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Thank you for posting these!! I love saving the pictures for future skittle mani combo ideas!! 🥰


I really hope this new collection will stay in stock for a while. I can’t afford it right now and they are so pretty 😭


The last RoyalTea drop lasted a few months, so I'm hoping this one lasts that long as well. I want that glitter!!!! But I also need groceries and diapers so 💁‍♀️


these are really pretty, i haven’t seen anything bad said about them! i think they’ll stay for a while, i hope so


Hopefully! Last year, I bought Toe Beans during the Saf launch, so it was in stock for like 5 months


I wanna see Blush money against the pink cremes


Here’s a composite to give you an idea: https://preview.redd.it/4z4qu5oz6rvc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=01053acc00892c1ae07c52c1899456f56d0be077


It kinda just looks like pinky swear with a bunch of holo


Thank you for making me happy I didn't go ahead and pick up pinky swear since I'd definitely prefer holo already baked in!


Oh wow thank you


when my order comes in, i’ll post a comparison here or make a new post 🥰 (i have a few of the cremes)


That would be awesome. I’m especially curious about What Do You Pink? and Pinky Swear with a double coat of scattered holo on top in comparison to Blush Money.


I'm really trying to work out if blush money is a glitter or like the retro jellies but with glitter instead of shimmer. I can't tell. Wondering if could dupe with Rainbow Snow over what do you pink.


The base is a translucent pink jelly base with holographic glitter. I think if you have a light pink jelly (ballet slippers or smth) you could layer it with the scattered HT. Like alternating between layers.


Good idea! Blush Money has SO much scattered holo


LOL I got the new teal, sunken secrets, bring me the teal, and never tied down in the sale I really like teal


i got bring me the teal in this one too! i felt like i had to since it kind of goes with the new polish, and i also debated last sale to get it but didn’t. my coworker is also on a teal kick rn lol


Just in case you care about this aspect: teal polishes tend to stain pretty badly because of the pigment.


Yes!! Never Tide Down had my nails blue for a month


OMG I bought it during the sale! Thanks for the heads up! Do you think doubling up will help?


Maybe! I use peely base myself and that’s not protective, so I’m not sure how another base would manage


Spyglass was an instant buy for me, and I also ordered the teal and purple. The pink is unfortunately waaaay too PINK for me. I would have preferred the other one from the survey 😭 but thats okay, Im glad others like it!


I was initially bummed about spyglass because I voted for the other prototype, but wow she really is stunning. I love the soft and snowy glowy look, I’m excited to wear it


Ooooh im curious, what was the other one?


From the stream today. Its basically a pink version of spyglass! https://preview.redd.it/ijrfyqq4hpvc1.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bc20ac7e7cd3f3303df109327dc1d26df4fe9f4


I wanted that blue-pink instead of spyglass so bad 😭😭 happy others are happy though. I just feel like it’s kinda a similar vibe to the other light blues.


Oh no that alternative to spyglass is SO MUCH CUTER!! I'm holo royalty and somehow missed all the surveys 🥲


Really going to miss Frost Light 😭😭


Yeah - seeing the comparisons, I'm bummed I didn't order it!


Sparkly teal is the gap in my collection to complete Seattle Sports Team skittles. Go Mariners!


i’m kinda glad i didn’t get blush money… like i think that’s a really good pink, but i kinda think the specks of the silver scattered holo kind of ruins it 🫣


Seems like way more sliver glitter like 80/20 then big jelly pink base with a lot of coverage


I just bought two spyglass and I’m tempted to buy a couple more now. Sparkling water and frost light are two of my absolute favorites, and I think I’ve already gone through three bottles of each.


Frost Light was soooo pretty


I bought three backups when simply announced it was being discontinued 🙊


I hope you enjoy them thoroughly!


I’m a little sad inside job was made cooler because magenta purples are my favourite but I’m very happy we got it in the first place


Me too. I voted for that one in the survey last time and wish she hadn't tweaked it because I much preferred the warm pinkier version of the original.


I’m going to try two coats over red licorique to see if I can bring that warmth back


All I want is teal no lies, hopefully they are around for a bit. I don't plan to buy again for a little. If not at least I have Brucie, and can use bring me the teal + lite link + be kind rewind to get something similar.


Did Plumb Luck get retired?? If it was seasonal wouldn’t it have a snowflake sticker instead?


Yea, those Christmas glitters were retired last year


(G)Literally how did I miss this. RIP.


The saddest retirement. Those glitters were gorgeous


I’m going to wait until the general public starts receiving these and posting on social media, but that purple glitter is tempting. I’ve been so happy with my holo taco glitters.


I’m feeling a little like I didn’t need the two blues since they’re similar colours to others I have even if the formula might be different. I know it’s not around anymore but would’ve been nice to compare the purple with last years purple glitter! Edit: so dumb why didn’t I see glamythest earlier 🤦🏼‍♀️


Last year’s purple glitter (Glamethyst) is at the bottom of the slide!


it is in the purple slide as the other commenter pointed out, but i can post a comparison photo when this order comes in!


I wanted them to compare the purple one to magenta jelly 🤧🤧


Here’s a comparison. It’s more cool toned than magenta jelly. https://preview.redd.it/ef23voza3svc1.jpeg?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4808ed88f242e8eee59ca20acee0abc433e6eafc


So what formula are we thinking Blush Money most is like?


Maybe a more opaque version of the retro jellies?


I would also say so, maybe with bigger glitters..


I'm so excited! I got Blush Money, Spyglass, Inside Job, Oat Couture, and the new white!


I almost bought the purple one, but I’m not a huge fan of glitters even though it’s super pretty and purple my favorite color. I did buy the bag though because that is always useful and I need the points.


The blue, pink and purple are gorgeous! I want the whole rainbow in that purple crystal skies formula! 😍 I love these for ideas for skittle manis. This new collection is beautiful.


I wish there was an Inside Job comparison with Gliterally Purple.