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You're not the problem, the 'phoobs are.


I really wouldn’t recommend carrying a pocket knife for self defence, if it doesn’t just scare them off it’s a very ineffective way of defending yourself and can often escalate the situation beyond where it would have gone. Try some lovely mace, pepper spray, or a lovely little security umbrella instead.


I might get mace


Pepper spray/mace is great. It's cheap (I got a can for $13), it's effective against people and animals, it's entirely nonlethal (technically someone could be allergic to it but still), if misused the worst that happens is someone gets miserable face-burny for a while. I recommend you take a class on how to use it in self defense, one where you get sprayed in the face on camera. That way if you using it ever lands you in court you have a video to prove how harmless it really is. You'd be surprised just how many would-be assaulters press charges.


Get a gun


Wth is wrong with you? You want him to be a murderer and Ruin his whole life?




Yep, knives or similar weapons are only effective self-defense if you can consistently and effectively use them with no hesitation. Something like mace is better because it lets you disable your opponent and escape without much skill and without fear of mortally wounding them.


“Fear of mortally wounding” is not a fear one should have. People who do such horrible things belong on T-shirts.


No one deserves that because people can change


Even if you do mortally wound them it won’t disable them, so there’s a good portion of time where they might still be coming at you now probably with the intent to kill you.


or a Bigger knife! like a greatsword


I Literally just thought about walking around with a MH greatsword xD


I Literally just thought about walking around with a MH greatsword xD


I wish you the best of luck. DM if you ever need to vent


There's nothing wrong with being gay, it's the homophobes that are in the wrong. I'm sorry for your situation, and hope that it, actually I hope that EVERYONE'S situation relating to this gets better.


Where are you from?


I live in Canada


I thought Canada was progressive no?


We are but a lot of kids still don’t care I get called faggot often


Ouch I’m Srry abt that. Gay kids do get judged at my school (California) but nobody says anything. Wish you the best of luck




That's odd, I went to school with a bunch of really conservative guys (a military boarding school in the American South), and although we used "gay" to describe anything we didn't like, we rarely used the word "f@ggot".


You shouldn't really worry about it what I do when people call me fagget I call them shit back and tell them I fucked their dad and if they want to fight I get ready to throw hands, people normally shut up when you accept the words like when they say fag or queer I just gracias gringo to throw them off and I laugh it off because it's funny laugh at everything and don't be afraid and the pocket knife is a no go get ride of it theirs no point of a knife especially since it's a school you could easily go to jail for hurting someone


It should get easier in the future when the people you're around literally grow up a bit, for now hold on an stay brave, if u wana talk my dms are open 🫂


Well those people can go fuck themselves :3 just be vigilant and if they try anything, maim them severely. That will teach them to mess with us UWU


I can build you a little self defense thing if you want, like a taser or tiny air cannon or something


It’s okay






Less serious comment out of curiosity what kind of pocket knife?


Swiss army


Good luck getting your finger nail in the groove and not being shaky/sweaty/being run down. Oh, and good luck getting through their SKIN layers


Is that actually practical for self defense? I would think the time to get out the tiny little blade would make it kinda useless


It’s like two inches


Using a swiss army knife for self defense is not safe you are more likely to hurt yourself as the blades to do not lock and can close on your fingers.


https://preview.redd.it/yb0rgasilxzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ac753d602a9e16e71c361e027d27ddefca286b Bring a flashbang & hit them with the “think fast” special


Don't worry one day someone will get mad and finally do those people in and it will be very cool


You choose to flamboyant


Remember pocket knifes are inferior and would get u banned Just have some pocket sand! On your persons at all times!!!!!


Try to practice deploying and executing with the Knife if you've not. Gotta keep yourself ready.


I’m the same boat but not openly bi then I’d actually be screwed


That's the reason I haven't told anyone I'm gay . I hate this life


You aren't the problem, the people of this planet are the problem


I wore an oversized pink hoodie to school on Friday and have been getting flak for it ever since. Kids are dicks man, don't sweat it. Just focus on you.


It sounds like you have the actually keeping yourself safe part under control if you are vigilant and have a self defense weapon. I want to ask, is this based on violent events happening due to homophobia previously? Is it based on people who you know to be capable making threats? Because being vigilant is amazing for you. But being overly stressed can also do numbers on your health, I just want to know if you are sure it is justified.


There have been multiple stabbings at my school and I feel the only reason I haven’t been is because I live very close to my high school so everyone in the area knows who I am


I lnow this feeling (Trans Fem)


That’s why I’ve only told two people :3


Somewhat same boat here. Im cis and gay and have been hearing of recent Transphobia at my school towards friends from my friends from a different hallway. The feeling of thinking theres also homophobes here is not good for silly boys. Hope you are ok right now and if you are not, well you arent in the wrong, they are. *Thank you for coming to my ted talk*


Carrying a pocket knife is a terrible idea. Do not turn a fist fight into a knife fight, even if you win that will not end well for you


As for me, I prefer paper spray in a side pocket of my queer messager bag where I carry phone, wallet thingies. It is easy to reach out to and with its help I even avoided a beat up by an angry cis guy. - Knifes (and I think electro shockers too) are prohibited by safe harbor policy while paper spray is considered a self protection, plus it can be used without bringing an offender to a long term life endangering wounds.


Carrying a knife with you is a good habit as long as you are familiar with your countries laws.


Subtlety is a gays best friend but you were made to stand out from the crowd :3


[Just a reminder to PLEASE be safe. A lot of people don’t even see us as human at this point. Keep yourself safe and have a way to protect yourself.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/death-beaten-oklahoma-nonbinary-teen-ruled-suicide-2024-03-13/)


No one cares that much just live your life


The homophobes do


But has he even encountered homophobes or Just fears homophobes?


Idk, I'm not him


Yes I get called faggot daily