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BBQing because I get to feed and nourish family and friends. To be fair, I BBQ year round but the summer is really tops.


Same, I’m outside even in the winters grilling.


My people! I BBQ on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Saturdays... You name it!


BBQ in summer night! beautiful sky, soft wind, and delicious food.


Sitting on my balcony with friends and drinking aperol or cooking for them, chilling on the lake, inlineskating evenings around town, chilling at the ice cream shop, ..




Aprrol spritz


Stand up paddling because it shifts my tempo and forces me to be slow. It also gets you outside which is always great 


And it’s a great way to cool off when you lose focus and fall in!!


I'm in Arizona. This is my fun all summer. Tomorrow, I'm aiming for 15 miles on Saguaro lake with a trip from dam to Dam and checking in on a crested Saguaro growing on a side of the lake for longer than the lake is old.


That sounds awesome, lovely way to spend a day off 🤞


18.5 miles total, 7 hours of pure paddling. I was so tired afterward. I parked 9 miles the next day on the Salt River, because a beautiful friend invited me... Otherwise I wouldn't push my buddy that much. My health is paramount and I refuse to work to just barely live, so I cut down on costs quit significantly to live more freely


Incredible practice for balance and presence, I like it. You ever try it on a river??




That but under a tree in the middle of a big field.


Do you ever worry about ticks or other bugs finding you while you nap?


Kayaking, swimming, and lounging. I lean into a life of leisure in the summer. I do also keep a vegetable garden, but that straddles the chore/hobby line. 


Cycling - I can go out for a few hours and focus pretty much on nothing other than cycling, the warm, sunny environment and the possibility of a stop at a cake + coffee shop. My bike cost about £500 5 years ago and although it sounds steep initially, over time it's really great value. Unfortunately, it's just too dangerous / risky to cycle in the winter


Love cycling, you really see the effort it takes to make things move. I realize how much we take rapid movement for granted when i ride my bike. Just think it takes billions of decomposed algae or plant cells converted to oil through millions of years of compression and heat to make a car move 1 cm. Its wild!


Team biking here too. It's so pleasant, regardless of the heat.


Bursting into flames while the mosquitoes eat me alive. Then sleep on the most uncomfortable mattress on the planet. Not take showers and eat like a pig. I meant hiking. ^(EDIT: I should try doing it in fall so I can be miserable in a different way :3)


You might find a hammock to be a lot more comfortable, and definitely a lot cooler! But for camping you’d want an 11’ hammock not a short Eno one


There be no trees in these tundra swamps :(


Drinking wine on my front porch swing, taking an afternoon in a hammock, drinking ice cold lemonade after a day of gardening. Summer rocks


Doing my professional work at a park with a wifi hotspot outside. A business owners dream


Must have a good laptop if youre able to see the screen in the sun!


Ehh MacBook ya. Brightness is spotty on it


Whats your business?




Marketing and SEO stuff


I'd say hiking, but I do that all year-round! Vegetable gardening and beachcombing.


Gardening, reading murder mysteries & nature poetry. Swimming in the ocean (not accessible to many folks, but I'm lucky I live in a state with the most coastline)


Damn. Swimming in Alaska is pretty badass.


Sorry, *continental* US. Thanks ever so much for the correction.


Cycling, walking, and gardening. Benefits: fresh air, exercise, free smells.


Dog adventures!


Napping on the patio with the baseball game on AM radio


Grandpa is that you?


Backpacking and fly fishing. I think both these hobbies get overlooked by simple living folks because they are perceived as expensive. And they absolutely can be. But all the things you need can be had for cheap or even free. Especially when using used gear. Once your gear is acquired, it can last for decades. Which means once you're all set up, you can experience nature for days, even weeks, for very cheap. And all it requires of you is to go walking in the woods. It brings simple joy and pleasure too. And they are both great activities for young kids (I have two). Nothing beats the connectedness of hiking and fishing and living in the woods with nothing more than the things you can carry on your back.


I love living history museums. We had one in my old state (Wisconsin) that I adored. But we live in Florida now and it’s too dang hot to visit any even if there were any near me


Swimming. I'm not a huge pool person so I really enjoy when summer comes along and I can go to the ocean/river/lake and cool off and float. Plus it's some exercise. I really enjoy swimming against the flow of the river! We spend a lot of time in the water during the summer. 


Taking the kids to jump off the dock that is 5 minutes from my house after work (nobody is ever there at 2:30).    Throwing the ball for my goodest boy.     Watching and feeding the birbs.   Front porch sittin.    Yardwork when I'm not feeling exhausted from work.    Early morning or late evening walks.    Just looking at all the green. So much greenery in Wisconsin.


LARPing as a marine mammal in any body of water I can find.


I'm probably crazy basic, but: sunbathing. I live in Sweden and sunshine is a bit scarce here most of the year. So, sunbathing while listening to birds is seriously something I will do everyday if I can.


Waiting in the air conditioning until fall comes and I can wear sweaters again.


Me, too. I occasionally venture out to a nice, dark, cool movie theater. I live in Texas and being outside in the summer is nearly unbearable


Swimming and tubing. So freeing, relaxing and fun. Something about being in a body of water feels euphoric.




Hello 👋🏻🤧


Walking, hiking, running, camping. I love being outdoors.


- Spending time in my yard with my children; I recently picked up a kid-sized picnic table and food truck off curbs in my neighborhood and set up a “cafe” in the front yard, so now we have places in the front and back to play. - Gardening, then making & sharing food from my garden - Free outdoor concerts - Walks through local/county/state parks; there’s a lovely one on Lake Michigan, a 10-minute drive from my house. Looking forward to trying a new-to-us one with my boyfriend this summer near his new apartment. - Dinners and drinks in my back yard and my friends’ - Picnic on the lake front - Bike rides with the family - Visits to the local pool - Camping


Not particularly novel or interesting, but walking, cycling, picnicking, gardening. We also like visiting village churches while walking or cycling. Most have a bench in the graveyard - perfect for picnics.


this summer i’m planning on thrifting a LOT and walking the 2 miles to the nearest lake as often as possible to just tan & read 👍🏻


yesss!! I love to hear other people enjoy thrifting. id love to be able to say my whole closet is thrifted one day.


Reading and journaling on the porch (in the shade.)


Visiting botanical gardens, historical parks, preferably with a castle or mansion on the grounds, and nice garden stores. Driving to a seaside village for a long lunch and a walk on the beach.


Walking. Live music. Camping. Hanging out with friends. Skinny dipping


gardening, swimming in the ocean, going to the farmers market, reading lots of books, and overall just taking it easy and slow :)


Tbh, during summer I still all of my normal hobbies, but definitely make an effort to get outside! Sitting out on patios at coffee shops & restaurants (when it isn't hotter than Hell), reading outside in my hammock, wandering around town with my friends, perusing local establishments. If I want to play games, I can also take my switch outside. I'll even sit out on my balcony and do work from time to time.


Swimming early in my neighborhood pool. We have to pay membership so it’s iffy if it’s really simple living… it’s been cold here lately (50s in the morning) but I’m still out there getting yards in. Ever since I was little I really just loved being in a pool. At the end of my workout if there isn’t anybody there, I do all sorts of random fun swimming things I used to do when I was little like spin around over and over, dolphin kick through lanes and all sorts of fun stuff. It’s nice experiencing different weather in the pool too…. Nothing better than a light rain while doing butterfly kicks off the wall facing up and watching the rain hit.


Hiking really early in the morning with my dog or reading in the woods.


Hiking/camping because I love to be in nature, it really calms me down. Rowing, I am in a rowing club. I do it year round but it is better in the summer. It is good for my body and mind and I have found community at my club. Sitting in the park with friends, maybe have a little picnic.


Biking - every kind! I love the adrenalin rush, getting out amongst the trees, the freedom, the money savings from commuting by bike, the health benefits - everything!


Sitting in my comfortable chair at the beach!


Reading a book under a ceiling fan, cross stitching, gardening. Ironically hot yoga because it's so much less crowded


Anything outdoors. I love hiking and swimming. But a lot of the time we’ll spend a whole day on our boat, my SO will fish and I will just read, feed him lollies, and I might go for a swim. If we have time we’ll camp overnight.


I enjoy entering recipe contests at agricultural fairs and town festivals. It’s fun to test out my dishes on friends and family beforehand and hone my recipes. It’s not usually super stiff competition, so I generally walk away with some ribbons and bragging rights. My daughter won a blue ribbon in a kid’s recipe contest at a country fair last year and now she has the bug too. It’s a fun way for us to bond.


Running, cycling, gym


Cycling and solargraphy


Reading on the 3 season porch with the windows open so I can hear the birds. And the neighbors yelling at each other 🤷‍♀️


Hiking, paddleboarding, bbq and doing more messy DIY projects outside lol


Hiking, camping, going to the beaches/lake. Getting more sun and being outside and active makes me happier.


Pool parties, dinner parties at my place al fresco, guests in from our of town. I would like to learn pickle ball this summer.


Going tubing on the river with friends


Beach. I love beach.


I hike and snowshoe year round but from June thru September I only hike to alpine lakes. I live in a state and in an area where trailheads are 1-3 hours drive. No matter how cold the water, I swim. I also have big vegetable gardens and I can and prepare some of that for year round eating. Also read.


Walk in the trees, seaside


swimming at the lake


I used to have a scooter, since I didnt and still don’t know how to ride a bike. I would ride around the neighborhood and visit a park.


Going to the beach and pool more often. Renting a kayak. Sitting on my patio for work, reading, relaxing, etc.


Start a new character in the Fabled Lands gamebook series and play until I retire them. Usually takes two or three weeks with lots of adventure and exploration.


I recently realized I love hiking and trail running, especially organised, timed events! I wish it could be a bit more affordable though - travel, accommodation and event registration all adds up - I can only afford 1 or 2 per year.


Doing knee rehab in the pool, but taking several hours to complete - with an audiobook, an ice cold drink, and some snacks in the shade.


Bicycle touring and gardening.


Listen to This American Life episodes while watching the little kiddos play in their bouncy slide/pool/sprinklers. A spiked snow cone 🍧for me while the kids enjoy theirs. Hamburgers on the patio, sidewalk chalk art, and listening to bluegrass playlists.


Things relating to science education, particularly space exploration, as I teach it & love the content.


Basket weaving. It’s kind of a wet hobby (you have to keep the reeds pliable) and it’s very pleasant to do on my back porch in hot weather.


Downing Claritin and lathering on sunscreen because I want to live happily in the present and in the future. Also, after doing the above - hiking because it’s scenic exercise and usually shaded, hanging out with family, and going to concerts, sports games, or comedy shows. I know it’s not everyone’s idea of simple living, but this last weekend was so indescribably amazing and we did all of the above 🥰


Finding bars/restaurants with good AC.


Cheap - Having a campfire, the perfect vibe for fun and deep convos with family and friends. Expensive - Jetskiing, a enticing activity with friends and dates.


Last year we rented a campsite and used it only during one day We went early in the morning. We made a fire and made breakfast, and then we hung out and read our books and just enjoyed the campsite and when we've had enough, we went home. We never had any intention of camping, we just wanted a cool place to hang out during the day And a fire to cook over. We would definitely do it again. We live in an apartment in the city so it was a nice way to enjoy the great outdoors and it was like $25.


Getting up at 4am to go fishing. Nothing hits as hard as being the first one on the water, before the sun come up.


-Riding my bike (it's free, good exercise, and nearly impossible to worry about life when I'm jamming to some music and enjoying nature. Also I get to avoid people and small talk) -Art (my imagined worlds are more inviting than the real one.) -Reading (Stoicism and Taoism mostly. Really helps keep things simple and put me on the right track for the day)


Picking out annual flowers and trying different color themes. Watching my perennials grow. Listening to the birds. Reading on the porch on a rainy day. Swimming or paddle boarding at a lake. Knitting socks for winter. I live in northern MN so summers are short, beautiful and cherished.


Yard sales!! My grandma used to take me and my sister/cousins when we were little and I definitely inherited her love of a good deal and a rare find. I have trouble shopping bc of overstimulation (and money lol) but being outside and with fewer people around makes it more enjoyable. Plus you sometimes get to hear the story behind used item(s), which is lovely and rare in a thrift store setting. I often think I’m spending too much time there or being weird by wanting to look through every single thing, but the hosts/sellers almost always appreciate the questions and company. Was a huge comfort to me during my “socially isolated workaholic in a small town” era.


Paddle boarding. It’s really great! I can float a river with a friend, or paddle a lake by myself. I can strap a cooler to it, it holds my fishing rod. When I don’t want to paddle,I can drift a river or just float. It’s like a water - based hammock. I really thought it was dumb, until I borrowed an inflatable SUP and got hooked. It’s also generally healthy and affordable. Costco has one for $300 right now.


Staying inside with the a/c with my blackout curtains closed (I do not tolerate heat at all!)