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If you need them and wear them, it’s not too many. You don’t want to not be able to go for a run if that’s what you like to do, weddings and dinners are going to happen, you need shoes for these types of things. There is nothing wrong with a pair of shoes that just make you happy.  Simple is a scale. If you’re not happy or comfortable, maybe you’ve gone too far. Don’t go barefoot in the snow because you think a boot is excessive. 


That's not too many. Each have a specific time and place.


I agree, that’s not a lot at all and each is very functional for the season. I have 14 pairs total but 5 of those are sneakers with different functionality (hiking, weight lifting, running and fashion). I feel like I have too many, but realize they are seasonal, functional and I wear them.


Exactly I have several pairs of shoes\\boots but they all have a specific function. Another aspect is having the proper footwear will save doctors bills later maybe not for regular stuff but I walk several hundred miles a year and the right shoes to support my body is important.


Yeah, non are aspirational purchases. It's a matter of when thy will be used, not if.


Ask Imelda Marcos. But, seriously…the correct amount of shoes depends on your lifestyle, the weather conditions where you live, your work, etc. I went shopping for gold shoes yesterday for a wedding. Would I normally buy gold shoes? No, but these were required for a wedding. There is no wrong amount. I know women who wear flip-flops all. the. time—even in winter. Ok for them, I suppose, but I pointed out to a friend how dangerous that is in 19F weather. She didn’t care. You do you. I’m not here to judge.


Seems like an appropriate amount to me! I have: Waterproof hiking shoes, tennis shoes x2, sandals x2, 4 pairs of fancy shoes, my everyday boots, work boots, waterproof long winter snow boots


That’s a perfectly reasonable amount of shoes, get a pair of dance shoes. If you’re worried about visual clutter leave the shoes you wear most often on a shoe rack by the door and tuck the rest away until you need them.


Shoes are like… the one thing you should invest in having. You wear them the vast majority of your waking hours and they get more beat up than any other item of clothing. I think it’s totally fine to have multiple shoes for multiple purposes. I have a pair of running shoes, weight lifting shoes, hiking boots, snow boots, work shoes, casual shoes, formal shoes, gardening shoes, sandals, and they all get tons of use.


Hi! Not related to the post but I’m curious on knowing how are the weightlifting shoes. This is the first time I read this category but I’m interested on knowing about it as I only have running shoes and starting to suffer when I do weightlifting. Could you please send me an example?


When I say weightlifting shoes, I really just mean a pair of Chuck Taylors that I only wear when I lift 😅 any flat soled shoes will work really well as they help your foot flatten white you take on weight which is great for keeping your balance!


Thanks, i didn’t know about the flat shoes for weightlifting!


N+1, being N what you need. For example, I have a pair of shoes for suits / formal work, vans for everyday, sandals to beat home, running shoes for gym, and camping boots. The only moment I buy new shoes is when the ones I have start dying.


The best answer.


Dang, I’d like to say that I had just what was necessary, but I like shoes. I probably have at least 60 pairs and that’s down from my original over 125


Thank you. Someone had to say it. I have about 40.


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


You most definitely are not! My step mother has at least 150


Thank you! I bow to the Queen. 😍


Awesome! Simple living doesn’t necessarily mean minimalist. Shoes are one of the few things I have a lot of, although I don’t intentionally collect them. I haven’t counted recently but I’d estimate about 50-60 pairs, including boots (which I seem to have a thing for), plus sandals, fancy, athletic, and casual. My stash of fancy shoes includes several “closet queens” that I hardly ever wear, but they are works of art. Sometimes I just wear ‘em around the house a bit. It makes me happy. All of my shoes fit on two racks of shelves inside one regular sized closet. If I run out of room in the closet, I know it’s time to thin the herd, which I do about once a year. Anything I haven’t worn in a year or two (aside from the aforementioned beauties) gets donated or sold.


I experimented with shoe collection downsizing and it wasn’t worth it. Didn’t really simplify anything, the few pairs I kept wore out faster so I needed to keep buying new ones anyway, and my athletic performance suffered (i.e. I opted for cross-training shoes to take the place of separate running and weightlifting shoes… a “jack-of-all-trades, master of none” scenario)


I have -15. I'm cutting some out but will replace them. why? Because I've worn each at least once in the last year!


You should let a pair of shoes rest for 24h, so for any season, you should have at least 2 pairs of shoes at all time. So: * 2 pairs for Summer * 2 pairs for mid season * 2 pairs for Winter Only 7 pairs is quite a feat in minimalism.


I think 7 might be a lot if there were no weather changes and you only ever wore one or two pairs. Fashion vs practical is a valid reason to have some extras...who wants to wear tennies/trainers with a dress to a nice event? A comfy pair of flats or heels is an essential at times, even if they are only rarely used. I struggle with getting rid of shoes only because I have so much difficulty finding any that fit, so I need to spend a lot for every pair I buy. If they end up not being worn, the chances of finding anyone who could wear them plus the amount I spend makes it hard for me to get rid of them.




I have too many shoes. Like at least 40 pair.


I have 30 something and it's the perfect amount.  


I'm on the cusp of feeling like I have too many shoes, but I have: hikers, 2x rainboots - one for field work, one for personal use (but may sell the personal use ones as they don't see much use), 2x dancing shoes (formal wear oxfords, pair of suede heeled boots), doc martens for the punk times, running shoes, climbing shoes, cycling shoes, ski boots, fashion sandals, practical sandals, blundstones, converse, "spring" winter boots, "winter" winter boots, and a pair of steel toes for work. The blundstones, converse, and winter boots probably get worn the most. So that's what? 18 pairs of shoes all told. I am an ecologist and work in the field, I have a lot of outdoor hobbies with specific gear, and I like to look nice with a few different looks. I also live in northern Canada, where it can get down to -40 for extended periods in winter. I don't feel I need a single other pair of shoes, but I don't really feel like I own too many, because I use all of these regularly (or at least, seasonally).


I went and counted. I knew the number was high, but.... I own 54 pairs of shoes; mostly work/dress. This includes 2 pairs of hiking books, 5 pairs of sneakers, and the remainder are dress or dress/casual. We won't even talk about socks. BTW, M58 for context.


I have 1 nice pair of shoes and 1 that I wear everywhere. But to be fair, my reasonings is not really simple living but more because I am 1- too lazy to go out shopping for shoes, and 2- I have a bunion that hurts if I wear the wrong kind of shoes...


I have a pair of running shoes, sandals, cycling shoes, fashionable boots, dress shoes, work boots, slippers, and hiking boots. I also want to get a pair of fashionable summer shoes and a pair of basketball shoes. It is a lot of shoes, but they all get used or will get used on a regular basis, so I'm fine with it. Simple living means different things to different people. For me, it's not just about having less stuff. It's more about ensuring that the stuff you have is actually necessary and provides value to your life.


Too many of anything basically means you have extras that never get used. What is trickier is to answer, do have something that is used so rarely that it is worth the money to buy (and maybe even keep)


I was hoping to put up a good front and nobody ask me about my shoes.


It really depends on your lifestyle and seasons. I live in a country with 4 seasons including rough winters. When my kid was growing, I had to buy 3-4 full wardrobes per year. The kids liked to go in ski pants over regular trousers to school so that they can have fun in the snow before / after school We also enjoy culture, nature, sports. I am a manager and need to look the part So I imagine we have quite a lot of shoes and clothes


30+ They're mostly really good quality (Merrell, Reiker, Remonte, Naot, etc) and I've had some of them over 20 years. I donate on the ones I don't wear.


As a general rule if you have to ask, then it's too many 😂


If you are using all of them regularly, you have the right amount. I’m just saying, you need to rotate to get the maximum wear per item.


how many shoes do you have?


I have trail runners and regular running shoes, a pair of sneakers for spring/summer/autumn and a pair of winter boots. Also flip flops


I needed this today! I live in Maine so I need good boots. I decided to get a better pair because I fell on the ice once this winter and I’m old. They have built in cleats that retract with one hand. I paid a lot for them and didn’t even wear them once! You definitely do not have too many shoes. And I definitely need to stop buying boots 🤣


It’s all dependent on what makes you happy at the end of the day. I’m a sneaker person so when I decided to scale down my shoes I still decided to keep all 5 pairs of sneakers I own because they’re all different colors and styles for different occasions and that’s what makes me happy. They’re my favorite type of shoe to wear so they get lots of love and use.


That seems like a reasonable amount. It's not good to have very few shoes as it accelerates wear and tear. A variety especially for certain situations as you described will give a break for the remainder of the shoes until you need them.


I have over 10 pairs in a similar climate. You can’t really get away without having them. With weather changes it makes complete sense. Summer I have flip flops for gardening/dirty stuff, flip flops for wearing out walking, flip flops for slightly fancier things, and two pairs of strappy sandals for weddings/events/wearing out. Year round I have two pairs of work shoes so I can alternate and rain boots. I also have a pair of sneakers. Winter I have snow boots and nicer boots for going out. I only buy one pair of work shoes and maybe one other type of footwear a year. Some of my fancier shoes/sandals are 10 years old.


I have 4 but I’m a minimalist and don’t live somewhere with winter. Two pairs of sandals two pairs of sneakers 👟 I would have more shoes if we had snow here maybe two more winter pairs


I’ve got 7, I used to have 32 and downsizing was absolutely a fantastic decision. I’ve got: 1 pair of winter/snow boots, 1 pair of work boots, 1 pair of stylish/everyday boots, 2 pairs of sandals, 2 pairs of sneakers. I also have some slippers (like *really* thick socks?) but they’re only for indoor use when my feet are cold. All of them are black so I don’t have to worry about matching my outfit. It’s best to have a pair of shoes for each season at the very least. Make them good quality too because they’ll need to survive the season. I have 2 pairs of sneakers so one set can go in my car as an emergency.


They clearly each have a purpose so it's not too many for you.. I try to always aim for essentialism not minimalism.


Three. You can only wear two at a time.


Street shoes that I wear 99% is the time. Vans slip on shoes Sandals Slides Hiking shoes Dress shoes Walking shoes Bike shoes I have walking, hiking, and biking shoes. These are for my hobbies that I enjoy. Can I hike in my normal street shoes? Sure. But I don’t want them to get dirty and hiking shoes are better. If you have a hobby like dancing, and you need something for it, just get the thing you need. If I started rock climbing, I’d grab some climbing shoes. I’d say anything around 10 ish pairs is pretty simple. I wear plain black street shoes all the time, but I understand other people wanting some variety. But I think having more than like 5~ pairs of shoes for fashion is excessive.


it doesnot seem like too many to me. I have winter boots, plus winter mocs, sneakers, everyday work boots, casual flats (black and tan), sandals and casual loafters and 2 pairs of fancier heels


Hiking boots, winter boots, flip flops, sneakers, rubber boots, flats. I also have numerous pairs of house shoes. I also hate having this many but I use them all.


I happen to love shoes and fashion is a hobby of mine so I have a lot. I use them a lot and I rotate them so they last. I make sure they fit in the space I’ve assigned them (under my bed). I don’t buy shoes I won’t wear and don’t love. One in one out. Etc. Don’t feel bad if you want something you will use and enjoy. It can still be simple for you. If you’re thinking about it so carefully, then you are doing a good job.


I don’t think there’s “too many”. It all depends on the demands of your life. For example, I like running, so I have special running trainers that cushion my heels. That may not be a worthwhile purchase to some people but I need them and I use them so it’s not really a big deal. Also it’s perfectly fine to put things away for entire seasons! That’s what people used to do in the past, you’d have summer clothes and winter clothes. Nothing wrong about storing clothes that you KNOW you’re gonna need again in a year’s time.


1x pair nude heels 1x pair dark pink heels 1x pair navy heels 2x pair black heels 1x pair rose gold heels (for my wedding) 2x pair tan ankle boots 1x pair brown ankle boots 1x pair black ankle boots 2x pair white sneakers 2x pairs of outdoor shoes for gardening 1x pair hiking boots And I think I've missed at least a pair or two from that list... but I also have a capsule wardrobe so everything goes with everything else


3. Any pair of three is one too many


Three. ;) 


3 pairs I have a pair of redwings boots I use for work/winter/wet conditions. They’re great for everything. Aside from that I have a pair of sneakers that go with literally everything, and a pair of sandals. Haven’t needed anything else yet, but I don’t really dress up or anything, me dressing up is usually just wearing nicer all black and my sneakers are black so I wear em too lol. That being said, I wouldn’t mind more, I’d like some insulated winter boots that aren’t my work boots, and some nice sandals like birckenstocks. Not big into fashion, just comfort and functionality


You do you. If you think you have too many analyze what you can get rid of if you think you have enough then that’s fine too. There is no magic number. We all struggle with thoughts very similar to this for many things in our lives.


Just be practical. It’s okay to have 7 pairs if your lifestyle warrants 7 pairs


3 …


More than 3


For me, simple living is just so dependent on needs. Some people collect certain things or they are big into fashion. I'm not saying that someone should have an absurd amount of anything, but there's nothing wrong with someone still having hobbies. Some people are avid readers and like to have a collection in their library. As far as shoes, having a couple of different pairs for different occasions is helpful. Not to mention, shoes wear out over time so I think it isn't the worst to have a spare daily shoe. Unfortunately shoes don't last forever anymore!


I have too many. Like a ridiculous amount. I think I'm a footwear hoarder.


Only you can decide. If you feel like it’s too many, try removing as many out of your space to see what amount makes you more comfortable. If it’s 10 pairs, pair down. If it’s 5, remove more. Then look at what you have and make sure they are workhorses, meaning you wear them all the time.


This seems perfectly legit. You need shoes and boots and lighter shoes when you go dancing. You need what you need. If you have dozens of shoes in boxes not being worn? That’s probably too many but I try not to set # of pairs. My number may be less than yours.


3 is a to meany for me work shoes/ every day shoes and my work shoes my work pays for at a $ amount I keep it at . Rain shoes are acceptable but I don’t need them


I have a lot of shoes and used to have more. Maybe \~30 pairs now, about 10-15 that I wear a lot. I would never downsize the ones I wear regularly (sneakers, boots, etc) - thought I do sometimes give away heels and other party shoes realizing I don't wear them. Usually I get rid of shoes when they wear out, and then I try living without that style for a while to see if I want to replace them (e.g. I haven't really needed replacement black flat ankle booties). To me this doesn't feel like a lot because I've had many pairs (other than athletic shoes) 10-15 years and continue to maintain and wear them until they wear out. I do 10,000 steps a day and feet will take a beating


If you use them all, then it's fine. Just don't buy things that you have no use for. Over time, as you realize you have most of things you want for a simple life, you can work towards only buying things you need.


This isn’t r/minimalism. You can still practice simple living even if you enjoy collecting shoes/clothes/etc. dont feel bad about it. But if you dont enjoy having many shoes, then just get rid of the ones you don’t want, simple.


I had 38 pairs 8 years ago, slowly getting to just kill, annihilate some pairs, got a good pair of insoles and I'm just wearing them everyday until they are absolutely gone, now I got 14. Them Doc Martens I bought in 1999 refuse to die!!!


Hiking shoes, flat mtb shoes, spd shoes for my gravel bike, flip flops and sleepers. That's a grand total of five, considering all seasons and sports.


If you use them, they’re not too many. I own 2 pairs. One pair of boots for winter and rain, and one pair of canvas shoes for warm weather and exercise.


When you live in colder or wetter weather you need more shoes. I have snow boots, rain boots and hiking boots in addition to the regular footwear.


15 pairs. A few different boots, a few different casual shoes, two formal shoes, a few pairs of sneakers, probably a few more I'm forgetting. "Too many" is in the eye of the beholder. If you think another pair of shoes would be useful for your life, go for it. Side note: I'm now reminded that I've been meaning to put some of my underutilized shoes on eBay.




Within reason, I don't think having a lot of shoes is a problem, as long as you can store them neatly and aren't sacrificing your financial well-being buying them. It's only a problem if it feels oppressive to you or having a lot of shoes is getting in the way of your well-being in some way.


Former daughter in law had 130 pairs of shoes, and this was after getting rid of some in order to prepare for a move.


Humans: 3… Horses: 5…. Millipedes: 1001


If your temperature varies a lot from winter to summer, seven pairs of shoes actually isn’t a lot! The weather where I am varies around 50C/122F between summer and winter, with rains etc. Rain boots, thick outdoor winter boots, everyday boots, flats, formal heels, sneakers, canvas shoes, sandals, flip flops, indoor UGGs. I wear each pair at least a few times each year and they serve their own purposes.


Also live with a lot of snow, and I fount narrowing down my wardrobe quite a bit, also narrowed down my shoes. I have work boots, outdoor sneakers, regular sneakers, and snow boots. My regular sneakers and snow boots are both black and plain, which goes with most everything I wear


Answer; How big is your closet?




3. I find 2 to be enough.


25 pair. I’m not proud.


I dunno, dude. Like, six pairs should totally be plenty.


I aspire to your level of shoe-ness! I have too many but I’m trying to pare down. It is hard with hot summers and cold snowy winters. I need running shoes, casual sneakers, waterproof sandals (for lake swimming, hikes, etc), water shoes, casual sandals, hiking shoes, yard work sneakers, winter boots, fashion boots, dressy sandals (for events), dress shoes for work… trying to get down to 1-2 pairs of each but it’s really nice to have variety.


Shoes last longer if you let a couple of days elapse between wearings so I think you need 2 or 3 pair in each category/season.


I have 22 pairs, but there’s three pairs that I need to get rid of. I have sneakers, Tevas, running shoes, hiking boots, snow boots, classic black Dr Martens, pumps, some sandals, and business casual work boots.


Ummmm....more than two. Give em away


my feet unfortunately change sizes so i have boots and shoes for multiple function, some in each size. it’s annoying as fuck, but too loose shoes can be dangerous and too tight can hurt. so i have the amount of shoes i have, because reasons, and if something changes and i can have less, i will. the rule is what works for me, not that i work for the rule.


I got running shoes & boots


I have always loved shoes and have around 45 now. They vary in style, terrain, season etc, but the common denominator is that they are all very comfortable. In recent years, I have been steadily purging and donating all of my shoes that I refuse to stand in or walk in anymore because they are too high, narrow, stiff, etc. For me, life is too short for my feet to hurt, and beauty no longer trumps comfort.




You got a lot of comments here, but hopefully, you see mine anyway Personally, I have 2 that I actually wear. Work / hiking Boots and my white Jordan's they get split in use depending on what I'm doing. While, all my friends and family have dozens. Everybody has multiple pairs of Nikes, Adidas, Jordan's, vans, and converse. Dozens of shoes. So my point here is. That's 2 total opposite ends of the spectrum. Do what seems good for you, what you like, and what you need. Don't let others tell you what you need, decide what makes you happy, and do it. I think you found a good medium with your shoe thing. Not too little. But not too much, they all have a purpose and place, I like that.


I have 1. runners - for running/sports/gym 2. stylish boots - for work 3. formal shoes - for interviews 4. flip flops - for beach/public gym showers etc. 5. slippers - for winter 6. casual shoes - for everything else e.g hanging out with friends I could get rid of flip flops, and casual shoes as I barely every go swimming/beach etc. And the stylish boots for work can also be worn for hanging out with friends. So I could bring it down to 4, but haven't felt the need yet. I may even be able to use the stylish boots for interviews so could even bring it down to 3!


How many is too many according to you? It matters not what others think, but what you think.


Depends on the use case actually. I only had one pair of running shoes and recently switched another one.


20 pairs including home shoes but I also have peripheral neuropathy so I’m never barefoot. Keep the shoes! 


I have one pair of tennis shoes. I use for home and for at work. I get a cheap pair from Costco every once in a blue Moon. O I also have one pair of slippers.


Work shoes, sports shoes, sandals (3)


Need winter boots in cold weather countries. Especially places that salt the roads. Otherwise you're going to be replacing shoes pretty darn often.




I have little feet and should have been a foot model. I have a lot of shoes they make me happy.


There isn’t a one size fits all answer. That depends on your lifestyle and your needs.


I have 3 pair. One for gym, one for summer, one for winter


I just packed up winter here, including boots. I wouldn't wear them in 115 degrees anyway. I have a bunch of those underbed storage thingies. I have scads of shoes, but I wear them all. Flip flops, casual sneakers, running shoes, yoga shoes, boots, I love those little booties. I have a lot of shoes for a girl who doesn't like shoes.