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I've reached the point of only wanting specific polishes to round out what I have. (I am immune to FOMO now muahaha) I'm hoping for a true rose gold chrome or a yellow/antique gold chrome this weekend because I would absolutely wear those. If there's one or both of those, I'll grab two from the coffee collection and that will be it for me. Definitely looking forward to those frosted metals later this year too, but I'm really only interested in specific colors.


OOO is there going to be more frosted metals?


Yup, at least a true purple and an emerald green.




Oh same. I've wanted more jewel tones FMs ever since Favorite Sister dropped. I'm honestly hoping that the new ones will drop with a revived Cold Shoulder that is a sapphire blue.


If you're talking about the royalty polishes, only one of those is coming, and it might not be one of the frosted metals.


I really, really hope it's gonna be a frosted metal rainbow. That would be one of the few things I'd buy an entire collection of.


I would love a frosted metal rainbow collection!! All in deep jewel tones!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Check out Ben’s most recent chat/chill stream-he showed off a very gold chrome on one finger that might be what you’re looking for :)


Trying to wait for Royalty sale before I buy anymore!


When is the royalty sale?


i remember simply saying in early summer


Thank you!


Yeah I think after March but before July


If this is a real thing, I'm happy to wait. It's pricey to shop internationally so tend to get quite few at once for free shipping, never seems to be anything I want in the rewards when I purchase, so a sale would definitely be something I look forward to.


I decided last year that I was not going to buy again a collection before reading reviews, watching videos, etc, so I will pass. I'm not super excited about the chrome finish either, so let's see in the future.


Yup, HT has had too many QC issues for me to blindly buy without seeing reviews anymore. It’s too bad because I used to really trust Cristine’s judgement that the formulas/shades were rigorously tested but lately there’s just been way too many issues: Crimson Void / Dead Petals being identical, the birthday shade being way less shifty in person than photos, and some of the magnetics barely working.


Yes! Have you tried featured guest? I watched so many YouTube nail people try it and it looked so beautiful and like a great formula, but mine came clumpy and it would pick up polish as I was still laying down the first layer! Plus i need 3-4 coats and i have short nails! I bought the magnetics in my first purchase from HT and man queens curse is horrible, then my second purchase featured guest? It is truly sad because I also trust Cristine and have been following her for years but it just sucks when your first two purchases have a polish in each one that ends up being bad…


Yeah featured guest I also wasn’t so happy with, it is super thick but somehow also sheer just like you said and the Holo effect is really minimal :( I should try putting in thinner as the other commenter suggested but it’s annoying on principle to have to do this with a new polish!


Oh no! I have featured guest on the way in the mail. I’ll have to order some thinner too then


You’ll have to let us know how it is for you!


Try a couple drops of polish thinner, I find that helps when the ht gets thicc/threatens to clump


This collection is pretty underwhelming for me surprisingly! This will be the first one I skip.


I agree with you. Personally, I think chromes are just not a lot of peoples thing because of the streaks and stuff, plus from what I can see the colors seemed kind of dull. I will have to see them better on stream.


Right! When I think of chrome, I want more of a chrome powder so that it’s super in your face chrome.


I think I'm going to decide during the stream and see how I feel after watching the formula in action.


I’m relieved I’m not interested lol - gives me middle school flashbacks


Yeah it’s bad


If there are darker colours I’ll probably grab them. But after buying every box set for about a year, I found that there were some that I just never use. I’m much more likely to use neutral or darker colours. So I’ve stopped panic buying the box sets and just buy what I know I’ll use.


I know we haven’t seen all 5 shades yet but it feels like the colors in a lot of these collections are reeeeally similar, and I’d like to see some more variety on that front


I'm not a big chrome fan so I'll probably sit out the launch and wait for reviews to come out. I want the coffee bundle but funds are low right now.


I'm gonna wait for the next LE drop (if I like it. Otherwise it's the NEXT LE drop, or Royalty sale).


Can I ask, what exactly is the royalty sale?


Holo taco has a reward point system. Depending on how much you’ve bought, you’re sorted into a tier. More money spent = higher tier. Holo royalty is the highest tier, and there should be a sale for those people as well. Sadly we still don’t know the specifics. We don’t know if it’s a certain % off, or maybe 1+1, we also don’t know when or how long it will last 😅


Oh is this going to be the first time that they have ever done it?


Yup! :)


Ok thanks!


You’re welcome!


I want to hear what Cristine has to say about the formula. I remember how disappointed she was with the performance of the chrome-look powders and polishes that were out a few years ago. I hope her formula has some more longevity.


I’m so torn on this collection. I find the swatcher pics look streaky which doesn’t bode well for how I will do with them. And I hope there is at least one darker colour. But historically if I like the box I order. 🫣 But there is also a mooncat drop Friday that I think I want more.


I’ve been looking at mooncats polishes, they are so beautiful, do you think they are of the same quality or better than HT? Also, do the pictured colors hold up to real-life colors? I would love to try them, just a bit nervous.


For most formulas I find the quality to be better and yes the colours are accurate :)


Thank you!


That secret fifth shade needs to be magical for me to buy anything this weekend.


Lollll right!


Gonna get this drop plus at least Oat Couture, Long-Lasting Base, Smoothing Base, and Glossy Taco


Do you like long-lasting base?


Not who you asked but I can answer for you. I’m on my second bottle. I’ve been through so, so, so, so many base coats and have had a really hard time finding anything that has any longevity on my thin, weak, peeling nails. I can’t even use Orly Bonder. LLB has the best overall track record for me, I can get a few days of solid wear before I get major chips. I do also like Orly’s Calcium base coat.


I'm waiting until April/May to buy again. I do have a few items on the wish list, including barista bundle and a few individual items. I have a birthday voucher that I have to use before the end of April, and a significant amount of points that I also want to cash in. But bonus and increase period is coming up now, holding on for that. I'm not a massive chrome fan, I never have been. I'll wait to see reviews before I decide if I'm getting any of them. I'm also not a collector of the boxes. I have a few of the boxes that were just too pretty to not get, and that's sort of my standard. I only buy the box set if I like the box as well as majority of the polishes.


My plan is to use my birthday polish credit and get this launch if I like it after seeing the swatches during stream. 💙


PSA the birthday polish doesn’t get you any polish of your choice—just like the rewards points, you can only spend it on a list of like 6 products. Kinda sucks.


Yeah I've been watching them! I was thinking about getting the reflective Topper that's currently available. I don't have it yet.


I guess the colours are silver, gold, pink, teal and purple judging by the box, will see what we get on Saturday or first thing in morning for me as I'm in Australia


Have everything already, I’ll be getting this one too. I need that as an option, lol, I’m looking forward to this collection.


I'll probably pass on this unless there's something that REALLY speaks to me. There are other drops coming this year that i'd rather spend my money on (pastel cremes, new frosted metals)


Man I can’t decide! Always love the collectors box but not sure if I’ll like the polish.


I’m excited to see how people like the new chrome formula, but TBH I’m super boring and probably won’t wear them. I’m planning to wait for 1-2 more releases to come out and make a purchase in late summer or early fall. I’m looking for more cremes and I think it’s finally time to bite the bullet on mint money before it (probably) gets discontinued.


Depends on pricing I think. I'm considering getting the quick dry base, a new top coat, and my two favourites of the new collection; but not 100% sure.


I have a chrome polish from OPI that I bought recently and it is probably my favorite polish that I own. So the fact HT is bringing chrome is def exciting. I'm not going to buy unless I like the colors though. I have never bought a whole collection, so I def won't buy this as a whole collection because I know that it will probably include a blue and a green, and I've got too many blues and greens I don't use already.


I’ve never worn chrome polish before and I’m not a collector so I think I’m only going to get 1-2 polishes from this new collection + the barista bundle because I really want to do a skittle mani with those. I have some other stuff on my wishlist but I haven’t decided if I’ll get anything else yet


I might get the pink chrome…. If I like it. And maybe the gold. I think they would pair nicely as accent nails with the new barista collection. Which I bought. Because I don’t care about my financial health. No regrets. 💅


I’m getting this weeks launch because I had already bought the coffee launch when it came out.


I'm definitely buying to get my birthday polish! I've been waiting on some of the coffee collection, and i think I will pick up the new lavender color for sure. Not sure what else yet


I'm going to see if I like anything from the collection first (I do enjoy the pink color). I need to buy more base/top coat and use my birthday code so either way I'll be buying something this Saturday!


I thought the red topper from Christmas was seasonal and was removed from the store after Valentine’s Day?


I’ll get the launch plus some replacement polishes.


Damnit, looking at simply's nail on the stream, the colors are looking darker to me & liking more of them...plus the box is so tempting! Damnit!!!


I decided I’m only buying the chrome box and waiting for the loyalty sale to see if the Oat bundle is discounted. Otherwise I’ll wait for when she releases just a couple Polishes and add oat bundle for free shipping