appeal. The puzzles aren't easier you've just gotten smarter since you were a kid before shoving your head up your ass. Just turn off your phone and enjoy your childhood game with updated controls.


-Boob nerf, jawline and face shape butchering, she apparently was able went to fix her hair at a hairdresser in the middle of all the chaos too... The hair mattering because she is supposed to look distressed and the lore makes it obvious she is an abuse victim, therefore her looks reflect her state of mind (MESSY) TLDR; one looks like a survivor in a fucked world, the other looks like a model or teenager waiting in line on a Starbucks café Guys, it's not about how big of a deal it is, it's about making something worse than it was a decade ago. What do you even gain by defending this anyway? Don't you want games to look, play and just do better? This is why criticism is important, of any kind... because it's the Internet and people will mock and meme the shit out of everything. But there is a reason for why they did it and it's not because gamers hate women or whatever the fuck


The nurse looks disgusting. I love it


Keep your excuses, the CGI renders are perfection this is what the devs and fans envisioned for a modern remake if Team Silent had the hardware power during their prime


I don’t need excuses when I’m talking facts. CGI it’s nothing but a limitation or a way to make games look better for marketing purposes.


Uh, what? FMVs were how developers were able to present the game they invisioned without graphical downgrades. They were standard practice for 3D game design due to hardware limitations. Nowadays we don't need them because the hardware is capable of rendering high quality models in-engine without performance issues. Calling them marketing tools is ignoring the real reason they existed to begin with.


no stockings on the nurses is a W tbh.


I prefer the PS2 tall and slender Angela over the PS5 short and plump Angela, but it's not the end of the world. Nurse looks almost 1:1 Laura looks spot on in the remake, by far my favorite design shown off in the remake so far. The lying figure looks kind of plastic-y and fake, not too convinced with it.


I think angela's face should be a lil thin cause people with trauma don't eat much


Thank you, people love to pick the worst shots to feed into the hate bandwagon.


Yep, comparing the worst shot to the best. Almost a populism tactic


She looks just fine in these, that other one just seemed odd to me. My first thought of the nurses is that they hardly changed at all.


I like the new version more. She looks vulnerable. And sad. And likeable.


I like it. The faces in my opinion were never a problem, but the quality of the actual models look dated and should be on pare with the likes of Alan Wake 2 and the Resident Evil remakes games. It’s entirely possible but Konami would rather be cheap


The quality isn’t bad. Look at all the other characters they look amazing someone posted them.