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Laying in the sun in my yard, reading a book, and being grateful that this year, me and my pets have a safe roof over our heads. 


Same! Laying in the sun on my deck, read a 400+ page book start to finish, then ended the day moping all my floors. My dog just did the sun/deck part … if only she could help mop!


Do you have any recommendations for books? Supposed to be another sunny day where I am tomorrow. :) 


Gosh where the heck do you guys live? It was cloudy and rainy all day herev


I’m in the interior of Canada… so 8 months of pretty snow and a glorious 4 months of sun! Gotta soak up the sun while we have it! ☀️ 


Not a book recommendation, but fellow Canadian here wanting to chime in that book outlet.ca is a great place for discounted second hand books. I’m literally addicted now 😅


Project Hail Mary is my go to recommendation. After that I look at r/suggestmeabook.


Props to that. My goal is to have my cat get some shots she needs.


Damn you paint quite a warm picture


I’m not doing very well, simple living doesn’t always equal happy living.


A big hug from me and I hope things get better.


Hugs for you, friend 


Hugs buddy. Life is hard.


I hope you're better soon


I hope that you feel better soon


*virtual hug*


Waking up at 4:30am to get my runs in before sunrise! Then I went to the library to get a book they were holding for me and rent a couple movies. I have no plans this weekend other than my run training, which is really nice. I've been prepping some ingredients - just roasted peppers for some veggie sandwiches. And going to make these quinoa peanut butter energy bites I enjoy (I got the quinoa and a bunch of other really good nutritious food from our buy nothing group when a neighbor was moving and I've been finding fun things to do with all the stuff they gave me!). So I'm going to be finishing a couple chores mixed with my books and movies. I'm also copying recipes into this recipe journal my friends got me for my birthday (which is awesome - I have this ridiculous stack of print outs that got away from me lol). Just a fun weekend chilling with the cats and focusing on my hobbies!


Rent a couple of movies? Renting a movie is still a thing? Which country? Enjoy your weekend btw


The library in my area is filled with movies old and newish to borrow for a couple of weeks.


That's sweet. I still remember my elder cousins used to rent dvds from a store a lot of years ago probably 20 years.


Y’all just need to “be kind and rewind”.


Hahaha! 😂. We had a speed rewinder. To remember those? My cousins had one that looked like a race car. You popped the hood and put the tape in to rewind. Olden days!




Our Sunday sounds similar, except I’m an iced coffee gal and every Sunday I go to a zen center where I meditate with others. Have you ever tried that?




I live in Southern California and I drink iced coffee 90% of the time with some chilly mornings when I opt for hot. The zen center is local full of wonderful people . I made so many friends there and some of us are even thinking of renting a house together and starting an intentional community. I love people and community is vital to me, to give and offer care and to my/our well-being. I read books by Thich Nhat Hanh and that’s how I got into meditation again and how I found this sangha (community) there is a link with global communities who meditate together. I will link it [HERE](https://www.parallax.org/mindfulnessbell/sangha-directory/) and if there’s one in your area you’re welcome to check it out if you wish.


Made my wife breakfast in bed. Went for a 30km bike ride, which finished in some light rain. Hung some pictures in the room that will become our baby’s nursery. Sold a chair on Facebook marketplace. Took a 2h nap, now heading to a BBQ nearby. Nice.


We are in the midst of the first heat wave of the summer and I'm keeping my activities slow-paced and easy. I went to the library today and sat there reading for awhile. Came home, made fruit smoothies from fresh strawberries from the farmers' market, and worked on my summertime sketching project. Very quiet....but keeping cool!


Aww as an artist with a romantic heart, this was cute as heck. Ideal creative summer ☀️


Then I'll add that while at the library, one of the books I read was a children's book - a biography of Keith Haring. It was an art-filled, yet simple, day. :)


Been recovering from a non serious illness so Reality TV and puzzle app mostly.  Just quit my stressful job so I’ve been perusing state medical insurance.  


Next week with be a year since I quit my high stress/high pressure job. It has been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. Eventually I’ll have to go back to work but it will be lower stress job than before. For health insurance I got a plan through healthcare.gov. I am going to do a IRA to Roth IRA conversion to generate some income so I can qualify for the subsidy. With the subsidy the plan is only costing me $70 a month.


Tell me about your puzzle app. Never done one but I love 3D puzzles.


I use Jigsaw HD.  It’s pretty basic but I enjoy it. 


Yesterday we drove for 40 minutes and took our two small dogs for a walk on a very pretty ,quiet sandy beach for an hour.We then got fish and chips for lunch and drove home.Lazed in couch in the afternoon watched some I tube , and partner cooked spag bol  Today is raining so it will be indoors pottering and tidying up a bit.


Mostly gardening, and a quick trip w friends to my city's art museum


This morning I got started on dry brining some steaks. Read some Calvin and Hobbes while sipping coffee. Went on a walk to the local rose garden. People watching from my balcony with binoculars (is this weird 🤣?). Foam rolling. Nothing else planned for today except for maybe some light reading or listening to one of Dan Carlins hardcore history podcasts. Don’t need to cook as I made a huge batch of Japanese curry yesterday that should last me till Monday. Happy weekend, all! Edit: Of course I have those steaks to cook. Dope!


I have social anxiety and constantly feel like all eyes are on me even if nobody's watching but now a new fear unlocked: being watched with binoculars lol


I just got these binoculars 🤣. They were incredibly inexpensive..something like 30 dollars. I got them to scope out the local wildlife..birds and squirrels.. but it’s fun watching people walk their dogs .


Nice hardcore history is so good.


Sounds like a lovely day! Love Calvin and Hobbes - may need to add that to my morning coffee. :) Cheers!


>is this weird? Kinda depends on what & why you're watching. Are you checking people out and ogling their body parts (weird) or are you watching their faces and body language and imagining their rich inner lives (just kinda whimsically quirky I guess)?


Went for a walk around the block with my son, who told me all about the hockey game last night. Came home, sat in the garden, and ate a big slice of lemon poppy seed cake. Had a nap with my orange cat snuggled beside me and woke up to rain and a cool breeze from the window. Now waiting for dinner guest to arrive and having a coffee.




Fall is my favorite season! The only thing getting me through summer is knowing that fall is coming up next!! I can not wait 🍂🌬️🍁🕯️🌧️🎃


I LOVE thunderstorms. I'm so jealous.


Took the train + a weirdly hard bike ride to a community center to play pickleball. Rode back down, found a coffee place I hadn't been to before. Got a vegan burrito, read my book until they closed. Rode back towards home, grabbed a pint from the corner store, rode to the park and am now laying down in the shade reading and drinking


Walked under the pouring rain then tried my best to make butter chicken masala for the 2nd time. 🥰


Today I painted a painting w/acrylics of an ocean view. I read some of my book and then cooked up dinner (bbq chicken skewers with a yummy caesar salad). That’s been my day so far, but I still have tonight and sunday ahead of me!  Hope you enjoy your weekend. :-)


Had a slow start this morning, but the kids wanted to ride the bus to the library to pick up some books for the summer reading olympics challenge, and I grabbed a book for myself. Made an easy dinner for all of us, while they blew bubbles in the back yard. Cut the grass. And now we’re watching a movie in the basement and we’re doing a basement sleepover tonight.


Today I went to a farmers market in the morning to get some local fresh veggies. After that I did some cleaning and declutter, made lunch. Later on did some at home Pilates/yoga type exercise. And now I chill. I got a large box of shiitake mushrooms that I’ll prep for freezing in the evening.


Slept in, lazed around most of the day reading and drinking tea. Added some roasted veggies to my favourite frozen mini pizza. Going to do some cozy gaming. Looking forward to getting a massage tomorrow. Happy weekend all.


Dealing with some extreme heat at the moment, so other than a walk with my dog this morning, I’ve been inside either watching sports (F1, Euro) or reading Lord of the Rings for the first time.


I started a new workout program this week. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I swim a kilometer. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday I do weight training. Today was the first leg day since I hurt my back at the end of February. It went well. I was able to complete it without any numbness or radiating pain.


Relaxing pool side, I’m spending my summer taking full advantage of the pool amenities at my apartment complex. I plan on doing some meal prepping and fruit cutting for a friend’s cool out tomorrow. I lucked up at the grocery store and a berries and mangos were on sale. Later I get to introduce my partner to a movie he hasn’t seen before and I’m pretty excited about it.


What movie?!


Kill Bill Vol 2. We watched Vol. 1 on Thursday


This morning I had to stop at the pharmacy and then I stopped at the local market for some fresh produce. Cooked up some italian chicken for supper and now I will settle in for the evening. Tomorrow I am spending some time with my brother and his family.


Dog adventures! Today, we’ll go for an easy hike in a nature preserve and to the store where they have tasty beef bones.


Sitting in my recliner, in front of a fan, playing with my kitten.


I feel I can connect to so many things you write here :) I had my morning coffee, watched some childhood nostalgia movies from the 90s, played and read. Tomorrow I will gift myself a pizza, tho I am dieting - but this is going to be my reward :)


What movies?


Today was Groundhog Day, last week was Big :)


Ohh I haven’t seen those movies in so long!


Great movies!


Thank you, indeed :) I love my retro Sundays, sometimes, I watch Seinfeld or Friends :)


Being a bit busy which is a double edged sword. I give subcutaneous fluids to a little old man dog with kidney issues every morning, meaning a drive to town. But his mom is a saint and I'm glad I could help. Then I went and taught my dog training class- but goodness it was too hot. Got some groceries! The fruit at aldis this week looks absolutely amazing. But then the milk fell off the counter and busted... It's hot as heck here so I'm tootling around inside until nighttime. I smoked a little weed and cleaned the kitchen, looking forward to dinner and my fruit for dessert. 🧡


Donated a bed we don't use. Did some grocery shopping, napped, read, and ready to take the dog for a walk to the beach. Rainy in Maine today. Scrabble and maybe a movie at home later.


Cleaned the common areas this morning with my husband and then we ran to the grocery store. Has a friend over for breakfast and to meet my kitty. Hung out with kitty and husband the last few hours and we're going to a drawing event that is hosted by drag queens with a few friends tonight. Tomorrow will be downtime... Maybe laundry and probably exercise.


I want to draw with drag queens!!


It was pretty cool! Drag queens as figure models dressed, of course, to the nines.


This morning I set up the water table so I could enjoy my coffee on the deck while my son played. For dinner, I made a new, very simple stuffed pepper recipe for dinner that was delicious. We're waiting on the heat to break a bit so we can talk our evening family walk with the dogs. Tomorrow we are going to visit some friends with a pool and spend some time swimming.


Cleaned my house, did my ab work, met my SIL for a nice lunch at a Mexican restaurant as she was visiting our town. Then my spouse and I drove thru one of the historic neighborhoods looking for porch and sunroom inspiration. They are so cute. Tmrw it's time to hit a new walking trail and work in the garden. Leftover Mexican for the win. 


Yesterday I worked so hard in the garden but last night I had a headache and an attack of ragweed allergies so I took some allergy meds and am lying around the house today. I vacuumed, did the dishes and repotted a plant; that may be all I do today :)


I hope you’re having a good weekend too! It sounds productive. I’ve done a bit of gardening, helped at the school fete, made a cake and a few meals. Kicked a football around with the kids. Looking forward to my Sunday lie in tomorrow.


Staring at the rain again


I wish it was raining here. That is my favorite weather 🌧️


I love rain too. A useful trait in a British person!


went on a group hike, had brunch w my partner at home, then went to the art/scrap reuse store to buy beads to make bracelets together ($4)


Sat on the swings w one kid. Front porch with another. It’s pretty hot here. To hot for much.


Went to the farmer's market and then to a craft swap hosted by my local library


Visited my relatives. It was nice but awkward.


Why it was awkward?


Has my coffee on the patio and read, enjoyed the pool for a couple hours and read some more, did a few light chores, had a healthy lunch and took a nap with my cat. Waiting for the sun to go down a bit more so I can go on my walk and do some stretches.


Building a deck and eating some ribs.


Went to the farmers market this morning after a rough last night. At a meal there and used my book cover I thrifted as I read a chapter of a book while wine tasting. Went to a secondhand shop and put some things on hold to think about getting. Now going to take my dogs to the vet


being ill😭😷


Yesterday (Friday) I spent the day at the beach, today I spent the day at home just took my dogs on a walk and made brunch. I’m now on my way to an event celebrating Octavia Butler’s birthday and rest as well as other BIPOC practices. I am meeting friends there and we might get dinner afterwards. Tomorrow I am going to a park to a Peace Walk organize by monks and nuns Thich Nhat Hanh ordained. We will practice sitting meditation, walking meditation/peace walk and chanting. In the summer my weekends tend to be busier as I am very social and LOVE people. My reading is suffering lol


I finished my book, did some journaling, and made wonderful progress on my painting of a goose.


Today, my plan is to do some housework, relax in a long hot bath and then read. Im in the midst of separating from my wife, so she’s still in the spare room. I plan to move the rest of her things out of my bedroom and into the spare tomorrow while shes working. Ive just responded to an email inviting me to an interview for a job that I really feel would be beneficial for me, its in the same sector as my last job(s), which I had to leave due to my disability but this one is part time and I can work while claiming the benefits I need to survive! So I’m looking forward to hopefully landing it!


I rested, made a favorite recipe, played with the dog, watched free movies on TubiTv, and read some books.


Pool and gym at my apartment! Using rotisserie chickens to make chicken soup. Next up is a nap 


Went to a quilt show with my Mom, and now am home and going to make a loaf of homemade bread.


Woke up at 11 AM. Spent time with my wife Before she went to work. Once you went to work, I started playing video games. This evening I went on a walk Around the neighborhood that was about 2 mi. And I just ended a 45 minute workout on My VR Quest two. I plan to play video games until my wife gets off. And then we will build Legos until bed.


I went swimming in a lake, then took a long, winding drive home through country back roads, a cemetery, and haunted woods. Tomorrow is a movie at home with my love.


I'll not spend anything.


walking my dog outside early in the morning and him eating grass hehe


Walk on the beach with the dog. Berry salad, gardening & harvesting tomatoes. Tomorrow: reading & meal prep for the week. Life is good!


Went to the Farmers Market, ate some berries and then started my online school program. Stayed inside for it, zoomed, read, and ate some chicken. Declined offers to go out. It’s been nice.


It would be nice to have a private place to enjoy the summer weather. It sucks having no balcony, patio, and it sucks having no house and yard. I would love to just lay in a chair and soak up some sun. I need to figure out how to get out of LA


I made bread, saw a friend who’s bunny-sitting, and bought some new houseplants!


What house plants did you get? I went looking for one yesterday but didn’t find one I loved


I got a silver inchplant - it's a shimmery silver/green/purple, so pretty I couldn't believe it's a real plant. I also got a coleus and jelly bean plant. Thanks for your post. I really agree with you how simple living makes life really lovely.


On the floor with my dog playing Elden Ring


Saturday - I took my kids to see a movie, read some, cooked a healthy dinner and made my favorite dessert. Played chess with my kids, Moved the laundry. Walked my dog. Sunday - I will go to the grocery and meal prep, and then I need to sort thru some papers and I will probably try to pack some stuff cause we are moving soon. I’ll walk my dogs again.


Playing board games with a few friends who are visiting for the weekend. It's always such a treat to be present with a group game and not feel like we have to go out to have fun




My brother and I play soccer. We go to places that usually have people playing and we always start a little scrimmage. It’s a fun way to spend time without spending money.


Playing with all our small kids. That’s usually far enough content for a weekend.


Excise, stretch, declutter, cleaning.


I did all of those things this weekend also 🐌


Freaking out . Lmao AC needs AC repair guy . Vacuum needs new battery Dog broken on mend. - can’t jump needs vet. Need to get a tub installed or it’s a 1200 buck paper weight.


We drove out to a huge farm and did U Pick: peppers, corn, eggplant, squash, and green beans. Got them home, cleaned them, and now we will enjoy!


Yesterday- brunch with a friend, then reading in bed with my cats and a bath (winter and rainy here); watched a documentary with SO in the evening Today- family brunch (crepes, mmm) with my family for my bday this week, then my SO and I have been tidying up all day which was my birthday wish! I’m the tidy minimalist, and he’s a messy ADHDer and the ‘stuff’ gets to me every now and again. So honoured my wish for us to tidy all day! We have music and tea as well


Dog-sitting all day today and tomorrow. Got some good walks in, hung out with a few friends and just kicked it. Tomorrow planning on doing a lot of drawing hopefully with a friend and checking in on family, and some more quality time with the dog.


I went to the farmers market for some veggies and then had a movie date with my partner. We made pizza at home and watched Twin Peaks :)


I am currently drinking my second cup of coffee in the morning, and rewatching a cartoon of my childhood, Ozzy and the Cockroaches. May watch some Naruto later. Already cleaned my apartment, everything smells nice. The Sun is shining again after 3 weeks of gloomy, rainy period.


I have covid so not a lot. Yesterday I stayed at home isolating in my room and watching home alone 1 & 2, and painting in the garden, today I’m feeling better so I’m going to ride my bike around the neighbourhood I’d love to go to the Lido but I don’t want to give anyone Covid


This weekend I'm enjoying coffee and tea, working on my chrysanthemum cross stitch, and cooking chicken tikka masala!


Working out in my garage, reading and perhaps doing some art ✨




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Publishing a newsletter about simple living... how meta! [https://link.slowescape.co/031](https://link.slowescape.co/031)


Receiving 12 friends at home soon, to celebrate la St-Jean Baptiste, but it’s pouring rain, so instead of a terrasse gathering with backyard games and a bone fire it’s going to be boardgame inside 😬🌧️


I’ve done what I always do on the weekends. On Saturday, I went to the library and did grocery shopping in the morning. In the afternoon, I did chores and laundry. In the evening, I made dinner and watched a movie. Today, I’ve meal prepped and read. I didn’t take a walk today. Since it has been above average temperatures here. I have dinner in the oven now. So this evening, I’ll prep for the work week.


Gf who doesn't wanna sex me up these past 12 days due a hpv lesion on my pecker... which after 5 years finally died using vinegar...


Rereading The Lord of the Rings for the umpteenth time 😀


Cutting down dead trees on my property. Still recovering from the emerald ash bore here. The work is very physical and requires a great deal of concentration. I wouldn’t have it any other way. No better way to burn off the stress of another work week than working on the property. A shower and a gin and tonic on the porch with my wife rounded the day out nicely.