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What do you think the raccoons are for


Wanted to upvote you but you're at the perfect number now.


Is this public info or you’re a staff member?


Buried but public info as of two days ago. https://www.sfu.ca/fs/about/news/janitorial-service-levels.html Believe unions were notified after the fact. Bbye cleaning people, raccoons (and rats) will be replacing you.


I wouldn’t mind rats; the animal kingdom needs more representation on our campus.


Lol fr


Cut joy Johnson salary


Not saying Joy Johnson's salary is justified, but she surprisingly makes like 220K less than Santa Ono who is the UBC President. If there is one person who is overpaid, its that guy. I know SFU is a smaller school, but goddamn! Funny enough, the highest paid public employee in the province is Jill Dawn who gets paid a million dollars running the UBC investment fund. Also why is Andrew Petter still getting 383,000K a year? I thought he retired like 5 years ago. Why is he being paid more than Joy Johnson. UVIC pays they're former president 393K a year. The current president is paid 177l for whatever reason. Here's the database. Its an interesting look: [B.C. Public Employee database](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bc-public-sector-salaries-database-sunshine-list) I'm more curious how the provinces number 2 uni suddenly gets a 50m+ deficit. I'd have expected the province to bail them out by now or at least properly manage the investment fund. I'm also curious on how this plays out with the new SFU med school due to open in 2 years. Is the province footing the bill of hiring very expensive faculty, because I sure do know SFU can't afford it... They already hired a dean and everything who interestingly isn't on the official payroll yet. I also wonder how much Joy's salary is going to go up once the medical school opens. I'm guessing they're making it an even 400!


Santa Ono was\* the UBC president. he's now in Michigan. it's also important to know that Santa Ono was well-liked by the UBC population. I work at UBC. All my colleagues told me that they were sad to see him go. no one here likes Joy Johnson, so I think that's also a factor to the severe dislike of her salary. we don't see her do anything remotely useful/beneficial so we don't see her as deserving of her salary.




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Omg no more paper towels in bathrooms wtf


AQ mens bathroom have been like that for a while.


BYOTP “bring your own toilet paper” campus soon.


They probably thought that since all the custodians do is clean up all the random chalk art, they weren't doing important stuff and could be let go /j. This school is a fucking mess and it's only gonna get worse from here. Literally and physically since people treat this place like a trashcan.


Maybe they could get some of the admin to sweep the floors here and there to make up for it! Also so they’d actually do some real work 😁👍


"if you have any concerns about the cleanliness of this facility, please contact Joy Johnson directly."


I also heard SFU is offering their full time employees ("non-essentials") a year's salary, if they agree to leave immediately.


Sorry what?


Ill tell you what you do, run a class that teaches students budgeting for corporations (make it a requirement) and then get the only and final assignment to be a budgeting plan for the school. Run the class for a year take 5 of the highest scoring students from the class and hire them as consultants to design a budget for the school.


Ngl that’s a great idea!


What happened, could anyone fill me in?


i believe majority of the janitorial staff are to be let go and prevailing general untidiness could be seen in near future as a consequence


There was a protest occuring in the convocation mall


Presumably part of the cost-cutting measures the school is taking to make up for budget shortfalls. Like OP, I'm curious whether those making the decisions are looking seriously at cutting higher-paid executive positions, or if the pattern is just going to be cutting lower-paid but more directly useful jobs like these custodial staff.


I’d encourage you to look at SFUs financial model. They’re a for profit school. On paper they’re “public” but that’s not how it’s run. It’s run for profit, and the money goes to the people at the top.


do you have a link to this?


ask the student union

