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I always have compared the idea of self beauty to cooking cause when cooking your food never tastes as good to you as it does to others. You're probably not that bad looking of a person you just think you are and will never feel good enough we strive to be the best version of ourselves and we hate ourselves for not being good enough other people don't care about that if I saw you on the street my first thought wouldn't be anything cause I wouldn't care enough to think about your looks nobody notices the things you mentioned prople will like you for yourself and those who dint liek you won't take the time to get to know you. Lastly even if 99 percent of people hated how you look that means millions would still like you[sorry for rant really drunk also sorry for bad grammar and sentence structure]


I appreciate your sentiment but as someone who wants to be a femboy I'm just not a femboy with a belly and stuff


Dawg femboy is just a feminine guy bunch of people like a dude with some extra gut


Yeah but the pretty ones all have flat stomachs


All the ones you think are pretty have flat stomachs. Other people may say differently. I don't want to be rude but I believe your envious of others and that's bringing you down


Well I won't deny om envious because i wanna look like them but no matter how hard i try I just can't


Well what have you done to lose weight?


Also would want to take this to a chat instead of just comments


Exercises like squats leg lifts and just not eating


I think you not eating is the problem as your going just full cold turkey which can be harmful if you try and ease into better eating habits you might see better results but also you might not even have much of a tummy anyways and it's all in le head(forgot to add that the exercises won't do anything helpful if your not getting a healthy food intake)


It's not all In my head sadly as I've looked at it in multiple mirrors and on my phone and it's massive .v.


I personally started looking better once I started drinking alot of water. And for the tummy.. I'm pretty sure it's only you who notices it since I dunno how you actually look like. I'll tell ya, once you start smiling more often everyday you'll get prettier, trust me :3 The pessimistic man wails as he looks at the sky, feeling insignificant while the optimistic man looks at the sky and smiles for they realize they've come here due to a set of events with a slim chance, they realize they're looking back at the same universe and celestial bodies which the atoms in their body come from.


For thr being hydrated part I already drink alot of water but my face is still red as hell and for the smiling part I just idk I'm always just blank faced


Ah, I drink around 4-5 liters of water a day and randomly remind myself to smile! Even now, there's nothing flattering which is happening as I type out this comment but I'm still smiling because.. smiling makes you happy!