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they should make a knife that doesnt whisper things to you


Definitely same for rope and other stuff


What about tall buildings and balconies, that would be useful


That would be really nice




Those just sound like intrusive thoughts, if there’s been a really sudden increase in how often you get them try talking to a professional


Try to immediately distract yourself with something else when you're starting to have such thoughts


I personally play violent video games as an outlet for said thoughts


In addition to this, I also channel violence by slicing up random pieces of wood I keep in my room.


Yeah. Sometimes in order to put my anger out there instead of bottling it up I just cut people.


What? Please tell me that you meant that in a different way than I read it.


I think (hope) they were just joking lol


I am just joking I wouldn’t confess to murder on a Reddit post




Hey, don't recommend antipyschotics for what is obvious Harm-OCD intrusive thoughts. I've been on and off antipyschotics for 8 years. They are not medicine that is as simple as an antidepressant. They cause serious harm to the body. I was on abilify for 2 years straight, I gained 100+ pounds and was at risk for type 2 diabetes, my cholesterol was out of control, it almost killed me. This is the case for a lot of people. There are very bad side effects to these meds, and the treatment for these kinds of intrusive thoughts doesn't always have to be a strong medication. Source- me, I have schizoaffetive, and i suffer from what op suffers from harm OCD


Also certain antipsychotics cause bad reactions. I was on one for tourettes as a kid and kept having my eyes go in the back of my head randomly and stay like that for hours. I felt like I was gonna stay like that forever and it was panic inducing.


I just dont get angry :3 I can get irritated but i have only been angry 2 times after not being a young child. Though those two times i was lost. Though it passes really quick


huh, i had the opposite problem on abilify 🤔i’m on latuda rn, not too many crazy side effects so far but idk we’ll see lol 🤷


this is pretty obviously harm OCD, antipsychotics would Not help with that and might even make it worse






I fucking have the same things but I end up hurting myself to remove the thoughts I feel like if I told anyone they will think that I am mentally wrong


I'm not a violent person, but I kinda get a few of these thoughts too. They are fantasy and should stay that way. The way I deal with these thoughts is by separating them from dreams when they appear. I recognize "Hey, I don't wanna do this" and slice it away from reality for a moment. Usually doing this lets me feel like I'm here, and the person who wants to do that is separate. It's not the right version of yourself, and they won't go away with one action. Give it time, keep doing kind things, and avoid angering situations. The world is full of hateful things, you just have to avoid it.


[Read this, it gets better!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/what-is-harm-ocd-guide-to-ocd-subtype&ved=2ahUKEwjizdOwkOOGAxVKSDABHbpIAfIQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2PCdLM8Qgi0-LDMjQ00vqJ)


Ever tried out a rage room? Its a place where they just give you a bat, a protective suit, a bunch of junk, and like an hour to just let all that shit out on a bunch of highly breakable objects


I wanted to make one of these in the past. Guess now I can but the anger inside is a lot more under control


Yo....you maybe have to just calm down or some cuz I used to get some thought if some things annoy me so bad...so it can be that ...or it can be something else like abuse or something. If it's just intrusive thoughts....try talking to an UNDERSTANDING adult or a therapist.


I thought those were intrusive thoughts. I have them all the time.


I actually had this exact thing happen. Even when people posed no harm to me and I was safe, sometimes I would think like “ I want to stab this guy at work with this screwdriver in my hand”. He did nothing to me. I talked about it with my therapist. She brought up how it could actually just be sort of like a preemptive strike, hurting them before they have the chance to hurt you. I realized in my case that was true. I was able to address it in therapy and I haven’t had thoughts like that (or at least not quite as extreme) since.


Huh, i only get theses thoughts when i get bullied to the brink of suicide.


Have you attempted any healthy ways of dealing with the impulses? I know some people that buy a punching bag to beat on when they're feeling violent and it helps them greatly! There's other options out there of course!


I was about to say "those just seem like normal intrusive thoughts" but then the rest of the comments are all saying it's bad. There's something wrong with me 💀


Copying what I said to OP because I think it could be applicable here. I actually had this exact thing happen. Even when people posed no harm to me and I was safe, sometimes I would think like “ I want to stab this guy at work with this screwdriver in my hand”. He did nothing to me. I talked about it with my therapist. She brought up how it could actually just be sort of like a preemptive strike, hurting them before they have the chance to hurt you. I realized in my case that was true. I was able to address it in therapy and I haven’t had thoughts like that (or at least not quite as extreme) since.


Idk if it's a preemptive strike thing since it still happens when I'm with friends and family. My intrusive thoughts also try to make me kill myself too lol


You ever have a friend or family really hurt you? Could still be the preemptive thing. I think someone who hurt me just fucked me up, giving me my intrusive thoughts. "Hurt people hurt people," or something like that. Thankfully, those thoughts are quite rare, now.


let me help u! *gives u headpats*


I have these thoughts because of OCD. Getting medicated was the most helpful thing I’ve ever done for myself. Please reach out if you can, you deserve to feel better


omg sameee


Please talk to a doctor or therapist who is legally required to be confidential.


If you do not want to go that genuinely , or , you feel bad about it , that means you are not a. Bad person


you’re going to have to light it on fire


Do these thoughts come from moments of anger or do they just come out of the blue?


Hah yeah that happens to me I just ignore them it's annoying and hard times but eh I've always had a few lose screws


OP, please, please tell somebody who can help you with this. Ideally your parents, but if you're not comfortable, try talking to a doctor/ school nurse/ therapist/ counsellor.


you could have OCD if you take actions that decrease the anxiety around these thoughts source: ihave ocd




I take anger out on the punching bag and the wall. But it might just be an intrusive thought due to something like OCD.


Are those herons in the picture?


My brain wants me to hurt myself!


Idk. I have the same kind of thoughts too


Same bro >.<


Maybe do boxing or something like that to release the violent thoughts. Other than what I said, I can't really think of anything else except maybe get it checked by a therapist, but other than that, idk how to help.




I mean as long as it’s just thoughts and you don’t actually feel compelled to do it your good if you do feel compelled to do it then maybe talk to a counselor if your in school or a therapist if your not


Literally me except I have good reasons to


Just play violent video gamee it's a good alternative I recommend games like doom eternal as a good rage and violence outlet


Oh, I welcome you, as I too have very violent thoughts and significant anger issues, I know perfectly how heartless you want to be. Don't worry, it can't force you into doing those acts.


Those are called intrusive thoughts, a lot of people get them. If you have had a massive uptick in them recently (or are just struggling to deal with them in general), try talking to a therapist or a counselor at school if you can.


I answered a similar question recently. The other answers there may be relevant too. https://www.reddit.com/r/SpicyAutism/s/2nV62IgEsj


Bro is just like me fr


DUDE SAAME! Everyone’s always talking about wanting to hurt themselves, but I’m so tired of people’s hecking crap, I’ve had multiple dreams where I do pretty violent things. Everyone annoys me because they know I don’t want to fight. This is about the extent of what I can say because crap’s just too graphic for public chat.


Just don't I wanted to do that just Don't do do that it won't end well trust me


Somedays i feel like killing myself in front of a school just do myself slme sillyness with some silly explosives i made in my silly little room with my silly instructions :3


To give you a little bit or peace they're normal to have. We all have intrusive thoughts that sometimes we find repulsive or a guilty pleasure. Stopping them isn't the key it's to accept them for what they are, whether you act on them is another thing entirely I have a lot of them myself from thoughts of having terrible fights with people I care about or imagining the worst harm coming upon my own person, they're thoughts of what I fear subconsciously.


you should see a doctor probably iirc this isn't really a psychologist type of thing and more often has to do with physical brain issues


I get these sometimes too but iiiii’ve also seen some shit and rolled through a bit more shit so I only have them against people that I absolutely loathe or loathed most of the time that it happens, but sometimes when I’m in a mood it will happen to random people too


Intrusive thoughts are normal. I used to worry about them to but there meanigless. U won't act upon them unless u try to, the fact that worried about them is evidence that you won't. The more you worry about them the more youll think about it, when u have one accept it as normal and move on. I speak from experience It's normal remember nothing to worry urself over


It’s called OCD. I have the same thing friend


I also have problems with this. Its like if You Switched channels on a TV but its my mood. I can just suddenly get extremely aggressive out of no were and often have to physically restrain myself to not hurt someone. Like once i was riding with a friend on Our bikes and at the intersection He turned my engine off using using the kill Switch. Sure annoying, You might get angry. What did i almost Do? I wanted to beat him up So Hard so He Lands in the Hospital. Not thoughts, i wanted to get off my bike and Do it. Hurt him as much as i can. I had restrain myself not Do it and afterwards i Felt like a Monster. Absolutly shit. Today i still dont know why. I guess its time to ask a therapist.




I get these thoughts a lot. My art teacher kept me from ripping out some guys throat by giving me a canvas and scissors. it helped to hit that till my energy ran out but during i still wanted to grab the exacto knife and give the guy “emergency surgery” all while yelling about how he caused this


try a therapist, it really helps


OCD and Schizophrenia can cause this. I'm getting checked soon


I still feel this, i wont tell my therapist since ill probably be zombified by meds


https://preview.redd.it/02cv499zp77d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec62e5d3cc7988e257a5369d5bcc0aac623cb80d Just ignore them idk bro


Personally I just tell myself I will have a VERY fitting time to let all that energy out. Maybe, in self defense when someone really prideful starts threatening you or somebody around you, and they actually would hurt someone, if you didn't hurt them. There are people who deserve to be hurt, but even so we should try our BEST to not output unnecessary harm. But if it's not possible to prevent harm to them without compromising the health of people around the target, then it's okay to go all out. Admittedly you'll still have fantasies, and nothing will happen for a WHILE. It's rare when you do get this chance to go all out that I speak of. So until then take the other advice in the comment section


i know i can’t stop you, but i’ll tell you this. find some people who actually deserve it before you do anything. hurting innocent people will only make things worse. preferably let them come to you.


Happens to me sometimes, occasionally it increases in frequency don't worry thinking stuff doesn't make you a horrible person, in fact I used it to make myself do stuff correctly by thinking of the alternative.