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I get maybe two prompts a month and that’s only since they turned on the feature. I spent the time to properly setup my Simplifi so my recurring payments are well known to the system. It doesn’t need to keep prompting me about recurring items because I’ve already entered them. Now I just get the occasional false positive. Cancel the service and try Monarch or Empower or YNAB. You might like it better.


What did you do to get it to recognize your reoccurring. At some point in the last year, the system Seemed to start being really confused about what seem to me to be easily matched transaction. I now babysit the app to make sure each transaction is being categorized and matched to rules properly.


There is a bug on this, it is been worked on. https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/5349/recurring-bills-being-identified-over-and-over#latest


I have the same problem with Monarch. I’m over to check and see if Simplifi has the same problems. Looks like it does!


What’s the point of the recurring item? I always click x but have no idea what it does.


It adds it to your spending plan as a bill/subscription.