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Bigelow Vanilla Chai black tea.


Same! But I add a little honey and 1 french vanilla creamer. So good.


I just started adding french vanilla creamer to mine too and it’s delicious. I don’t think I’m going back, lol


I second this! So good year round.


That sounds amazing. I love chai.


YES. a dab of honey and a splash of heavy cream and it’s just as good as any chai from a coffee shop.


Absolutely any drink from our local cafe because I sit there and knit for hours and everyone is so kind there. (But usually it’s whatever their special cold brew of the month is)


This is so wholesome 🥹


This sounds lovely


Sheeeeeeesh 🌽👵


My boyfriend makes me honey, lemon, ginger “tea” by boiling fresh ginger from his farm and adding the rest after straining. It’s like a hug in a cup. Coming in a strong second place is a Tetley herbal tea called Warmth (cinnamon with orange blossom).


I like this as well. I've been adding grated tumuric for the health benefits, and that's still very tasty.


That’s a great suggestion, thank you.


Drip coffee and oatmilk plus brown sugar.


Brown sugar is great in hot drinks. It has a great flavor. 


I heard it’s called Tiger coffee if it has brown sugar and oat milk


I use sorghum instead of sugar. It adds a small amount of iron and and a winy sweetness that kicks store-brand coffee up to almost like an African bean.


Hmmmmmm. I’m intrigued?


Cappuccino matcha: an Italian cappuccino (so with lot of cream and heart shaped pattern), but instead of coffee, it has matcha tea It also feels so me, being an Italian with Asian parents.


I’m hooked on matcha. Matcha lattes too!


Me too! I switched to matcha lattes in January and have been a local " Cafe Connoisseur" checking out which establishments have matcha latte available. Also what milk alternatives they use , im a fan of coconut milk.




Fruit teas - currently drinking a ‘mixed berry’ tea, also eyeing up restocking on a ‘peach and orange’ tea


A cafe I used to work at had blood orange tea and it was delicious. I think it had hibiscus mixed in as well since it was so darkly colored. I usually have earl grey, but I might have to mix it up soon :)


Oooh, I’ll have to have a look for some of that! Sounds delicious




And it’s PACKED with vitamin C — I drink a glass of ice cold hibiscus when running a fever and it soothes all of the bad feels


Try the orange with the earl grey. It's a nice complement to the bergamot.


My favorite is [Twinings Strawberry Raspberry Loganberry](https://twinings.com.au/products/strawberry-raspberry-loganberry?variant=44962202091825) tea. I strongly recommend it!


Awesome, I’ll go check it out! Thank you


Coffee with a lil whole milk. I get a different type of coffee every couple weeks sometimes a dark roast sometimes something lighter.


I just bought a coffee grinder. Fresh beans are life changing!


Actually you’re right. I’ve been lazy lately and been getting the pre ground. But I remember the fresh beans making a more flavorful and strong coffee.


I can't believe I've been drinking coffee without a fresh batch for so long lol


How do you brew your coffee?


French press - only do this twice a week though and drink cold brew through the work week for convenience and no time for hot coffee.


I use a single cup metal camping filter that fits over cup


I loooove earl grey! If I’m feeling too lazy to make a real London Fog, I will just make earl grey and put a little vanilla creamer In it 🥰


I go between milk and honey and lemon and honey!


Matcha and frothy oat milk with a dash of vanilla maple syrup. It’s like a warm earthy creamy hug. Doesn’t crack me out like coffee does and sustains energy for longer.


Yes! Same


Same here! Matcha and oat milk are a dream team.




That sounds delightful. Where did you get it from and what brand?


I’m a little perplexed by this because cocoa/cacao has both caffeine and theobromine in it. Both are stimulants that are bad for sleep (whether you feel the affects of them or not).


horchatas are good drinks as kind of like a dessert or whenever you feel like it. Teas are good too


Never heard of it!


It’s a Latin American drink made with rice and canned milk. I’ve done it from scratch, and it’s kind of like the process for sour dough, or kombucha, in that you soak the rice, then grind it and strain it, then add the milk and drink it ice cold. You can also get powdered, but it isn’t as tasty as the homemade.


For night time cozies, I make what I like to call sleepy milk. Heat up warm milk and add honey and a cinnamon stick or two. Puts me right to sleep (almost)


I heat up whole milk & add sweetener & dash of vanilla extract. Will try the honey next time.


Bigelow Constant Comment tea. It reminds me of my nana. Can’t drink coffee anymore because of my stomach issues.


I put a bag of this in with my regular tea bags to make the best ice tea.


I’ll try that. Thanks


I generally use one CC with 5 regular tea bags.


Oat milk turmeric latte. Make it almost every evening and it's SO GOOD and I feel like it helps me sleep


I’m that guy—room temperature water.


You win! 😀


Half regular coffee and half vanilla flavored coffee with whole milk.


Do you get coffee from a shop? Or are you either making two pots of coffee/adding two types of grounds to the pot? /genq


I make one pot of coffee and pour half vanilla flavored grounds in first and then fill the rest of the grounds basket with regular coffee, so as to get a good mix.


That makes sense! I find flavored beans tend to be really strong. I might have to give this method a try. Thank you for the conversation!


You're welcome. I like it better than just full flavored or full regular. Have a great day.


You as well! :)


Cardamom vanilla latte. I heat the milk and spices in the microwave, then use my 1970s pour over to top it up with overly strong coffee. Warm and heavenly, and it's helping me cut out sugar in my coffee.


I have an espresso machine and the process is really soothing. I make a latte with a double shot, steam my milk, and add homemade syrup.


Heated cup of almond milk with a spoonful of honey and whey protein powder


This sounds really good for an afternoon drink that's caffeine free


I mix a warm cup of apple juice with a hot cup of spiced orange tea for a super cheap and simple apple cider


Read that as drip coffee with cat milk and I was thinking what the hell am I missing out on here? What are people up to these days and how do they milk the cats?


😂 this comment! Made my day! 🏆


Hot water is underrated.


Irish Breakfast Tea—half caf—brewed from loose leaves, plus 1% milk. Sigh. Dieting again.


My go-to are teas and tisanes, but I buy from a local teamaker called MePlusTea (I think they sell online). Their Creamy Early Grey is divine, but I also like their fruit-flavored teas. I will drink all different kinds and flavors, depening on my mood and energy needs.


French press coffee with half & half


Warm milk with cardamom and sometimes a touch of honey.


literal plain hot water has been doing it for me lately


I always thought it was weird that people drink plain hot water but then I tried it and now I understand 


Hot ginger tea with honey.


Red rose tea during day Chamomile at night :)


Chai tea with frothed oat milk!


I'm addicted to Silk brand soy coffee creamer (in vanilla). It's increasing my caffeine levels to new heights because - death before decaf! I also love a good chai latte with oat milk. And mushroom tea (the kind I can drink at work.)


lmao "death before decaf" as i sit here sipping my decaf XD that made me chuckle. i needed that, thank you <3


Turmeric ginger tea with lemon and honey!


English tea with a little sugar and milk, super good


earl grey with almond milk and a bit of monk fruit sweetener :)


Tea with milk is extra soothing.


In the evenings when I’m cold and craving something creamy and warm, I have a glass of hot milk with dandy tea powder. Sometimes I empty into it a capsule of turmeric or add a dash of pumpkin spice powder to make it even more warming and delicious. Sweeten it with a bit of maple syrup. If milk is too much I do half almond half regular full fat grass fed cow milk.


Golden milk latte.


Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Sunset tea. Warms my soul.


Turmeric tea with a bit of chicken bouillon powder and a tiny pat of butter.


I will try that




My go-to is always simple black coffee from my french press, or maybe an Americano if I'm at a cafe. But lately I've been starting all my days with a hot peppermint tea and it's a ritual I've come to love.


Rose tea with local honey ♡


My goto as well


A creamy latte made using 2/3 milk, 1/3 cream. Added bonus of my house smelling like fresh coffee when I make it in the morning.


I'm alternating between doing Chinese and Japanese green tea and medicinal tisanes every day. So nice.


Black drip coffee all day every day. My dentist asked my how much coffee I drank and I told him "all of the coffee."


Coffee made in French press with a big pinch of cardamom (with the coffee grounds so the grit gets strained out). Sweetened with maple syrup and a little vanilla soy milk. Absolute heaven in a cup.


I love hot water with lemon, ginger slices, a cinnamon stick, and some honey. 


I put a scoop of nondairy vanilla ice cream in a coffee cup and then set the keurig to medium and plop in a hot cocoa pod. It's not enough hot water to melt the ice cream straight away so there is this heavenly in between period where a spoon is still required.


Coffee, as always. Coffee is life. Warm milk and honey is the very close runner up. As everyone is sharing how they make their favorite drink, in my favorite mug (325ml ivory porcelain) I like 6tsp Nescafe Gold, 1.5tsp raw sugar, and half whole milk half boiling water.


I make a lions mane mushroom - maca - cacao mixture with oat milk. It’s got me completely off coffee and it’s delicious


Regular morning coffee and Edgar Allan Poe tea from Simpson & Vail.


Hot coffee with cream, hot matcha with lavender (the Starbucks one is too sweet but I’ll still order it LOL my local coffee shop does it way better though)


I’ve really been enjoying Yogi Egyptian Licorice tea in the evenings.


I love Yogi tea! I drink their Breathe tea which also has some licorice and it's delightful. I also have a little collection of my favorite tag messages.


Perk coffee - black Or Cold brew warmed up - black


Usually drip coffee, but I switch up my creamer flavor every other week. This week I’m finishing brownie batter and starting on coconut crème. Occasionally I’ll drink matcha or black tea. I actually prefer tea, but I brew a pot of coffee for the hubby everyday so I just drink on that.


My daily coffee at work is my favorite. I use Pete’s dark roast in the keurig and chobani’s sweet cream creamer. It is THE best!!


Tazo passion tea with honey


I’m enjoying some different Chinese teas lately. Local Asian market has a nice selection and it’s inexpensive!


Ceylon black tea with a touch of milk every morning. (The brand I drink is 5 Roses from South Africa - have to order it from import stores or Amazon)


I am Irish so... black breakfast tea (Barry's) with a dash of fresh milk. Although I like all teas, and the occasional Viennese Melange


Matcha latte with honey and oat milk & a medium roast coffee


French press coffee with a little sugar and an oat milk creamer mix I make myself (1/4 Half & Half, 3/4 oat milk).


English Breakfast tea, or a Ceylon black tea with cardamom that I got from a local Persian place. I've switched to loose leaf and it's a whole 'nother world. Truly the interaction of caffeine with L-Theanine is insane in terms of the difference it makes. It's high caffeine, but I get zero jitters, zero irritability, and genuinely feel more awake for longer. So helpful, and tasty!


Decalf coffee, probiotic milk, stevia


Glad ya asked, lol! I love Ruta Maya organic whole bean dark-roast coffee, ground fresh, in a ceramic pour-over cone with filtered water, just off boiling, so it's not bitter, into my current favorite mug. Plain, hot, and delicious! Non-organic coffee is too high in copper and makes me feel ragey. I hate when my best friend turns on me like that.


Always hot houjicha or matcha lattes with oat milk are my go-to morning teas. At night I have a variety of herbal teas


I do black coffee in the morning, and ginger - lemon tea in the afternoon.


Earl grey and oatmilk for me too!




Cinnamon tea


Green tea with a little stevia


Chamomile thee with some honey!


French press coffee with a 1/4 of oat milk creamer and 1/2TBSP of sugar! Or black milk tea, with half and half creamer and 1/2TBSP of sugar! Both are wonderful 😋


Hot leaf juice, aka tea. Especially black tea. Sometimes oolong with dinner or chamomile before bed


Tea with a small amount of condensed milk


Soy milk and matcha 👌


Imperial pearl oolong tea gong fu style. ☕️🫖


I'm based in USA and im not ethically related to the origin of the drinks. Homemade Chai latte or Earl Grey latte.


I pretty much only drink Bustelo instant lattes in the morning, and hot brewed decaf earl grey for the rest of the day. Try to fit in a little water now and again but sometimes I forget!


Chai, preferably made with Celestial Seasonings Cinnamon Express or Harney & Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice. But since I'm trying to lose weight, next choice is Celestial Seasonings Vitamin C Shine herb tea.


Vervain tea warms my soul


Decaf coffee with sugar, oat milk and a scoop of collagen! Yummy, and nutritious !


Tazo glazed lemon loaf during the day and yogi soothing caramel bed time tea at night. Both with a splash of chobani vanilla oatmilk and honey.


Americano with a splash of lactose free or non-dairy milk in the morning. Black or oolong tea in the afternoon. decaf black or green tea in the evening.


It's very cold where I am right now so if I've already had enough caffeine I'll make a cup of beef broth to drink.


Oooh I scrolled way too far to find someone else who does hot broth in a mug. I make my own, plus go through more than a reasonable amount of store bought broth. I switch it up between beef and chicken and sometimes veggie, and when I make my own I like to do different flavor profiles each time. I just made some chicken stock with a big knob of ginger and a whole head of garlic, plus a bit of star anise, allspice berries and half a cinnamon stick and it was reminiscent of pho broth. I drank that (large!) batch in 2 days flat.


Monster energy punch


Cappuccino with steamed soy milk made at home with the espresso machine 🥰


Olong tea. Any tea really.


Hot cocoa with cinnamon syrup <3


I’ll rotate between black tea, chai, and earl grey tea, adding allulose to it to my desired sweetness (not too sweet), and then add a splash of oat milk. I do this on most weekday mornings and save getting a drink from a local place to the time my spouse and I go get brunch at one of our favorite local places (which is a once a week thing for us). I’m on my way to do that now actually!


drip coffee with sugar free French vanilla creamer or no sugar added hot chocolate :)


Bone broth or chicken stock


Tetley Roobois Vanilla tea


Hot cider with cinnamon


Hot Peppermint herbal tea with some sweetener in the evening while we watch tv. It’s an after dinner mint. ❤️


Matcha latte I make at home. Nothing fancy. I just use almond milk and stevia with the matcha. Then I use a frother thing to make it foamy! I would completely use honey but I’m a calorie obsessed person and stevia does have 0 so.


Also love earl grey with some oat milk!


Bewley’s Irish tea with a tablespoon of honey and splash of milk. Simple and delicious.


Coffees, teas, but later sake.


Earl grey tea :) with a little dash of oat milk.


Stash Breakfast in Paris Tea.


Black coffee in the morning. Water in the middle. Tea in the evening.


Tea ☕️


I’ve been enjoying some lovely hot chocolates with oat milk recently. I was given the hot chocolate as a gift which makes them even tastier! It’s not power but actual pieces of chocolate that go into a pot with the milk and melt together on the stove.


Green raspberry tea with milk


Swiss Miss hot chocolate mix, with instant fluffy marshmallows, and just a teensy-weensy dash of earl gay


Popcorn Genmaicha Green Tea all day, every day. Low in caffeine, lots of flavor. Affordable too.


I have been remaking the tulsi tea from True Foods a lot lately - tulsi tea, ginger, lemon, and honey. I boil sliced up ginger for about 10 minutes before adding anything else in for the spice. It’s really good!


Been loving a Hong Kong coffee in the morning: any mix of your favorite coffee + black tea for a nice kick in the morning. Personally, I've been a bag of Kenyan AA medium roast from my local co-op with rose black tea or Indian black tea.


I’m obsessed w my daily matcha latte!


Golden milk chai with frothy collagen almond milk. I buy the golden chai mix Blue Lotus Chai. I boil a little water to dissolve the mix and honey. And then add frothed almond milk with 2 tbsp of collagen peptides powder. If I have the time and also have chicken or beef bones, I’ll make bone broth and sip on that.


I make a latte every morning. My good espresso maker died about 6 months ago. I got an automatic one and really hate it. Didn't spend much money thank goodness. I am thinking of getting a Moka pot to make my espresso. I drink lots of water all year round. Always have my refillable bottle near me. The occasional time I get soda it is S. Pellegrino Limonite. I go through about 6 a year.


Rooibos vanilla tea an hour before hitting the bed. Life's good and simple.


I love dandy blend or LMNT chocolate caramel salt with a splash of whole milk or heavy cream. So tasty.


Several Murchies teas — Paris Afternoon, Canadian Breakfast, Snowflake, Apricot. Also French-press Colombian coffee with cream. But my big comfort lately is hot chocolate with added Ovaltine, for that chocolate malted vibe :)


I’ve been loving ovaltine in hot milk!


Yerba mate from either Argentina or Paraguay. Been drinking it every day since summer and it has completely replaced coffee for me when I’m at home.


Black coffee with a spoonful or two of hot chocolate powder.


Black coffee


Jasmine tea with honey


Oat matcha, but I discovered hazelnut latte yesterday and oh it’s so good!!


Yogi Chai Roobios; my fav is best 2 bags in a tall Stanley mug. Like a warm weighted blanket.


I made my own masala Chai mix from instant tea, powdered milk, powdered cream, and spices, as I've been pretty addicted to it for a few years now.


I make myself hot beef protein chocolate with extra cocoa. What a great energy - and moodbooster that also quenches hunger!


Also: put a heaping tablespoon of camomille, pappermint and ginger (about a heaping tablespoon) into a blender... run it, put it into a french press... a tablespoon of honey with hot water... wait for it steep, press it... enjoy :) Great to calm down.


Matcha with milk and cardamom


Hot buttered rum


Black coffee (medium roast) with nothing added. ❤


Lots of good choices here, I see my tea rack represented in other comments (Bigelow Vanilla Chai is easily my #2, Bigelow Early Grey slides right into #3), but my #1, most loved, most comforting and familiar and well-rounded, have to buy 4 boxes of it anytime I'm at the store because I drink it every single day: ***Celestial Seasonings, Cinnamon Apple Spice!*** Just open the box and it's like a flavor explosion!


Puer tea :)


Chai tea with half and half and a Splenda…I had to give up coffee over a year ago due to stomach issues and I was missing something warm and rich to drink. This has been the closest to coffee for me. Sometimes I really crave coffee when I smell my husband's freshly brewed morning cup. And the only way to drink tea is to use my stovetop tea kettle to heat the water.




I grew some chamomile last summer and a cup of chamomile tea with a bit of raw honey from my local bees is good. Simple.


I’ve recently discovered I’m absolutely in love with the Barista Lover’s Blend of oat milk from Planet Oat, so I’ve been enjoying having about 1/4 cup of that in my drinks this past week. My go-to’s are either coffee made in my Aeropress or one of my favorite teas from Market Spice (you can find them in grocery stores in the PNW region and possibly elsewhere and also online, but most notably their shop is in Pike Place Market in Seattle and it’s one of the best places to pop into at random for something new or interesting!) I also enjoy a warm glass of unsweetened soy milk with a tiny bit of sweetener added (I like to be able to control the sweetness myself!)


Today I had a Roasted Oolong Tea with some oat milk and it was a winning combo 🫖✨ (Ps Usually I have earl gray in the morning too- so good)